package org.bouncycastle.asn1.isismtt.x509;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1OctetString;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1TaggedObject;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEREncodable;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERObject;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DEROctetString;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERPrintableString;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERTaggedObject;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.DirectoryString;

import java.util.Enumeration;

Professions, specializations, disciplines, fields of activity, etc.
              ProfessionInfo ::= SEQUENCE 
                namingAuthority [0] EXPLICIT NamingAuthority OPTIONAL,
                professionItems SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString (SIZE(1..128)),
                registrationNumber PrintableString(SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL,
                addProfessionInfo OCTET STRING OPTIONAL 
See Also:
  • AdmissionSyntax
/** * Professions, specializations, disciplines, fields of activity, etc. * * <pre> * ProfessionInfo ::= SEQUENCE * { * namingAuthority [0] EXPLICIT NamingAuthority OPTIONAL, * professionItems SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString (SIZE(1..128)), * professionOIDs SEQUENCE OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, * registrationNumber PrintableString(SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, * addProfessionInfo OCTET STRING OPTIONAL * } * </pre> * * @see org.bouncycastle.asn1.isismtt.x509.AdmissionSyntax */
public class ProfessionInfo extends ASN1Encodable {
/** * Rechtsanw�ltin */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Rechtsanwltin = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".1");
/** * Rechtsanwalt */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Rechtsanwalt = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".2");
/** * Rechtsbeistand */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Rechtsbeistand = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".3");
/** * Steuerberaterin */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Steuerberaterin = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".4");
/** * Steuerberater */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Steuerberater = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".5");
/** * Steuerbevollm�chtigte */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Steuerbevollmchtigte = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".6");
/** * Steuerbevollm�chtigter */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Steuerbevollmchtigter = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".7");
/** * Notarin */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Notarin = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".8");
/** * Notar */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Notar = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".9");
/** * Notarvertreterin */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Notarvertreterin = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".10");
/** * Notarvertreter */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Notarvertreter = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".11");
/** * Notariatsverwalterin */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Notariatsverwalterin = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".12");
/** * Notariatsverwalter */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Notariatsverwalter = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".13");
/** * Wirtschaftspr�ferin */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Wirtschaftsprferin = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".14");
/** * Wirtschaftspr�fer */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Wirtschaftsprfer = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".15");
Vereidigte Buchpr�ferin
/** * Vereidigte Buchpr�ferin */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier VereidigteBuchprferin = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".16");
Vereidigter Buchpr�fer
/** * Vereidigter Buchpr�fer */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier VereidigterBuchprfer = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".17");
/** * Patentanw�ltin */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Patentanwltin = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".18");
/** * Patentanwalt */
public static final DERObjectIdentifier Patentanwalt = new DERObjectIdentifier( NamingAuthority.id_isismtt_at_namingAuthorities_RechtWirtschaftSteuern + ".19"); private NamingAuthority namingAuthority; private ASN1Sequence professionItems; private ASN1Sequence professionOIDs; private String registrationNumber; private ASN1OctetString addProfessionInfo; public static ProfessionInfo getInstance(Object obj) { if (obj == null || obj instanceof ProfessionInfo) { return (ProfessionInfo)obj; } if (obj instanceof ASN1Sequence) { return new ProfessionInfo((ASN1Sequence)obj); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal object in getInstance: " + obj.getClass().getName()); }
Constructor from ASN1Sequence.

              ProfessionInfo ::= SEQUENCE
                namingAuthority [0] EXPLICIT NamingAuthority OPTIONAL,
                professionItems SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString (SIZE(1..128)),
                registrationNumber PrintableString(SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL,
                addProfessionInfo OCTET STRING OPTIONAL
  • seq – The ASN.1 sequence.
/** * Constructor from ASN1Sequence. * <p/> * <p/> * <pre> * ProfessionInfo ::= SEQUENCE * { * namingAuthority [0] EXPLICIT NamingAuthority OPTIONAL, * professionItems SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString (SIZE(1..128)), * professionOIDs SEQUENCE OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, * registrationNumber PrintableString(SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, * addProfessionInfo OCTET STRING OPTIONAL * } * </pre> * * @param seq The ASN.1 sequence. */
private ProfessionInfo(ASN1Sequence seq) { if (seq.size() > 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad sequence size: " + seq.size()); } Enumeration e = seq.getObjects(); DEREncodable o = (DEREncodable)e.nextElement(); if (o instanceof ASN1TaggedObject) { if (((ASN1TaggedObject)o).getTagNo() != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad tag number: " + ((ASN1TaggedObject)o).getTagNo()); } namingAuthority = NamingAuthority.getInstance((ASN1TaggedObject)o, true); o = (DEREncodable)e.nextElement(); } professionItems = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(o); if (e.hasMoreElements()) { o = (DEREncodable)e.nextElement(); if (o instanceof ASN1Sequence) { professionOIDs = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(o); } else if (o instanceof DERPrintableString) { registrationNumber = DERPrintableString.getInstance(o).getString(); } else if (o instanceof ASN1OctetString) { addProfessionInfo = ASN1OctetString.getInstance(o); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad object encountered: " + o.getClass()); } } if (e.hasMoreElements()) { o = (DEREncodable)e.nextElement(); if (o instanceof DERPrintableString) { registrationNumber = DERPrintableString.getInstance(o).getString(); } else if (o instanceof DEROctetString) { addProfessionInfo = (DEROctetString)o; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad object encountered: " + o.getClass()); } } if (e.hasMoreElements()) { o = (DEREncodable)e.nextElement(); if (o instanceof DEROctetString) { addProfessionInfo = (DEROctetString)o; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad object encountered: " + o.getClass()); } } }
Constructor from given details.

