package org.bouncycastle.jce.spec;


Parameter spec for an integrated encryptor, as in IEEE P1363a
/** * Parameter spec for an integrated encryptor, as in IEEE P1363a */
public class IESParameterSpec implements AlgorithmParameterSpec { private byte[] derivation; private byte[] encoding; private int macKeySize; public IESParameterSpec( byte[] derivation, byte[] encoding, int macKeySize) { this.derivation = new byte[derivation.length]; System.arraycopy(derivation, 0, this.derivation, 0, derivation.length); this.encoding = new byte[encoding.length]; System.arraycopy(encoding, 0, this.encoding, 0, encoding.length); this.macKeySize = macKeySize; }
return the derivation vector.
/** * return the derivation vector. */
public byte[] getDerivationV() { return derivation; }
return the encoding vector.
/** * return the encoding vector. */
public byte[] getEncodingV() { return encoding; }
return the key size in bits for the MAC used with the message
/** * return the key size in bits for the MAC used with the message */
public int getMacKeySize() { return macKeySize; } }