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/* $Id: BorderProps.java 1480018 2013-05-07 18:53:29Z vhennebert $ */

package org.apache.fop.traits;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.fop.apps.FOUserAgent;
import org.apache.fop.fo.expr.PropertyException;
import org.apache.fop.util.ColorUtil;

Border properties. Class to store border trait properties for the area tree.
/** * Border properties. * Class to store border trait properties for the area tree. */
public class BorderProps implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8022237892391068187L; public enum Mode { SEPARATE("separate") { @Override int getClippedWidth(BorderProps bp) { return 0; } }, COLLAPSE_INNER("collapse-inner"), // for borders inside a table COLLAPSE_OUTER("collapse-outer"); // for borders at the table's outer border private final String value; Mode(String value) { this.value = value; } int getClippedWidth(BorderProps bp) { return bp.width / 2; }; }
Border style (one of EN_*)
/** Border style (one of EN_*) */
public final int style; // Enum for border style
Border color
/** Border color */
public final Color color;
Border width
/** Border width */
public final int width; private final int radiusStart; private final int radiusEnd;
Border mode
/** Border mode */
private final Mode mode;
Constructs a new BorderProps instance.
  • style – border style (one of EN_*)
  • width – border width
  • radiusStart – radius of start corner in the direction perpendicular to border segment
  • radiusEnd – radius of end corner in the direction perpendicular to border segment
  • color – border color
  • mode – border mode ((one of SEPARATE, COLLAPSE_INNER and COLLAPSE_OUTER)
/** * Constructs a new BorderProps instance. * @param style border style (one of EN_*) * @param width border width * @param radiusStart radius of start corner in the direction perpendicular to border segment * @param radiusEnd radius of end corner in the direction perpendicular to border segment * @param color border color * @param mode border mode ((one of SEPARATE, COLLAPSE_INNER and COLLAPSE_OUTER) */
public BorderProps(int style, int width, int radiusStart, int radiusEnd, Color color, Mode mode) { this.style = style; this.width = width; this.radiusStart = radiusStart; this.radiusEnd = radiusEnd; this.color = color; this.mode = mode; }
Factory method for a new BorderProps instance with rectangular corners.
  • style – border style (one of EN_*)
  • width – border width
  • color – border color
  • mode – border mode ((one of SEPARATE, COLLAPSE_INNER and COLLAPSE_OUTER)
/** * Factory method for a new BorderProps instance with rectangular corners. * @param style border style (one of EN_*) * @param width border width * @param color border color * @param mode border mode ((one of SEPARATE, COLLAPSE_INNER and COLLAPSE_OUTER) */
public static BorderProps makeRectangular(int style, int width, Color color, Mode mode) { return new BorderProps(style, width, 0, 0, color, mode); } private BorderProps(String style, int width, int radiusStart, int radiusEnd, Color color, Mode mode) { this(getConstantForStyle(style), width, radiusStart, radiusEnd, color, mode); }
Returns:the radius of the corner adjacent to the before or start border
/** * * @return the radius of the corner adjacent to the before or start border */
public int getRadiusStart() { return radiusStart; }
Returns:the radius of the corner adjacent to the after or end border
/** * @return the radius of the corner adjacent to the after or end border */
public int getRadiusEnd() { return radiusEnd; }
  • bp – the border properties or null
Returns:the effective width of the clipped part of the border
/** * @param bp the border properties or null * @return the effective width of the clipped part of the border */
public static int getClippedWidth(BorderProps bp) { return bp == null ? 0 : bp.mode.getClippedWidth(bp); } private String getStyleString() { return BorderStyle.valueOf(style).getName(); } private static int getConstantForStyle(String style) { return BorderStyle.valueOf(style).getEnumValue(); } public boolean isCollapseOuter() { return mode == Mode.COLLAPSE_OUTER; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public int hashCode() { return toString().hashCode(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } else if (obj == this) { return true; } else { if (obj instanceof BorderProps) { BorderProps other = (BorderProps) obj; return (style == other.style) && org.apache.xmlgraphics.java2d.color.ColorUtil.isSameColor( color, other.color) && width == other.width && mode == other.mode && radiusStart == other.radiusStart && radiusEnd == other.radiusEnd; } } return false; }
Returns a BorderProps represtation of a string of the format as written by BorderProps.toString().
  • foUserAgent – FOP user agent caching ICC profiles
  • s – the string
Returns:a BorderProps instance
/** * Returns a BorderProps represtation of a string of the format as written by * BorderProps.toString(). * @param foUserAgent FOP user agent caching ICC profiles * @param s the string * @return a BorderProps instance */
public static BorderProps valueOf(FOUserAgent foUserAgent, String s) { return BorderPropsDeserializer.INSTANCE.valueOf(foUserAgent, s); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(); sbuf.append('(') .append(getStyleString()).append(',') .append(ColorUtil.colorToString(color)).append(',') .append(width); if (!mode.equals(Mode.SEPARATE)) { sbuf.append(",").append(mode.value); } if (radiusStart != 0 || radiusEnd != 0) { if (mode.equals(Mode.SEPARATE)) { // Because of the corner radii properties the mode must be set // so that the parameter index is consistent sbuf.append(",").append(Mode.SEPARATE.value); } sbuf.append(',').append(radiusStart) .append(',').append(radiusEnd); } sbuf.append(')'); return sbuf.toString(); } private static final class BorderPropsDeserializer { private static final BorderPropsDeserializer INSTANCE = new BorderPropsDeserializer(); private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^,\\(]+(?:\\(.*\\))?)"); private BorderPropsDeserializer() { } public BorderProps valueOf(FOUserAgent foUserAgent, String s) { if (s.startsWith("(") && s.endsWith(")")) { s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1); Matcher m = PATTERN.matcher(s); m.find(); String style = m.group(); m.find(); String color = m.group(); m.find(); int width = Integer.parseInt(m.group()); Mode mode = Mode.SEPARATE; if (m.find()) { String ms = m.group(); if (Mode.COLLAPSE_INNER.value.equalsIgnoreCase(ms)) { mode = Mode.COLLAPSE_INNER; } else if (Mode.COLLAPSE_OUTER.value.equalsIgnoreCase(ms)) { mode = Mode.COLLAPSE_OUTER; } } Color c; try { c = ColorUtil.parseColorString(foUserAgent, color); } catch (PropertyException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage()); } int startRadius = 0; int endRadius = 0; if (m.find()) { startRadius = Integer.parseInt(m.group()); m.find(); endRadius = Integer.parseInt(m.group()); } return new BorderProps(style, width, startRadius, endRadius, c, mode); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("BorderProps must be surrounded by parentheses"); } } } }