professionItems is mandatory, all other parameters are optional.
  • namingAuthority – The naming authority.
  • professionItems – Directory strings of the profession.
  • professionOIDs – DERObjectIdentfier objects for the profession.
  • registrationNumber – Registration number.
  • addProfessionInfo – Additional infos in encoded form.
/** * Constructor from given details. * <p/> * <code>professionItems</code> is mandatory, all other parameters are * optional. * * @param namingAuthority The naming authority. * @param professionItems Directory strings of the profession. * @param professionOIDs DERObjectIdentfier objects for the * profession. * @param registrationNumber Registration number. * @param addProfessionInfo Additional infos in encoded form. */
public ProfessionInfo(NamingAuthority namingAuthority, DirectoryString[] professionItems, DERObjectIdentifier[] professionOIDs, String registrationNumber, ASN1OctetString addProfessionInfo) { this.namingAuthority = namingAuthority; ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); for (int i = 0; i != professionItems.length; i++) { v.add(professionItems[i]); } this.professionItems = new DERSequence(v); if (professionOIDs != null) { v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); for (int i = 0; i != professionOIDs.length; i++) { v.add(professionOIDs[i]); } this.professionOIDs = new DERSequence(v); } this.registrationNumber = registrationNumber; this.addProfessionInfo = addProfessionInfo; }
Produce an object suitable for an ASN1OutputStream.


              ProfessionInfo ::= SEQUENCE
                namingAuthority [0] EXPLICIT NamingAuthority OPTIONAL,
                professionItems SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString (SIZE(1..128)),
                registrationNumber PrintableString(SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL,
                addProfessionInfo OCTET STRING OPTIONAL
Returns:a DERObject
/** * Produce an object suitable for an ASN1OutputStream. * <p/> * Returns: * <p/> * <pre> * ProfessionInfo ::= SEQUENCE * { * namingAuthority [0] EXPLICIT NamingAuthority OPTIONAL, * professionItems SEQUENCE OF DirectoryString (SIZE(1..128)), * professionOIDs SEQUENCE OF OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL, * registrationNumber PrintableString(SIZE(1..128)) OPTIONAL, * addProfessionInfo OCTET STRING OPTIONAL * } * </pre> * * @return a DERObject */
public DERObject toASN1Object() { ASN1EncodableVector vec = new ASN1EncodableVector(); if (namingAuthority != null) { vec.add(new DERTaggedObject(true, 0, namingAuthority)); } vec.add(professionItems); if (professionOIDs != null) { vec.add(professionOIDs); } if (registrationNumber != null) { vec.add(new DERPrintableString(registrationNumber, true)); } if (addProfessionInfo != null) { vec.add(addProfessionInfo); } return new DERSequence(vec); }
Returns:Returns the addProfessionInfo.
/** * @return Returns the addProfessionInfo. */
public ASN1OctetString getAddProfessionInfo() { return addProfessionInfo; }
Returns:Returns the namingAuthority.
/** * @return Returns the namingAuthority. */
public NamingAuthority getNamingAuthority() { return namingAuthority; }
Returns:Returns the professionItems.
/** * @return Returns the professionItems. */
public DirectoryString[] getProfessionItems() { DirectoryString[] items = new DirectoryString[professionItems.size()]; int count = 0; for (Enumeration e = professionItems.getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();) { items[count++] = DirectoryString.getInstance(e.nextElement()); } return items; }
Returns:Returns the professionOIDs.
/** * @return Returns the professionOIDs. */
public DERObjectIdentifier[] getProfessionOIDs() { if (professionOIDs == null) { return new DERObjectIdentifier[0]; } DERObjectIdentifier[] oids = new DERObjectIdentifier[professionOIDs.size()]; int count = 0; for (Enumeration e = professionOIDs.getObjects(); e.hasMoreElements();) { oids[count++] = DERObjectIdentifier.getInstance(e.nextElement()); } return oids; }
Returns:Returns the registrationNumber.
/** * @return Returns the registrationNumber. */
public String getRegistrationNumber() { return registrationNumber; } }