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package org.apache.batik.css.parser;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;

import org.apache.batik.util.io.NormalizingReader;
import org.apache.batik.util.io.StreamNormalizingReader;
import org.apache.batik.util.io.StringNormalizingReader;

This class represents a CSS scanner - an object which decodes CSS lexical units.
Author:Stephane Hillion
Version:$Id: Scanner.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
/** * This class represents a CSS scanner - an object which decodes CSS lexical * units. * * @author <a href="mailto:stephane@hillion.org">Stephane Hillion</a> * @version $Id: Scanner.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $ */
public class Scanner {
The reader.
/** * The reader. */
protected NormalizingReader reader;
The current char.
/** * The current char. */
protected int current;
The recording buffer.
/** * The recording buffer. */
protected char[] buffer = new char[128];
The current position in the buffer.
/** * The current position in the buffer. */
protected int position;
The type of the current lexical unit.
/** * The type of the current lexical unit. */
protected int type;
The start offset of the last lexical unit.
/** * The start offset of the last lexical unit. */
protected int start;
The end offset of the last lexical unit.
/** * The end offset of the last lexical unit. */
protected int end;
The characters to skip to create the string which represents the current token.
/** * The characters to skip to create the string which represents the * current token. */
protected int blankCharacters;
Creates a new Scanner object.
  • r – The reader to scan.
/** * Creates a new Scanner object. * @param r The reader to scan. */
public Scanner(Reader r) throws ParseException { try { reader = new StreamNormalizingReader(r); current = nextChar(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParseException(e); } }
Creates a new Scanner object.
  • is – The input stream to scan.
  • enc – The encoding to use to decode the input stream, or null.
/** * Creates a new Scanner object. * @param is The input stream to scan. * @param enc The encoding to use to decode the input stream, or null. */
public Scanner(InputStream is, String enc) throws ParseException { try { reader = new StreamNormalizingReader(is, enc); current = nextChar(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParseException(e); } }
Creates a new Scanner object.
  • s – The string to scan.
/** * Creates a new Scanner object. * @param s The string to scan. */
public Scanner(String s) throws ParseException { try { reader = new StringNormalizingReader(s); current = nextChar(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParseException(e); } }
Returns the current line.
/** * Returns the current line. */
public int getLine() { return reader.getLine(); }
Returns the current column.
/** * Returns the current column. */
public int getColumn() { return reader.getColumn(); }
Returns the buffer used to store the chars.
/** * Returns the buffer used to store the chars. */
public char[] getBuffer() { return buffer; }
Returns the start offset of the last lexical unit.
/** * Returns the start offset of the last lexical unit. */
public int getStart() { return start; }
Returns the end offset of the last lexical unit.
/** * Returns the end offset of the last lexical unit. */
public int getEnd() { return end; }
Clears the buffer.
/** * Clears the buffer. */
public void clearBuffer() { if (position <= 0) { position = 0; } else { buffer[0] = buffer[position-1]; position = 1; } }
The current lexical unit type like defined in LexicalUnits.
/** * The current lexical unit type like defined in LexicalUnits. */
public int getType() { return type; }
Returns the string representation of the current lexical unit.
/** * Returns the string representation of the current lexical unit. */
public String getStringValue() { return new String(buffer, start, end - start); }
Scans a @rule value. This method assumes that the current lexical unit is a at keyword.
/** * Scans a @rule value. This method assumes that the current * lexical unit is a at keyword. */
public void scanAtRule() throws ParseException { try { // waiting for EOF, ';' or '{' loop: for (;;) { switch (current) { case '{': int brackets = 1; for (;;) { nextChar(); switch (current) { case '}': if (--brackets > 0) { break; } case -1: break loop; case '{': brackets++; } } case -1: case ';': break loop; } nextChar(); } end = position; } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParseException(e); } }
Returns the next token.
/** * Returns the next token. */
public int next() throws ParseException { blankCharacters = 0; start = position - 1; nextToken(); end = position - endGap(); return type; }
Closes the underlying stream used by the scanner.
