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package org.apache.batik.anim.dom;

import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;

import org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableMotionPointValue;
import org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableValue;
import org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument;
import org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGMotionAnimatableElement;
import org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGTestsSupport;
import org.apache.batik.dom.util.XMLSupport;
import org.apache.batik.util.DoublyIndexedTable;
import org.apache.batik.util.SVGTypes;

import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGAnimatedBoolean;
import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGAnimatedTransformList;
import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGElement;
import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGException;
import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGMatrix;
import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGRect;
import org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGStringList;

This class provides a common superclass for all graphics elements.
Author:Stephane Hillion
Version:$Id: SVGGraphicsElement.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $
/** * This class provides a common superclass for all graphics elements. * * @author <a href="mailto:stephane@hillion.org">Stephane Hillion</a> * @version $Id: SVGGraphicsElement.java 1733416 2016-03-03 07:07:13Z gadams $ */
public abstract class SVGGraphicsElement extends SVGStylableElement implements SVGMotionAnimatableElement {
Table mapping XML attribute names to TraitInformation objects.
/** * Table mapping XML attribute names to TraitInformation objects. */
protected static DoublyIndexedTable xmlTraitInformation; static { DoublyIndexedTable t = new DoublyIndexedTable(SVGStylableElement.xmlTraitInformation); t.put(null, SVG_TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE, new TraitInformation(true, SVGTypes.TYPE_TRANSFORM_LIST)); t.put(null, SVG_EXTERNAL_RESOURCES_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, new TraitInformation(true, SVGTypes.TYPE_BOOLEAN)); // t.put(null, SVG_REQUIRED_EXTENSIONS_ATTRIBUTE, // new TraitInformation(false, SVGTypes.TYPE_URI_LIST)); // t.put(null, SVG_REQUIRED_FEATURES_ATTRIBUTE, // new TraitInformation(false, SVGTypes.TYPE_URI_LIST)); // t.put(null, SVG_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE_ATTRIBUTE, // new TraitInformation(false, SVGTypes.TYPE_LANG_LIST)); xmlTraitInformation = t; }
The 'transform' attribute value.
/** * The 'transform' attribute value. */
protected SVGOMAnimatedTransformList transform;
The 'externalResourcesRequired' attribute value.
/** * The 'externalResourcesRequired' attribute value. */
protected SVGOMAnimatedBoolean externalResourcesRequired;
Supplemental transformation due to motion animation.
/** * Supplemental transformation due to motion animation. */
protected AffineTransform motionTransform;
Creates a new SVGGraphicsElement.
/** * Creates a new SVGGraphicsElement. */
protected SVGGraphicsElement() { }
Creates a new SVGGraphicsElement object.
  • prefix – The namespace prefix.
  • owner – The owner document.
/** * Creates a new SVGGraphicsElement object. * @param prefix The namespace prefix. * @param owner The owner document. */
protected SVGGraphicsElement(String prefix, AbstractDocument owner) { super(prefix, owner); initializeLiveAttributes(); }
Initializes all live attributes for this element.
/** * Initializes all live attributes for this element. */
protected void initializeAllLiveAttributes() { super.initializeAllLiveAttributes(); initializeLiveAttributes(); }
Initializes the live attribute values of this element.
/** * Initializes the live attribute values of this element. */
private void initializeLiveAttributes() { transform = createLiveAnimatedTransformList(null, SVG_TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE, ""); externalResourcesRequired = createLiveAnimatedBoolean (null, SVG_EXTERNAL_RESOURCES_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE, false); }
Returns the table of TraitInformation objects for this element.
/** * Returns the table of TraitInformation objects for this element. */
