package org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce;


import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;

import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.AlgorithmIdentifier;
import org.bouncycastle.cms.CMSException;
import org.bouncycastle.cms.RecipientOperator;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.GenericKey;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.MacCalculator;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.jcajce.JceGenericKey;

the KeyTransRecipientInformation class for a recipient who has been sent a secret key encrypted using their public key that needs to be used to extract the message.
/** * the KeyTransRecipientInformation class for a recipient who has been sent a secret * key encrypted using their public key that needs to be used to * extract the message. */
public class JceKEKAuthenticatedRecipient extends JceKEKRecipient { public JceKEKAuthenticatedRecipient(SecretKey recipientKey) { super(recipientKey); } public RecipientOperator getRecipientOperator(AlgorithmIdentifier keyEncryptionAlgorithm, final AlgorithmIdentifier contentMacAlgorithm, byte[] encryptedContentEncryptionKey) throws CMSException { final Key secretKey = extractSecretKey(keyEncryptionAlgorithm, contentMacAlgorithm, encryptedContentEncryptionKey); final Mac dataMac = contentHelper.createContentMac(secretKey, contentMacAlgorithm); return new RecipientOperator(new MacCalculator() { public AlgorithmIdentifier getAlgorithmIdentifier() { return contentMacAlgorithm; } public GenericKey getKey() { return new JceGenericKey(contentMacAlgorithm, secretKey); } public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return new MacOutputStream(dataMac); } public byte[] getMac() { return dataMac.doFinal(); } }); } }