/** * Closes the underlying stream used by the scanner. */
public void close() { try { reader.close(); } catch(IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
Returns the end gap of the current lexical unit.
/** * Returns the end gap of the current lexical unit. */
protected int endGap() { int result = (current == -1) ? 0 : 1; switch (type) { case LexicalUnits.FUNCTION: case LexicalUnits.STRING: case LexicalUnits.S: case LexicalUnits.PERCENTAGE: result += 1; break; case LexicalUnits.COMMENT: case LexicalUnits.HZ: case LexicalUnits.EM: case LexicalUnits.EX: case LexicalUnits.PC: case LexicalUnits.PT: case LexicalUnits.PX: case LexicalUnits.CM: case LexicalUnits.MM: case LexicalUnits.IN: case LexicalUnits.MS: result += 2; break; case LexicalUnits.KHZ: case LexicalUnits.DEG: case LexicalUnits.RAD: result += 3; break; case LexicalUnits.GRAD: result += 4; } return result + blankCharacters; }
Returns the next token.
/** * Returns the next token. */
protected void nextToken() throws ParseException { try { switch (current) { case -1: type = LexicalUnits.EOF; return; case '{': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.LEFT_CURLY_BRACE; return; case '}': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE; return; case '=': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.EQUAL; return; case '+': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.PLUS; return; case ',': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.COMMA; return; case ';': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.SEMI_COLON; return; case '>': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.PRECEDE; return; case '[': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.LEFT_BRACKET; return; case ']': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.RIGHT_BRACKET; return; case '*': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.ANY; return; case '(': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.LEFT_BRACE; return; case ')': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.RIGHT_BRACE; return; case ':': nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.COLON; return; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': case '\f': do { nextChar(); } while (ScannerUtilities.isCSSSpace((char)current)); type = LexicalUnits.SPACE; return; case '/': nextChar(); if (current != '*') { type = LexicalUnits.DIVIDE; return; } // Comment nextChar(); start = position - 1; do { while (current != -1 && current != '*') { nextChar(); } do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && current == '*'); } while (current != -1 && current != '/'); if (current == -1) { throw new ParseException("eof", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.COMMENT; return; case '\'': // String1 type = string1(); return; case '"': // String2 type = string2(); return; case '<': nextChar(); if (current != '!') { throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } nextChar(); if (current == '-') { nextChar(); if (current == '-') { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.CDO; return; } } throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); case '-': nextChar(); if (current != '-') { type = LexicalUnits.MINUS; return; } nextChar(); if (current == '>') { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.CDC; return; } throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); case '|': nextChar(); if (current == '=') { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.DASHMATCH; return; } throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); case '~': nextChar(); if (current == '=') { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.INCLUDES; return; } throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); case '#': nextChar(); if (ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { start = position - 1; do { nextChar(); while (current == '\\') { nextChar(); escape(); } } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); type = LexicalUnits.HASH; return; } throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); case '@': nextChar(); switch (current) { case 'c': case 'C': start = position - 1; if (isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'h') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'a') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'r') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 's') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'e') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 't')) { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.CHARSET_SYMBOL; return; } break; case 'f': case 'F': start = position - 1; if (isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'o') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'n') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 't') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), '-') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'f') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'a') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'c') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'e')) { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.FONT_FACE_SYMBOL; return; } break; case 'i': case 'I': start = position - 1; if (isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'm') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'p') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'o') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'r') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 't')) { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.IMPORT_SYMBOL; return; } break; case 'm': case 'M': start = position - 1; if (isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'e') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'd') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'i') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'a')) { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.MEDIA_SYMBOL; return; } break; case 'p': case 'P': start = position - 1; if (isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'a') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'g') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'e')) { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.PAGE_SYMBOL; return; } break; default: if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSIdentifierStartCharacter ((char)current)) { throw new