 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 *  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.tomcat.util.net.openssl.ciphers;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;
import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.net.Constants;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.res.StringManager;

Class in charge with parsing openSSL expressions to define a list of ciphers.
/** * Class in charge with parsing openSSL expressions to define a list of ciphers. */
public class OpenSSLCipherConfigurationParser { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(OpenSSLCipherConfigurationParser.class); private static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(OpenSSLCipherConfigurationParser.class); private static boolean initialized = false; private static final String SEPARATOR = ":|,| ";
If ! is used then the ciphers are permanently deleted from the list. The ciphers deleted can never reappear in the list even if they are explicitly stated.
/** * If ! is used then the ciphers are permanently deleted from the list. The ciphers deleted can never reappear in the list * even if they are explicitly stated. */
private static final String EXCLUDE = "!";
If - is used then the ciphers are deleted from the list, but some or all of the ciphers can be added again by later options.
/** * If - is used then the ciphers are deleted from the list, but some or all of the ciphers can be added again by later * options. */
private static final String DELETE = "-";
If + is used then the ciphers are moved to the end of the list. This option doesn't add any new ciphers it just moves matching existing ones.
/** * If + is used then the ciphers are moved to the end of the list. This option doesn't add any new ciphers it just moves * matching existing ones. */
private static final String TO_END = "+";
Lists of cipher suites can be combined in a single cipher string using the + character. This is used as a logical and operation. For example SHA1+DES represents all cipher suites containing the SHA1 and the DES algorithms.
/** * Lists of cipher suites can be combined in a single cipher string using the + character. * This is used as a logical and operation. * For example SHA1+DES represents all cipher suites containing the SHA1 and the DES algorithms. */
private static final String AND = "+";
All ciphers by their openssl alias name.
/** * All ciphers by their openssl alias name. */
private static final Map<String, List<Cipher>> aliases = new LinkedHashMap<>();
the 'NULL' ciphers that is those offering no encryption. Because these offer no encryption at all and are a security risk they are disabled unless explicitly included.
/** * the 'NULL' ciphers that is those offering no encryption. Because these offer no encryption at all and are a security risk * they are disabled unless explicitly included. */
private static final String eNULL = "eNULL";
The cipher suites offering no authentication. This is currently the anonymous DH algorithms. T These cipher suites are vulnerable to a 'man in the middle' attack and so their use is normally discouraged.
/** * The cipher suites offering no authentication. This is currently the anonymous DH algorithms. T These cipher suites are * vulnerable to a 'man in the middle' attack and so their use is normally discouraged. */
private static final String aNULL = "aNULL";
'high' encryption cipher suites. This currently means those with key lengths larger than 128 bits, and some cipher suites with 128-bit keys.
/** * 'high' encryption cipher suites. This currently means those with key lengths larger than 128 bits, and some cipher suites * with 128-bit keys. */
private static final String HIGH = "HIGH";
'medium' encryption cipher suites, currently some of those using 128 bit encryption.
/** * 'medium' encryption cipher suites, currently some of those using 128 bit encryption. */
private static final String MEDIUM = "MEDIUM";
'low' encryption cipher suites, currently those using 64 or 56 bit encryption algorithms but excluding export cipher suites.
/** * 'low' encryption cipher suites, currently those using 64 or 56 bit encryption algorithms but excluding export cipher * suites. */
private static final String LOW = "LOW";
Export encryption algorithms. Including 40 and 56 bits algorithms.
/** * Export encryption algorithms. Including 40 and 56 bits algorithms. */
private static final String EXPORT = "EXPORT";
40 bit export encryption algorithms.
/** * 40 bit export encryption algorithms. */
private static final String EXPORT40 = "EXPORT40";
56 bit export encryption algorithms.
/** * 56 bit export encryption algorithms. */
private static final String EXPORT56 = "EXPORT56";
Cipher suites using RSA key exchange.
/** * Cipher suites using RSA key exchange. */
private static final String kRSA = "kRSA";
Cipher suites using RSA authentication.
/** * Cipher suites using RSA authentication. */
private static final String aRSA = "aRSA";
Cipher suites using RSA for key exchange Despite what the docs say, RSA is equivalent to kRSA.
