package org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1OctetString;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERIA5String;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Integers;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Strings;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex;

public class PKIXNameConstraintValidator
    implements NameConstraintValidator
    private Set excludedSubtreesDN = new HashSet();

    private Set excludedSubtreesDNS = new HashSet();

    private Set excludedSubtreesEmail = new HashSet();

    private Set excludedSubtreesURI = new HashSet();

    private Set excludedSubtreesIP = new HashSet();

    private Set excludedSubtreesOtherName = new HashSet();

    private Set permittedSubtreesDN;

    private Set permittedSubtreesDNS;

    private Set permittedSubtreesEmail;

    private Set permittedSubtreesURI;

    private Set permittedSubtreesIP;

    private Set permittedSubtreesOtherName;

    public PKIXNameConstraintValidator()

Checks if the given GeneralName is in the permitted set.
  • name – The GeneralName
/** * Checks if the given GeneralName is in the permitted set. * * @param name The GeneralName * @throws NameConstraintValidatorException If the <code>name</code> */
public void checkPermitted(GeneralName name) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { switch (name.getTagNo()) { case GeneralName.otherName: checkPermittedOtherName(permittedSubtreesOtherName, OtherName.getInstance(name.getName())); break; case GeneralName.rfc822Name: checkPermittedEmail(permittedSubtreesEmail, extractNameAsString(name)); break; case GeneralName.dNSName: checkPermittedDNS(permittedSubtreesDNS, DERIA5String.getInstance( name.getName()).getString()); break; case GeneralName.directoryName: checkPermittedDN(X500Name.getInstance(name.getName())); break; case GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier: checkPermittedURI(permittedSubtreesURI, DERIA5String.getInstance( name.getName()).getString()); break; case GeneralName.iPAddress: byte[] ip = ASN1OctetString.getInstance(name.getName()).getOctets(); checkPermittedIP(permittedSubtreesIP, ip); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown tag encountered: " + name.getTagNo()); } }
Check if the given GeneralName is contained in the excluded set.
  • name – The GeneralName.
/** * Check if the given GeneralName is contained in the excluded set. * * @param name The GeneralName. * @throws NameConstraintValidatorException If the <code>name</code> is * excluded. */
public void checkExcluded(GeneralName name) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { switch (name.getTagNo()) { case GeneralName.otherName: checkExcludedOtherName(excludedSubtreesOtherName, OtherName.getInstance(name.getName())); break; case GeneralName.rfc822Name: checkExcludedEmail(excludedSubtreesEmail, extractNameAsString(name)); break; case GeneralName.dNSName: checkExcludedDNS(excludedSubtreesDNS, DERIA5String.getInstance( name.getName()).getString()); break; case GeneralName.directoryName: checkExcludedDN(X500Name.getInstance(name.getName())); break; case GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier: checkExcludedURI(excludedSubtreesURI, DERIA5String.getInstance( name.getName()).getString()); break; case GeneralName.iPAddress: byte[] ip = ASN1OctetString.getInstance(name.getName()).getOctets(); checkExcludedIP(excludedSubtreesIP, ip); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown tag encountered: " + name.getTagNo()); } } public void intersectPermittedSubtree(GeneralSubtree permitted) { intersectPermittedSubtree(new GeneralSubtree[]{permitted}); }
Updates the permitted set of these name constraints with the intersection with the given subtree.
  • permitted – The permitted subtrees
/** * Updates the permitted set of these name constraints with the intersection * with the given subtree. * * @param permitted The permitted subtrees */
public void intersectPermittedSubtree(GeneralSubtree[] permitted) { Map subtreesMap = new HashMap(); // group in sets in a map ordered by tag no. for (int i = 0; i != permitted.length; i++) { GeneralSubtree subtree = permitted[i]; Integer tagNo = Integers.valueOf(subtree.getBase().getTagNo()); if (subtreesMap.get(tagNo) == null) { subtreesMap.put(tagNo, new HashSet()); } ((Set)subtreesMap.get(tagNo)).add(subtree); } for (Iterator it = subtreesMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); // go through all subtree groups int nameType = ((Integer)entry.getKey()).intValue(); switch (nameType) { case GeneralName.otherName: permittedSubtreesOtherName = intersectOtherName(permittedSubtreesOtherName, (Set)entry.getValue()); break; case GeneralName.rfc822Name: permittedSubtreesEmail = intersectEmail(permittedSubtreesEmail, (Set)entry.getValue()); break; case GeneralName.dNSName: permittedSubtreesDNS = intersectDNS(permittedSubtreesDNS, (Set)entry.getValue()); break; case GeneralName.directoryName: permittedSubtreesDN = intersectDN(permittedSubtreesDN, (Set)entry.getValue()); break; case GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier: permittedSubtreesURI = intersectURI(permittedSubtreesURI, (Set)entry.getValue()); break; case GeneralName.iPAddress: permittedSubtreesIP = intersectIP(permittedSubtreesIP, (Set)entry.getValue()); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown tag encountered: " + nameType); } } } public void intersectEmptyPermittedSubtree(int nameType) { switch (nameType) { case GeneralName.otherName: permittedSubtreesOtherName = new HashSet(); break; case GeneralName.rfc822Name: permittedSubtreesEmail = new HashSet(); break; case GeneralName.dNSName: permittedSubtreesDNS = new HashSet(); break; case GeneralName.directoryName: permittedSubtreesDN = new HashSet(); break; case GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier: permittedSubtreesURI = new HashSet(); break; case GeneralName.iPAddress: permittedSubtreesIP = new HashSet(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown tag encountered: " + nameType); } }
Adds a subtree to the excluded set of these name constraints.
