Copyright (c) 2005 Contributors. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution and is available at Contributors: Alexandre Vasseur initial implementation
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005 Contributors. * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution and is available at * * * Contributors: * Alexandre Vasseur initial implementation *******************************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.definition; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map;
A POJO that contains raw strings from the XML (sort of XMLBean for our simple LTW DTD)
Author:Alexandre Vasseur
/** * A POJO that contains raw strings from the XML (sort of XMLBean for our simple LTW DTD) * * @author <a href="mailto:alex AT gnilux DOT com">Alexandre Vasseur</a> */
public class Definition { private final StringBuffer weaverOptions; private final List<String> dumpPatterns; private boolean dumpBefore; private boolean perClassloaderDumpDir; private final List<String> includePatterns; private final List<String> excludePatterns; private final List<String> aspectClassNames; private final List<String> aspectExcludePatterns; private final List<String> aspectIncludePatterns; private final List<Definition.ConcreteAspect> concreteAspects;
When aspects are defined, they can specify a scope type pattern and then will only apply to types matching that pattern.
/** * When aspects are defined, they can specify a scope type pattern and then will only apply to types matching that pattern. */
private final Map<String, String> scopedAspects;
Some aspects (from aspect libraries) will describe a type that must be around for them to function properly
/** * Some aspects (from aspect libraries) will describe a type that must be around for them to function properly */
private final Map<String, String> requiredTypesForAspects; public Definition() { weaverOptions = new StringBuffer(); dumpBefore = false; perClassloaderDumpDir = false; dumpPatterns = new ArrayList<String>(); includePatterns = new ArrayList<String>(); excludePatterns = new ArrayList<String>(); aspectClassNames = new ArrayList<String>(); aspectExcludePatterns = new ArrayList<String>(); aspectIncludePatterns = new ArrayList<String>(); concreteAspects = new ArrayList<Definition.ConcreteAspect>(); scopedAspects = new HashMap<String, String>(); requiredTypesForAspects = new HashMap<String, String>(); } public String getWeaverOptions() { return weaverOptions.toString(); } public List<String> getDumpPatterns() { return dumpPatterns; } public void setDumpBefore(boolean b) { dumpBefore = b; } public boolean shouldDumpBefore() { return dumpBefore; } public void setCreateDumpDirPerClassloader(boolean b) { perClassloaderDumpDir = b; } public boolean createDumpDirPerClassloader() { return perClassloaderDumpDir; } public List<String> getIncludePatterns() { return includePatterns; } public List<String> getExcludePatterns() { return excludePatterns; } public List<String> getAspectClassNames() { return aspectClassNames; } public List<String> getAspectExcludePatterns() { return aspectExcludePatterns; } public List<String> getAspectIncludePatterns() { return aspectIncludePatterns; } public List<Definition.ConcreteAspect> getConcreteAspects() { return concreteAspects; } public static class ConcreteAspect { public final String name; public final String extend; public final String precedence; public final List<Definition.Pointcut> pointcuts; public final List<Definition.DeclareAnnotation> declareAnnotations; public final List<Definition.PointcutAndAdvice> pointcutsAndAdvice; public final String perclause; public List<Definition.DeclareErrorOrWarning> deows; public ConcreteAspect(String name, String extend) { this(name, extend, null, null); } public ConcreteAspect(String name, String extend, String precedence, String perclause) { = name; // make sure extend set to null if "" if (extend == null || extend.length() == 0) { this.extend = null; if (precedence == null || precedence.length() == 0) { // if (pointcutsAndAdvice.size() == 0) { // throw new RuntimeException("Not allowed"); // } } } else { this.extend = extend; } this.precedence = precedence; this.pointcuts = new ArrayList<Definition.Pointcut>(); this.declareAnnotations = new ArrayList<Definition.DeclareAnnotation>(); this.pointcutsAndAdvice = new ArrayList<Definition.PointcutAndAdvice>(); this.deows = new ArrayList<Definition.DeclareErrorOrWarning>(); this.perclause = perclause; } } public static class Pointcut { public final String name; public final String expression; public Pointcut(String name, String expression) { = name; this.expression = expression; } } public enum AdviceKind { Before, After, AfterReturning, AfterThrowing, Around; } public enum DeclareAnnotationKind { Method, Field, Type; } public static class DeclareAnnotation { public final DeclareAnnotationKind declareAnnotationKind; public final String pattern; public final String annotation; public DeclareAnnotation(DeclareAnnotationKind kind, String pattern, String annotation) { this.declareAnnotationKind = kind; this.pattern = pattern; this.annotation = annotation; } } public static class PointcutAndAdvice { public final AdviceKind adviceKind; public final String pointcut; public final String adviceClass; // public final String adviceMethod; // foo(java.lang.String,org.aspectj.lang.JoinPoint) public PointcutAndAdvice(AdviceKind adviceKind, String pointcut, String adviceClass, String adviceMethod) { this.adviceKind = adviceKind; this.pointcut = pointcut; this.adviceClass = adviceClass; this.adviceMethod = adviceMethod; } } public static class DeclareErrorOrWarning { public final boolean isError; public final String pointcut; public final String message; public DeclareErrorOrWarning(boolean isError, String pointcut, String message) { this.isError = isError; this.pointcut = pointcut; this.message = message; } } public void appendWeaverOptions(String option) { weaverOptions.append(option.trim()).append(' '); } public void addScopedAspect(String name, String scopePattern) { scopedAspects.put(name, scopePattern); } public String getScopeForAspect(String name) { return scopedAspects.get(name); } public void setAspectRequires(String name, String requiredType) { requiredTypesForAspects.put(name, requiredType); } public String getAspectRequires(String name) { return requiredTypesForAspects.get(name); } }