* Copyright (c) 2005 World Wide Web Consortium,
* (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, European Research Consortium for
* Informatics and Mathematics, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This
* work is distributed under the W3C(r) Software License [1] in the hope that
* it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* [1] http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231
* Modifications:
* September 10, 2005
* Placed interface in org.apache.batik.dom.xbl for the time being.
* Added javadocs.
package org.apache.batik.dom.xbl;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
Interface implemented by all nodes that support XBL.
Eventually will move to org.w3c.dom.xbl (or some such package).
Version: $Id: NodeXBL.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
* Interface implemented by all nodes that support XBL.
* Eventually will move to org.w3c.dom.xbl (or some such package).
* @version $Id: NodeXBL.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
public interface NodeXBL {
Get the parent of this node in the fully flattened tree.
* Get the parent of this node in the fully flattened tree.
Node getXblParentNode();
Get the list of child nodes of this node in the fully flattened tree.
* Get the list of child nodes of this node in the fully flattened tree.
NodeList getXblChildNodes();
Get the list of child nodes of this node in the fully flattened tree
that are within the same shadow scope.
* Get the list of child nodes of this node in the fully flattened tree
* that are within the same shadow scope.
NodeList getXblScopedChildNodes();
Get the first child node of this node in the fully flattened tree.
* Get the first child node of this node in the fully flattened tree.
Node getXblFirstChild();
Get the last child node of this node in the fully flattened tree.
* Get the last child node of this node in the fully flattened tree.
Node getXblLastChild();
Get the node which directly precedes the current node in the
xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
* Get the node which directly precedes the current node in the
* xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
Node getXblPreviousSibling();
Get the node which directly follows the current node in the
xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
* Get the node which directly follows the current node in the
* xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
Node getXblNextSibling();
Get the first element child of this node in the fully flattened tree.
* Get the first element child of this node in the fully flattened tree.
Element getXblFirstElementChild();
Get the last element child of this node in the fully flattened tree.
* Get the last element child of this node in the fully flattened tree.
Element getXblLastElementChild();
Get the first element that precedes the current node in the
xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
* Get the first element that precedes the current node in the
* xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
Element getXblPreviousElementSibling();
Get the first element that follows the current node in the
xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
* Get the first element that follows the current node in the
* xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
Element getXblNextElementSibling();
Get the bound element whose shadow tree this current node resides in.
* Get the bound element whose shadow tree this current node resides in.
Element getXblBoundElement();
Get the shadow tree of this node.
* Get the shadow tree of this node.
Element getXblShadowTree();
Get the xbl:definition elements currently binding this element.
* Get the xbl:definition elements currently binding this element.
NodeList getXblDefinitions();