  • subtree – A subtree with an excluded GeneralName.
/** * Adds a subtree to the excluded set of these name constraints. * * @param subtree A subtree with an excluded GeneralName. */
public void addExcludedSubtree(GeneralSubtree subtree) { GeneralName base = subtree.getBase(); switch (base.getTagNo()) { case GeneralName.otherName: excludedSubtreesOtherName = unionOtherName(excludedSubtreesOtherName, OtherName.getInstance(base.getName())); break; case GeneralName.rfc822Name: excludedSubtreesEmail = unionEmail(excludedSubtreesEmail, extractNameAsString(base)); break; case GeneralName.dNSName: excludedSubtreesDNS = unionDNS(excludedSubtreesDNS, extractNameAsString(base)); break; case GeneralName.directoryName: excludedSubtreesDN = unionDN(excludedSubtreesDN, (ASN1Sequence)base.getName().toASN1Primitive()); break; case GeneralName.uniformResourceIdentifier: excludedSubtreesURI = unionURI(excludedSubtreesURI, extractNameAsString(base)); break; case GeneralName.iPAddress: excludedSubtreesIP = unionIP(excludedSubtreesIP, ASN1OctetString .getInstance(base.getName()).getOctets()); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown tag encountered: " + base.getTagNo()); } } public int hashCode() { return hashCollection(excludedSubtreesDN) + hashCollection(excludedSubtreesDNS) + hashCollection(excludedSubtreesEmail) + hashCollection(excludedSubtreesIP) + hashCollection(excludedSubtreesURI) + hashCollection(excludedSubtreesOtherName) + hashCollection(permittedSubtreesDN) + hashCollection(permittedSubtreesDNS) + hashCollection(permittedSubtreesEmail) + hashCollection(permittedSubtreesIP) + hashCollection(permittedSubtreesURI) + hashCollection(permittedSubtreesOtherName); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof PKIXNameConstraintValidator)) { return false; } PKIXNameConstraintValidator constraintValidator = (PKIXNameConstraintValidator)o; return collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.excludedSubtreesDN, excludedSubtreesDN) && collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.excludedSubtreesDNS, excludedSubtreesDNS) && collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.excludedSubtreesEmail, excludedSubtreesEmail) && collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.excludedSubtreesIP, excludedSubtreesIP) && collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.excludedSubtreesURI, excludedSubtreesURI) && collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.excludedSubtreesOtherName, excludedSubtreesOtherName) && collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.permittedSubtreesDN, permittedSubtreesDN) && collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.permittedSubtreesDNS, permittedSubtreesDNS) && collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.permittedSubtreesEmail, permittedSubtreesEmail) && collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.permittedSubtreesIP, permittedSubtreesIP) && collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.permittedSubtreesURI, permittedSubtreesURI) && collectionsAreEqual(constraintValidator.permittedSubtreesOtherName, permittedSubtreesOtherName); } public String toString() { String temp = ""; temp += "permitted:\n"; if (permittedSubtreesDN != null) { temp += "DN:\n"; temp += permittedSubtreesDN.toString() + "\n"; } if (permittedSubtreesDNS != null) { temp += "DNS:\n"; temp += permittedSubtreesDNS.toString() + "\n"; } if (permittedSubtreesEmail != null) { temp += "Email:\n"; temp += permittedSubtreesEmail.toString() + "\n"; } if (permittedSubtreesURI != null) { temp += "URI:\n"; temp += permittedSubtreesURI.toString() + "\n"; } if (permittedSubtreesIP != null) { temp += "IP:\n"; temp += stringifyIPCollection(permittedSubtreesIP) + "\n"; } if (permittedSubtreesOtherName != null) { temp += "OtherName:\n"; temp += stringifyOtherNameCollection(permittedSubtreesOtherName) + "\n"; } temp += "excluded:\n"; if (!excludedSubtreesDN.isEmpty()) { temp += "DN:\n"; temp += excludedSubtreesDN.toString() + "\n"; } if (!excludedSubtreesDNS.isEmpty()) { temp += "DNS:\n"; temp += excludedSubtreesDNS.toString() + "\n"; } if (!excludedSubtreesEmail.isEmpty()) { temp += "Email:\n"; temp += excludedSubtreesEmail.toString() + "\n"; } if (!excludedSubtreesURI.isEmpty()) { temp += "URI:\n"; temp += excludedSubtreesURI.toString() + "\n"; } if (!excludedSubtreesIP.isEmpty()) { temp += "IP:\n"; temp += stringifyIPCollection(excludedSubtreesIP) + "\n"; } if (!excludedSubtreesOtherName.isEmpty()) { temp += "OtherName:\n"; temp += stringifyOtherNameCollection(excludedSubtreesOtherName) + "\n"; } return temp; } private void checkPermittedDN(X500Name dns) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { checkPermittedDN(permittedSubtreesDN, ASN1Sequence.getInstance(dns.toASN1Primitive())); } private void checkExcludedDN(X500Name dns) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { checkExcludedDN(excludedSubtreesDN, ASN1Sequence.getInstance(dns)); } private static boolean withinDNSubtree( ASN1Sequence dns, ASN1Sequence subtree) { if (subtree.size() < 1) { return false; } if (subtree.size() > dns.size()) { return false; } for (int j = subtree.