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package org.apache.batik.bridge;

import java.awt.Cursor;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAElement;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimationElement;
import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMDocument;
import org.apache.batik.dom.events.AbstractEvent;
import org.apache.batik.dom.events.NodeEventTarget;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.GraphicsNode;
import org.apache.batik.util.ParsedURL;
import org.apache.batik.constants.XMLConstants;

import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.events.Event;
import org.w3c.dom.events.EventListener;
import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGAElement;

Bridge class for the <a> element.
Author:Thierry Kormann
Version:$Id: SVGAElementBridge.java 1851346 2019-01-15 13:41:00Z ssteiner $
/** * Bridge class for the &lt;a&gt; element. * * @author <a href="mailto:tkormann@apache.org">Thierry Kormann</a> * @version $Id: SVGAElementBridge.java 1851346 2019-01-15 13:41:00Z ssteiner $ */
public class SVGAElementBridge extends SVGGElementBridge { protected AnchorListener al; protected CursorMouseOverListener bl; protected CursorMouseOutListener cl;
Constructs a new bridge for the <a> element.
/** * Constructs a new bridge for the &lt;a&gt; element. */
public SVGAElementBridge() {}
Returns 'a'.
/** * Returns 'a'. */
public String getLocalName() { return SVG_A_TAG; }
Returns a new instance of this bridge.
/** * Returns a new instance of this bridge. */
public Bridge getInstance() { return new SVGAElementBridge(); }
Builds using the specified BridgeContext and element, the specified graphics node.
  • ctx – the bridge context to use
  • e – the element that describes the graphics node to build
  • node – the graphics node to build
/** * Builds using the specified BridgeContext and element, the * specified graphics node. * * @param ctx the bridge context to use * @param e the element that describes the graphics node to build * @param node the graphics node to build */
public void buildGraphicsNode(BridgeContext ctx, Element e, GraphicsNode node) { super.buildGraphicsNode(ctx, e, node); if (ctx.isInteractive()) { NodeEventTarget target = (NodeEventTarget)e; CursorHolder ch = new CursorHolder(CursorManager.DEFAULT_CURSOR); al = new AnchorListener(ctx.getUserAgent(), ch); target.addEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_EVENT_CLICK, al, false, null); ctx.storeEventListenerNS (target, XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_EVENT_CLICK, al, false); bl = new CursorMouseOverListener(ctx.getUserAgent(), ch); target.addEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_EVENT_MOUSEOVER, bl, false, null); ctx.storeEventListenerNS (target, XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_EVENT_MOUSEOVER, bl, false); cl = new CursorMouseOutListener(ctx.getUserAgent(), ch); target.addEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_EVENT_MOUSEOUT, cl, false, null); ctx.storeEventListenerNS (target, XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_EVENT_MOUSEOUT, cl, false); } } public void dispose() { NodeEventTarget target = (NodeEventTarget)e; if (al != null) { target.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_EVENT_CLICK, al, false); al = null; } if (bl != null) { target.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_EVENT_MOUSEOVER, bl, false); bl = null; } if (cl != null) { target.removeEventListenerNS (XMLConstants.XML_EVENTS_NAMESPACE_URI, SVG_EVENT_MOUSEOUT, cl, false); cl = null; } super.dispose(); }
Returns true as the <a> element is a container.
/** * Returns true as the &lt;a&gt; element is a container. */
public boolean isComposite() { return true; } public static class CursorHolder { Cursor cursor = null; public CursorHolder(Cursor c) { cursor = c; } public void holdCursor(Cursor c) { cursor = c; } public Cursor getCursor() { return cursor; } }
To handle a click on an anchor.
/** * To handle a click on an anchor. */