/** * Cipher suites using RSA for key exchange * Despite what the docs say, RSA is equivalent to kRSA. */
private static final String RSA = "RSA";
Cipher suites using ephemeral DH key agreement.
/** * Cipher suites using ephemeral DH key agreement. */
private static final String kEDH = "kEDH";
Cipher suites using ephemeral DH key agreement.
/** * Cipher suites using ephemeral DH key agreement. */
private static final String kDHE = "kDHE";
Cipher suites using ephemeral DH key agreement. equivalent to kEDH:-ADH
/** * Cipher suites using ephemeral DH key agreement. equivalent to kEDH:-ADH */
private static final String EDH = "EDH";
Cipher suites using ephemeral DH key agreement. equivalent to kEDH:-ADH
/** * Cipher suites using ephemeral DH key agreement. equivalent to kEDH:-ADH */
private static final String DHE = "DHE";
Cipher suites using DH key agreement and DH certificates signed by CAs with RSA keys.
/** * Cipher suites using DH key agreement and DH certificates signed by CAs with RSA keys. */
private static final String kDHr = "kDHr";
Cipher suites using DH key agreement and DH certificates signed by CAs with DSS keys.
/** * Cipher suites using DH key agreement and DH certificates signed by CAs with DSS keys. */
private static final String kDHd = "kDHd";
Cipher suites using DH key agreement and DH certificates signed by CAs with RSA or DSS keys.
/** * Cipher suites using DH key agreement and DH certificates signed by CAs with RSA or DSS keys. */
private static final String kDH = "kDH";
Cipher suites using fixed ECDH key agreement signed by CAs with RSA keys.
/** * Cipher suites using fixed ECDH key agreement signed by CAs with RSA keys. */
private static final String kECDHr = "kECDHr";
Cipher suites using fixed ECDH key agreement signed by CAs with ECDSA keys.
/** * Cipher suites using fixed ECDH key agreement signed by CAs with ECDSA keys. */
private static final String kECDHe = "kECDHe";
Cipher suites using fixed ECDH key agreement signed by CAs with RSA and ECDSA keys or either respectively.
/** * Cipher suites using fixed ECDH key agreement signed by CAs with RSA and ECDSA keys or either respectively. */
private static final String kECDH = "kECDH";
Cipher suites using ephemeral ECDH key agreement, including anonymous cipher suites.
/** * Cipher suites using ephemeral ECDH key agreement, including anonymous cipher suites. */
private static final String kEECDH = "kEECDH";
Cipher suites using ephemeral ECDH key agreement, excluding anonymous cipher suites. Same as "kEECDH:-AECDH"
/** * Cipher suites using ephemeral ECDH key agreement, excluding anonymous cipher suites. * Same as "kEECDH:-AECDH" */
private static final String EECDH = "EECDH";
Cipher suitesusing ECDH key exchange, including anonymous, ephemeral and fixed ECDH.
/** * Cipher suitesusing ECDH key exchange, including anonymous, ephemeral and fixed ECDH. */
private static final String ECDH = "ECDH";
Cipher suites using ephemeral ECDH key agreement, including anonymous cipher suites.
/** * Cipher suites using ephemeral ECDH key agreement, including anonymous cipher suites. */
private static final String kECDHE = "kECDHE";
Cipher suites using authenticated ephemeral ECDH key agreement
/** * Cipher suites using authenticated ephemeral ECDH key agreement */
private static final String ECDHE = "ECDHE";
Cipher suites using authenticated ephemeral ECDH key agreement
/** * Cipher suites using authenticated ephemeral ECDH key agreement */
private static final String EECDHE = "EECDHE";
Anonymous Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman cipher suites.
/** * Anonymous Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman cipher suites. */
private static final String AECDH = "AECDH";
Cipher suites using DSS for key exchange
/** * Cipher suites using DSS for key exchange */
private static final String DSS = "DSS";
Cipher suites using DSS authentication, i.e. the certificates carry DSS keys.
/** * Cipher suites using DSS authentication, i.e. the certificates carry DSS keys. */
private static final String aDSS = "aDSS";
Cipher suites effectively using DH authentication, i.e. the certificates carry DH keys.
