Copyright (c) 2012 Contributors. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution and is available at Contributors: Lyor Goldstein (vmware) add support for weaved class being re-defined
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2012 Contributors. * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * * * Contributors: * Lyor Goldstein (vmware) add support for weaved class being re-defined *******************************************************************************/
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import org.aspectj.util.FileUtil; import org.aspectj.util.LangUtil;
Uses a ZIP file to store the instrumented classes/aspects - each one as a separate ZipEntry. This mechanism is suitable for relatively large numbers of instrumented classes/aspects (100's and more) since it holds all of them in a single (ZIP) file. The down side is that any modifications to the cache require re-writing the entire ZIP file. This can cause the ZIP file to become corrupted if interrupted in mid-update, thus requiring the re-population of the cache on next application activation (though the overhead in this case is not prohibitvely high...)
/** * Uses a ZIP file to store the instrumented classes/aspects - each one as a * <U>separate</U> {@link ZipEntry}. This mechanism is suitable for relatively * large numbers of instrumented classes/aspects (100's and more) since it * holds all of them in a single (ZIP) file. The down side is that any * modifications to the cache require re-writing the entire ZIP file. This * can cause the ZIP file to become corrupted if interrupted in mid-update, * thus requiring the re-population of the cache on next application activation * (though the overhead in this case is not prohibitvely high...) */
public class ZippedFileCacheBacking extends AsynchronousFileCacheBacking { public static final String ZIP_FILE = ""; private static final AsynchronousFileCacheBackingCreator<ZippedFileCacheBacking> defaultCreator= new AsynchronousFileCacheBackingCreator<ZippedFileCacheBacking>() { public ZippedFileCacheBacking create(File cacheDir) { return new ZippedFileCacheBacking(cacheDir); } }; private final File zipFile; public ZippedFileCacheBacking(File cacheDir) { super(cacheDir); zipFile = new File(cacheDir, ZIP_FILE); } public File getZipFile () { return zipFile; } public static final ZippedFileCacheBacking createBacking (File cacheDir) { return createBacking(cacheDir, defaultCreator); } @Override protected void writeClassBytes(String key, byte[] bytes) throws Exception { File outFile=getZipFile(); Map<String,byte[]> entriesMap; try { entriesMap = readZipClassBytes(outFile); } catch(Exception e) { if ((logger != null) && logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.warn("writeClassBytes(" + outFile + ")[" + key + "]" + " failed (" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ")" + " to read current data: " + e.getMessage(), e); } FileUtil.deleteContents(outFile); return; } if (entriesMap.isEmpty()) { entriesMap = Collections.singletonMap(key, bytes); } else { entriesMap.put(key, bytes); } try { writeZipClassBytes(outFile, entriesMap); } catch(Exception e) { if ((logger != null) && logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.warn("writeClassBytes(" + outFile + ")[" + key + "]" + " failed (" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ")" + " to write updated data: " + e.getMessage(), e); } FileUtil.deleteContents(outFile); } } @Override protected void removeClassBytes(String key) throws Exception { File outFile=getZipFile(); Map<String,byte[]> entriesMap; try { entriesMap = readZipClassBytes(outFile); } catch(Exception e) { if ((logger != null) && logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.warn("removeClassBytes(" + outFile + ")[" + key + "]" + " failed (" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ")" + " to read current data: " + e.getMessage(), e); } FileUtil.deleteContents(outFile); return; } if (!entriesMap.isEmpty()) { if (entriesMap.remove(key) == null) { return; // not in the data file to begin with so nothing to update } } try { writeZipClassBytes(outFile, entriesMap); } catch(Exception e) { if ((logger != null) && logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.warn("removeClassBytes(" + outFile + ")[" + key + "]" + " failed (" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ")" + " to write updated data: " + e.getMessage(), e); } FileUtil.deleteContents(outFile); } } @Override protected