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package org.apache.batik.script.rhino;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FilePermission;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLClassLoader;
import java.security.AccessControlContext;
import java.security.CodeSource;
import java.security.Permission;
import java.security.PermissionCollection;
import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;

import org.mozilla.javascript.GeneratedClassLoader;

This class loader implementation will work whether or not the documentURL is null.
Author:Vincent Hardy
Version:$Id: RhinoClassLoader.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
/** * This class loader implementation will work whether or not the * documentURL is null. * * @author <a href="mailto:vincent.hardy@sun.com">Vincent Hardy</a> * @version $Id: RhinoClassLoader.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $ */
public class RhinoClassLoader extends URLClassLoader implements GeneratedClassLoader {
URL for the document referencing the script.
/** * URL for the document referencing the script. */
protected URL documentURL;
CodeSource for classes defined by this loader
/** * CodeSource for classes defined by this loader */
protected CodeSource codeSource;
The AccessControlContext which can be associated with code loaded by this class loader if it was running stand-alone (i.e., not invoked by code with lesser priviledges).
/** * The AccessControlContext which can be associated with * code loaded by this class loader if it was running * stand-alone (i.e., not invoked by code with lesser * priviledges). */
protected AccessControlContext rhinoAccessControlContext;
  • documentURL – the URL from which to load classes and resources
  • parent – the parent class loader for delegation
/** * Constructor. * @param documentURL the URL from which to load classes and resources * @param parent the parent class loader for delegation */
public RhinoClassLoader(URL documentURL, ClassLoader parent){ super(documentURL != null ? new URL[]{documentURL} : new URL[]{}, parent); this.documentURL = documentURL; if (documentURL != null){ codeSource = new CodeSource(documentURL, (Certificate [])null); } // // Create the Rhino ProtectionDomain // and AccessControlContext // ProtectionDomain rhinoProtectionDomain = new ProtectionDomain(codeSource, getPermissions(codeSource)); rhinoAccessControlContext = new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[]{ rhinoProtectionDomain}); }
Helper, returns the URL array from the parent loader
/** * Helper, returns the URL array from the parent loader */
static URL[] getURL(ClassLoader parent) { if (parent instanceof RhinoClassLoader) { URL documentURL = ((RhinoClassLoader)parent).documentURL; if (documentURL != null) { return new URL[] {documentURL}; } else { return new URL[] {}; } } else { return new URL[] {}; } }
Define and load a Java class
/** * Define and load a Java class */
public Class defineClass(String name, byte[] data) { return super.defineClass(name, data, 0, data.length, codeSource); }
Links the Java class.
/** * Links the Java class. */
public void linkClass(Class clazz) { super.resolveClass(clazz); }
Returns the AccessControlContext which should be associated with RhinoCode.
/** * Returns the AccessControlContext which should be associated with * RhinoCode. */
public AccessControlContext getAccessControlContext() { return rhinoAccessControlContext; }
Returns the permissions for the given CodeSource object. Compared to URLClassLoader, this adds a FilePermission so that files under the same root directory as the document can be read.
/** * Returns the permissions for the given CodeSource object. * Compared to URLClassLoader, this adds a FilePermission so * that files under the same root directory as the document * can be read. */
protected PermissionCollection getPermissions(CodeSource codesource) { PermissionCollection perms = null; if (codesource != null) { perms = super.getPermissions(codesource); } if (documentURL != null && perms != null) { Permission p = null; Permission dirPerm = null; try { p = documentURL.openConnection().getPermission(); } catch (IOException e){ p = null; } if (p instanceof FilePermission){ String path = p.getName(); if (!path.endsWith(File.separator)) { // We are dealing with a file, as we would expect // from a document file URL int dirEnd = path.lastIndexOf(File.separator); if (dirEnd != -1){ // Include trailing file separator path = path.substring(0, dirEnd + 1); path += "-"; dirPerm = new FilePermission(path, "read"); perms.add(dirPerm); } } } } return perms; } }