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package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered;

import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.awt.image.Raster;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
import java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;

import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil;
import org.apache.batik.util.HaltingThread;

This filter simply tiles its tile starting from the upper left corner of the tiled region.
Author:Vincent Hardy
Version:$Id: TileRed.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
/** * This filter simply tiles its tile starting from the upper * left corner of the tiled region. * * @author <a href="mailto:vincent.hardy@eng.sun.com">Vincent Hardy</a> * @version $Id: TileRed.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $ */
public class TileRed extends AbstractRed implements TileGenerator { static final AffineTransform IDENTITY = new AffineTransform();
Area tiled by this filter.
/** * Area tiled by this filter. */
Rectangle tiledRegion; int xStep; int yStep; TileStore tiles; private RenderingHints hints; final boolean is_INT_PACK;
/** * Tile */
RenderedImage tile = null; WritableRaster raster = null; public TileRed(RenderedImage tile, Rectangle tiledRegion) { this(tile, tiledRegion, tile.getWidth(), tile.getHeight(), null); } public TileRed(RenderedImage tile, Rectangle tiledRegion, RenderingHints hints) { this(tile, tiledRegion, tile.getWidth(), tile.getHeight(), hints); } public TileRed(RenderedImage tile, Rectangle tiledRegion, int xStep, int yStep) { this(tile, tiledRegion, xStep, yStep, null); } public TileRed(RenderedImage tile, Rectangle tiledRegion, int xStep, int yStep, RenderingHints hints) { if(tiledRegion == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if(tile == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } // org.apache.batik.test.gvt.ImageDisplay.showImage("Tile: ", tile); this.tiledRegion = tiledRegion; this.xStep = xStep; this.yStep = yStep; this.hints = hints; SampleModel sm = fixSampleModel(tile, xStep, yStep, tiledRegion.width, tiledRegion.height); ColorModel cm = tile.getColorModel(); double smSz = AbstractTiledRed.getDefaultTileSize(); smSz = smSz*smSz; double stepSz = (xStep*(double)yStep); // be prepaired to grow the default tile size quite a bit if // it means the image tile will fit in it... if (16.1*smSz > stepSz) { int xSz = xStep; int ySz = yStep; // If the pattern size is small then have multiple copies // in our tile. if (4*stepSz <= smSz) { int mult = (int)Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(smSz/stepSz)); xSz *= mult; ySz *= mult; } // System.out.println("Using Raster for pattern"); sm = sm.createCompatibleSampleModel(xSz, ySz); raster = Raster.createWritableRaster (sm, new Point(tile.getMinX(), tile.getMinY())); } is_INT_PACK = GraphicsUtil.is_INT_PACK_Data(sm, false); // System.out.println("Is INT PACK: " + is_INT_PACK); // Initialize our base class We set our bounds be we will // respond with data for any area we cover. This is needed // because the userRegion passed into PatterPaintContext // doesn't account for stroke So we use that as a basis but // when the context asks us for stuff outside that region we // complie. init((CachableRed)null, tiledRegion, cm, sm, tile.getMinX(), tile.getMinY(), null); if (raster != null) { WritableRaster fromRaster = raster.createWritableChild (tile.getMinX(), tile.getMinY(), xStep, yStep, tile.getMinX(), tile.getMinY(), null); // Fill one 'tile' of the input.... fillRasterFrom(fromRaster, tile); fillOutRaster(raster); } else { this.tile = new TileCacheRed(GraphicsUtil.wrap(tile)); } } public WritableRaster copyData(WritableRaster wr) { int xOff = ((int)Math.floor(wr.getMinX()/xStep))*xStep; int yOff = ((int)Math.floor(wr.getMinY()/yStep))*yStep; int x0 = wr.getMinX()-xOff; int y0 = wr.getMinY()-yOff; int tx0 = getXTile(x0); int ty0 = getYTile(y0); int tx1 = getXTile(x0+wr.getWidth() -1); int ty1 = getYTile(y0+wr.getHeight()-1); for (int y=ty0; y<=ty1; y++) for (int x=tx0; x<=tx1; x++) { Raster r = getTile(x, y); r = r.createChild(r.getMinX(), r.getMinY(), r.getWidth(), r.getHeight(), r.getMinX()+xOff, r.getMinY()+yOff, null); if (is_INT_PACK) GraphicsUtil.copyData_INT_PACK(r, wr); else GraphicsUtil.copyData_FALLBACK(r, wr); } return wr; } public Raster getTile(int x, int y) { if (raster!=null) { // We have a Single raster that we translate where needed // position. So just offest appropriately. int tx = tileGridXOff+x*tileWidth; int ty = tileGridYOff+y*tileHeight; return raster.createTranslatedChild(tx, ty); } // System.out.println("Checking Cache [" + x + "," + y + "]"); return genTile(x,y); } public Raster genTile(int x, int y) { // System.out.println("Cache Miss [" + x + "," + y + "]"); int tx = tileGridXOff+x*tileWidth; int ty = tileGridYOff+y*tileHeight; if (raster!