public static class AnchorListener implements EventListener { protected UserAgent userAgent; protected CursorHolder holder; public AnchorListener(UserAgent ua, CursorHolder ch) { userAgent = ua; holder = ch; } public void handleEvent(Event evt) { if (!(evt instanceof AbstractEvent)) return; final AbstractEvent ae = (AbstractEvent)evt; List l = ae.getDefaultActions(); if (l != null) { for (Object o : l) { if (o instanceof AnchorDefaultActionable) return; // only one anchor in default list... } } SVGAElement elt = (SVGAElement)evt.getCurrentTarget(); ae.addDefaultAction(new AnchorDefaultActionable (elt, userAgent, holder)); } } public static class AnchorDefaultActionable implements Runnable { protected SVGOMAElement elt; protected UserAgent userAgent; protected CursorHolder holder; public AnchorDefaultActionable(SVGAElement e, UserAgent ua, CursorHolder ch) { elt = (SVGOMAElement) e; userAgent = ua; holder = ch; } public void run() { userAgent.setSVGCursor(holder.getCursor()); String href = elt.getHref().getAnimVal(); ParsedURL purl = new ParsedURL(elt.getBaseURI(), href); SVGOMDocument doc = (SVGOMDocument) elt.getOwnerDocument(); ParsedURL durl = doc.getParsedURL(); if (purl.sameFile(durl)) { String frag = purl.getRef(); if (frag != null && frag.length() != 0) { Element refElt = doc.getElementById(frag); if (refElt instanceof SVGOMAnimationElement) { SVGOMAnimationElement aelt = (SVGOMAnimationElement) refElt; float t = aelt.getHyperlinkBeginTime(); if (Float.isNaN(t)) { aelt.beginElement(); } else { doc.getRootElement().setCurrentTime(t); } return; } } } userAgent.openLink(elt); } }
To handle a mouseover on an anchor and set the cursor.
/** * To handle a mouseover on an anchor and set the cursor. */
public static class CursorMouseOverListener implements EventListener { protected UserAgent userAgent; protected CursorHolder holder; public CursorMouseOverListener(UserAgent ua, CursorHolder ch) { userAgent = ua; holder = ch; } public void handleEvent(Event evt) { if (!(evt instanceof AbstractEvent)) return; final AbstractEvent ae = (AbstractEvent)evt; List l = ae.getDefaultActions(); if (l != null) { for (Object o : l) { if (o instanceof MouseOverDefaultActionable) return; // only one anchor in default list... } } Element target = (Element)ae.getTarget(); SVGAElement elt = (SVGAElement)ae.getCurrentTarget(); ae.addDefaultAction(new MouseOverDefaultActionable (target, elt, userAgent, holder)); } } public static class MouseOverDefaultActionable implements Runnable { protected Element target; protected SVGAElement elt; protected UserAgent userAgent; protected CursorHolder holder; public MouseOverDefaultActionable(Element t, SVGAElement e, UserAgent ua, CursorHolder ch) { target = t; elt = e; userAgent = ua; holder = ch; } public void run() { // Only modify the cursor if the target's cursor property is // 'auto'. Note that we do not need to check the value of // anchor element as the target's cursor value is resulting // from the CSS cascade which has accounted for inheritance. // This means that our behavior is to set the cursor to a // hand cursor for any content on which the cursor property is // 'auto' inside an anchor element. If, for example, the // content was: // <a cusor="wait"> // <g cursor="auto"> // <rect /> // </g> // </a> // // The cursor on the inside rect will be set to the hand cursor and // not the wait cursor // if (CSSUtilities.isAutoCursor(target)) { holder.holdCursor(CursorManager.DEFAULT_CURSOR); // The target's cursor value is 'auto': use the hand cursor userAgent.setSVGCursor(CursorManager.ANCHOR_CURSOR); } // // In all cases, display the href in the userAgent // if (elt != null) { String href = elt.getHref().getAnimVal(); userAgent.displayMessage(href); } } }
To handle a mouseout on an anchor and set the cursor.
/** * To handle a mouseout on an anchor and set the cursor. */
public static class CursorMouseOutListener implements EventListener { protected UserAgent userAgent; protected CursorHolder holder; public CursorMouseOutListener(UserAgent ua, CursorHolder ch) { userAgent = ua; holder = ch; } public void handleEvent(Event evt) { if (!(evt instanceof AbstractEvent)) return; final AbstractEvent ae = (AbstractEvent)evt; List l = ae.getDefaultActions(); if (l != null) { for (Object o : l) { if (o instanceof MouseOutDefaultActionable) return; // only one anchor in default list... } } SVGAElement elt = (SVGAElement)evt.getCurrentTarget(); ae.addDefaultAction(new MouseOutDefaultActionable (elt, userAgent, holder)); } } public static class MouseOutDefaultActionable implements Runnable { protected SVGAElement elt; protected UserAgent userAgent; protected CursorHolder holder; public MouseOutDefaultActionable(SVGAElement e, UserAgent ua, CursorHolder ch) { elt = e; userAgent = ua; holder = ch; } public void run() { // No need to set the cursor on out events: this is taken care of // by the BridgeContext(?) // Hide the href in the userAgent if (elt != null) { userAgent.displayMessage(""); } } } }