package org.bouncycastle.crypto.test;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Wrapper;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.AESWrapPadEngine;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
import org.bouncycastle.util.test.SimpleTest;
This is a test harness I use because I cannot modify the BC test harness without
invalidating the signature on their signed provider library. The code here is not
high quality but it does test the RFC vectors as well as randomly generated values.
The RFC test vectors are tested by making sure both the ciphertext and decrypted
values match the expected values whereas the random values are just checked to make
sure that:
unwrap(wrap(random_value, random_kek), random_kek) == random_value.
* This is a test harness I use because I cannot modify the BC test harness without
* invalidating the signature on their signed provider library. The code here is not
* high quality but it does test the RFC vectors as well as randomly generated values.
* The RFC test vectors are tested by making sure both the ciphertext and decrypted
* values match the expected values whereas the random values are just checked to make
* sure that:
* <p>unwrap(wrap(random_value, random_kek), random_kek) == random_value.</p>
public class AESWrapPadTest
extends SimpleTest
private final int numOfRandomIterations = 100;
public AESWrapPadTest()
private void wrapAndUnwrap(byte[] kek, byte[] key, byte[] expected)
throws Exception
Wrapper wrapper = new AESWrapPadEngine();
wrapper.init(true, new KeyParameter(kek));
byte[] cipherText = wrapper.wrap(key, 0, key.length);
if (!areEqual(cipherText, expected))
fail("Wrapped value does not match expected.");
wrapper.init(false, new KeyParameter(kek));
byte[] plainText = wrapper.unwrap(cipherText, 0, cipherText.length);
if (!areEqual(key, plainText))
fail("Unwrapped value does not match original.");
private void wrapAndUnwrap(byte[] kek, byte[] key)
throws Exception
Wrapper wrapper = new AESWrapPadEngine();
wrapper.init(true, new KeyParameter(kek));
byte[] cipherText = wrapper.wrap(key, 0, key.length);
wrapper.init(false, new KeyParameter(kek));
byte[] plainText = wrapper.unwrap(cipherText, 0, cipherText.length);
if (!areEqual(key, plainText))
fail("Unwrapped value does not match original.");
private void wrapWithIVTest()
throws Exception
byte[] kek = Hex.decode("5840df6e29b02af1ab493b705bf16ea1ae8338f4dcc176a8");
byte[] key = Hex.decode("c37b7e6492584340bed12207808941155068f738");
byte[] expected = Hex.decode("5cbdb3fb71351d0e628b85dbcba1a1890d4db26d1335e11d1aabea11124caad0");
Wrapper wrapper = new AESWrapPadEngine();
wrapper.init(true, new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(kek), Hex.decode("33333333")));
byte[] cipherText = wrapper.wrap(key, 0, key.length);
if (!areEqual(cipherText, expected))
fail("Wrapped value does not match expected.");
wrapper.init(false, new ParametersWithIV(new KeyParameter(kek), Hex.decode("33333333")));
byte[] plainText = wrapper.unwrap(cipherText, 0, cipherText.length);
if (!areEqual(key, plainText))
fail("Unwrapped value does not match original.");
public String getName()
return "AESWrapPad";
public void performTest()
throws Exception
// test RFC 5649 test vectors
byte[] kek = Hex.decode("5840df6e29b02af1ab493b705bf16ea1ae8338f4dcc176a8");
byte[] key = Hex.decode("c37b7e6492584340bed12207808941155068f738");
byte[] wrap = Hex.decode("138bdeaa9b8fa7fc61f97742e72248ee5ae6ae5360d1ae6a5f54f373fa543b6a");
wrapAndUnwrap(kek, key, wrap);
wrap = Hex.decode("afbeb0f07dfbf5419200f2ccb50bb24f");
key = Hex.decode("466f7250617369");
wrapAndUnwrap(kek, key, wrap);
// offset test
Wrapper wrapper = new AESWrapPadEngine();
byte[] pText = new byte[5 + key.length];
byte[] cText;
System.arraycopy(key, 0, pText, 5, key.length);
wrapper.init(true, new KeyParameter(kek));
cText = wrapper.wrap(pText, 5, key.length);
if (!Arrays.areEqual(cText, wrap))
fail("failed offset wrap test expected " + new String(Hex.encode(wrap)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(cText)));
wrapper.init(false, new KeyParameter(kek));
cText = new byte[6 + wrap.length];
System.arraycopy(wrap, 0, cText, 6, wrap.length);
pText = wrapper.unwrap(cText, 6, wrap.length);
if (!Arrays.areEqual(pText, key))
fail("failed offset unwrap test expected " + new String(Hex.encode(key)) + " got " + new String(Hex.encode(pText)));
// test random values
SecureRandom rnd = new SecureRandom();
for (int i = 0; i < numOfRandomIterations; i++)
int kekLength = 128;
boolean shouldIncrease = (rnd.nextInt() & 0x01) != 0;
if (shouldIncrease)
kekLength = 256;
kek = new byte[kekLength / 8];
int keyToWrapSize = RNGUtils.nextInt(rnd, 256 / 8 - 8) + 8;
byte[] keyToWrap = new byte[keyToWrapSize];
wrapAndUnwrap(kek, keyToWrap);
public static void main(
String[] args)
runTest(new AESWrapPadTest());