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package org.apache.batik.bridge;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.batik.anim.AbstractAnimation;
import org.apache.batik.anim.AnimationEngine;
import org.apache.batik.anim.SimpleAnimation;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.AnimationTarget;
import org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableValue;
import org.apache.batik.util.SMILConstants;

Bridge class for the 'animate' animation element.
Author:Cameron McCormack
Version:$Id: SVGAnimateElementBridge.java 1802297 2017-07-18 13:58:12Z ssteiner $
/** * Bridge class for the 'animate' animation element. * * @author <a href="mailto:cam%40mcc%2eid%2eau">Cameron McCormack</a> * @version $Id: SVGAnimateElementBridge.java 1802297 2017-07-18 13:58:12Z ssteiner $ */
public class SVGAnimateElementBridge extends SVGAnimationElementBridge {
Returns 'animate'.
/** * Returns 'animate'. */
public String getLocalName() { return SVG_ANIMATE_TAG; }
Returns a new instance of this bridge.
/** * Returns a new instance of this bridge. */
public Bridge getInstance() { return new SVGAnimateElementBridge(); }
Creates the animation object for the animation element.
/** * Creates the animation object for the animation element. */
protected AbstractAnimation createAnimation(AnimationTarget target) { AnimatableValue from = parseAnimatableValue(SVG_FROM_ATTRIBUTE); AnimatableValue to = parseAnimatableValue(SVG_TO_ATTRIBUTE); AnimatableValue by = parseAnimatableValue(SVG_BY_ATTRIBUTE); return new SimpleAnimation(timedElement, this, parseCalcMode(), parseKeyTimes(), parseKeySplines(), parseAdditive(), parseAccumulate(), parseValues(), from, to, by); }
Returns the parsed 'calcMode' attribute from the animation element.
/** * Returns the parsed 'calcMode' attribute from the animation element. */
protected int parseCalcMode() { // If the attribute being animated has only non-additive values, take // the animation as having calcMode="discrete". if (animationType == AnimationEngine.ANIM_TYPE_CSS && !targetElement.isPropertyAdditive(attributeLocalName) || animationType == AnimationEngine.ANIM_TYPE_XML && !targetElement.isAttributeAdditive(attributeNamespaceURI, attributeLocalName)) { return SimpleAnimation.CALC_MODE_DISCRETE; } String calcModeString = element.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_CALC_MODE_ATTRIBUTE); if (calcModeString.length() == 0) { return getDefaultCalcMode(); } else if (calcModeString.equals(SMILConstants.SMIL_LINEAR_VALUE)) { return SimpleAnimation.CALC_MODE_LINEAR; } else if (calcModeString.equals(SMILConstants.SMIL_DISCRETE_VALUE)) { return SimpleAnimation.CALC_MODE_DISCRETE; } else if (calcModeString.equals(SMILConstants.SMIL_PACED_VALUE)) { return SimpleAnimation.CALC_MODE_PACED; } else if (calcModeString.equals(SMILConstants.SMIL_SPLINE_VALUE)) { return SimpleAnimation.CALC_MODE_SPLINE; } throw new BridgeException (ctx, element, ErrorConstants.ERR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MALFORMED, new Object[] { SVG_CALC_MODE_ATTRIBUTE, calcModeString }); }
Returns the parsed 'additive' attribute from the animation element.
/** * Returns the parsed 'additive' attribute from the animation element. */
protected boolean parseAdditive() { String additiveString = element.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_ADDITIVE_ATTRIBUTE); if (additiveString.length() == 0 || additiveString.equals(SMILConstants.SMIL_REPLACE_VALUE)) { return false; } else if (additiveString.equals(SMILConstants.SMIL_SUM_VALUE)) { return true; } throw new BridgeException (ctx, element, ErrorConstants.ERR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MALFORMED, new Object[] { SVG_ADDITIVE_ATTRIBUTE, additiveString }); }
Returns the parsed 'accumulate' attribute from the animation element.
/** * Returns the parsed 'accumulate' attribute from the animation element. */
protected boolean parseAccumulate() { String accumulateString = element.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_ACCUMULATE_ATTRIBUTE); if (accumulateString.length() == 0 || accumulateString.equals(SMILConstants.SMIL_NONE_VALUE)) { return false; } else if (accumulateString.equals(SMILConstants.SMIL_SUM_VALUE)) { return true; } throw new BridgeException (ctx, element, ErrorConstants.ERR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MALFORMED, new Object[] { SVG_ACCUMULATE_ATTRIBUTE, accumulateString }); }
Returns the parsed 'values' attribute from the animation element.
