package org.bouncycastle.jcajce;


import org.bouncycastle.crypto.util.PBKDF2Config;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.util.PBKDFConfig;

LoadStoreParameter to allow configuring of the PBKDF used to generate encryption keys for use in the keystore.
/** * LoadStoreParameter to allow configuring of the PBKDF used to generate encryption keys for * use in the keystore. */
public class BCFKSLoadStoreParameter extends BCLoadStoreParameter { public enum EncryptionAlgorithm { AES256_CCM, AES256_KWP } public enum MacAlgorithm { HmacSHA512, HmacSHA3_512 } public enum SignatureAlgorithm { SHA512withDSA, SHA3_512withDSA, SHA512withECDSA, SHA3_512withECDSA, SHA512withRSA, SHA3_512withRSA } public interface CertChainValidator {
Return true if the passed in chain is valid, false otherwise.
  • chain – the certChain we know about, the end-entity is at position 0.
Returns:true if valid, false otherwise.
/** * Return true if the passed in chain is valid, false otherwise. * * @param chain the certChain we know about, the end-entity is at position 0. * @return true if valid, false otherwise. */
boolean isValid(X509Certificate[] chain); } public static class Builder { private final OutputStream out; private final InputStream in; private final KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protectionParameter; private final Key sigKey; private PBKDFConfig storeConfig = new PBKDF2Config.Builder() .withIterationCount(16384) .withSaltLength(64).withPRF(PBKDF2Config.PRF_SHA512).build(); private EncryptionAlgorithm encAlg = EncryptionAlgorithm.AES256_CCM; private MacAlgorithm macAlg = MacAlgorithm.HmacSHA512; private SignatureAlgorithm sigAlg = SignatureAlgorithm.SHA512withECDSA; private X509Certificate[] certs = null; private CertChainValidator validator;
Base constructor for creating a LoadStoreParameter for initializing a key store.
/** * Base constructor for creating a LoadStoreParameter for initializing a key store. */
public Builder() { this((OutputStream)null, (KeyStore.ProtectionParameter)null); }
Base constructor for storing to an OutputStream using a password.
  • out – OutputStream to write KeyStore to.
  • password – the password to use to protect the KeyStore.
/** * Base constructor for storing to an OutputStream using a password. * * @param out OutputStream to write KeyStore to. * @param password the password to use to protect the KeyStore. */
public Builder(OutputStream out, char[] password) { this(out, new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(password)); }
Base constructor for storing to an OutputStream using a protection parameter.
  • out – OutputStream to write KeyStore to.
  • protectionParameter – the protection parameter to use to protect the KeyStore.
/** * Base constructor for storing to an OutputStream using a protection parameter. * * @param out OutputStream to write KeyStore to. * @param protectionParameter the protection parameter to use to protect the KeyStore. */
public Builder(OutputStream out, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protectionParameter) { = null; this.out = out; this.protectionParameter = protectionParameter; this.sigKey = null; }
Base constructor for storing to an OutputStream using a protection parameter.
  • out – OutputStream to write KeyStore to.
  • sigKey – the key used to protect the integrity of the key store.
/** * Base constructor for storing to an OutputStream using a protection parameter. * * @param out OutputStream to write KeyStore to. * @param sigKey the key used to protect the integrity of the key store. */
public Builder(OutputStream out, PrivateKey sigKey) { = null; this.out = out; this.protectionParameter = null; this.sigKey = sigKey; }
Base constructor for reading a KeyStore from an InputStream using a public key for validation.
  • in – InputStream to load KeyStore to.
  • sigKey – the public key parameter to used to verify the KeyStore.
/** * Base constructor for reading a KeyStore from an InputStream using a public key for validation. * * @param in InputStream to load KeyStore to. * @param sigKey the public key parameter to used to verify the KeyStore. */
public Builder(InputStream in, PublicKey sigKey) { = in; this.out = null; this.protectionParameter = null; this.sigKey = sigKey; }
Base constructor for reading a KeyStore from an InputStream using validation based on encapsulated certificates in the KeyStore data.
  • in – InputStream to load KeyStore to.
  • validator – the certificate chain validator to check the signing certificates.
/** * Base constructor for reading a KeyStore from an InputStream using validation based on * encapsulated certificates in the KeyStore data. * * @param in InputStream to load KeyStore to. * @param validator the certificate chain validator to check the signing certificates. */
public Builder(InputStream in, CertChainValidator validator) { = in; this.out = null; this.protectionParameter = null; this.validator = validator; this.sigKey = null; }
Base constructor for reading a KeyStore from an InputStream using a password.
  • in – InputStream to read the KeyStore from.
  • password – the password used to protect the KeyStore.
/** * Base constructor for reading a KeyStore from an InputStream using a password. * * @param in InputStream to read the KeyStore from. * @param password the password used to protect the KeyStore. */
public Builder(InputStream in, char[] password) { this(in, new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(password)); }
Base constructor for reading a KeyStore from an InputStream using a password.
  • in – InputStream to read the KeyStore from.
  • protectionParameter – the protection parameter used to protect the KeyStore.
