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/* $Id: PSTextPainter.java 1805173 2017-08-16 10:50:04Z ssteiner $ */

package org.apache.fop.render.ps;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.PathIterator;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D.Double;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.batik.gvt.text.TextPaintInfo;

import org.apache.xmlgraphics.java2d.ps.PSGraphics2D;
import org.apache.xmlgraphics.ps.PSGenerator;

import org.apache.fop.fonts.Font;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontInfo;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.FontMetrics;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.LazyFont;
import org.apache.fop.fonts.MultiByteFont;
import org.apache.fop.svg.NativeTextPainter;
import org.apache.fop.util.HexEncoder;

Renders the attributed character iterator of a TextNode. This class draws the text directly using PostScript text operators so the text is not drawn using shapes which makes the PS files larger.

The text runs are split into smaller text runs that can be bundles in single calls of the xshow, yshow or xyshow operators. For outline text, the charpath operator is used.

/** * Renders the attributed character iterator of a {@link org.apache.batik.bridge.TextNode TextNode}. * This class draws the text directly using PostScript text operators so * the text is not drawn using shapes which makes the PS files larger. * <p> * The text runs are split into smaller text runs that can be bundles in single * calls of the xshow, yshow or xyshow operators. For outline text, the charpath * operator is used. */
public class PSTextPainter extends NativeTextPainter { private FontResourceCache fontResources; private PSGraphics2D ps; private PSGenerator gen; private TextUtil textUtil; private boolean flushCurrentRun; private PSTextRun psRun; private Double relPos; private static final AffineTransform IDENTITY_TRANSFORM = new AffineTransform();
Create a new PS text painter with the given font information.
  • fontInfo – the font collection
/** * Create a new PS text painter with the given font information. * @param fontInfo the font collection */
public PSTextPainter(FontInfo fontInfo) { super(fontInfo); this.fontResources = new FontResourceCache(fontInfo); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected boolean isSupported(Graphics2D g2d) { return g2d instanceof PSGraphics2D; } @Override protected void preparePainting(Graphics2D g2d) { ps = (PSGraphics2D) g2d; gen = ps.getPSGenerator(); ps.preparePainting(); } @Override protected void saveGraphicsState() throws IOException { gen.saveGraphicsState(); } @Override protected void restoreGraphicsState() throws IOException { gen.restoreGraphicsState(); } @Override protected void setInitialTransform(AffineTransform transform) throws IOException { gen.concatMatrix(transform); } private PSFontResource getResourceForFont(Font f, String postfix) { String key = (postfix != null ? f.getFontName() + '_' + postfix : f.getFontName()); return this.fontResources.getFontResourceForFontKey(key); } @Override protected void clip(Shape shape) throws IOException { if (shape == null) { return; } ps.getPSGenerator().writeln("newpath"); PathIterator iter = shape.getPathIterator(IDENTITY_TRANSFORM); ps.processPathIterator(iter); ps.getPSGenerator().writeln("clip"); } @Override protected void beginTextObject() throws IOException { gen.writeln("BT"); textUtil = new TextUtil(); psRun = new PSTextRun(); //Used to split a text run into smaller runs } @Override protected void endTextObject() throws IOException { psRun.paint(ps, textUtil, tpi); gen.writeln("ET"); } @Override protected void positionGlyph(Point2D prevPos, Point2D glyphPos, boolean reposition) { flushCurrentRun = false; //Try to optimize by combining characters using the same font and on the same line. if (reposition) { //Happens for text-on-a-path flushCurrentRun = true; } if (psRun.getRunLength() >= 128) { //Don't let a run get too long flushCurrentRun = true; } //Note the position of the glyph relative to the previous one if (prevPos == null) { relPos = new Point2D.Double(0, 0); } else { relPos = new Point2D.Double( glyphPos.getX() - prevPos.getX(), glyphPos.getY() - prevPos.getY()); } if (psRun.vertChanges == 0 && psRun.getHorizRunLength() > 2 && relPos.getY() != 0) { //new line flushCurrentRun = true; } } @Override protected void writeGlyph(char glyph, AffineTransform localTransform) throws IOException { boolean fontChanging = textUtil.isFontChanging(font, glyph); if (fontChanging) { flushCurrentRun = true; } if (flushCurrentRun) { //Paint the current run and reset for the next run psRun.paint(ps, textUtil, tpi); psRun.reset(); } //Track current run psRun.addGlyph(glyph, relPos); psRun.noteStartingTransformation(localTransform); //Change font if necessary if (fontChanging) { textUtil.setCurrentFont(font, glyph); } } private class TextUtil { private Font currentFont; private int currentEncoding = -1; public boolean isMultiByte(Font f) { FontMetrics metrics = f.getFontMetrics(); boolean multiByte = metrics instanceof MultiByteFont || metrics instanceof LazyFont && ((LazyFont) metrics).getRealFont() instanceof MultiByteFont; return multiByte; } public void writeTextMatrix(AffineTransform transform) throws IOException { double[] matrix = new double[6]; transform.getMatrix(matrix); gen.writeln(gen.formatDouble5(matrix[0]) + " " + gen.formatDouble5(matrix[1]) + " " + gen.formatDouble5(matrix[2]) + " " + gen.formatDouble5(matrix[3]) + " " + gen.formatDouble5(matrix[4]) + " " + gen.formatDouble5(matrix[5]) + " Tm"); } public boolean isFontChanging(Font f, char mapped) { // this is only applicable for single byte fonts if (!isMultiByte(f)) { if (f != getCurrentFont()) { return true; } if (mapped / 256 != getCurrentFontEncoding()) { return true; } } return false; //Font is the same } public void selectFont(Font f, char mapped) throws IOException { int encoding = mapped / 256; String postfix = (!isMultiByte(f) && encoding > 0 ? Integer.toString(encoding) : null); PSFontResource res = getResourceForFont(f, postfix); gen.useFont("/" + res.getName(), f.getFontSize() / 1000f); res.notifyResourceUsageOnPage(gen.getResourceTracker()); } public Font getCurrentFont() { return this.currentFont; } public int getCurrentFontEncoding() { return this.currentEncoding; } public void setCurrentFont(Font font, int encoding) { this.currentFont = font; this.currentEncoding = encoding; } public void setCurrentFont(Font font, char mapped) { int encoding = mapped / 256; setCurrentFont(font, encoding); } } private class PSTextRun { private AffineTransform textTransform; private List<Point2D> relativePositions = new LinkedList<Point2D>(); private StringBuffer currentGlyphs = new StringBuffer(); private int horizChanges; private int vertChanges; public void reset() { textTransform = null; currentGlyphs.setLength(0); horizChanges = 0; vertChanges = 0; relativePositions.clear(); } public int getHorizRunLength() { if (this.vertChanges == 0 && getRunLength() > 0) { return getRunLength(); } return 0; } public void addGlyph(char glyph, Point2D relPos) { addRelativePosition(relPos); currentGlyphs.append(glyph); } private void addRelativePosition(Point2D relPos) { if (getRunLength() > 0) { if (relPos.getX() != 0) { horizChanges++; } if (relPos.getY() != 0) { vertChanges++; } } relativePositions.add(relPos); } public void noteStartingTransformation(AffineTransform transform) { if (textTransform == null) { this.textTransform = new AffineTransform(transform); } } public int getRunLength() { return currentGlyphs.length(); } private boolean isXShow() { return vertChanges == 0; } private boolean isYShow() { return horizChanges == 0; } public void paint(PSGraphics2D g2d, TextUtil textUtil, TextPaintInfo tpi) throws IOException { if (getRunLength() > 0) { textUtil.writeTextMatrix(this.textTransform); if (isXShow()) { log.debug("Horizontal text: xshow"); paintXYShow(g2d, textUtil, tpi.fillPaint, true, false); } else if (isYShow()) { log.debug("Vertical text: yshow"); paintXYShow(g2d, textUtil, tpi.fillPaint, false, true); } else { log.debug("Arbitrary text: xyshow"); paintXYShow(g2d, textUtil, tpi.fillPaint, true, true); } boolean stroke = (tpi.strokePaint != null) && (tpi.strokeStroke != null); if (stroke) { log.debug("Stroked glyph outlines"); paintStrokedGlyphs(g2d, textUtil, tpi.strokePaint, tpi.strokeStroke); } } } private void paintXYShow(PSGraphics2D g2d, TextUtil textUtil, Paint paint, boolean x, boolean y) throws IOException { char glyph = currentGlyphs.charAt(0); textUtil.selectFont(font, glyph); textUtil.setCurrentFont(font, glyph); applyColor(paint); boolean multiByte = textUtil.isMultiByte(font); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(multiByte ? '<' : '('); for (int i = 0, c = this.currentGlyphs.length(); i < c; i++) { glyph = this.currentGlyphs.charAt(i); if (multiByte) { sb.append(HexEncoder.encode(glyph)); } else { char codepoint = (char) (glyph % 256); PSGenerator.escapeChar(codepoint, sb); } } sb.append(multiByte ? '>' : ')'); if (x || y) { sb.append("\n["); int idx = 0; for (Point2D pt : this.relativePositions) { if (idx > 0) { if (x) { sb.append(format(gen, pt.getX())); } if (y) { if (x) { sb.append(' '); } sb.append(format(gen, -pt.getY())); } if (idx % 8 == 0) { sb.append('\n'); } else { sb.append(' '); } } idx++; } if (x) { sb.append('0'); } if (y) { if (x) { sb.append(' '); } sb.append('0'); } sb.append(']'); } sb.append(' '); if (x) { sb.append('x'); } if (y) { sb.append('y'); } sb.append("show"); // --> xshow, yshow or xyshow gen.writeln(sb.toString()); } private void applyColor(Paint paint) throws IOException { if (paint == null) { return; } else if (paint instanceof Color) { Color col = (Color) paint; gen.useColor(col); } else { log.warn("Paint not supported: " + paint.toString()); } } private String format(PSGenerator gen, double coord) { if (Math.abs(coord) < 0.00001) { return "0"; } else { return gen.formatDouble5(coord); } } private void paintStrokedGlyphs(PSGraphics2D g2d, TextUtil textUtil, Paint strokePaint, Stroke stroke) throws IOException { applyColor(strokePaint); PSGraphics2D.applyStroke(stroke, gen); Iterator<Point2D> iter = this.relativePositions.iterator(); iter.next(); Point2D pos = new Point2D.Double(0, 0); gen.writeln("0 0 M"); for (int i = 0, c = this.currentGlyphs.length(); i < c; i++) { char mapped = this.currentGlyphs.charAt(i); if (i == 0) { textUtil.selectFont(font, mapped); textUtil.setCurrentFont(font, mapped); } //add glyph outlines to current path FontMetrics metrics = font.getFontMetrics(); boolean multiByte = metrics instanceof MultiByteFont || metrics instanceof LazyFont && ((LazyFont) metrics).getRealFont() instanceof MultiByteFont; if (multiByte) { gen.write("<"); gen.write(HexEncoder.encode(mapped)); gen.write(">"); } else { char codepoint = (char) (mapped % 256); gen.write("(" + codepoint + ")"); } gen.writeln(" false charpath"); if (iter.hasNext()) { //Position for the next character Point2D pt = iter.next(); pos.setLocation(pos.getX() + pt.getX(), pos.getY() - pt.getY()); gen.writeln(gen.formatDouble5(pos.getX()) + " " + gen.formatDouble5(pos.getY()) + " M"); } } gen.writeln("stroke"); //paints all accumulated glyph outlines } } }