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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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/* $Id$ */

package org.apache.fop.render.pdf;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.fop.fo.Constants;
import org.apache.fop.render.intermediate.ArcToBezierCurveTransformer;
import org.apache.fop.render.intermediate.BezierCurvePainter;
import org.apache.fop.render.intermediate.BorderPainter;
import org.apache.fop.render.intermediate.GraphicsPainter;
import org.apache.fop.traits.RuleStyle;
import org.apache.fop.util.ColorUtil;

PDF-specific implementation of the GraphicsPainter.
/** * PDF-specific implementation of the {@link GraphicsPainter}. */
public class PDFGraphicsPainter implements GraphicsPainter, BezierCurvePainter { private final PDFContentGeneratorHelper generator;
Used for drawing arcs since PS does not natively support drawing elliptic curves
/** Used for drawing arcs since PS does not natively support drawing elliptic curves */
private final ArcToBezierCurveTransformer arcToBezierCurveTransformer; public PDFGraphicsPainter(PDFContentGenerator generator) { this.generator = new PDFContentGeneratorHelper(generator); this.arcToBezierCurveTransformer = new ArcToBezierCurveTransformer(this); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void drawBorderLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, boolean horz, boolean startOrBefore, int style, Color col) { //TODO lose scale? drawBorderLine2(x1 / 1000f, y1 / 1000f, x2 / 1000f, y2 / 1000f, horz, startOrBefore, style, col); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
private void drawBorderLine2(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, boolean horz, boolean startOrBefore, int style, Color col) { float w = x2 - x1; float h = y2 - y1; float colFactor; switch (style) { case Constants.EN_DASHED: generator.setColor(col); if (horz) { float dashedWidth = BorderPainter.dashWidthCalculator(w, h); if (dashedWidth != 0) { float ym = y1 + (h / 2); generator.setDashLine(dashedWidth, dashedWidth * BorderPainter.DASHED_BORDER_SPACE_RATIO) .setLineWidth(h) .strokeLine(x1, ym, x2, ym); } } else { float dashedWidth = BorderPainter.dashWidthCalculator(h, w); if (dashedWidth != 0) { float xm = x1 + (w / 2); generator.setDashLine(dashedWidth, dashedWidth * BorderPainter.DASHED_BORDER_SPACE_RATIO) .setLineWidth(w) .strokeLine(xm, y1, xm, y2); } } break; case Constants.EN_DOTTED: generator.setColor(col).setRoundCap(); if (horz) { float unit = Math.abs(2 * h); int rep = (int) (w / unit); if (rep % 2 == 0) { rep++; } unit = w / rep; float ym = y1 + (h / 2); generator.setDashLine(0, unit) .setLineWidth(h) .strokeLine(x1, ym, x2, ym); } else { float unit = Math.abs(2 * w); int rep = (int) (h / unit); if (rep % 2 == 0) { rep++; } unit = h / rep; float xm = x1 + (w / 2); generator.setDashLine(0, unit) .setLineWidth(w) .strokeLine(xm, y1, xm, y2); } break; case Constants.EN_DOUBLE: generator.setColor(col) .setSolidLine(); if (horz) { float h3 = h / 3; float ym1 = y1 + (h3 / 2); float ym2 = ym1 + h3 + h3; generator.setLineWidth(h3) .strokeLine(x1, ym1, x2, ym1) .strokeLine(x1, ym2, x2, ym2); } else { float w3 = w / 3; float xm1 = x1 + (w3 / 2); float xm2 = xm1 + w3 + w3; generator.setLineWidth(w3) .strokeLine(xm1, y1, xm1, y2) .strokeLine(xm2, y1, xm2, y2); } break; case Constants.EN_GROOVE: case Constants.EN_RIDGE: colFactor = (style == Constants.EN_GROOVE ? 0.4f : -0.4f); generator.setSolidLine(); if (horz) { Color uppercol = ColorUtil.lightenColor(col, -colFactor); Color lowercol = ColorUtil.lightenColor(col, colFactor); float h3 = h / 3; float ym1 = y1 + (h3 / 2); generator.setLineWidth(h3) .setColor(uppercol) .strokeLine(x1, ym1, x2, ym1) .setColor(col) .strokeLine(x1, ym1 + h3, x2, ym1 + h3) .setColor(lowercol) .strokeLine(x1, ym1 + h3 + h3, x2, ym1 + h3 + h3); } else { Color leftcol = ColorUtil.lightenColor(col, -colFactor); Color rightcol = ColorUtil.lightenColor(col, colFactor); float w3 = w / 3; float xm1 = x1 + (w3 / 2); generator.setLineWidth(w3) .setColor(leftcol) .strokeLine(xm1, y1, xm1, y2) .setColor(col) .strokeLine(xm1 + w3, y1, xm1 + w3, y2) .setColor(rightcol) .strokeLine(xm1 + w3 + w3, y1, xm1 + w3 + w3, y2); } break; case Constants.EN_INSET: case Constants.EN_OUTSET: colFactor = (style == Constants.EN_OUTSET ? 0.4f : -0.4f); generator.setSolidLine(); Color c = col; if (horz) { c = ColorUtil.lightenColor(c, (startOrBefore ? 1 : -1) * colFactor); float ym1 = y1 + (h / 2); generator.setLineWidth(h) .setColor(c) .strokeLine(x1, ym1, x2, ym1); } else { c = ColorUtil.lightenColor(c, (startOrBefore ? 