Map<String, byte[]> readClassBytes(Map<String, IndexEntry> indexMap, File cacheDir) { File dataFile=new File(cacheDir, ZIP_FILE); Map<String,byte[]> entriesMap; boolean okEntries=true; try { entriesMap = readZipClassBytes(dataFile); } catch(Exception e) { if ((logger != null) && logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.warn("Failed (" + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ")" + " to read zip entries from " + dataFile + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } entriesMap = new TreeMap<String,byte[]>(); okEntries = false; } if (!syncClassBytesEntries(dataFile, indexMap, entriesMap)) { okEntries = false; } if (!okEntries) { FileUtil.deleteContents(dataFile); if (!entriesMap.isEmpty()) { entriesMap.clear(); } } syncIndexEntries(dataFile, indexMap, entriesMap); return entriesMap; } // remove all non-ignored entries that have no class bytes protected Collection<String> syncIndexEntries (File dataFile, Map<String, IndexEntry> indexMap, Map<String,byte[]> entriesMap) { Collection<String> toDelete=null; for (Map.Entry<String, IndexEntry> ie : indexMap.entrySet()) { String key=ie.getKey(); IndexEntry indexEntry=ie.getValue(); if (indexEntry.ignored) { continue; // ignored entries have no class bytes } if (entriesMap.containsKey(key)) { continue; } if ((logger != null) && logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.debug("syncIndexEntries(" + dataFile + ")[" + key + "] no class bytes"); } if (toDelete == null) { toDelete = new TreeSet<String>(); } toDelete.add(key); } if (toDelete == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } for (String key : toDelete) { indexMap.remove(key); } return toDelete; } // check if all class bytes entries are valid protected boolean syncClassBytesEntries (File dataFile, Map<String, IndexEntry> indexMap, Map<String,byte[]> entriesMap) { boolean okEntries=true; for (Map.Entry<String,byte[]> bytesEntry : entriesMap.entrySet()) { String key=bytesEntry.getKey(); IndexEntry indexEntry=indexMap.get(key); // ignored entries should have no bytes if ((indexEntry == null) || indexEntry.ignored) { if ((logger != null) && logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.debug("syncClassBytesEntries(" + dataFile + ")[" + key + "] bad index entry"); } okEntries = false; continue; } long crc=crc(bytesEntry.getValue()); if (crc != indexEntry.crcWeaved) { if ((logger != null) && logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.debug("syncClassBytesEntries(" + dataFile + ")[" + key + "]" + " mismatched CRC - expected=" + indexEntry.crcWeaved + "/got=" + crc); } indexMap.remove(key); okEntries = false; continue; } } return okEntries; } @Override protected IndexEntry resolveIndexMapEntry(File cacheDir, IndexEntry ie) { if (cacheDir.exists()) { return ie; // we will take care of non-existing index entries in the readClassBytes method } else { return null; } } public static final Map<String,byte[]> readZipClassBytes (File file) throws IOException { if (!file.canRead()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Map<String,byte[]> result=new TreeMap<String,byte[]>(); byte[] copyBuf=new byte[4096]; ByteArrayOutputStream out=new ByteArrayOutputStream(copyBuf.length); ZipFile zipFile=new ZipFile(file); try { for (Enumeration<? extends ZipEntry> entries=zipFile.entries(); (entries != null) && entries.hasMoreElements(); ) { ZipEntry e=entries.nextElement(); String name=e.getName(); if (LangUtil.isEmpty(name)) { continue; } out.reset(); InputStream zipStream=zipFile.getInputStream(e); try { for (int; nRead != (-1); { out.write(copyBuf, 0, nRead); } } finally { zipStream.close(); } byte[] data=out.toByteArray(), prev=result.put(name, data); if (prev != null) { throw new StreamCorruptedException("Multiple entries for " + name); } } } finally { zipFile.close(); } return result; } public static final void writeZipClassBytes (File file, Map<String,byte[]> entriesMap) throws IOException { if (entriesMap.isEmpty()) { FileUtil.deleteContents(file); return; } File zipDir=file.getParentFile(); if ((!zipDir.exists()) && (!zipDir.mkdirs())) { throw new IOException("Failed to create path to " + zipDir.getAbsolutePath()); } ZipOutputStream zipOut=new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file), 4096)); try { for (Map.Entry<String,byte[]> bytesEntry : entriesMap.entrySet()) { String key=bytesEntry.getKey(); byte[] bytes=bytesEntry.getValue(); zipOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(key)); zipOut.write(bytes); zipOut.closeEntry(); } } finally { zipOut.close(); } } }