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package org.apache.batik.bridge;

import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.TextAttribute;
import java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Arrays;

import org.apache.batik.gvt.flow.BlockInfo;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.flow.FlowRegions;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.flow.GlyphGroupInfo;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.flow.LineInfo;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.flow.RegionInfo;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.flow.TextLineBreaks;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.flow.WordInfo;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFont;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTGlyphVector;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTLineMetrics;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.font.MultiGlyphVector;
import org.apache.batik.gvt.text.GVTAttributedCharacterIterator;

One line Class Desc Complete Class Desc
Version:$Id: FlowTextPainter.java 1808001 2017-09-11 09:51:29Z ssteiner $
/** * One line Class Desc * * Complete Class Desc * * @author <a href="mailto:deweese@apache.org">deweese</a> * @version $Id: FlowTextPainter.java 1808001 2017-09-11 09:51:29Z ssteiner $ */
public class FlowTextPainter extends StrokingTextPainter {
A unique instance of this class.
/** * A unique instance of this class. */
protected static TextPainter singleton = new FlowTextPainter();
Returns a unique instance of this class.
/** * Returns a unique instance of this class. */
public static TextPainter getInstance() { return singleton; } public List getTextRuns(TextNode node, AttributedCharacterIterator aci) { List textRuns = node.getTextRuns(); if (textRuns != null) { return textRuns; } AttributedCharacterIterator[] chunkACIs = getTextChunkACIs(aci); textRuns = computeTextRuns(node, aci, chunkACIs); aci.first(); List rgns = (List)aci.getAttribute(FLOW_REGIONS); if (rgns != null) { Iterator i = textRuns.iterator(); List chunkLayouts = new ArrayList(); TextRun tr = (TextRun)i.next(); List layouts = new ArrayList(); chunkLayouts.add(layouts); layouts.add(tr.getLayout()); while (i.hasNext()) { tr = (TextRun)i.next(); if (tr.isFirstRunInChunk()) { layouts = new ArrayList(); chunkLayouts.add(layouts); } layouts.add(tr.getLayout()); } textWrap(chunkACIs, chunkLayouts, rgns, fontRenderContext); } node.setTextRuns(textRuns); return node.getTextRuns(); } public static final char SOFT_HYPHEN = 0x00AD; public static final char ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE = 0x200B; public static final char ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER = 0x200D; public static final char SPACE = ' '; public static final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute WORD_LIMIT = TextLineBreaks.WORD_LIMIT; public static final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute FLOW_REGIONS = GVTAttributedCharacterIterator.TextAttribute.FLOW_REGIONS; public static final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute FLOW_LINE_BREAK = GVTAttributedCharacterIterator.TextAttribute.FLOW_LINE_BREAK; public static final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute LINE_HEIGHT = GVTAttributedCharacterIterator.TextAttribute.LINE_HEIGHT; public static final AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute GVT_FONT = GVTAttributedCharacterIterator.TextAttribute.GVT_FONT; protected static Set szAtts = new HashSet(); static { szAtts.add(TextAttribute.SIZE); szAtts.add(GVT_FONT); szAtts.add(LINE_HEIGHT); } public static boolean textWrap(AttributedCharacterIterator [] acis, List chunkLayouts, List flowRects, FontRenderContext frc) { // System.out.println("Len: " + acis.length + " Size: " + // chunkLayouts.size()); // Make