/** * Cipher suites effectively using DH authentication, i.e. the certificates carry DH keys. */
private static final String aDH = "aDH";
Cipher suites effectively using ECDH authentication, i.e. the certificates carry ECDH keys.
/** * Cipher suites effectively using ECDH authentication, i.e. the certificates carry ECDH keys. */
private static final String aECDH = "aECDH";
Cipher suites effectively using ECDSA authentication, i.e. the certificates carry ECDSA keys.
/** * Cipher suites effectively using ECDSA authentication, i.e. the certificates carry ECDSA keys. */
private static final String aECDSA = "aECDSA";
Cipher suites effectively using ECDSA authentication, i.e. the certificates carry ECDSA keys.
/** * Cipher suites effectively using ECDSA authentication, i.e. the certificates carry ECDSA keys. */
private static final String ECDSA = "ECDSA";
Ciphers suites using FORTEZZA key exchange algorithms.
/** * Ciphers suites using FORTEZZA key exchange algorithms. */
private static final String kFZA = "kFZA";
Ciphers suites using FORTEZZA authentication algorithms.
/** * Ciphers suites using FORTEZZA authentication algorithms. */
private static final String aFZA = "aFZA";
Ciphers suites using FORTEZZA encryption algorithms.
/** * Ciphers suites using FORTEZZA encryption algorithms. */
private static final String eFZA = "eFZA";
Ciphers suites using all FORTEZZA algorithms.
/** * Ciphers suites using all FORTEZZA algorithms. */
private static final String FZA = "FZA";
Cipher suites using DH, including anonymous DH, ephemeral DH and fixed DH.
/** * Cipher suites using DH, including anonymous DH, ephemeral DH and fixed DH. */
private static final String DH = "DH";
Anonymous DH cipher suites.
/** * Anonymous DH cipher suites. */
private static final String ADH = "ADH";
Cipher suites using 128 bit AES.
/** * Cipher suites using 128 bit AES. */
private static final String AES128 = "AES128";
Cipher suites using 256 bit AES.
/** * Cipher suites using 256 bit AES. */
private static final String AES256 = "AES256";
Cipher suites using either 128 or 256 bit AES.
/** * Cipher suites using either 128 or 256 bit AES. */
private static final String AES = "AES";
AES in Galois Counter Mode (GCM): these cipher suites are only supported in TLS v1.2.
/** * AES in Galois Counter Mode (GCM): these cipher suites are only supported in TLS v1.2. */
private static final String AESGCM = "AESGCM";
AES in Counter with CBC-MAC Mode (CCM).
/** * AES in Counter with CBC-MAC Mode (CCM). */
private static final String AESCCM = "AESCCM";
AES in Counter with CBC-MAC Mode and 8-byte authentication (CCM8).
/** * AES in Counter with CBC-MAC Mode and 8-byte authentication (CCM8). */
private static final String AESCCM8 = "AESCCM8";
Cipher suites using either 128 bit ARIA.
/** * Cipher suites using either 128 bit ARIA. */
private static final String ARIA128 = "ARIA128";
Cipher suites using either 256 bit ARIA.
/** * Cipher suites using either 256 bit ARIA. */
private static final String ARIA256 = "ARIA256";
Cipher suites using either 128 or 256 bit ARIA.
/** * Cipher suites using either 128 or 256 bit ARIA. */
private static final String ARIA = "ARIA";
Cipher suites using 128 bit CAMELLIA.
/** * Cipher suites using 128 bit CAMELLIA. */
private static final String CAMELLIA128 = "CAMELLIA128";
Cipher suites using 256 bit CAMELLIA.
/** * Cipher suites using 256 bit CAMELLIA. */
private static final String CAMELLIA256 = "CAMELLIA256";
Cipher suites using either 128 or 256 bit CAMELLIA.
/** * Cipher suites using either 128 or 256 bit CAMELLIA. */
private static final String CAMELLIA = "CAMELLIA";
Cipher suites using CHACHA20.
/** * Cipher suites using CHACHA20. */
private static final String CHACHA20 = "CHACHA20";
Cipher suites using triple DES.
/** * Cipher suites using triple DES. */
private static final String TRIPLE_DES = "3DES";
Cipher suites using DES (not triple DES).
