package org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509;

import java.util.Enumeration;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Object;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1TaggedObject;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERTaggedObject;

This class helps to support crossCerfificatePairs in a LDAP directory according RFC 2587
      WITH SYNTAX   CertificatePair
      EQUALITY MATCHING RULE certificatePairExactMatch
      ID joint-iso-ccitt(2) ds(5) attributeType(4) crossCertificatePair(40)}
The forward elements of the crossCertificatePair attribute of a CA's directory entry shall be used to store all, except self-issued certificates issued to this CA. Optionally, the reverse elements of the crossCertificatePair attribute, of a CA's directory entry may contain a subset of certificates issued by this CA to other CAs. When both the forward and the reverse elements are present in a single attribute value, issuer name in one certificate shall match the subject name in the other and vice versa, and the subject public key in one certificate shall be capable of verifying the digital signature on the other certificate and vice versa. When a reverse element is present, the forward element value and the reverse element value need not be stored in the same attribute value; in other words, they can be stored in either a single attribute value or two attribute values.
      CertificatePair ::= SEQUENCE {
        forward        [0]    Certificate OPTIONAL,
        reverse        [1]    Certificate OPTIONAL,
        -- at least one of the pair shall be present -- } 
/** * This class helps to support crossCerfificatePairs in a LDAP directory * according RFC 2587 * * <pre> * crossCertificatePairATTRIBUTE::={ * WITH SYNTAX CertificatePair * EQUALITY MATCHING RULE certificatePairExactMatch * ID joint-iso-ccitt(2) ds(5) attributeType(4) crossCertificatePair(40)} * </pre> * * <blockquote> The forward elements of the crossCertificatePair attribute of a * CA's directory entry shall be used to store all, except self-issued * certificates issued to this CA. Optionally, the reverse elements of the * crossCertificatePair attribute, of a CA's directory entry may contain a * subset of certificates issued by this CA to other CAs. When both the forward * and the reverse elements are present in a single attribute value, issuer name * in one certificate shall match the subject name in the other and vice versa, * and the subject public key in one certificate shall be capable of verifying * the digital signature on the other certificate and vice versa. * * When a reverse element is present, the forward element value and the reverse * element value need not be stored in the same attribute value; in other words, * they can be stored in either a single attribute value or two attribute * values. </blockquote> * * <pre> * CertificatePair ::= SEQUENCE { * forward [0] Certificate OPTIONAL, * reverse [1] Certificate OPTIONAL, * -- at least one of the pair shall be present -- } * </pre> */
public class CertificatePair extends ASN1Object { private Certificate forward; private Certificate reverse; public static CertificatePair getInstance(Object obj) { if (obj == null || obj instanceof CertificatePair) { return (CertificatePair)obj; } if (obj instanceof ASN1Sequence) { return new CertificatePair((ASN1Sequence)obj); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal object in getInstance: " + obj.getClass().getName()); }
Constructor from ASN1Sequence.

The sequence is of type CertificatePair:

      CertificatePair ::= SEQUENCE {
        forward        [0]    Certificate OPTIONAL,
        reverse        [1]    Certificate OPTIONAL,
        -- at least one of the pair shall be present -- }

  • seq – The ASN.1 sequence.
/** * Constructor from ASN1Sequence. * <p> * The sequence is of type CertificatePair: * <pre> * CertificatePair ::= SEQUENCE { * forward [0] Certificate OPTIONAL, * reverse [1] Certificate OPTIONAL, * -- at least one of the pair shall be present -- } * </pre> * </p> * @param seq The ASN.1 sequence. */
private CertificatePair(ASN1Sequence seq) { if (seq.size() != 1 && seq.size() != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad sequence size: " + seq.size()); } Enumeration e = seq.getObjects(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { ASN1TaggedObject o = ASN1TaggedObject.getInstance(e.nextElement()); if (o.getTagNo() == 0) { forward = Certificate.getInstance(o, true); } else if (o.getTagNo() == 1) { reverse = Certificate.getInstance(o, true); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad tag number: " + o.getTagNo()); } } }
Constructor from a given details.
  • forward – Certificates issued to this CA.
  • reverse – Certificates issued by this CA to other CAs.
/** * Constructor from a given details. * * @param forward Certificates issued to this CA. * @param reverse Certificates issued by this CA to other CAs. */
public CertificatePair(Certificate forward, Certificate reverse) { this.forward = forward; this.reverse = reverse; }
Produce an object suitable for an ASN1OutputStream.


      CertificatePair ::= SEQUENCE {
        forward        [0]    Certificate OPTIONAL,
        reverse        [1]    Certificate OPTIONAL,
        -- at least one of the pair shall be present -- }
Returns:a ASN1Primitive
/** * Produce an object suitable for an ASN1OutputStream. * <p> * Returns: * <pre> * CertificatePair ::= SEQUENCE { * forward [0] Certificate OPTIONAL, * reverse [1] Certificate OPTIONAL, * -- at least one of the pair shall be present -- } * </pre> * * @return a ASN1Primitive */
public ASN1Primitive toASN1Primitive() { ASN1EncodableVector vec = new ASN1EncodableVector(); if (forward != null) { vec.add(new DERTaggedObject(0, forward)); } if (reverse != null) { vec.add(new DERTaggedObject(1, reverse)); } return new DERSequence(vec); }
Returns:Returns the forward.
/** * @return Returns the forward. */
public Certificate getForward() { return forward; }
Returns:Returns the reverse.
/** * @return Returns the reverse. */
public Certificate getReverse() { return reverse; } }