/** * Base constructor for reading a KeyStore from an InputStream using a password. * * @param in InputStream to read the KeyStore from. * @param protectionParameter the protection parameter used to protect the KeyStore. */
public Builder(InputStream in, KeyStore.ProtectionParameter protectionParameter) { = in; this.out = null; this.protectionParameter = protectionParameter; this.sigKey = null; }
Configure the PBKDF to use for protecting the KeyStore.
  • storeConfig – the PBKDF config to use for protecting the KeyStore.
Returns:the current Builder instance.
/** * Configure the PBKDF to use for protecting the KeyStore. * * @param storeConfig the PBKDF config to use for protecting the KeyStore. * @return the current Builder instance. */
public Builder withStorePBKDFConfig(PBKDFConfig storeConfig) { this.storeConfig = storeConfig; return this; }
Configure the encryption algorithm to use for protecting the KeyStore and its keys.
  • encAlg – the PBKDF config to use for protecting the KeyStore and its keys.
Returns:the current Builder instance.
/** * Configure the encryption algorithm to use for protecting the KeyStore and its keys. * * @param encAlg the PBKDF config to use for protecting the KeyStore and its keys. * @return the current Builder instance. */
public Builder withStoreEncryptionAlgorithm(EncryptionAlgorithm encAlg) { this.encAlg = encAlg; return this; }
Configure the MAC algorithm to use for protecting the KeyStore.
  • macAlg – the PBKDF config to use for protecting the KeyStore.
Returns:the current Builder instance.
/** * Configure the MAC algorithm to use for protecting the KeyStore. * * @param macAlg the PBKDF config to use for protecting the KeyStore. * @return the current Builder instance. */
public Builder withStoreMacAlgorithm(MacAlgorithm macAlg) { this.macAlg = macAlg; return this; }
Add a valid certificate chain where certs[0] is the end-entity matching the private key we are using to sign the key store.
  • certs – an array of X509 certificates.
Returns:the current Builder instance.
/** * Add a valid certificate chain where certs[0] is the end-entity matching the * private key we are using to sign the key store. * * @param certs an array of X509 certificates. * @return the current Builder instance. */
public Builder withCertificates(X509Certificate[] certs) { X509Certificate[] tmp = new X509Certificate[certs.length]; System.arraycopy(certs, 0, tmp, 0, tmp.length); this.certs = tmp; return this; }
Configure the signature algorithm to use for protecting the KeyStore.
  • sigAlg – the signature config to use for protecting the KeyStore.
Returns:the current Builder instance.
/** * Configure the signature algorithm to use for protecting the KeyStore. * * @param sigAlg the signature config to use for protecting the KeyStore. * @return the current Builder instance. */
public Builder withStoreSignatureAlgorithm(SignatureAlgorithm sigAlg) { this.sigAlg = sigAlg; return this; }
Build and return a BCFKSLoadStoreParameter.
Returns:a new BCFKSLoadStoreParameter.
/** * Build and return a BCFKSLoadStoreParameter. * * @return a new BCFKSLoadStoreParameter. */
public BCFKSLoadStoreParameter build() { return new BCFKSLoadStoreParameter(this); } } private final PBKDFConfig storeConfig; private final EncryptionAlgorithm encAlg; private final MacAlgorithm macAlg; private final SignatureAlgorithm sigAlg; private final Key sigKey; private final X509Certificate[] certificates; private final CertChainValidator validator; private BCFKSLoadStoreParameter(Builder bldr) { super(, bldr.out, bldr.protectionParameter); this.storeConfig = bldr.storeConfig; this.encAlg = bldr.encAlg; this.macAlg = bldr.macAlg; this.sigAlg = bldr.sigAlg; this.sigKey = bldr.sigKey; this.certificates = bldr.certs; this.validator = bldr.validator; }
Return the PBKDF used for generating the HMAC and store encryption keys.
Returns:the PBKDF to use for deriving HMAC and store encryption keys.
/** * Return the PBKDF used for generating the HMAC and store encryption keys. * * @return the PBKDF to use for deriving HMAC and store encryption keys. */
public PBKDFConfig getStorePBKDFConfig() { return storeConfig; }
Return encryption algorithm used to secure the store and its entries.
Returns:the encryption algorithm to use.
/** * Return encryption algorithm used to secure the store and its entries. * * @return the encryption algorithm to use. */
public EncryptionAlgorithm getStoreEncryptionAlgorithm() { return encAlg; }
Return mac algorithm used to protect the integrity of the store and its contents.
Returns:the mac algorithm to use.
/** * Return mac algorithm used to protect the integrity of the store and its contents. * * @return the mac algorithm to use. */
public MacAlgorithm getStoreMacAlgorithm() { return macAlg; }
Return signature algorithm used to protect the integrity of the store and its contents.
Returns:the signature algorithm to use.
/** * Return signature algorithm used to protect the integrity of the store and its contents. * * @return the signature algorithm to use. */
public SignatureAlgorithm getStoreSignatureAlgorithm() { return sigAlg; } public Key getStoreSignatureKey() { return sigKey; } public X509Certificate[] getStoreCertificates() { return certificates; } public CertChainValidator getCertChainValidator() { return validator; } }