/** * Cipher suites using DES (not triple DES). */
private static final String DES = "DES";
Cipher suites using RC4.
/** * Cipher suites using RC4. */
private static final String RC4 = "RC4";
Cipher suites using RC2.
/** * Cipher suites using RC2. */
private static final String RC2 = "RC2";
Cipher suites using IDEA.
/** * Cipher suites using IDEA. */
private static final String IDEA = "IDEA";
Cipher suites using SEED.
/** * Cipher suites using SEED. */
private static final String SEED = "SEED";
Cipher suites using MD5.
/** * Cipher suites using MD5. */
private static final String MD5 = "MD5";
Cipher suites using SHA1.
/** * Cipher suites using SHA1. */
private static final String SHA1 = "SHA1";
Cipher suites using SHA1.
/** * Cipher suites using SHA1. */
private static final String SHA = "SHA";
Cipher suites using SHA256.
/** * Cipher suites using SHA256. */
private static final String SHA256 = "SHA256";
Cipher suites using SHA384.
/** * Cipher suites using SHA384. */
private static final String SHA384 = "SHA384";
Cipher suites using KRB5.
/** * Cipher suites using KRB5. */
private static final String KRB5 = "KRB5";
Cipher suites using GOST R 34.10 (either 2001 or 94) for authentication.
/** * Cipher suites using GOST R 34.10 (either 2001 or 94) for authentication. */
private static final String aGOST = "aGOST";
Cipher suites using GOST R 34.10-2001 for authentication.
/** * Cipher suites using GOST R 34.10-2001 for authentication. */
private static final String aGOST01 = "aGOST01";
Cipher suites using GOST R 34.10-94 authentication (note that R 34.10-94 standard has been expired so use GOST R 34.10-2001)
/** * Cipher suites using GOST R 34.10-94 authentication (note that R 34.10-94 standard has been expired so use GOST R * 34.10-2001) */
private static final String aGOST94 = "aGOST94";
Cipher suites using using VKO 34.10 key exchange, specified in the RFC 4357.
/** * Cipher suites using using VKO 34.10 key exchange, specified in the RFC 4357. */
private static final String kGOST = "kGOST";
Cipher suites, using HMAC based on GOST R 34.11-94.
/** * Cipher suites, using HMAC based on GOST R 34.11-94. */
private static final String GOST94 = "GOST94";
Cipher suites using GOST 28147-89 MAC instead of HMAC.
/** * Cipher suites using GOST 28147-89 MAC instead of HMAC. */
private static final String GOST89MAC = "GOST89MAC";
Cipher suites using SRP authentication, specified in the RFC 5054.
/** * Cipher suites using SRP authentication, specified in the RFC 5054. */
private static final String aSRP = "aSRP";
Cipher suites using SRP key exchange, specified in the RFC 5054.
/** * Cipher suites using SRP key exchange, specified in the RFC 5054. */
private static final String kSRP = "kSRP";
Same as kSRP
/** * Same as kSRP */
private static final String SRP = "SRP";
Cipher suites using pre-shared keys (PSK).
/** * Cipher suites using pre-shared keys (PSK). */
private static final String PSK = "PSK";
Cipher suites using PSK authentication.
/** * Cipher suites using PSK authentication. */
private static final String aPSK = "aPSK";
Cipher suites using PSK key 'exchange'.
