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package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered;

import java.awt.color.ColorSpace;
import java.awt.image.ColorModel;
import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt;
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
import java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel;
import java.awt.image.WritableRaster;

import org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil;

Author:Vincent Hardy
Version:$Id: ColorMatrixRed.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
/** * * @author <a href="mailto:vincent.hardy@eng.sun.com">Vincent Hardy</a> * @version $Id: ColorMatrixRed.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $ */
public class ColorMatrixRed extends AbstractRed{
Matrix to apply to color components
/** * Matrix to apply to color components */
private float[][] matrix; public float[][] getMatrix(){ return copyMatrix(matrix); } public void setMatrix(float[][] matrix){ float[][] tmp = copyMatrix(matrix); if(tmp == null){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if(tmp.length != 4){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } for(int i=0; i<4; i++){ if(tmp[i].length != 5){ throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.valueOf( i ) + " : " + tmp[i].length); } } this.matrix = matrix; } private float[][] copyMatrix(float[][] m){ if(m == null){ return null; } float[][] cm = new float[m.length][]; for(int i=0; i<m.length; i++){ if(m[i] != null){ cm[i] = new float[m[i].length]; System.arraycopy(m[i], 0, cm[i], 0, m[i].length); } } return cm; } public ColorMatrixRed(CachableRed src, float[][] matrix){ setMatrix(matrix); ColorModel srcCM = src.getColorModel(); ColorSpace srcCS = null; if (srcCM != null) srcCS = srcCM.getColorSpace(); ColorModel cm; if (srcCS == null) cm = GraphicsUtil.Linear_sRGB_Unpre; else { if (srcCS == ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace.CS_LINEAR_RGB)) cm = GraphicsUtil.Linear_sRGB_Unpre; else cm = GraphicsUtil.sRGB_Unpre; } SampleModel sm = cm.createCompatibleSampleModel(src.getWidth(), src.getHeight()); init(src, src.getBounds(), cm, sm, src.getTileGridXOffset(), src.getTileGridYOffset(), null); } public WritableRaster copyData(WritableRaster wr){ //System.out.println("Getting data for : " + wr.getWidth() + "/" + wr.getHeight() + "/" + wr.getMinX() + "/" + wr.getMinY()); // // First, get source data // CachableRed src = (CachableRed)getSources().get(0); // System.out.println("Hello"); // System.out.println("src class : " + src.getClass().getName()); // System.out.println("this : " + this); wr = src.copyData(wr); // System.out.println("Hi"); //System.out.println("Source was : " + wr.getWidth() + "/" + wr.getHeight()+ "/" + wr.getMinX() + "/" + wr.getMinY()); // Unpremultiply data if required ColorModel cm = src.getColorModel(); GraphicsUtil.coerceData(wr, cm, false); // // Now, process pixel values // final int minX = wr.getMinX(); final int minY = wr.getMinY(); final int w = wr.getWidth(); final int h = wr.getHeight(); DataBufferInt dbf = (DataBufferInt)wr.getDataBuffer(); final int[] pixels = dbf.getBankData()[0]; SinglePixelPackedSampleModel sppsm; sppsm = (SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)wr.getSampleModel(); final int offset = (dbf.getOffset() + sppsm.getOffset(minX-wr.getSampleModelTranslateX(), minY-wr.getSampleModelTranslateY())); // final int offset = dbf.getOffset(); final int scanStride = ((SinglePixelPackedSampleModel)wr.getSampleModel()) .getScanlineStride(); final int adjust = scanStride - w; int p = offset; int i=0, j=0; final float a00=matrix[0][0]/255f, a01=matrix[0][1]/255f, a02=matrix[0][2]/255f, a03=matrix[0][3]/255f, a04=matrix[0][4]/255f; final float a10=matrix[1][0]/255f, a11=matrix[1][1]/255f, a12=matrix[1][2]/255f, a13=matrix[1][3]/255f, a14=matrix[1][4]/255f; final float a20=matrix[2][0]/255f, a21=matrix[2][1]/255f, a22=matrix[2][2]/255f, a23=matrix[2][3]/255f, a24=matrix[2][4]/255f; final float a30=matrix[3][0]/255f, a31=matrix[3][1]/255f, a32=matrix[3][2]/255f, a33=matrix[3][3]/255f, a34=matrix[3][4]/255f; for(i=0; i<h; i++){ for(j=0; j<w; j++){ int pel = pixels[p]; int a = pel >>> 24; int r = (pel >> 16) & 0xff; int g = (pel >> 8 ) & 0xff; int b = pel & 0xff; int dr = (int)((a00*r + a01*g + a02*b + a03*a + a04)*255.0f); int dg = (int)((a10*r + a11*g + a12*b + a13*a + a14)*255.0f); int db = (int)((a20*r + a21*g + a22*b + a23*a + a24)*255.0f); int da = (int)((a30*r + a31*g + a32*b + a33*a + a34)*255.0f); /*dr = dr > 255 ? 255 : dr < 0 ? 0 : dr; dg = dg > 255 ? 255 : dg < 0 ? 0 : dg; db = db > 255 ? 255 : db < 0 ? 0 : db; da = da > 255 ? 255 : da < 0 ? 0 : da;*/ // If any high bits are set we are not in range. // If the highest bit is set then we are negative so // clamp to zero else we are > 255 so clamp to 255. if ((dr & 0xFFFFFF00) != 0) dr = ((dr & 0x80000000) != 0)?0:255; if ((dg & 0xFFFFFF00) != 0) dg = ((dg & 0x80000000) != 0)?0:255; if ((db & 0xFFFFFF00) != 0) db = ((db & 0x80000000) != 0)?0:255; if ((da & 0xFFFFFF00) != 0) da = ((da & 0x80000000) != 0)?0:255; pixels[p++] = (da << 24 | dr << 16 | dg << 8 | db); } p += adjust; } //System.out.println("Result is : " + wr.getWidth() + "/" + wr.getHeight()+ "/" + wr.getMinX() + "/" + wr.getMinY()); return wr; } }