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (!subtree.getObjectAt(j).equals(dns.getObjectAt(j))) { return false; } } return true; } private void checkPermittedDN(Set permitted, ASN1Sequence dns) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (permitted == null) { return; } if (permitted.isEmpty() && dns.size() == 0) { return; } Iterator it = permitted.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ASN1Sequence subtree = (ASN1Sequence); if (withinDNSubtree(dns, subtree)) { return; } } throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "Subject distinguished name is not from a permitted subtree"); } private void checkExcludedDN(Set excluded, ASN1Sequence dns) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (excluded.isEmpty()) { return; } Iterator it = excluded.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ASN1Sequence subtree = (ASN1Sequence); if (withinDNSubtree(dns, subtree)) { throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "Subject distinguished name is from an excluded subtree"); } } } private Set intersectDN(Set permitted, Set dns) { Set intersect = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = dns.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ASN1Sequence dn = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(((GeneralSubtree)it .next()).getBase().getName().toASN1Primitive()); if (permitted == null) { if (dn != null) { intersect.add(dn); } } else { Iterator _iter = permitted.iterator(); while (_iter.hasNext()) { ASN1Sequence subtree = (ASN1Sequence); if (withinDNSubtree(dn, subtree)) { intersect.add(dn); } else if (withinDNSubtree(subtree, dn)) { intersect.add(subtree); } } } } return intersect; } private Set unionDN(Set excluded, ASN1Sequence dn) { if (excluded.isEmpty()) { if (dn == null) { return excluded; } excluded.add(dn); return excluded; } else { Set intersect = new HashSet(); Iterator it = excluded.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ASN1Sequence subtree = (ASN1Sequence); if (withinDNSubtree(dn, subtree)) { intersect.add(subtree); } else if (withinDNSubtree(subtree, dn)) { intersect.add(dn); } else { intersect.add(subtree); intersect.add(dn); } } return intersect; } } private Set intersectOtherName(Set permitted, Set otherNames) { Set intersect = new HashSet(permitted); intersect.retainAll(otherNames); return intersect; } private Set unionOtherName(Set permitted, OtherName otherName) { Set union = new HashSet(permitted); union.add(otherName); return union; } private Set intersectEmail(Set permitted, Set emails) { Set intersect = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = emails.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String email = extractNameAsString(((GeneralSubtree) .getBase()); if (permitted == null) { if (email != null) { intersect.add(email); } } else { Iterator it2 = permitted.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { String _permitted = (String); intersectEmail(email, _permitted, intersect); } } } return intersect; } private Set unionEmail(Set excluded, String email) { if (excluded.isEmpty()) { if (email == null) { return excluded; } excluded.add(email); return excluded; } else { Set union = new HashSet(); Iterator it = excluded.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String _excluded = (String); unionEmail(_excluded, email, union); } return union; } }
Returns the intersection of the permitted IP ranges in permitted with ip.
  • permitted – A Set of permitted IP addresses with their subnet mask as byte arrays.
  • ips – The IP address with its subnet mask.
Returns:The Set of permitted IP ranges intersected with ip.
/** * Returns the intersection of the permitted IP ranges in * <code>permitted</code> with <code>ip</code>. * * @param permitted A <code>Set</code> of permitted IP addresses with * their subnet mask as byte arrays. * @param ips The IP address with its subnet mask. * @return The <code>Set</code> of permitted IP ranges intersected with * <code>ip</code>. */
private Set intersectIP(Set permitted, Set ips) { Set intersect = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = ips.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { byte[] ip = ASN1OctetString.getInstance( ((GeneralSubtree); if (permitted == null) { if (ip != null) { intersect.add(ip); } } else { Iterator it2 = permitted.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { byte[] _permitted = (byte[]); intersect.addAll(intersectIPRange(_permitted, ip)); } } } return intersect; }
Returns the union of the excluded IP ranges in excluded with ip.
  • excluded – A Set of excluded IP addresses with their subnet mask as byte arrays.
  • ip – The IP address with its subnet mask.
Returns:The Set of excluded IP ranges unified with ip as byte arrays.