/** * Returns the parsed 'values' attribute from the animation element. */
protected AnimatableValue[] parseValues() { boolean isCSS = animationType == AnimationEngine.ANIM_TYPE_CSS; String valuesString = element.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_VALUES_ATTRIBUTE); int len = valuesString.length(); if (len == 0) { return null; } ArrayList values = new ArrayList(7); int i = 0, start = 0, end; char c; outer: while (i < len) { while (valuesString.charAt(i) == ' ') { i++; if (i == len) { break outer; } } start = i++; if (i != len) { c = valuesString.charAt(i); while (c != ';') { i++; if (i == len) { break; } c = valuesString.charAt(i); } } end = i++; AnimatableValue val = eng.parseAnimatableValue (element, animationTarget, attributeNamespaceURI, attributeLocalName, isCSS, valuesString.substring(start, end)); if (!checkValueType(val)) { throw new BridgeException (ctx, element, ErrorConstants.ERR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MALFORMED, new Object[] { SVG_VALUES_ATTRIBUTE, valuesString }); } values.add(val); } AnimatableValue[] ret = new AnimatableValue[values.size()]; return (AnimatableValue[]) values.toArray(ret); }
Returns the parsed 'keyTimes' attribute from the animation element.
/** * Returns the parsed 'keyTimes' attribute from the animation element. */
protected float[] parseKeyTimes() { String keyTimesString = element.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_KEY_TIMES_ATTRIBUTE); int len = keyTimesString.length(); if (len == 0) { return null; } ArrayList keyTimes = new ArrayList(7); int i = 0, start = 0, end; char c; outer: while (i < len) { while (keyTimesString.charAt(i) == ' ') { i++; if (i == len) { break outer; } } start = i++; if (i != len) { c = keyTimesString.charAt(i); while (c != ' ' && c != ';') { i++; if (i == len) { break; } c = keyTimesString.charAt(i); } } end = i++; try { float keyTime = Float.parseFloat(keyTimesString.substring(start, end)); keyTimes.add(keyTime); } catch (NumberFormatException nfEx ) { throw new BridgeException (ctx, element, nfEx, ErrorConstants.ERR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MALFORMED, new Object[] { SVG_KEY_TIMES_ATTRIBUTE, keyTimesString }); } } len = keyTimes.size(); float[] ret = new float[len]; for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { ret[j] = (Float) keyTimes.get(j); } return ret; }
Returns the parsed 'keySplines' attribute from the animation element.
/** * Returns the parsed 'keySplines' attribute from the animation element. */
protected float[] parseKeySplines() { String keySplinesString = element.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_KEY_SPLINES_ATTRIBUTE); int len = keySplinesString.length(); if (len == 0) { return null; } List keySplines = new ArrayList(7); int count = 0, i = 0, start = 0, end; char c; outer: while (i < len) { while (keySplinesString.charAt(i) == ' ') { i++; if (i == len) { break outer; } } start = i++; if (i != len) { c = keySplinesString.charAt(i); while (c != ' ' && c != ',' && c != ';') { i++; if (i == len) { break; } c = keySplinesString.charAt(i); } end = i++; if (c == ' ') { do { if (i == len) { break; } c = keySplinesString.charAt(i++); } while (c == ' '); if (c != ';' && c != ',') { i--; } } if (c == ';') { if (count == 3) { count = 0; } else { throw new BridgeException (ctx, element, ErrorConstants.ERR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MALFORMED, new Object[] { SVG_KEY_SPLINES_ATTRIBUTE, keySplinesString }); } } else { count++; } } else { end = i++; } try { float keySplineValue = Float.parseFloat(keySplinesString.substring(start, end)); keySplines.add(keySplineValue); } catch (NumberFormatException nfEx ) { throw new BridgeException (ctx, element, nfEx, ErrorConstants.ERR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MALFORMED, new Object[] { SVG_KEY_SPLINES_ATTRIBUTE, keySplinesString }); } } len = keySplines.size(); float[] ret = new float[len]; for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { ret[j] = (Float) keySplines.get(j); } return ret; }
Returns the calcMode that the animation defaults to if none is specified.
/** * Returns the calcMode that the animation defaults to if none is specified. */
protected int getDefaultCalcMode() { return SimpleAnimation.CALC_MODE_LINEAR; }
Returns whether the animation element being handled by this bridge can animate attributes of the specified type.
  • type – one of the TYPE_ constants defined in SVGTypes.
/** * Returns whether the animation element being handled by this bridge can * animate attributes of the specified type. * @param type one of the TYPE_ constants defined in {@link org.apache.batik.util.SVGTypes}. */
protected boolean canAnimateType(int type) { return true; } }