ParseException("identifier.character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } start = position - 1; } do { nextChar(); while (current == '\\') { nextChar(); escape(); } } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)); type = LexicalUnits.AT_KEYWORD; return; case '!': do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSSpace((char)current)); if (isEqualIgnoreCase(current, 'i') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'm') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'p') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'o') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'r') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 't') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'a') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 'n') && isEqualIgnoreCase(nextChar(), 't')) { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.IMPORTANT_SYMBOL; return; } if (current == -1) { throw new ParseException("eof", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } else { throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': type = number(); return; case '.': switch (nextChar()) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': type = dotNumber(); return; default: type = LexicalUnits.DOT; return; } case 'u': case 'U': nextChar(); switch (current) { case '+': boolean range = false; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { nextChar(); switch (current) { case '?': range = true; break; default: if (range && !ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter ((char)current)) { throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } } } nextChar(); if (range) { type = LexicalUnits.UNICODE_RANGE; return; } if (current == '-') { nextChar(); if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter ((char)current)) { throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } nextChar(); if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter ((char)current)) { type = LexicalUnits.UNICODE_RANGE; return; } nextChar(); if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter ((char)current)) { type = LexicalUnits.UNICODE_RANGE; return; } nextChar(); if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter ((char)current)) { type = LexicalUnits.UNICODE_RANGE; return; } nextChar(); if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter ((char)current)) { type = LexicalUnits.UNICODE_RANGE; return; } nextChar(); if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter ((char)current)) { type = LexicalUnits.UNICODE_RANGE; return; } nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.UNICODE_RANGE; return; } case 'r': case 'R': nextChar(); switch (current) { case 'l': case 'L': nextChar(); switch (current) { case '(': do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSSpace ((char)current)); switch (current) { case '\'': string1(); blankCharacters += 2; while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSSpace ((char)current)) { blankCharacters++; nextChar(); } if (current == -1) { throw new ParseException ("eof", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } if (current != ')') { throw new ParseException ("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.URI; return; case '"': string2(); blankCharacters += 2; while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSSpace ((char)current)) { blankCharacters++; nextChar(); } if (current == -1) { throw new ParseException ("eof", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } if (current != ')') { throw new ParseException ("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.URI; return; case ')': throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); default: if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSURICharacter ((char)current)) { throw new ParseException ("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } start = position - 1; do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSURICharacter ((char)current)); blankCharacters++; while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSSpace ((char)current)) { blankCharacters++; nextChar(); } if (current == -1) { throw new ParseException ("eof", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } if (current != ')') { throw new ParseException ("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.URI; return; } } } } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); } if (current == '(') { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.FUNCTION; return; } type = LexicalUnits.IDENTIFIER; return; default: if (current == '\\') { do { nextChar(); escape(); } while(current == '\\'); } else if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSIdentifierStartCharacter ((char)current)) { nextChar(); throw new ParseException("identifier.character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } // Identifier while ((current != -1) && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); while (current == '\\') { nextChar(); escape(); } } if (current == '(') { nextChar(); type = LexicalUnits.FUNCTION; return; } type = LexicalUnits.IDENTIFIER; return; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParseException(e); } }
Scans a single quoted string.
/** * Scans a single quoted string. */
protected int string1() throws IOException { start = position; // fix bug #29416 loop: for (;;) { switch (nextChar()) { case -1: throw new ParseException("eof", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); case '\'': break loop; case '"': break; case '\\': switch (nextChar()) { case '\n': case '\f': break; default: escape(); } break; default: if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSStringCharacter((char)current)) { throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } } } nextChar(); return LexicalUnits.STRING; }
Scans a double quoted string.
/** * Scans a double quoted string. */
protected int string2() throws IOException { start = position; // fix bug #29416 loop: for (;;) { switch (nextChar()) { case -1: throw new ParseException("eof", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); case '\'': break; case '"': break loop; case '\\': switch (nextChar()) { case '\n': case '\f': break; default: escape(); } break; default: if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSStringCharacter((char)current)) { throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); } } } nextChar(); return LexicalUnits.STRING; }
Scans a number.