a list of the GlyphVectors so we can construct a // multiGlyphVector that makes them all look like one big // glyphVector // GVTGlyphVector [] gvs = new GVTGlyphVector[acis.length]; // todo - not used? WordInfo [][] wordInfos = new WordInfo[acis.length][]; Iterator clIter = chunkLayouts.iterator(); float prevBotMargin = 0; int numWords = 0; BlockInfo [] blockInfos = new BlockInfo[acis.length]; float [] topSkip = new float[acis.length]; for (int chunk=0; clIter.hasNext(); chunk++) { // System.err.print("Chunk: " + chunk + " Str: '"); AttributedCharacterIterator aci = acis[chunk]; List gvl = new LinkedList(); List layouts = (List)clIter.next(); for (Object layout : layouts) { GlyphLayout gl = (GlyphLayout) layout; gvl.add(gl.getGlyphVector()); } GVTGlyphVector gv = new MultiGlyphVector(gvl); // gvs[chunk] = gv; wordInfos[chunk] = doWordAnalysis(gv, aci, numWords, frc); aci.first(); BlockInfo bi = (BlockInfo)aci.getAttribute(FLOW_PARAGRAPH); bi.initLineInfo(frc); blockInfos[chunk] = bi; if (prevBotMargin > bi.getTopMargin()) topSkip[chunk] = prevBotMargin; else topSkip[chunk] = bi.getTopMargin(); prevBotMargin = bi.getBottomMargin(); numWords += wordInfos[chunk].length; } Iterator frIter = flowRects.iterator(); RegionInfo currentRegion = null; int currWord = 0; int chunk = 0; List lineInfos = new LinkedList(); while(frIter.hasNext()) { currentRegion = (RegionInfo) frIter.next(); FlowRegions fr = new FlowRegions(currentRegion.getShape()); while (chunk < wordInfos.length) { WordInfo [] chunkInfo = wordInfos[chunk]; BlockInfo bi = blockInfos[chunk]; WordInfo wi = chunkInfo[currWord]; Object flowLine = wi.getFlowLine(); double lh = Math.max(wi.getLineHeight(),bi.getLineHeight()); LineInfo li = new LineInfo(fr, bi, true); double newY = li.getCurrentY()+topSkip[chunk]; topSkip[chunk] = 0; if (li.gotoY(newY)) break; while (!li.addWord(wi)) { // step down 1/10 of a line height and try again. newY = li.getCurrentY() + (lh * 0.1); if (li.gotoY(newY)) break; } if (fr.done()) break; currWord++; for (;currWord < chunkInfo.length;currWord++) { wi = chunkInfo[currWord]; if ((wi.getFlowLine() == flowLine) && (li.addWord(wi))) continue; // Word didn't fit or we hit end of flowLine elem, // go to a new line. li.layout(); lineInfos.add(li); li = null; flowLine = wi.getFlowLine(); lh = Math.max(wi.getLineHeight(),bi.getLineHeight()); if (!fr.newLine(lh)) break; // region is done li = new LineInfo(fr, bi, false); while (!li.addWord(wi)) { newY =li.getCurrentY() + (lh * 0.1); if (li.gotoY(newY)) break; } if (fr.done()) break; } if (li != null) { li.setParaEnd(true); li.layout(); } if (fr.done()) break; chunk++; currWord = 0; if (bi.isFlowRegionBreak()) break; if (!fr.newLine(lh)) // Region is done. break; } if (chunk == wordInfos.length) break; } boolean overflow = (chunk < wordInfos.length); while (chunk < wordInfos.length) { WordInfo [] chunkInfo = wordInfos[chunk]; while (currWord < chunkInfo.length) { WordInfo wi = chunkInfo[currWord]; int numGG = wi.getNumGlyphGroups(); for (int gg=0; gg<numGG; gg++) { GlyphGroupInfo ggi = wi.getGlyphGroup(gg); GVTGlyphVector gv = ggi.getGlyphVector(); int end = ggi.getEnd(); for (int g=ggi.getStart(); g <= end; g++) { gv.setGlyphVisible(g, false); } } currWord++; } chunk++; currWord = 0; } return overflow; } static int[] allocWordMap(int[] wordMap, int sz) { if (wordMap != null) { if (sz <= wordMap.length) { return wordMap; } if (sz < wordMap.length * 2) { sz = wordMap.length * 2; } } // we have a problem when wordMap actually IS null.... int[] ret = new int[sz]; int ext = wordMap != null ? wordMap.length : 0; if (sz < ext) { ext = sz; } if (ext != 0) { System.arraycopy(wordMap, 0, ret, 0, ext); } Arrays.fill(ret, ext, sz, -1); return ret; }
This returns an array of glyphs numbers for each glyph group in each word: ret[word][glyphGroup][glyphNum].
