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package org.apache.batik.anim.values;

import org.apache.batik.anim.dom.AnimationTarget;

An SVG paint value in the animation system.
Author:Cameron McCormack
Version:$Id: AnimatablePaintValue.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
/** * An SVG paint value in the animation system. * * @author <a href="mailto:cam%40mcc%2eid%2eau">Cameron McCormack</a> * @version $Id: AnimatablePaintValue.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $ */
public class AnimatablePaintValue extends AnimatableColorValue { // Constants for paintType. public static final int PAINT_NONE = 0; public static final int PAINT_CURRENT_COLOR = 1; public static final int PAINT_COLOR = 2; public static final int PAINT_URI = 3; public static final int PAINT_URI_NONE = 4; public static final int PAINT_URI_CURRENT_COLOR = 5; public static final int PAINT_URI_COLOR = 6; public static final int PAINT_INHERIT = 7;
The type of paint.
/** * The type of paint. */
protected int paintType;
The URI of the referenced paint server.
/** * The URI of the referenced paint server. */
protected String uri;
Creates a new, uninitialized AnimatablePaintValue.
/** * Creates a new, uninitialized AnimatablePaintValue. */
protected AnimatablePaintValue(AnimationTarget target) { super(target); }
Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue.
/** * Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue. */
protected AnimatablePaintValue(AnimationTarget target, float r, float g, float b) { super(target, r, g, b); }
Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a 'none' value.
/** * Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a 'none' value. */
public static AnimatablePaintValue createNonePaintValue (AnimationTarget target) { AnimatablePaintValue v = new AnimatablePaintValue(target); v.paintType = PAINT_NONE; return v; }
Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a 'currentColor' value.
/** * Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a 'currentColor' value. */
public static AnimatablePaintValue createCurrentColorPaintValue (AnimationTarget target) { AnimatablePaintValue v = new AnimatablePaintValue(target); v.paintType = PAINT_CURRENT_COLOR; return v; }
Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a color value.
/** * Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a color value. */
public static AnimatablePaintValue createColorPaintValue (AnimationTarget target, float r, float g, float b) { AnimatablePaintValue v = new AnimatablePaintValue(target, r, g, b); v.paintType = PAINT_COLOR; return v; }
Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a URI reference.
/** * Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a URI reference. */
public static AnimatablePaintValue createURIPaintValue (AnimationTarget target, String uri) { AnimatablePaintValue v = new AnimatablePaintValue(target); v.uri = uri; v.paintType = PAINT_URI; return v; }
Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a URI reference with a 'none' fallback.
/** * Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a URI reference with a * 'none' fallback. */
public static AnimatablePaintValue createURINonePaintValue (AnimationTarget target, String uri) { AnimatablePaintValue v = new AnimatablePaintValue(target); v.uri = uri; v.paintType = PAINT_URI_NONE; return v; }
Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a URI reference with a 'currentColor' fallback.
/** * Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a URI reference with a * 'currentColor' fallback. */
public static AnimatablePaintValue createURICurrentColorPaintValue (AnimationTarget target, String uri) { AnimatablePaintValue v = new AnimatablePaintValue(target); v.uri = uri; v.paintType = PAINT_URI_CURRENT_COLOR; return v; }
Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a URI reference with a color fallback.
/** * Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a URI reference with a * color fallback. */
public static AnimatablePaintValue createURIColorPaintValue (AnimationTarget target, String uri, float r, float g, float b) { AnimatablePaintValue v = new AnimatablePaintValue(target, r, g, b); v.uri = uri; v.paintType = PAINT_URI_COLOR; return v; }
Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a 'inherit' value.
/** * Creates a new AnimatablePaintValue for a 'inherit' value. */
public static AnimatablePaintValue createInheritPaintValue (AnimationTarget target) { AnimatablePaintValue v = new AnimatablePaintValue(target); v.paintType = PAINT_INHERIT; return v; }
Performs interpolation to the given value.
/** * Performs interpolation to the given value. */
public AnimatableValue interpolate(AnimatableValue result, AnimatableValue to, float interpolation, AnimatableValue accumulation, int multiplier) { AnimatablePaintValue res; if (result == null) { res = new AnimatablePaintValue(target); } else { res = (AnimatablePaintValue) result; } if (paintType == PAINT_COLOR) { boolean canInterpolate = true; if (to != null) { AnimatablePaintValue toPaint = (AnimatablePaintValue) to; canInterpolate = toPaint.paintType == PAINT_COLOR; } if (accumulation != null) { AnimatablePaintValue accPaint = (AnimatablePaintValue) accumulation; canInterpolate = canInterpolate && accPaint.paintType == PAINT_COLOR; } if (canInterpolate) { res.paintType = PAINT_COLOR; return super.interpolate (res, to, interpolation, accumulation, multiplier); } } int newPaintType; String newURI; float newRed, newGreen, newBlue; if (to != null && interpolation >= 0.5) { AnimatablePaintValue toValue = (AnimatablePaintValue) to; newPaintType = toValue.paintType; newURI = toValue.uri; newRed = toValue.red; newGreen = toValue.green; newBlue = toValue.blue; } else { newPaintType = paintType; newURI = uri; newRed = red; newGreen = green; newBlue = blue; } if (res.paintType != newPaintType || res.uri == null || !res.uri.equals(newURI) || res.red != newRed || res.green != newGreen || res.blue != newBlue) { res.paintType = newPaintType; res.uri = newURI; res.red = newRed; res.green = newGreen; res.blue = newBlue; res.hasChanged = true; } return res; }
Returns the type of paint this value represents.
/** * Returns the type of paint this value represents. */
public int getPaintType() { return paintType; }
Returns the paint server URI.
/** * Returns the paint server URI. */
public String getURI() { return uri; }
Returns whether two values of this type can have their distance computed, as needed by paced animation.
/** * Returns whether two values of this type can have their distance * computed, as needed by paced animation. */
public boolean canPace() { return false; }
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
/** * Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other * value. */
public float distanceTo(AnimatableValue other) { return 0f; }
Returns a zero value of this AnimatableValue's type.
/** * Returns a zero value of this AnimatableValue's type. */
public AnimatableValue getZeroValue() { return AnimatablePaintValue.createColorPaintValue(target, 0f, 0f, 0f); }
Returns the CSS text representation of the value.
/** * Returns the CSS text representation of the value. */
public String getCssText() { switch (paintType) { case PAINT_NONE: return "none"; case PAINT_CURRENT_COLOR: return "currentColor"; case PAINT_COLOR: return super.getCssText(); case PAINT_URI: return "url(" + uri + ")"; case PAINT_URI_NONE: return "url(" + uri + ") none"; case PAINT_URI_CURRENT_COLOR: return "url(" + uri + ") currentColor"; case PAINT_URI_COLOR: return "url(" + uri + ") " + super.getCssText(); default: // PAINT_INHERIT return "inherit"; } } }