package org.bouncycastle.crypto.modes;

import org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.DataLengthException;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.StreamBlockCipher;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;

An implementation of the OFB mode for GOST 3412 2015 cipher. See GOST R 3413 2015
/** * An implementation of the OFB mode for GOST 3412 2015 cipher. * See <a href="">GOST R 3413 2015</a> */
public class G3413OFBBlockCipher extends StreamBlockCipher { // private int s; private int m; private int blockSize; private byte[] R; private byte[] R_init; private byte[] Y; private BlockCipher cipher; private int byteCount; private boolean initialized = false;
  • cipher – base cipher
/** * @param cipher base cipher */
public G3413OFBBlockCipher(BlockCipher cipher) { super(cipher); this.blockSize = cipher.getBlockSize(); this.cipher = cipher; Y = new byte[blockSize]; } public void init(boolean forEncryption, CipherParameters params) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (params instanceof ParametersWithIV) { ParametersWithIV ivParam = (ParametersWithIV)params; byte[] iv = ivParam.getIV(); if (iv.length < blockSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter m must blockSize <= m"); } this.m = iv.length; initArrays(); R_init = Arrays.clone(iv); System.arraycopy(R_init, 0, R, 0, R_init.length); // if null it's an IV changed only. if (ivParam.getParameters() != null) { cipher.init(true, ivParam.getParameters()); } } else { setupDefaultParams(); initArrays(); System.arraycopy(R_init, 0, R, 0, R_init.length); // if it's null, key is to be reused. if (params != null) { cipher.init(true, params); } } initialized = true; }
allocate memory for R and R_init arrays
/** * allocate memory for R and R_init arrays */
private void initArrays() { R = new byte[m]; R_init = new byte[m]; }
this method sets default values to s and m parameters:
s = blockSize;
m = 2 * blockSize
/** * this method sets default values to <b>s</b> and <b>m</b> parameters:<br> * s = <b>blockSize</b>; <br> * m = <b>2 * blockSize</b> */
private void setupDefaultParams() { this.m = 2 * blockSize; } public String getAlgorithmName() { return cipher.getAlgorithmName() + "/OFB"; } public int getBlockSize() { return blockSize; } public int processBlock(byte[] in, int inOff, byte[] out, int outOff) throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException { processBytes(in, inOff, blockSize, out, outOff); return blockSize; } protected byte calculateByte(byte in) { if (byteCount == 0) { generateY(); } byte rv = (byte)(Y[byteCount] ^ in); byteCount++; if (byteCount == getBlockSize()) { byteCount = 0; generateR(); } return rv; }
generate new Y value
/** * generate new Y value */
private void generateY() { byte[] msb = GOST3413CipherUtil.MSB(R, blockSize); cipher.processBlock(msb, 0, Y, 0); }
generate new R value
/** * generate new R value */
private void generateR() { byte[] buf = GOST3413CipherUtil.LSB(R, m - blockSize); System.arraycopy(buf, 0, R, 0, buf.length); System.arraycopy(Y, 0, R, buf.length, m - buf.length); } public void reset() { if (initialized) { System.arraycopy(R_init, 0, R, 0, R_init.length); Arrays.clear(Y); byteCount = 0; cipher.reset(); } } }