1 : -1) * colFactor); float xm1 = x1 + (w / 2); generator.setLineWidth(w) .setColor(c) .strokeLine(xm1, y1, xm1, y2); } break; case Constants.EN_HIDDEN: break; default: generator.setColor(col).setSolidLine(); if (horz) { float ym = y1 + (h / 2); generator.setLineWidth(h) .strokeLine(x1, ym, x2, ym); } else { float xm = x1 + (w / 2); generator.setLineWidth(w) .strokeLine(xm, y1, xm, y2); } } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void drawLine(Point start, Point end, int width, Color color, RuleStyle style) { if (start.y != end.y) { //TODO Support arbitrary lines if necessary throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Can only deal with horizontal lines right now"); } saveGraphicsState(); int half = width / 2; int starty = start.y - half; Rectangle boundingRect = new Rectangle(start.x, start.y - half, end.x - start.x, width); switch (style.getEnumValue()) { case Constants.EN_SOLID: case Constants.EN_DASHED: case Constants.EN_DOUBLE: drawBorderLine(start.x, start.y - half, end.x, end.y + half, true, true, style.getEnumValue(), color); break; case Constants.EN_DOTTED: generator.clipRect(boundingRect) //This displaces the dots to the right by half a dot's width //TODO There's room for improvement here .transformCoordinatesLine(1, 0, 0 , 1, half, 0); drawBorderLine(start.x, start.y - half, end.x, end.y + half, true, true, style.getEnumValue(), color); break; case Constants.EN_GROOVE: case Constants.EN_RIDGE: generator.setFillColor(ColorUtil.lightenColor(color, 0.6f)) .fillRect(start.x, start.y, end.x, starty + 2 * half) .setFillColor(color) .fillRidge(style, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, half); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("rule style not supported"); } restoreGraphicsState(); } private static String format(int coordinate) { //TODO lose scale? return format(coordinate / 1000f); } private static String format(float coordinate) { return PDFContentGenerator.format(coordinate); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void moveTo(int x, int y) { generator.moveTo(x, y); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void lineTo(int x, int y) { generator.lineTo(x, y); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void arcTo(final double startAngle, final double endAngle, final int cx, final int cy, final int width, final int height) throws IOException { arcToBezierCurveTransformer.arcTo(startAngle, endAngle, cx, cy, width, height); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void closePath() { generator.closePath(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void clip() { generator.clip(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void saveGraphicsState() { generator.saveGraphicsState(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void restoreGraphicsState() { generator.restoreGraphicsState(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void rotateCoordinates(double angle) throws IOException { float s = (float) Math.sin(angle); float c = (float) Math.cos(angle); generator.transformFloatCoordinates(c, s, -s, c, 0, 0); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void translateCoordinates(int xTranslate, int yTranslate) throws IOException { generator.transformCoordinates(1000, 0, 0, 1000, xTranslate, yTranslate); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void scaleCoordinates(float xScale, float yScale) throws IOException { generator.transformFloatCoordinates(xScale, 0, 0, yScale, 0, 0); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void cubicBezierTo(int p1x, int p1y, int p2x, int p2y, int p3x, int p3y) { generator.cubicBezierTo(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y); } // TODO consider enriching PDFContentGenerator with part of this API private static class PDFContentGeneratorHelper { private final PDFContentGenerator generator; public PDFContentGeneratorHelper(PDFContentGenerator generator) { this.generator = generator; } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper moveTo(int x, int y) { return add("m", format(x), format(y)); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper lineTo(int x, int y) { return add("l", format(x), format(y)); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public PDFContentGeneratorHelper cubicBezierTo(int p1x, int p1y, int p2x, int p2y, int p3x, int p3y) { return add("c", format(p1x), format(p1y), format(p2x), format(p2y), format(p3x), format(p3y)); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper closePath() { return add("h"); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper clip() { return addLine("W\nn"); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper clipRect(Rectangle rectangle) { generator.clipRect(rectangle); return this; } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper saveGraphicsState() { return addLine("q"); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper restoreGraphicsState() { return addLine("Q"); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper setSolidLine() { generator.add("[] 0 d "); return this; } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper setRoundCap() { return add("J", "1"); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper strokeLine(float xStart, float yStart, float xEnd, float yEnd) { add("m", xStart, yStart); return addLine("l S", xEnd, yEnd); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper fillRect(int xStart, int yStart, int xEnd, int yEnd) { String xS = format(xStart); String xE = format(xEnd); String yS = format(yStart); String yE = format(yEnd); return addLine("m", xS, yS) .addLine("l", xE, yS) .addLine("l", xE, yE) .addLine("l", xS, yE) .addLine("h") .addLine("f"); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper fillRidge(RuleStyle style, int xStart, int yStart, int xEnd, int yEnd, int half) { String xS = format(xStart); String xE = format(xEnd); String yS = format(yStart); if (style == RuleStyle.GROOVE) { addLine("m", xS, yS) .addLine("l", xE, yS) .addLine("l", xE, format(yStart + half)) .addLine("l", format(xStart + half), format(yStart + half)) .addLine("l", xS, format(yStart + 2 * half)); } else { addLine("m", xE, yS) .addLine("l", xE, format(yStart + 2 * half)) .addLine("l", xS, format(yStart + 2 * half)) .addLine("l", xS, format(yStart + half)) .addLine("l", format(xEnd - half), format(yStart + half)); } return addLine("h").addLine("f"); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper setLineWidth(float width) { return addLine("w", width); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper setDashLine(float first, float... rest) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[").append(format(first)); for (float unit : rest) { sb.append(" ").append(format(unit)); } sb.append("] 0 d "); generator.add(sb.toString()); return this; } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper setColor(Color col) { generator.setColor(col, false); return this; } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper setFillColor(Color col) { generator.setColor(col, true); return this; } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper transformFloatCoordinates(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) { return add("cm", a, b, c, d, e, f); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper transformCoordinates(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) { return add("cm", format(a), format(b), format(c), format(d), format(e), format(f)); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper transformCoordinatesLine(int a, int b, int c, int d, int e, int f) { return addLine("cm", format(a), format(b), format(c), format(d), format(e), format(f)); } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper add(String op) { assert op.equals(op.trim()); generator.add(op + " "); return this; } private PDFContentGeneratorHelper add(String op, String... args) { add(createArgs(args), op); return this; } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper addLine(String op) { assert op.equals(op.trim()); generator.add(op + "\n"); return this; } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper addLine(String op, String... args) { addLine(createArgs(args), op); return this; } private PDFContentGeneratorHelper add(String op, float... args) { add(createArgs(args), op); return this; } public PDFContentGeneratorHelper addLine(String op, float... args) { addLine(createArgs(args), op); return this; } private StringBuilder createArgs(float... args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (float arg : args) { sb.append(format(arg)).append(" "); } return sb; } private StringBuilder createArgs(String... args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (String arg : args) { sb.append(arg).append(" "); } return sb; } private void add(StringBuilder args, String op) { assert op.equals(op.trim()); generator.add(args.append(op).append(" ").toString()); } private void addLine(StringBuilder args, String op) { assert op.equals(op.trim()); generator.add(args.append(op).append("\n").toString()); } } }