/** * Scans a number. */
protected int number() throws IOException { loop: for (;;) { switch (nextChar()) { case '.': switch (nextChar()) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': return dotNumber(); } throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); default: break loop; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': } } return numberUnit(true); }
Scans the decimal part of a number.
/** * Scans the decimal part of a number. */
protected int dotNumber() throws IOException { loop: for (;;) { switch (nextChar()) { default: break loop; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': } } return numberUnit(false); }
Scans the unit of a number.
/** * Scans the unit of a number. */
protected int numberUnit(boolean integer) throws IOException { switch (current) { case '%': nextChar(); return LexicalUnits.PERCENTAGE; case 'c': case 'C': switch(nextChar()) { case 'm': case 'M': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.CM; default: while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } case 'd': case 'D': switch(nextChar()) { case 'e': case 'E': switch(nextChar()) { case 'g': case 'G': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.DEG; } default: while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } case 'e': case 'E': switch(nextChar()) { case 'm': case 'M': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.EM; case 'x': case 'X': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.EX; default: while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } case 'g': case 'G': switch(nextChar()) { case 'r': case 'R': switch(nextChar()) { case 'a': case 'A': switch(nextChar()) { case 'd': case 'D': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.GRAD; } } default: while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } case 'h': case 'H': nextChar(); switch(current) { case 'z': case 'Z': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.HZ; default: while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } case 'i': case 'I': switch(nextChar()) { case 'n': case 'N': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.IN; default: while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } case 'k': case 'K': switch(nextChar()) { case 'h': case 'H': switch(nextChar()) { case 'z': case 'Z': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.KHZ; } default: while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } case 'm': case 'M': switch(nextChar()) { case 'm': case 'M': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.MM; case 's': case 'S': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.MS; default: while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } case 'p': case 'P': switch(nextChar()) { case 'c': case 'C': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.PC; case 't': case 'T': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.PT; case 'x': case 'X': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.PX; default: while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } case 'r': case 'R': switch(nextChar()) { case 'a': case 'A': switch(nextChar()) { case 'd': case 'D': nextChar(); if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter ((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return LexicalUnits.RAD; } default: while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } case 's': case 'S': nextChar(); return LexicalUnits.S; default: if (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSIdentifierStartCharacter ((char)current)) { do { nextChar(); } while (current != -1 && ScannerUtilities.isCSSNameCharacter((char)current)); return LexicalUnits.DIMENSION; } return (integer) ? LexicalUnits.INTEGER : LexicalUnits.REAL; } }
Scans an escape sequence, if one.
/** * Scans an escape sequence, if one. */
protected void escape() throws IOException { if (ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter((char)current)) { nextChar(); if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter((char)current)) { if (ScannerUtilities.isCSSSpace((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return; } nextChar(); if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter((char)current)) { if (ScannerUtilities.isCSSSpace((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return; } nextChar(); if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter((char)current)) { if (ScannerUtilities.isCSSSpace((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return; } nextChar(); if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter((char)current)) { if (ScannerUtilities.isCSSSpace((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return; } nextChar(); if (!ScannerUtilities.isCSSHexadecimalCharacter((char)current)) { if (ScannerUtilities.isCSSSpace((char)current)) { nextChar(); } return; } } if ((current >= ' ' && current <= '~') || current >= 128) { nextChar(); return; } throw new ParseException("character", reader.getLine(), reader.getColumn()); }
Compares the given int with the given character, ignoring case.
/** * Compares the given int with the given character, ignoring case. */
protected static boolean isEqualIgnoreCase(int i, char c) { return (i == -1) ? false : Character.toLowerCase((char)i) == c; }
Sets the value of the current char to the next character or -1 if the end of stream has been reached.
/** * Sets the value of the current char to the next character or -1 if the * end of stream has been reached. */
protected int nextChar() throws IOException { current = reader.read(); if (current == -1) { return current; } if (position == buffer.length) { // list is full, grow to 1.5 * size char[] t = new char[ 1 + position + position / 2]; System.arraycopy( buffer, 0, t, 0, position ); buffer = t; } return buffer[position++] = (char)current; } }