/** * Returns the union of the excluded IP ranges in <code>excluded</code> * with <code>ip</code>. * * @param excluded A <code>Set</code> of excluded IP addresses with their * subnet mask as byte arrays. * @param ip The IP address with its subnet mask. * @return The <code>Set</code> of excluded IP ranges unified with * <code>ip</code> as byte arrays. */
private Set unionIP(Set excluded, byte[] ip) { if (excluded.isEmpty()) { if (ip == null) { return excluded; } excluded.add(ip); return excluded; } else { Set union = new HashSet(); Iterator it = excluded.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { byte[] _excluded = (byte[]); union.addAll(unionIPRange(_excluded, ip)); } return union; } }
Calculates the union if two IP ranges.
  • ipWithSubmask1 – The first IP address with its subnet mask.
  • ipWithSubmask2 – The second IP address with its subnet mask.
Returns:A Set with the union of both addresses.
/** * Calculates the union if two IP ranges. * * @param ipWithSubmask1 The first IP address with its subnet mask. * @param ipWithSubmask2 The second IP address with its subnet mask. * @return A <code>Set</code> with the union of both addresses. */
private Set unionIPRange(byte[] ipWithSubmask1, byte[] ipWithSubmask2) { Set set = new HashSet(); // difficult, adding always all IPs is not wrong if (Arrays.areEqual(ipWithSubmask1, ipWithSubmask2)) { set.add(ipWithSubmask1); } else { set.add(ipWithSubmask1); set.add(ipWithSubmask2); } return set; }
Calculates the interesction if two IP ranges.
  • ipWithSubmask1 – The first IP address with its subnet mask.
  • ipWithSubmask2 – The second IP address with its subnet mask.
Returns:A Set with the single IP address with its subnet mask as a byte array or an empty Set.
/** * Calculates the interesction if two IP ranges. * * @param ipWithSubmask1 The first IP address with its subnet mask. * @param ipWithSubmask2 The second IP address with its subnet mask. * @return A <code>Set</code> with the single IP address with its subnet * mask as a byte array or an empty <code>Set</code>. */
private Set intersectIPRange(byte[] ipWithSubmask1, byte[] ipWithSubmask2) { if (ipWithSubmask1.length != ipWithSubmask2.length) { return Collections.EMPTY_SET; } byte[][] temp = extractIPsAndSubnetMasks(ipWithSubmask1, ipWithSubmask2); byte ip1[] = temp[0]; byte subnetmask1[] = temp[1]; byte ip2[] = temp[2]; byte subnetmask2[] = temp[3]; byte minMax[][] = minMaxIPs(ip1, subnetmask1, ip2, subnetmask2); byte[] min; byte[] max; max = min(minMax[1], minMax[3]); min = max(minMax[0], minMax[2]); // minimum IP address must be bigger than max if (compareTo(min, max) == 1) { return Collections.EMPTY_SET; } // OR keeps all significant bits byte[] ip = or(minMax[0], minMax[2]); byte[] subnetmask = or(subnetmask1, subnetmask2); return Collections.singleton(ipWithSubnetMask(ip, subnetmask)); }
Concatenates the IP address with its subnet mask.
  • ip – The IP address.
  • subnetMask – Its subnet mask.
Returns:The concatenated IP address with its subnet mask.
/** * Concatenates the IP address with its subnet mask. * * @param ip The IP address. * @param subnetMask Its subnet mask. * @return The concatenated IP address with its subnet mask. */
private byte[] ipWithSubnetMask(byte[] ip, byte[] subnetMask) { int ipLength = ip.length; byte[] temp = new byte[ipLength * 2]; System.arraycopy(ip, 0, temp, 0, ipLength); System.arraycopy(subnetMask, 0, temp, ipLength, ipLength); return temp; }
Splits the IP addresses and their subnet mask.
  • ipWithSubmask1 – The first IP address with the subnet mask.
  • ipWithSubmask2 – The second IP address with the subnet mask.
Returns:An array with two elements. Each element contains the IP address and the subnet mask in this order.
/** * Splits the IP addresses and their subnet mask. * * @param ipWithSubmask1 The first IP address with the subnet mask. * @param ipWithSubmask2 The second IP address with the subnet mask. * @return An array with two elements. Each element contains the IP address * and the subnet mask in this order. */
private byte[][] extractIPsAndSubnetMasks( byte[] ipWithSubmask1, byte[] ipWithSubmask2) { int ipLength = ipWithSubmask1.length / 2; byte ip1[] = new byte[ipLength]; byte subnetmask1[] = new byte[ipLength]; System.arraycopy(ipWithSubmask1, 0, ip1, 0, ipLength); System.arraycopy(ipWithSubmask1, ipLength, subnetmask1, 0, ipLength); byte ip2[] = new byte[ipLength]; byte subnetmask2[] = new byte[ipLength]; System.arraycopy(ipWithSubmask2, 0, ip2, 0, ipLength); System.arraycopy(ipWithSubmask2, ipLength, subnetmask2, 0, ipLength); return new byte[][] {ip1, subnetmask1, ip2, subnetmask2}; }
Based on the two IP addresses and their subnet masks the IP range is computed for each IP address - subnet mask pair and returned as the minimum IP address and the maximum address of the range.