/** * Cipher suites using PSK key 'exchange'. */
private static final String kPSK = "kPSK"; private static final String kRSAPSK = "kRSAPSK"; private static final String kECDHEPSK = "kECDHEPSK"; private static final String kDHEPSK = "kDHEPSK"; private static final String DEFAULT = "DEFAULT"; private static final String COMPLEMENTOFDEFAULT = "COMPLEMENTOFDEFAULT"; private static final String ALL = "ALL"; private static final String COMPLEMENTOFALL = "COMPLEMENTOFALL"; private static final Map<String,String> jsseToOpenSSL = new HashMap<>(); private static final void init() { for (Cipher cipher : Cipher.values()) { String alias = cipher.getOpenSSLAlias(); if (aliases.containsKey(alias)) { aliases.get(alias).add(cipher); } else { List<Cipher> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(cipher); aliases.put(alias, list); } aliases.put(cipher.name(), Collections.singletonList(cipher)); for (String openSSlAltName : cipher.getOpenSSLAltNames()) { if (aliases.containsKey(openSSlAltName)) { aliases.get(openSSlAltName).add(cipher); } else { List<Cipher> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(cipher); aliases.put(openSSlAltName, list); } } jsseToOpenSSL.put(cipher.name(), cipher.getOpenSSLAlias()); Set<String> jsseNames = cipher.getJsseNames(); for (String jsseName : jsseNames) { jsseToOpenSSL.put(jsseName, cipher.getOpenSSLAlias()); } } List<Cipher> allCiphersList = Arrays.asList(Cipher.values()); Collections.reverse(allCiphersList); LinkedHashSet<Cipher> allCiphers = defaultSort(new LinkedHashSet<>(allCiphersList)); addListAlias(eNULL, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.eNULL))); LinkedHashSet<Cipher> all = new LinkedHashSet<>(allCiphers); remove(all, eNULL); addListAlias(ALL, all); addListAlias(HIGH, filterByEncryptionLevel(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(EncryptionLevel.HIGH))); addListAlias(MEDIUM, filterByEncryptionLevel(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(EncryptionLevel.MEDIUM))); addListAlias(LOW, filterByEncryptionLevel(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(EncryptionLevel.LOW))); addListAlias(EXPORT, filterByEncryptionLevel(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(EncryptionLevel.EXP40, EncryptionLevel.EXP56)))); aliases.put("EXP", aliases.get(EXPORT)); addListAlias(EXPORT40, filterByEncryptionLevel(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(EncryptionLevel.EXP40))); addListAlias(EXPORT56, filterByEncryptionLevel(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(EncryptionLevel.EXP56))); aliases.put("NULL", aliases.get(eNULL)); aliases.put(COMPLEMENTOFALL, aliases.get(eNULL)); addListAlias(aNULL, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.aNULL))); addListAlias(kRSA, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.RSA))); addListAlias(aRSA, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.RSA))); // Despite what the docs say, RSA is equivalent to kRSA aliases.put(RSA, aliases.get(kRSA)); addListAlias(kEDH, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.EDH))); addListAlias(kDHE, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.EDH))); Set<Cipher> edh = filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.EDH)); edh.removeAll(filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.aNULL))); addListAlias(EDH, edh); addListAlias(DHE, edh); addListAlias(kDHr, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.DHr))); addListAlias(kDHd, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.DHd))); addListAlias(kDH, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(KeyExchange.DHr, KeyExchange.DHd)))); addListAlias(kECDHr, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.ECDHr))); addListAlias(kECDHe, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.ECDHe))); addListAlias(kECDH, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(KeyExchange.ECDHe, KeyExchange.ECDHr)))); addListAlias(ECDH, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(KeyExchange.ECDHe, KeyExchange.ECDHr, KeyExchange.EECDH)))); addListAlias(kECDHE, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.EECDH))); Set<Cipher> ecdhe = filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.EECDH)); remove(ecdhe, aNULL); addListAlias(ECDHE, ecdhe); addListAlias(kEECDH, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.EECDH))); aliases.put(EECDHE, aliases.get(kEECDH)); Set<Cipher> eecdh = filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.EECDH)); eecdh.removeAll(filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.aNULL))); addListAlias(EECDH, eecdh); addListAlias(aDSS, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.DSS))); aliases.put(DSS, aliases.get(aDSS)); addListAlias(aDH, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.DH))); Set<Cipher> aecdh = filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.EECDH)); addListAlias(AECDH, filterByAuthentication(aecdh, Collections.singleton(Authentication.aNULL))); addListAlias(aECDH, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.ECDH))); addListAlias(ECDSA, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.ECDSA))); aliases.put(aECDSA, aliases.get(ECDSA)); addListAlias(kFZA, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.FZA))); addListAlias(aFZA, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.FZA))); addListAlias(eFZA, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.FZA))); addListAlias(FZA, filter(allCiphers, null, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.FZA), Collections.singleton(Authentication.FZA), Collections.singleton(Encryption.FZA), null, null)); addListAlias(Constants.SSL_PROTO_TLSv1_2, filterByProtocol(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Protocol.TLSv1_2))); addListAlias(Constants.SSL_PROTO_TLSv1_0, filterByProtocol(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Protocol.TLSv1))); addListAlias(Constants.SSL_PROTO_SSLv3, filterByProtocol(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Protocol.SSLv3))); aliases.put(Constants.SSL_PROTO_TLSv1, aliases.get(Constants.SSL_PROTO_TLSv1_0)); addListAlias(Constants.SSL_PROTO_SSLv2, filterByProtocol(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Protocol.SSLv2))); addListAlias(DH, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(KeyExchange.DHr, KeyExchange.DHd, KeyExchange.EDH)))); Set<Cipher> adh = filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.EDH)); adh.retainAll(filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.aNULL))); addListAlias(ADH, adh); addListAlias(AES128, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Encryption.AES128, Encryption.AES128CCM, Encryption.AES128CCM8, Encryption.AES128GCM)))); addListAlias(AES256, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Encryption.AES256, Encryption.AES256CCM, Encryption.AES256CCM8, Encryption.AES256GCM)))); addListAlias(AES, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Encryption.AES128, Encryption.AES128CCM, Encryption.AES128CCM8, Encryption.AES128GCM, Encryption.AES256, Encryption.AES256CCM, Encryption.AES256CCM8, Encryption.AES256GCM)))); addListAlias(ARIA128, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.ARIA128GCM))); addListAlias(ARIA256, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.ARIA256GCM))); addListAlias(ARIA, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Encryption.ARIA128GCM, Encryption.ARIA256GCM)))); addListAlias(AESGCM, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Encryption.AES128GCM, Encryption.AES256GCM)))); addListAlias(AESCCM, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Encryption.AES128CCM, Encryption.AES128CCM8, Encryption.AES256CCM, Encryption.AES256CCM8)))); addListAlias(AESCCM8, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Encryption.AES128CCM8, Encryption.AES256CCM8)))); addListAlias(CAMELLIA, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Encryption.CAMELLIA128, Encryption.CAMELLIA256)))); addListAlias(CAMELLIA128, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.CAMELLIA128))); addListAlias(CAMELLIA256, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.CAMELLIA256))); addListAlias(CHACHA20, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.CHACHA20POLY1305))); addListAlias(TRIPLE_DES, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.TRIPLE_DES))); addListAlias(DES, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.DES))); addListAlias(RC4, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.RC4))); addListAlias(RC2, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.RC2))); addListAlias(IDEA, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.IDEA))); addListAlias(SEED, filterByEncryption(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Encryption.SEED))); addListAlias(MD5, filterByMessageDigest(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(MessageDigest.MD5))); addListAlias(SHA1, filterByMessageDigest(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(MessageDigest.SHA1))); aliases.put(SHA, aliases.get(SHA1)); addListAlias(SHA256, filterByMessageDigest(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(MessageDigest.SHA256))); addListAlias(SHA384, filterByMessageDigest(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(MessageDigest.SHA384))); addListAlias(aGOST, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Authentication.GOST01, Authentication.GOST94)))); addListAlias(aGOST01, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.GOST01))); addListAlias(aGOST94, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