=null) { // We have a Single raster that we translate where needed // position. So just offest appropriately. return raster.createTranslatedChild(tx, ty); } Point pt = new Point(tx, ty); WritableRaster wr = Raster.createWritableRaster(sm, pt); fillRasterFrom(wr, tile); return wr; } public WritableRaster fillRasterFrom(WritableRaster wr, RenderedImage src){ // System.out.println("Getting Raster : " + count + " " + wr.getMinX() + "/" + wr.getMinY() + "/" + wr.getWidth() + "/" + wr.getHeight()); // System.out.println("Tile : " + tile.getMinX() + "/" + tile.getMinY() + "/" + tile.getWidth() + "/" + tile.getHeight()); ColorModel cm = getColorModel(); BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(cm, wr.createWritableTranslatedChild(0, 0), cm.isAlphaPremultiplied(), null); Graphics2D g = GraphicsUtil.createGraphics(bi, hints); int minX = wr.getMinX(); int minY = wr.getMinY(); int maxX = wr.getWidth(); int maxY = wr.getHeight(); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.Clear); g.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 0, 0)); g.fillRect(0, 0, maxX, maxY); g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.SrcOver); g.translate(-minX, -minY); // Process initial translate so that tile is // painted to the left of the raster top-left // corner on the first drawRenderedImage int x1 = src.getMinX()+src.getWidth()-1; int y1 = src.getMinY()+src.getHeight()-1; int tileTx = (int)Math.ceil(((minX-x1)/xStep))*xStep; int tileTy = (int)Math.ceil(((minY-y1)/yStep))*yStep; g.translate(tileTx, tileTy); int curX = tileTx - wr.getMinX() + src.getMinX(); int curY = tileTy - wr.getMinY() + src.getMinY(); // System.out.println("Wr: " + wr.getBounds()); // System.out.println("Src : [" + src.getMinX() + ", " + // src.getMinY() + ", " + // src.getWidth() + ", " + // src.getHeight() + "]"); // System.out.println("tileTx/tileTy : " + tileTx + " / " + tileTy); minX = curX; while(curY < maxY) { if (HaltingThread.hasBeenHalted()) return wr; while (curX < maxX) { // System.out.println("curX/curY : " + curX + " / " + curY); // System.out.println("transform : " + // g.getTransform().getTranslateX() + // " / " + // g.getTransform().getTranslateY()); GraphicsUtil.drawImage(g, src); curX += xStep; g.translate(xStep, 0); } curY += yStep; g.translate(minX-curX, yStep); curX = minX; } /*g.setTransform(new AffineTransform()); g.setPaint(colors[count++]); count %= colors.length; g.fillRect(0, 0, maxX, maxY);*/ // Don't coerceData since it will be in the proper alpha state // due to the drawing. // GraphicsUtil.coerceData(wr, src.getColorModel(), alphaPremult); return wr; } protected void fillOutRaster(WritableRaster wr) { if (is_INT_PACK) fillOutRaster_INT_PACK(wr); else fillOutRaster_FALLBACK(wr); } protected void fillOutRaster_INT_PACK(WritableRaster wr) { // System.out.println("Fast copyData"); int x0 = wr.getMinX(); int y0 = wr.getMinY(); int width = wr.getWidth(); int height = wr.getHeight(); SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sppsm; sppsm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)wr.getSampleModel(); final int scanStride = sppsm.getScanlineStride(); DataBufferInt db = (DataBufferInt)wr.getDataBuffer(); final int [] pixels = db.getBankData()[0]; final int base = (db.getOffset() + sppsm.getOffset(x0-wr.getSampleModelTranslateX(), y0-wr.getSampleModelTranslateY())); int step = xStep; for (int x=xStep; x<width; x+=step, step*=2) { int w = step; if (x+w > width) w = width-x; if (w >= 128) { int srcSP = base; int dstSP = base+x; for(int y=0; y<yStep; y++) { System.arraycopy(pixels, srcSP, pixels, dstSP, w); srcSP += scanStride; dstSP += scanStride; } } else { int srcSP = base; int dstSP = base+x; for(int y=0; y<yStep; y++) { int end = srcSP; srcSP += w-1; dstSP += w-1; while(srcSP>=end) pixels[dstSP--] = pixels[srcSP--]; srcSP+=scanStride+1; dstSP+=scanStride+1; } } } step = yStep; for (int y=yStep; y<height; y+=step, step*=2) { int h = step; if (y+h > height) h = height-y; int dstSP = base+y*scanStride; System.arraycopy(pixels, base, pixels, dstSP, h*scanStride); } } protected void fillOutRaster_FALLBACK(WritableRaster wr) { // System.out.println("Fast copyData"); int width = wr.getWidth(); int height = wr.getHeight(); Object data = null; int step = xStep; for (int x=xStep; x<width; x+=step, step*=4) { int w = step; if (x+w > width) w = width-x; data = wr.getDataElements(0, 0, w, yStep, data); wr.setDataElements(x, 0, w, yStep, data); x+=w; if (x >= width) break; if (x+w > width) w = width-x; wr.setDataElements(x, 0, w, yStep, data); x+=w; if (x >= width) break; if (x+w > width) w = width-x; wr.setDataElements(x, 0, w, yStep, data); } step = yStep; for (int y=yStep; y<height; y+=step, step*=4) { int h = step; if (y+h > height) h = height-y; data = wr.getDataElements(0, 0, width, h, data); wr.setDataElements(0, y, width, h, data); y+=h; if (h >= height) break; if (y+h > height) h = height-y; wr.setDataElements(0, y, width, h, data); y+=h; if (h >= height) break; if (y+h > height) h = height-y; wr.setDataElements(0, y, width, h, data); y+=h; } }
This function 'fixes' the source's sample model. right now it just ensures that the sample model isn't much larger than my width.
/** * This function 'fixes' the source's sample model. * right now it just ensures that the sample model isn't * much larger than my width. */
protected static SampleModel fixSampleModel(RenderedImage src, int stepX, int stepY, int width, int height) { int defSz = AbstractTiledRed.getDefaultTileSize(); SampleModel sm = src.getSampleModel(); int w = sm.getWidth(); if (w < defSz) w = defSz; if (w > stepX) w = stepX; // if (w > width) w = width; int h = sm.getHeight(); if (h < defSz) h = defSz; if (h > stepY) h = stepY; // if (h > height) h = height; return sm.createCompatibleSampleModel(w, h); } }