  • ip1 – The first IP address.
  • subnetmask1 – The subnet mask of the first IP address.
  • ip2 – The second IP address.
  • subnetmask2 – The subnet mask of the second IP address.
Returns:A array with two elements. The first/second element contains the min and max IP address of the first/second IP address and its subnet mask.
/** * Based on the two IP addresses and their subnet masks the IP range is * computed for each IP address - subnet mask pair and returned as the * minimum IP address and the maximum address of the range. * * @param ip1 The first IP address. * @param subnetmask1 The subnet mask of the first IP address. * @param ip2 The second IP address. * @param subnetmask2 The subnet mask of the second IP address. * @return A array with two elements. The first/second element contains the * min and max IP address of the first/second IP address and its * subnet mask. */
private byte[][] minMaxIPs( byte[] ip1, byte[] subnetmask1, byte[] ip2, byte[] subnetmask2) { int ipLength = ip1.length; byte[] min1 = new byte[ipLength]; byte[] max1 = new byte[ipLength]; byte[] min2 = new byte[ipLength]; byte[] max2 = new byte[ipLength]; for (int i = 0; i < ipLength; i++) { min1[i] = (byte)(ip1[i] & subnetmask1[i]); max1[i] = (byte)(ip1[i] & subnetmask1[i] | ~subnetmask1[i]); min2[i] = (byte)(ip2[i] & subnetmask2[i]); max2[i] = (byte)(ip2[i] & subnetmask2[i] | ~subnetmask2[i]); } return new byte[][]{min1, max1, min2, max2}; } private void checkPermittedEmail(Set permitted, String email) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (permitted == null) { return; } Iterator it = permitted.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String str = ((String); if (emailIsConstrained(email, str)) { return; } } if (email.length() == 0 && permitted.size() == 0) { return; } throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "Subject email address is not from a permitted subtree."); } private void checkPermittedOtherName(Set permitted, OtherName name) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (permitted == null) { return; } Iterator it = permitted.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { OtherName str = ((OtherName); if (otherNameIsConstrained(name, str)) { return; } } throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "Subject OtherName is not from a permitted subtree."); } private void checkExcludedOtherName(Set excluded, OtherName name) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (excluded.isEmpty()) { return; } Iterator it = excluded.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { OtherName str = OtherName.getInstance(; if (otherNameIsConstrained(name, str)) { throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "OtherName is from an excluded subtree."); } } } private void checkExcludedEmail(Set excluded, String email) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (excluded.isEmpty()) { return; } Iterator it = excluded.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String str = (String); if (emailIsConstrained(email, str)) { throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "Email address is from an excluded subtree."); } } }
Checks if the IP ip is included in the permitted set permitted.
  • permitted – A Set of permitted IP addresses with their subnet mask as byte arrays.
  • ip – The IP address.
/** * Checks if the IP <code>ip</code> is included in the permitted set * <code>permitted</code>. * * @param permitted A <code>Set</code> of permitted IP addresses with * their subnet mask as byte arrays. * @param ip The IP address. * @throws NameConstraintValidatorException if the IP is not permitted. */
private void checkPermittedIP(Set permitted, byte[] ip) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (permitted == null) { return; } Iterator it = permitted.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { byte[] ipWithSubnet = (byte[]); if (isIPConstrained(ip, ipWithSubnet)) { return; } } if (ip.length == 0 && permitted.size() == 0) { return; } throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "IP is not from a permitted subtree."); }
Checks if the IP ip is included in the excluded set excluded.
  • excluded – A Set of excluded IP addresses with their subnet mask as byte arrays.
  • ip – The IP address.
/** * Checks if the IP <code>ip</code> is included in the excluded set * <code>excluded</code>. * * @param excluded A <code>Set</code> of excluded IP addresses with their * subnet mask as byte arrays. * @param ip The IP address. * @throws NameConstraintValidatorException if the IP is excluded. */
private void checkExcludedIP(Set excluded, byte[] ip) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (excluded.isEmpty()) { return; } Iterator it = excluded.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { byte[] ipWithSubnet = (byte[]); if (isIPConstrained(ip, ipWithSubnet)) { throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "IP is from an excluded subtree."); } } }
Checks if the IP address ip is constrained by constraint.
  • ip – The IP address.
  • constraint – The constraint. This is an IP address concatenated with its subnetmask.
Returns:true if constrained, false otherwise.
