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/* $Id: XMPProperty.java 1731596 2016-02-22 08:28:54Z gadams $ */

package org.apache.xmlgraphics.xmp;

import java.net.URI;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;

import org.apache.xmlgraphics.util.QName;
import org.apache.xmlgraphics.util.XMLizable;

This class is the base class for all XMP properties.
/** * This class is the base class for all XMP properties. */
public class XMPProperty implements XMLizable { private QName name; private Object value; private String xmllang; private Map qualifiers;
Creates a new XMP property.
  • name – the name of the property
  • value – the value for the property
/** * Creates a new XMP property. * @param name the name of the property * @param value the value for the property */
public XMPProperty(QName name, Object value) { this.name = name; this.value = value; }
Returns:the qualified name of the property (namespace URI + local name)
/** @return the qualified name of the property (namespace URI + local name) */
public QName getName() { return this.name; }
Returns:the namespace URI of the property
/** @return the namespace URI of the property */
public String getNamespace() { return getName().getNamespaceURI(); }
Sets the value of the property
  • value – the new value
/** * Sets the value of the property * @param value the new value */
public void setValue(Object value) { this.value = value; }
Returns:the property value (can be a normal Java object (normally a String) or a descendant of XMPComplexValue.
/** * @return the property value (can be a normal Java object (normally a String) or a descendant * of XMPComplexValue. */
public Object getValue() { return this.value; }
Sets the xml:lang value for this property
  • lang – the language ("x-default" for the default language, null to make the value language-independent)
/** * Sets the xml:lang value for this property * @param lang the language ("x-default" for the default language, null to make the value * language-independent) */
public void setXMLLang(String lang) { this.xmllang = lang; }
Returns:the language for language-dependent values ("x-default" for the default language)
/** * @return the language for language-dependent values ("x-default" for the default language) */
public String getXMLLang() { return this.xmllang; }
Indicates whether the property is an array.
Returns:true if the property is an array
/** * Indicates whether the property is an array. * @return true if the property is an array */
public boolean isArray() { return value instanceof XMPArray; }
Returns:the XMPArray for an array or null if the value is not an array.
/** @return the XMPArray for an array or null if the value is not an array. */
public XMPArray getArrayValue() { return (isArray() ? (XMPArray)value : null); }
Converts a simple value to an array of a given type if the value is not already an array.
  • type – the desired type of array
Returns:the array value
/** * Converts a simple value to an array of a given type if the value is not already an array. * @param type the desired type of array * @return the array value */
public XMPArray convertSimpleValueToArray(XMPArrayType type) { if (getArrayValue() == null) { XMPArray array = new XMPArray(type); if (getXMLLang() != null) { array.add(getValue().toString(), getXMLLang()); } else { array.add(getValue()); } setValue(array); setXMLLang(null); return array; } else { return getArrayValue(); } }
Returns:the XMPStructure for a structure or null if the value is not a structure.
/** @return the XMPStructure for a structure or null if the value is not a structure. */
public PropertyAccess getStructureValue() { return (value instanceof XMPStructure ? (XMPStructure)value : null); } private boolean hasPropertyQualifiers() { return (this.qualifiers == null) || (this.qualifiers.size() == 0); }
Indicates whether this property is actually not a structure, but a normal property with property qualifiers. If this method returns true, this structure can be converted to an simple XMPProperty using the simplify() method.
Returns:true if this property is a structure property with property qualifiers
/** * Indicates whether this property is actually not a structure, but a normal property with * property qualifiers. If this method returns true, this structure can be converted to * an simple XMPProperty using the simplify() method. * @return true if this property is a structure property with property qualifiers */
public boolean isQualifiedProperty() { PropertyAccess props = getStructureValue(); if (props != null) { XMPProperty rdfValue = props.getValueProperty(); return (rdfValue != null); } else { return hasPropertyQualifiers(); } } public void simplify() { PropertyAccess props = getStructureValue(); if (props != null) { XMPProperty rdfValue = props.getValueProperty(); if (rdfValue != null) { if (hasPropertyQualifiers()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal internal state" + " (qualifiers present on non-simplified property)"); } XMPProperty prop = new XMPProperty(getName(), rdfValue); Iterator iter = props.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { QName name = (QName)iter.next(); if (!XMPConstants.RDF_VALUE.equals(name)) { prop.setPropertyQualifier(name, props.getProperty(name)); } } props.setProperty(prop); } } } private void setPropertyQualifier(QName name, XMPProperty property) { if (this.qualifiers == null) { this.qualifiers = new java.util.HashMap(); } this.qualifiers.put(name, property); } private String getEffectiveQName() { String prefix = getName().getPrefix(); if (prefix == null || "".equals(prefix)) { XMPSchema schema = XMPSchemaRegistry.getInstance().getSchema(getNamespace()); prefix = schema.getPreferredPrefix(); } return prefix + ":" + getName().getLocalName(); }
See Also:
/** @see org.apache.xmlgraphics.util.XMLizable#toSAX(org.xml.sax.ContentHandler) */
public void toSAX(ContentHandler handler) throws SAXException { AttributesImpl atts = new AttributesImpl(); String qName = getEffectiveQName(); if (value instanceof URI) { atts.addAttribute(XMPConstants.RDF_NAMESPACE, "resource", "rdf:resource", "CDATA", ((URI)value).toString()); } handler.startElement(getName().getNamespaceURI(), getName().getLocalName(), qName, atts); if (value instanceof XMPComplexValue) { XMPComplexValue cv = ((XMPComplexValue)value); cv.toSAX(handler); } else if (!(value instanceof URI)) { char[] chars = value.toString().toCharArray(); handler.characters(chars, 0, chars.length); } handler.endElement(getName().getNamespaceURI(), getName().getLocalName(), qName); }
See Also:
/** @see java.lang.Object#toString() */
public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("XMP Property "); sb.append(getName()).append(": "); sb.append(getValue()); return sb.toString(); } }