package org.bouncycastle.jce.spec;


import org.bouncycastle.jce.interfaces.MQVPrivateKey;

Static/ephemeral private key (pair) for use with ECMQV key agreement (Optionally provides the ephemeral public key)
/** * Static/ephemeral private key (pair) for use with ECMQV key agreement * (Optionally provides the ephemeral public key) */
public class MQVPrivateKeySpec implements KeySpec, MQVPrivateKey { private PrivateKey staticPrivateKey; private PrivateKey ephemeralPrivateKey; private PublicKey ephemeralPublicKey;
  • staticPrivateKey – the static private key.
  • ephemeralPrivateKey – the ephemeral private key.
/** * @param staticPrivateKey the static private key. * @param ephemeralPrivateKey the ephemeral private key. */
public MQVPrivateKeySpec( PrivateKey staticPrivateKey, PrivateKey ephemeralPrivateKey) { this(staticPrivateKey, ephemeralPrivateKey, null); }
  • staticPrivateKey – the static private key.
  • ephemeralPrivateKey – the ephemeral private key.
  • ephemeralPublicKey – the ephemeral public key (may be null).
/** * @param staticPrivateKey the static private key. * @param ephemeralPrivateKey the ephemeral private key. * @param ephemeralPublicKey the ephemeral public key (may be null). */
public MQVPrivateKeySpec( PrivateKey staticPrivateKey, PrivateKey ephemeralPrivateKey, PublicKey ephemeralPublicKey) { this.staticPrivateKey = staticPrivateKey; this.ephemeralPrivateKey = ephemeralPrivateKey; this.ephemeralPublicKey = ephemeralPublicKey; }
return the static private key
/** * return the static private key */
public PrivateKey getStaticPrivateKey() { return staticPrivateKey; }
return the ephemeral private key
/** * return the ephemeral private key */
public PrivateKey getEphemeralPrivateKey() { return ephemeralPrivateKey; }
return the ephemeral public key (may be null)
/** * return the ephemeral public key (may be null) */
public PublicKey getEphemeralPublicKey() { return ephemeralPublicKey; }
return "ECMQV"
/** * return "ECMQV" */
public String getAlgorithm() { return "ECMQV"; }
return null
/** * return null */
public String getFormat() { return null; }
returns null
/** * returns null */
public byte[] getEncoded() { return null; } }