/** * Checks if the IP address <code>ip</code> is constrained by * <code>constraint</code>. * * @param ip The IP address. * @param constraint The constraint. This is an IP address concatenated with * its subnetmask. * @return <code>true</code> if constrained, <code>false</code> * otherwise. */
private boolean isIPConstrained(byte ip[], byte[] constraint) { int ipLength = ip.length; if (ipLength != (constraint.length / 2)) { return false; } byte[] subnetMask = new byte[ipLength]; System.arraycopy(constraint, ipLength, subnetMask, 0, ipLength); byte[] permittedSubnetAddress = new byte[ipLength]; byte[] ipSubnetAddress = new byte[ipLength]; // the resulting IP address by applying the subnet mask for (int i = 0; i < ipLength; i++) { permittedSubnetAddress[i] = (byte)(constraint[i] & subnetMask[i]); ipSubnetAddress[i] = (byte)(ip[i] & subnetMask[i]); } return Arrays.areEqual(permittedSubnetAddress, ipSubnetAddress); } private boolean otherNameIsConstrained(OtherName name, OtherName constraint) { if (constraint.equals(name)) { return true; } return false; } private boolean emailIsConstrained(String email, String constraint) { String sub = email.substring(email.indexOf('@') + 1); // a particular mailbox if (constraint.indexOf('@') != -1) { if (email.equalsIgnoreCase(constraint)) { return true; } } // on particular host else if (!(constraint.charAt(0) == '.')) { if (sub.equalsIgnoreCase(constraint)) { return true; } } // address in sub domain else if (withinDomain(sub, constraint)) { return true; } return false; } private boolean withinDomain(String testDomain, String domain) { String tempDomain = domain; if (tempDomain.startsWith(".")) { tempDomain = tempDomain.substring(1); } String[] domainParts = Strings.split(tempDomain, '.'); String[] testDomainParts = Strings.split(testDomain, '.'); // must have at least one subdomain if (testDomainParts.length <= domainParts.length) { return false; } int d = testDomainParts.length - domainParts.length; for (int i = -1; i < domainParts.length; i++) { if (i == -1) { if (testDomainParts[i + d].equals("")) { return false; } } else if (!domainParts[i].equalsIgnoreCase(testDomainParts[i + d])) { return false; } } return true; } private void checkPermittedDNS(Set permitted, String dns) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (permitted == null) { return; } Iterator it = permitted.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String str = ((String); // is sub domain if (withinDomain(dns, str) || dns.equalsIgnoreCase(str)) { return; } } if (dns.length() == 0 && permitted.size() == 0) { return; } throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "DNS is not from a permitted subtree."); } private void checkExcludedDNS(Set excluded, String dns) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (excluded.isEmpty()) { return; } Iterator it = excluded.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String str = ((String); // is sub domain or the same if (withinDomain(dns, str) || dns.equalsIgnoreCase(str)) { throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "DNS is from an excluded subtree."); } } }
The common part of email1 and email2 is added to the union union. If email1 and email2 have nothing in common they are added both.
  • email1 – Email address constraint 1.
  • email2 – Email address constraint 2.
  • union – The union.
/** * The common part of <code>email1</code> and <code>email2</code> is * added to the union <code>union</code>. If <code>email1</code> and * <code>email2</code> have nothing in common they are added both. * * @param email1 Email address constraint 1. * @param email2 Email address constraint 2. * @param union The union. */
private void unionEmail(String email1, String email2, Set union) { // email1 is a particular address if (email1.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email1.substring(email1.indexOf('@') + 1); // both are a particular mailbox if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { if (email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(_sub, email2)) { union.add(email2); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a particular host else { if (_sub.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { union.add(email2); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } } // email1 specifies a domain else if (email1.startsWith(".")) { if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email2.substring(email1.indexOf('@') + 1); if (withinDomain(_sub, email1)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(email1, email2) || email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { union.add(email2); } else if (withinDomain(email2, email1)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } else { if (withinDomain(email2, email1)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } } // email specifies a host else { if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email2.substring(email1.indexOf('@') + 1); if (_sub.equalsIgnoreCase(email1)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(email1, email2)) { union.add(email2); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a particular host else { if (email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } } } private void unionURI(String email1, String email2, Set union) { // email1 is a particular address if (email1.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email1.substring(email1.indexOf('@') + 1); // both are a particular mailbox if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { if (email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(_sub, email2)) { union.add(email2); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a particular host else { if (_sub.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { union.add(email2); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } } // email1 specifies a domain else if (email1.startsWith(".")) { if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email2.substring(email1.indexOf('@') + 1); if (withinDomain(_sub, email1)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(email1, email2) || email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { union.add(email2); } else if (withinDomain(email2, email1)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } else { if (withinDomain(email2, email1)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } } // email specifies a host else { if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email2.substring(email1.indexOf('@') + 1); if (_sub.equalsIgnoreCase(email1)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(email1, email2)) { union.add(email2); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a particular host else { if (email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { union.add(email1); } else { union.add(email1); union.add(email2); } } } } private Set intersectDNS(Set permitted, Set dnss) { Set intersect = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = dnss.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String dns = extractNameAsString(((GeneralSubtree) .getBase()); if (permitted == null) { if (dns != null) { intersect.add(dns); } } else { Iterator _iter = permitted.iterator(); while (_iter.hasNext()) { String _permitted = (String); if (withinDomain(_permitted, dns)) { intersect.add(_permitted); } else if (withinDomain(dns, _permitted)) { intersect.add(dns); } } } } return intersect; } private Set unionDNS(Set excluded, String dns) { if (excluded.isEmpty()) { if (dns == null) { return excluded; } excluded.add(dns); return excluded; } else { Set union = new HashSet(); Iterator _iter = excluded.iterator(); while (_iter.hasNext()) { String _permitted = (String); if (withinDomain(_permitted, dns)) { union.add(dns); } else if (withinDomain(dns, _permitted)) { union.add(_permitted); } else { union.add(_permitted); union.add(dns); } } return union; } }
The most restricting part from email1 and email2 is added to the intersection intersect.
