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package org.apache.batik.parser;

import java.io.IOException;

This class implements an event-based parser for the SVG transform attribute values.
Author:Stephane Hillion
Version:$Id: TransformListParser.java 1802297 2017-07-18 13:58:12Z ssteiner $
/** * This class implements an event-based parser for the SVG transform * attribute values. * * @author <a href="mailto:stephane@hillion.org">Stephane Hillion</a> * @version $Id: TransformListParser.java 1802297 2017-07-18 13:58:12Z ssteiner $ */
public class TransformListParser extends NumberParser {
The transform list handler used to report parse events.
/** * The transform list handler used to report parse events. */
protected TransformListHandler transformListHandler;
Creates a new TransformListParser.
/** * Creates a new TransformListParser. */
public TransformListParser() { transformListHandler = DefaultTransformListHandler.INSTANCE; }
Allows an application to register a transform list handler.

If the application does not register a handler, all events reported by the parser will be silently ignored.

Applications may register a new or different handler in the middle of a parse, and the parser must begin using the new handler immediately.

  • handler – The transform handler.
/** * Allows an application to register a transform list handler. * * <p>If the application does not register a handler, all * events reported by the parser will be silently ignored. * * <p>Applications may register a new or different handler in the * middle of a parse, and the parser must begin using the new * handler immediately.</p> * @param handler The transform handler. */
public void setTransformListHandler(TransformListHandler handler) { transformListHandler = handler; }
Returns the transform list handler in use.
/** * Returns the transform list handler in use. */
public TransformListHandler getTransformListHandler() { return transformListHandler; }
Parses the current reader.
/** * Parses the current reader. */
protected void doParse() throws ParseException, IOException { transformListHandler.startTransformList(); loop: for (;;) { try { current = reader.read(); switch (current) { case 0xD: case 0xA: case 0x20: case 0x9: case ',': break; case 'm': parseMatrix(); break; case 'r': parseRotate(); break; case 't': parseTranslate(); break; case 's': current = reader.read(); switch (current) { case 'c': parseScale(); break; case 'k': parseSkew(); break; default: reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); skipTransform(); } break; case -1: break loop; default: reportUnexpectedCharacterError( current ); skipTransform(); } } catch (ParseException e) { errorHandler.error(e); skipTransform(); } } skipSpaces(); if (current != -1) { reportError("end.of.stream.expected", new Object[] {current}); } transformListHandler.endTransformList(); }
Parses a matrix transform. 'm' is assumed to be the current character.
/** * Parses a matrix transform. 'm' is assumed to be the current character. */
protected void parseMatrix() throws ParseException, IOException { current = reader.read(); // Parse 'atrix wsp? ( wsp?' if (current != 'a') { reportCharacterExpectedError('a', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 't') { reportCharacterExpectedError('t', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'r') { reportCharacterExpectedError('r', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'i') { reportCharacterExpectedError('i', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'x') { reportCharacterExpectedError('x', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); if (current != '(') { reportCharacterExpectedError('(', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); float a = parseFloat(); skipCommaSpaces(); float b = parseFloat(); skipCommaSpaces(); float c = parseFloat(); skipCommaSpaces(); float d = parseFloat(); skipCommaSpaces(); float e = parseFloat(); skipCommaSpaces(); float f = parseFloat(); skipSpaces(); if (current != ')') { reportCharacterExpectedError(')', current ); skipTransform(); return; } transformListHandler.matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f); }
Parses a rotate transform. 'r' is assumed to be the current character.
/** * Parses a rotate transform. 'r' is assumed to be the current character. */
protected void parseRotate() throws ParseException, IOException { current = reader.read(); // Parse 'otate wsp? ( wsp?' if (current != 'o') { reportCharacterExpectedError('o', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 't') { reportCharacterExpectedError('t', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'a') { reportCharacterExpectedError('a', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 't') { reportCharacterExpectedError('t', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'e') { reportCharacterExpectedError('e', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); if (current != '(') { reportCharacterExpectedError('(', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); float theta = parseFloat(); skipSpaces(); switch (current) { case ')': transformListHandler.rotate(theta); return; case ',': current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); } float cx = parseFloat(); skipCommaSpaces(); float cy = parseFloat(); skipSpaces(); if (current != ')') { reportCharacterExpectedError(')', current ); skipTransform(); return; } transformListHandler.rotate(theta, cx, cy); }
Parses a translate transform. 't' is assumed to be the current character.
/** * Parses a translate transform. 't' is assumed to be * the current character. */
protected void parseTranslate() throws ParseException, IOException { current = reader.read(); // Parse 'ranslate wsp? ( wsp?' if (current != 'r') { reportCharacterExpectedError('r', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'a') { reportCharacterExpectedError('a', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'n') { reportCharacterExpectedError('n', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 's') { reportCharacterExpectedError('s', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'l') { reportCharacterExpectedError('l', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'a') { reportCharacterExpectedError('a', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 't') { reportCharacterExpectedError('t', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'e') { reportCharacterExpectedError('e', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); if (current != '(') { reportCharacterExpectedError('(', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); float tx = parseFloat(); skipSpaces(); switch (current) { case ')': transformListHandler.translate(tx); return; case ',': current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); } float ty = parseFloat(); skipSpaces(); if (current != ')') { reportCharacterExpectedError(')', current ); skipTransform(); return; } transformListHandler.translate(tx, ty); }
Parses a scale transform. 'c' is assumed to be the current character.
/** * Parses a scale transform. 'c' is assumed to be the current character. */
protected void parseScale() throws ParseException, IOException { current = reader.read(); // Parse 'ale wsp? ( wsp?' if (current != 'a') { reportCharacterExpectedError('a', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'l') { reportCharacterExpectedError('l', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'e') { reportCharacterExpectedError('e', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); if (current != '(') { reportCharacterExpectedError('(', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); float sx = parseFloat(); skipSpaces(); switch (current) { case ')': transformListHandler.scale(sx); return; case ',': current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); } float sy = parseFloat(); skipSpaces(); if (current != ')') { reportCharacterExpectedError(')', current ); skipTransform(); return; } transformListHandler.scale(sx, sy); }
Parses a skew transform. 'e' is assumed to be the current character.
/** * Parses a skew transform. 'e' is assumed to be the current character. */
protected void parseSkew() throws ParseException, IOException { current = reader.read(); // Parse 'ew[XY] wsp? ( wsp?' if (current != 'e') { reportCharacterExpectedError('e', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); if (current != 'w') { reportCharacterExpectedError('w', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); boolean skewX = false; switch (current) { case 'X': skewX = true; // fall through case 'Y': break; default: reportCharacterExpectedError('X', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); if (current != '(') { reportCharacterExpectedError('(', current ); skipTransform(); return; } current = reader.read(); skipSpaces(); float sk = parseFloat(); skipSpaces(); if (current != ')') { reportCharacterExpectedError(')', current ); skipTransform(); return; } if (skewX) { transformListHandler.skewX(sk); } else { transformListHandler.skewY(sk); } }
Skips characters in the given reader until a ')' is encountered.
/** * Skips characters in the given reader until a ')' is encountered. */
protected void skipTransform() throws IOException { loop: for (;;) { current = reader.read(); switch (current) { case ')': break loop; default: if (current == -1) { break loop; } } } } }