package org.bouncycastle.asn1.tsp;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Object;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Primitive;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1TaggedObject;

Implementation of the EncryptionInfo element defined in RFC 4998:

1988 ASN.1 EncryptionInfo

EncryptionInfo ::= SEQUENCE { encryptionInfoType OBJECT IDENTIFIER, encryptionInfoValue ANY DEFINED BY encryptionInfoType }

1997-ASN.1 EncryptionInfo

EncryptionInfo ::= SEQUENCE { encryptionInfoType ENCINFO-TYPE.&id ({SupportedEncryptionAlgorithms}), encryptionInfoValue ENCINFO-TYPE.&Type ({SupportedEncryptionAlgorithms}{@encryptionInfoType}) }


SupportedEncryptionAlgorithms ENCINFO-TYPE ::= {...}

/** * Implementation of the EncryptionInfo element defined in RFC 4998: * <p> * 1988 ASN.1 EncryptionInfo * <p> * EncryptionInfo ::= SEQUENCE { * encryptionInfoType OBJECT IDENTIFIER, * encryptionInfoValue ANY DEFINED BY encryptionInfoType * } * <p> * 1997-ASN.1 EncryptionInfo * <p> * EncryptionInfo ::= SEQUENCE { * encryptionInfoType ENCINFO-TYPE.&id * ({SupportedEncryptionAlgorithms}), * encryptionInfoValue ENCINFO-TYPE.&Type * ({SupportedEncryptionAlgorithms}{@encryptionInfoType}) * } * <p> * ENCINFO-TYPE ::= TYPE-IDENTIFIER * <p> * SupportedEncryptionAlgorithms ENCINFO-TYPE ::= {...} */
public class EncryptionInfo extends ASN1Object {
The OID for EncryptionInfo type.
/** * The OID for EncryptionInfo type. */
private ASN1ObjectIdentifier encryptionInfoType;
The value of EncryptionInfo
/** * The value of EncryptionInfo */
private ASN1Encodable encryptionInfoValue; public static EncryptionInfo getInstance(final ASN1Object obj) { if (obj instanceof EncryptionInfo) { return (EncryptionInfo)obj; } else if (obj != null) { return new EncryptionInfo(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(obj)); } return null; } public static EncryptionInfo getInstance( ASN1TaggedObject obj, boolean explicit) { return getInstance(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(obj, explicit)); } private EncryptionInfo(ASN1Sequence sequence) { if (sequence.size() != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong sequence size in constructor: " + sequence.size()); } this.encryptionInfoType = ASN1ObjectIdentifier.getInstance(sequence.getObjectAt(0)); this.encryptionInfoValue = sequence.getObjectAt(1); } public EncryptionInfo(ASN1ObjectIdentifier encryptionInfoType, ASN1Encodable encryptionInfoValue) { this.encryptionInfoType = encryptionInfoType; this.encryptionInfoValue = encryptionInfoValue; } private EncryptionInfo() { } public ASN1Primitive toASN1Primitive() { final ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); v.add(encryptionInfoType); v.add(encryptionInfoValue); return ASN1Sequence.getInstance(v); } }