  • email1 – Email address constraint 1.
  • email2 – Email address constraint 2.
  • intersect – The intersection.
/** * The most restricting part from <code>email1</code> and * <code>email2</code> is added to the intersection <code>intersect</code>. * * @param email1 Email address constraint 1. * @param email2 Email address constraint 2. * @param intersect The intersection. */
private void intersectEmail(String email1, String email2, Set intersect) { // email1 is a particular address if (email1.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email1.substring(email1.indexOf('@') + 1); // both are a particular mailbox if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { if (email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(_sub, email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } } // email2 specifies a particular host else { if (_sub.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } } } // email specifies a domain else if (email1.startsWith(".")) { if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email2.substring(email1.indexOf('@') + 1); if (withinDomain(_sub, email1)) { intersect.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(email1, email2) || email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } else if (withinDomain(email2, email1)) { intersect.add(email2); } } else { if (withinDomain(email2, email1)) { intersect.add(email2); } } } // email1 specifies a host else { if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email2.substring(email2.indexOf('@') + 1); if (_sub.equalsIgnoreCase(email1)) { intersect.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(email1, email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } } // email2 specifies a particular host else { if (email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } } } } private void checkExcludedURI(Set excluded, String uri) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (excluded.isEmpty()) { return; } Iterator it = excluded.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String str = ((String); if (isUriConstrained(uri, str)) { throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "URI is from an excluded subtree."); } } } private Set intersectURI(Set permitted, Set uris) { Set intersect = new HashSet(); for (Iterator it = uris.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String uri = extractNameAsString(((GeneralSubtree) .getBase()); if (permitted == null) { if (uri != null) { intersect.add(uri); } } else { Iterator _iter = permitted.iterator(); while (_iter.hasNext()) { String _permitted = (String); intersectURI(_permitted, uri, intersect); } } } return intersect; } private Set unionURI(Set excluded, String uri) { if (excluded.isEmpty()) { if (uri == null) { return excluded; } excluded.add(uri); return excluded; } else { Set union = new HashSet(); Iterator _iter = excluded.iterator(); while (_iter.hasNext()) { String _excluded = (String); unionURI(_excluded, uri, union); } return union; } } private void intersectURI(String email1, String email2, Set intersect) { // email1 is a particular address if (email1.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email1.substring(email1.indexOf('@') + 1); // both are a particular mailbox if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { if (email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(_sub, email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } } // email2 specifies a particular host else { if (_sub.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } } } // email specifies a domain else if (email1.startsWith(".")) { if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email2.substring(email1.indexOf('@') + 1); if (withinDomain(_sub, email1)) { intersect.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(email1, email2) || email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } else if (withinDomain(email2, email1)) { intersect.add(email2); } } else { if (withinDomain(email2, email1)) { intersect.add(email2); } } } // email1 specifies a host else { if (email2.indexOf('@') != -1) { String _sub = email2.substring(email2.indexOf('@') + 1); if (_sub.equalsIgnoreCase(email1)) { intersect.add(email2); } } // email2 specifies a domain else if (email2.startsWith(".")) { if (withinDomain(email1, email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } } // email2 specifies a particular host else { if (email1.equalsIgnoreCase(email2)) { intersect.add(email1); } } } } private void checkPermittedURI(Set permitted, String uri) throws NameConstraintValidatorException { if (permitted == null) { return; } Iterator it = permitted.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String str = ((String); if (isUriConstrained(uri, str)) { return; } } if (uri.length() == 0 && permitted.size() == 0) { return; } throw new NameConstraintValidatorException( "URI is not from a permitted subtree."); } private boolean isUriConstrained(String uri, String constraint) { String host = extractHostFromURL(uri); // a host if (!constraint.startsWith(".")) { if (host.equalsIgnoreCase(constraint)) { return true; } } // in sub domain or domain else if (withinDomain(host, constraint)) { return true; } return false; } private static String extractHostFromURL(String url) { // see RFC 1738 // remove ':' after protocol, e.g. http: String sub = url.substring(url.indexOf(':') + 1); // extract host from Common Internet Scheme Syntax, e.g. http:// if (sub.indexOf("//") != -1) { sub = sub.substring(sub.indexOf("//") + 2); } // first remove port, e.g. if (sub.lastIndexOf(':') != -1) { sub = sub.substring(0, sub.lastIndexOf(':')); } // remove user and password, e.g. sub = sub.substring(sub.indexOf(':') + 1); sub = sub.substring(sub.indexOf('@') + 1); // remove local parts, e.g. if (sub.indexOf('/') != -1) { sub = sub.substring(0, sub.indexOf('/')); } return sub; } private String extractNameAsString(GeneralName name) { return DERIA5String.getInstance(name.getName()).getString(); }
Returns the maximum IP address.