/** * This returns an array of glyphs numbers for each glyph * group in each word: ret[word][glyphGroup][glyphNum]. */
static WordInfo[] doWordAnalysis(GVTGlyphVector gv, AttributedCharacterIterator aci, int numWords, FontRenderContext frc) { int numGlyphs = gv.getNumGlyphs(); int [] glyphWords = new int[numGlyphs]; int [] wordMap = allocWordMap(null, 10); int maxWord = 0; int aciIdx = aci.getBeginIndex(); // First we go through the glyphs seeing if any two ajacent // words need to be collapsed because of a ligature. This // would be an odd case. If it happens we consider the // two words to be one. for (int i=0; i<numGlyphs; i++) { int cnt = gv.getCharacterCount(i,i); aci.setIndex(aciIdx); Integer integer = (Integer)aci.getAttribute(WORD_LIMIT); int minWord = integer -numWords; if (minWord > maxWord) { maxWord = minWord; wordMap = allocWordMap(wordMap, maxWord+1); } aciIdx++; for (int c=1; c<cnt; c++) { aci.setIndex(aciIdx); integer = (Integer)aci.getAttribute(WORD_LIMIT); int cWord = integer -numWords; if (cWord > maxWord) { maxWord = cWord; wordMap = allocWordMap(wordMap, maxWord+1); } // We always want to use the min word as the main // index for the new composite word. if (cWord < minWord) { wordMap[minWord] = cWord; minWord = cWord; } else if (cWord > minWord) { wordMap[cWord] = minWord; } aciIdx++; } glyphWords[i] = minWord; } int words=0; WordInfo [] cWordMap = new WordInfo[maxWord+1]; for (int i=0; i<=maxWord; i++) { int nw = wordMap[i]; if (nw == -1) { // new word so give it a number. cWordMap[i] = new WordInfo(words++); } else { int word = nw; nw = wordMap[i]; while (nw != -1) { word = nw; nw = wordMap[word]; } wordMap[i] = word; // help the next guy out cWordMap[i] = cWordMap[word]; } } wordMap = null; WordInfo [] wordInfos = new WordInfo[words]; for (int i=0; i<=maxWord; i++) { WordInfo wi = cWordMap[i]; wordInfos[wi.getIndex()] = cWordMap[i]; } aciIdx = aci.getBeginIndex(); int aciEnd = aci.getEndIndex(); char ch = aci.setIndex(aciIdx); int aciWordStart = aciIdx; GVTFont gvtFont = (GVTFont)aci.getAttribute(GVT_FONT); float lineHeight = 1.0f; Float lineHeightFloat = (Float)aci.getAttribute(LINE_HEIGHT); if (lineHeightFloat != null) lineHeight = lineHeightFloat; int runLimit = aci.getRunLimit(szAtts); WordInfo prevWI = null; float [] lastAdvAdj = new float [numGlyphs]; float [] advAdj = new float [numGlyphs]; boolean [] hideLast = new boolean[numGlyphs]; boolean [] hide = new boolean[numGlyphs]; boolean [] space = new boolean[numGlyphs]; float [] glyphPos = gv.getGlyphPositions(0, numGlyphs+1, null); for (int i=0; i<numGlyphs; i++) { char pch = ch; ch = aci.setIndex(aciIdx); Integer integer = (Integer)aci.getAttribute(WORD_LIMIT); WordInfo theWI = cWordMap[integer -numWords]; if (theWI.getFlowLine() == null) theWI.setFlowLine(aci.getAttribute(FLOW_LINE_BREAK)); if (prevWI == null) { prevWI = theWI; } else if (prevWI != theWI) { GVTLineMetrics lm = gvtFont.getLineMetrics (aci, aciWordStart, aciIdx, frc); prevWI.addLineMetrics(gvtFont, lm); prevWI.addLineHeight(lineHeight); aciWordStart = aciIdx; prevWI = theWI; } int chCnt = gv.getCharacterCount(i,i); if (chCnt == 1) { char nch; float kern; switch(ch) { case SOFT_HYPHEN: hideLast[i] = true; nch = aci.next(); aci.previous(); kern = gvtFont.getHKern(pch, nch); advAdj[i] = -(glyphPos[2*i+2]-glyphPos[2*i]+kern); break; case ZERO_WIDTH_JOINER: hide[i] = true; break; case ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE: hide[i] = true; break; case SPACE: space[i] = true; nch = aci.next(); aci.previous(); kern = gvtFont.getHKern(pch, nch); lastAdvAdj[i] = -(glyphPos[2*i+2]-glyphPos[2*i]+kern); default: } } aciIdx += chCnt; if ((aciIdx > runLimit) && (aciIdx < aciEnd)) { // Possible font size/style change so record current // line metrics and start fresh. GVTLineMetrics lm = gvtFont.getLineMetrics (aci,aciWordStart, runLimit, frc); prevWI.addLineMetrics(gvtFont, lm); prevWI.addLineHeight(lineHeight); prevWI = null; aciWordStart = aciIdx; aci.setIndex(aciIdx); gvtFont = (GVTFont)aci.getAttribute(GVT_FONT); Float f = (Float)aci.getAttribute(LINE_HEIGHT); lineHeight = f; runLimit = aci.getRunLimit(szAtts); } } GVTLineMetrics lm = gvtFont.getLineMetrics (aci,aciWordStart, runLimit, frc); prevWI.addLineMetrics(gvtFont, lm); prevWI.addLineHeight(lineHeight); int [] wordGlyphCounts = new int[words]; // Build a mapping from words to glyphs. for (int i=0; i<numGlyphs; i++) { int word = glyphWords[i]; int cWord = cWordMap[word].getIndex(); glyphWords[i] = cWord; wordGlyphCounts[cWord]++; } cWordMap = null; int [][]wordGlyphs = new int [words][]; int []wordGlyphGroupsCounts = new int [words]; for (int i=0; i<numGlyphs; i++) { int cWord = glyphWords[i]; // System.err.println("CW: " + cWord); int [] wgs = wordGlyphs[cWord]; if (wgs == null) { wgs = wordGlyphs[cWord] = new int[wordGlyphCounts[cWord]]; // We use this to track where the next // glyph should go in wordGlyphs // by the time we are done it should be correct again. wordGlyphCounts[cWord] =0; } int cnt = wordGlyphCounts[cWord]; wgs[cnt] = i; // Track the number of glyph groups in this word. if (cnt==0) { wordGlyphGroupsCounts[cWord]++; } else { if (wgs[cnt-1] != i-1) wordGlyphGroupsCounts[cWord]++; } wordGlyphCounts[cWord]++; } for (int i=0; i<words; i++) { int cnt = wordGlyphGroupsCounts[i]; // System.err.println("WGGC: " + cnt); GlyphGroupInfo []wordGlyphGroups = new GlyphGroupInfo[cnt]; if (cnt == 1) { int [] glyphs = wordGlyphs[i]; int start = glyphs[0]; int end = glyphs[glyphs.length-1]; wordGlyphGroups[0] = new GlyphGroupInfo (gv, start, end, hide, hideLast[end], glyphPos, advAdj, lastAdvAdj, space); } else { int glyphGroup = 0; int []glyphs = wordGlyphs[i]; int prev = glyphs[0]; int start = prev; for (int j=1; j<glyphs.length; j++) { if (prev+1 != glyphs[j]) { int end = glyphs[j-1]; wordGlyphGroups[glyphGroup] = new GlyphGroupInfo (gv, start, end, hide, hideLast[end], glyphPos, advAdj, lastAdvAdj, space); start = glyphs[j]; glyphGroup++; } prev = glyphs[j]; } int end = glyphs[glyphs.length-1]; wordGlyphGroups[glyphGroup] = new GlyphGroupInfo (gv, start, end, hide, hideLast[end], glyphPos, advAdj, lastAdvAdj, space); } wordInfos[i].setGlyphGroups(wordGlyphGroups); } return wordInfos; } }