protected DoublyIndexedTable getTraitInformationTable() { return xmlTraitInformation; } // SVGLocatable support ///////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGLocatable#getNearestViewportElement()}. */ public SVGElement getNearestViewportElement() { return SVGLocatableSupport.getNearestViewportElement(this); } /** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGLocatable#getFarthestViewportElement()}. */ public SVGElement getFarthestViewportElement() { return SVGLocatableSupport.getFarthestViewportElement(this); }
DOM: Implements SVGLocatable.getBBox().
/** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGLocatable#getBBox()}. */
public SVGRect getBBox() { return SVGLocatableSupport.getBBox(this); }
DOM: Implements SVGLocatable.getCTM().
/** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGLocatable#getCTM()}. */
public SVGMatrix getCTM() { return SVGLocatableSupport.getCTM(this); }
DOM: Implements SVGLocatable.getScreenCTM().
/** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGLocatable#getScreenCTM()}. */
public SVGMatrix getScreenCTM() { return SVGLocatableSupport.getScreenCTM(this); } /** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGLocatable#getTransformToElement(SVGElement)}. */ public SVGMatrix getTransformToElement(SVGElement element) throws SVGException { return SVGLocatableSupport.getTransformToElement(this, element); } // SVGTransformable support ////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTransformable#getTransform()}. */ public SVGAnimatedTransformList getTransform() { return transform; } // SVGExternalResourcesRequired support ///////////////////////////// /** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGExternalResourcesRequired#getExternalResourcesRequired()}. */ public SVGAnimatedBoolean getExternalResourcesRequired() { return externalResourcesRequired; } // SVGLangSpace support //////////////////////////////////////////////////
DOM: Returns the xml:lang attribute value.
/** * <b>DOM</b>: Returns the xml:lang attribute value. */
public String getXMLlang() { return XMLSupport.getXMLLang(this); }
DOM: Sets the xml:lang attribute value.
/** * <b>DOM</b>: Sets the xml:lang attribute value. */
public void setXMLlang(String lang) { setAttributeNS(XML_NAMESPACE_URI, XML_LANG_QNAME, lang); }
DOM: Returns the xml:space attribute value.
/** * <b>DOM</b>: Returns the xml:space attribute value. */
public String getXMLspace() { return XMLSupport.getXMLSpace(this); }
DOM: Sets the xml:space attribute value.
/** * <b>DOM</b>: Sets the xml:space attribute value. */
public void setXMLspace(String space) { setAttributeNS(XML_NAMESPACE_URI, XML_SPACE_QNAME, space); } // SVGTests support /////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTests#getRequiredFeatures()}. */ public SVGStringList getRequiredFeatures() { return SVGTestsSupport.getRequiredFeatures(this); } /** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTests#getRequiredExtensions()}. */ public SVGStringList getRequiredExtensions() { return SVGTestsSupport.getRequiredExtensions(this); } /** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTests#getSystemLanguage()}. */ public SVGStringList getSystemLanguage() { return SVGTestsSupport.getSystemLanguage(this); } /** * <b>DOM</b>: Implements {@link * org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGTests#hasExtension(String)}. */ public boolean hasExtension(String extension) { return SVGTestsSupport.hasExtension(this, extension); } // SVGMotionAnimatableElement ////////////////////////////////////////////
Returns the AffineTransform representing the current motion animation for this element.
/** * Returns the {@link AffineTransform} representing the current motion * animation for this element. */
public AffineTransform getMotionTransform() { return motionTransform; } // AnimationTarget ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Updates a 'other' animation value in this target.
/** * Updates a 'other' animation value in this target. */
public void updateOtherValue(String type, AnimatableValue val) { if (type.equals("motion")) { if (motionTransform == null) { motionTransform = new AffineTransform(); } if (val == null) { motionTransform.setToIdentity(); } else { AnimatableMotionPointValue p = (AnimatableMotionPointValue) val; motionTransform.setToTranslation(p.getX(), p.getY()); motionTransform.rotate(p.getAngle()); } SVGOMDocument d = (SVGOMDocument) ownerDocument; d.getAnimatedAttributeListener().otherAnimationChanged(this, type); } else { super.updateOtherValue(type, val); } } }