  • ip1 – The first IP address.
  • ip2 – The second IP address.
Returns:The maximum IP address.
/** * Returns the maximum IP address. * * @param ip1 The first IP address. * @param ip2 The second IP address. * @return The maximum IP address. */
private static byte[] max(byte[] ip1, byte[] ip2) { for (int i = 0; i < ip1.length; i++) { if ((ip1[i] & 0xFFFF) > (ip2[i] & 0xFFFF)) { return ip1; } } return ip2; }
Returns the minimum IP address.
  • ip1 – The first IP address.
  • ip2 – The second IP address.
Returns:The minimum IP address.
/** * Returns the minimum IP address. * * @param ip1 The first IP address. * @param ip2 The second IP address. * @return The minimum IP address. */
private static byte[] min(byte[] ip1, byte[] ip2) { for (int i = 0; i < ip1.length; i++) { if ((ip1[i] & 0xFFFF) < (ip2[i] & 0xFFFF)) { return ip1; } } return ip2; }
Compares IP address ip1 with ip2. If ip1 is equal to ip2 0 is returned. If ip1 is bigger 1 is returned, -1 otherwise.
  • ip1 – The first IP address.
  • ip2 – The second IP address.
Returns:0 if ip1 is equal to ip2, 1 if ip1 is bigger, -1 otherwise.
/** * Compares IP address <code>ip1</code> with <code>ip2</code>. If ip1 * is equal to ip2 0 is returned. If ip1 is bigger 1 is returned, -1 * otherwise. * * @param ip1 The first IP address. * @param ip2 The second IP address. * @return 0 if ip1 is equal to ip2, 1 if ip1 is bigger, -1 otherwise. */
private static int compareTo(byte[] ip1, byte[] ip2) { if (Arrays.areEqual(ip1, ip2)) { return 0; } if (Arrays.areEqual(max(ip1, ip2), ip1)) { return 1; } return -1; }
Returns the logical OR of the IP addresses ip1 and ip2.
  • ip1 – The first IP address.
  • ip2 – The second IP address.
Returns:The OR of ip1 and ip2.
/** * Returns the logical OR of the IP addresses <code>ip1</code> and * <code>ip2</code>. * * @param ip1 The first IP address. * @param ip2 The second IP address. * @return The OR of <code>ip1</code> and <code>ip2</code>. */
private static byte[] or(byte[] ip1, byte[] ip2) { byte[] temp = new byte[ip1.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ip1.length; i++) { temp[i] = (byte)(ip1[i] | ip2[i]); } return temp; } private int hashCollection(Collection coll) { if (coll == null) { return 0; } int hash = 0; Iterator it1 = coll.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { Object o =; if (o instanceof byte[]) { hash += Arrays.hashCode((byte[])o); } else { hash += o.hashCode(); } } return hash; } private boolean collectionsAreEqual(Collection coll1, Collection coll2) { if (coll1 == coll2) { return true; } if (coll1 == null || coll2 == null) { return false; } if (coll1.size() != coll2.size()) { return false; } Iterator it1 = coll1.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { Object a =; Iterator it2 = coll2.iterator(); boolean found = false; while (it2.hasNext()) { Object b =; if (equals(a, b)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean equals(Object o1, Object o2) { if (o1 == o2) { return true; } if (o1 == null || o2 == null) { return false; } if (o1 instanceof byte[] && o2 instanceof byte[]) { return Arrays.areEqual((byte[])o1, (byte[])o2); } else { return o1.equals(o2); } }
Stringifies an IPv4 or v6 address with subnet mask.
  • ip – The IP with subnet mask.
Returns:The stringified IP address.
/** * Stringifies an IPv4 or v6 address with subnet mask. * * @param ip The IP with subnet mask. * @return The stringified IP address. */
private String stringifyIP(byte[] ip) { StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < ip.length / 2; i++) { if (temp.length() > 0) { temp.append("."); } temp.append(Integer.toString(ip[i] & 0x00FF)); } temp.append("/"); boolean first = true; for (int i = ip.length / 2; i < ip.length; i++) { if (first) { first = false; } else { temp.append("."); } temp.append(Integer.toString(ip[i] & 0x00FF)); } return temp.toString(); } private String stringifyIPCollection(Set ips) { StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(); temp.append("["); for (Iterator it = ips.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if (temp.length() > 1) { temp.append(","); } temp.append(stringifyIP((byte[]); } temp.append("]"); return temp.toString(); } private String stringifyOtherNameCollection(Set otherNames) { StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(); temp.append("["); for (Iterator it = otherNames.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if (temp.length() > 1) { temp.append(","); } OtherName name = OtherName.getInstance(; temp.append(name.getTypeID().getId()); temp.append(":"); try { temp.append(Hex.toHexString(name.getValue().toASN1Primitive().getEncoded())); } catch (IOException e) { temp.append(e.toString()); } } temp.append("]"); return temp.toString(); } }