.GOST94))); addListAlias(kGOST, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.GOST))); addListAlias(GOST94, filterByMessageDigest(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(MessageDigest.GOST94))); addListAlias(GOST89MAC, filterByMessageDigest(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(MessageDigest.GOST89MAC))); addListAlias(PSK, filter(allCiphers, null, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(KeyExchange.PSK, KeyExchange.RSAPSK, KeyExchange.DHEPSK, KeyExchange.ECDHEPSK)), Collections.singleton(Authentication.PSK), null, null, null)); addListAlias(aPSK, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.PSK))); addListAlias(kPSK, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.PSK))); addListAlias(kRSAPSK, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.RSAPSK))); addListAlias(kECDHEPSK, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.ECDHEPSK))); addListAlias(kDHEPSK, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.DHEPSK))); addListAlias(KRB5, filter(allCiphers, null, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.KRB5), Collections.singleton(Authentication.KRB5), null, null, null)); addListAlias(aSRP, filterByAuthentication(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(Authentication.SRP))); addListAlias(kSRP, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.SRP))); addListAlias(SRP, filterByKeyExchange(allCiphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.SRP))); initialized = true; // Despite what the OpenSSL docs say, DEFAULT also excludes SSLv2 addListAlias(DEFAULT, parse("ALL:!EXPORT:!eNULL:!aNULL:!SSLv2:!DES:!RC2:!RC4:!DSS:!SEED:!IDEA:!CAMELLIA:!AESCCM:!3DES:!ARIA")); // COMPLEMENTOFDEFAULT is also not exactly as defined by the docs LinkedHashSet<Cipher> complementOfDefault = filterByKeyExchange(all, new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(KeyExchange.EDH,KeyExchange.EECDH))); complementOfDefault = filterByAuthentication(complementOfDefault, Collections.singleton(Authentication.aNULL)); complementOfDefault.removeAll(aliases.get(eNULL)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(Constants.SSL_PROTO_SSLv2)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(EXPORT)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(DES)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(TRIPLE_DES)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(RC2)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(RC4)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(aDSS)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(SEED)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(IDEA)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(CAMELLIA)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(AESCCM)); complementOfDefault.addAll(aliases.get(ARIA)); defaultSort(complementOfDefault); addListAlias(COMPLEMENTOFDEFAULT, complementOfDefault); } static void addListAlias(String alias, Set<Cipher> ciphers) { aliases.put(alias, new ArrayList<>(ciphers)); } static void moveToEnd(final LinkedHashSet<Cipher> ciphers, final String alias) { moveToEnd(ciphers, aliases.get(alias)); } static void moveToEnd(final LinkedHashSet<Cipher> ciphers, final Collection<Cipher> toBeMovedCiphers) { List<Cipher> movedCiphers = new ArrayList<>(toBeMovedCiphers); movedCiphers.retainAll(ciphers); ciphers.removeAll(movedCiphers); ciphers.addAll(movedCiphers); } static void moveToStart(final LinkedHashSet<Cipher> ciphers, final Collection<Cipher> toBeMovedCiphers) { List<Cipher> movedCiphers = new ArrayList<>(toBeMovedCiphers); List<Cipher> originalCiphers = new ArrayList<>(ciphers); movedCiphers.retainAll(ciphers); ciphers.clear(); ciphers.addAll(movedCiphers); ciphers.addAll(originalCiphers); } static void add(final LinkedHashSet<Cipher> ciphers, final String alias) { ciphers.addAll(aliases.get(alias)); } static void remove(final Set<Cipher> ciphers, final String alias) { ciphers.removeAll(aliases.get(alias)); } static LinkedHashSet<Cipher> strengthSort(final LinkedHashSet<Cipher> ciphers) { /* * This routine sorts the ciphers with descending strength. The sorting * must keep the pre-sorted sequence, so we apply the normal sorting * routine as '+' movement to the end of the list. */ Set<Integer> keySizes = new HashSet<>(); for (Cipher cipher : ciphers) { keySizes.add(Integer.valueOf(cipher.getStrength_bits())); } List<Integer> strength_bits = new ArrayList<>(keySizes); Collections.sort(strength_bits); Collections.reverse(strength_bits); final LinkedHashSet<Cipher> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(ciphers); for (int strength : strength_bits) { moveToEnd(result, filterByStrengthBits(ciphers, strength)); } return result; } /* * See * https://github.com/openssl/openssl/blob/7c96dbcdab959fef74c4caae63cdebaa354ab252/ssl/ssl_ciph.c#L1371 */ static LinkedHashSet<Cipher> defaultSort(final LinkedHashSet<Cipher> ciphers) { final LinkedHashSet<Cipher> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(ciphers.size()); final LinkedHashSet<Cipher> ecdh = new LinkedHashSet<>(ciphers.size()); /* Everything else being equal, prefer ephemeral ECDH over other key exchange mechanisms */ ecdh.addAll(filterByKeyExchange(ciphers, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.EECDH))); /* AES is our preferred symmetric cipher */ Set<Encryption> aes = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Encryption.AES128, Encryption.AES128CCM, Encryption.AES128CCM8, Encryption.AES128GCM, Encryption.AES256, Encryption.AES256CCM, Encryption.AES256CCM8, Encryption.AES256GCM)); /* Now arrange all ciphers by preference: */ result.addAll(filterByEncryption(ecdh, aes)); result.addAll(filterByEncryption(ciphers, aes)); /* Add everything else */ result.addAll(ecdh); result.addAll(ciphers); /* Low priority for MD5 */ moveToEnd(result, filterByMessageDigest(result, Collections.singleton(MessageDigest.MD5))); /* Move anonymous ciphers to the end. Usually, these will remain disabled. * (For applications that allow them, they aren't too bad, but we prefer * authenticated ciphers.) */ moveToEnd(result, filterByAuthentication(result, Collections.singleton(Authentication.aNULL))); /* Move ciphers without forward secrecy to the end */ moveToEnd(result, filterByAuthentication(result, Collections.singleton(Authentication.ECDH))); moveToEnd(result, filterByKeyExchange(result, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.RSA))); moveToEnd(result, filterByKeyExchange(result, Collections.singleton(KeyExchange.PSK))); /* RC4 is sort-of broken -- move the the end */ moveToEnd(result, filterByEncryption(result, Collections.singleton(Encryption.RC4))); return strengthSort(result); } static Set<Cipher> filterByStrengthBits(Set<Cipher> ciphers, int strength_bits) { Set<Cipher> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(ciphers.size()); for (Cipher cipher : ciphers) { if (cipher.getStrength_bits() == strength_bits) { result.add(cipher); } } return result; } static Set<Cipher> filterByProtocol(Set<Cipher> ciphers, Set<Protocol> protocol) { return filter(ciphers, protocol, null, null, null, null, null); } static LinkedHashSet<Cipher> filterByKeyExchange(Set<Cipher> ciphers, Set<KeyExchange> kx) { return filter(ciphers, null, kx, null, null, null, null); } static LinkedHashSet<Cipher> filterByAuthentication(Set<Cipher> ciphers, Set<Authentication> au) { return filter(ciphers, null, null, au, null, null, null); } static Set<Cipher> filterByEncryption(Set<Cipher> ciphers, Set<Encryption> enc) { return filter(ciphers, null, null, null, enc, null, null); } static Set<Cipher> filterByEncryptionLevel(Set<Cipher> ciphers, Set<EncryptionLevel> level) { return filter(ciphers, null, null, null, null, level, null); } static Set<Cipher> filterByMessageDigest(Set<Cipher> ciphers, Set<MessageDigest> mac) { return filter(ciphers, null, null, null, null, null, mac); } static LinkedHashSet<Cipher> filter(Set<Cipher> ciphers, Set<Protocol> protocol, Set<KeyExchange> kx, Set<Authentication> au, Set<Encryption> enc, Set<EncryptionLevel> level, Set<MessageDigest> mac) { LinkedHashSet<Cipher> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(ciphers.size()); for (Cipher cipher : ciphers) { if (protocol != null && protocol.contains(cipher.getProtocol())) { result.add(cipher); } if (kx != null && kx.contains(cipher.getKx())) { result.add(cipher); } if (au != null && au.contains(cipher.getAu())) { result.add(cipher); } if (enc != null && enc.contains(cipher.getEnc())) { result.add(cipher); } if (level != null && level.contains(cipher.getLevel())) { result.add(cipher); } if (mac != null && mac.contains(cipher.getMac())) { result.add(cipher); } } return result; } public static LinkedHashSet<Cipher> parse(String expression) { if (!initialized) { init(); } String[] elements = expression.split(SEPARATOR); LinkedHashSet<Cipher> ciphers = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set<Cipher> removedCiphers = new HashSet<>(); for (String element : elements) { if (element.startsWith(DELETE)) { String alias = element.substring(1); if (aliases.containsKey(alias)) { remove(ciphers, alias); } } else if (element.startsWith(EXCLUDE)) { String alias = element.substring(1); if (aliases.containsKey(alias)) { removedCiphers.addAll(aliases.get(alias)); } else { log.warn(sm.getString("opensslCipherConfigurationParser.unknownElement", alias)); } } else if (element.startsWith(TO_END)) { String alias = element.substring(1); if (aliases.containsKey(alias)) { moveToEnd(ciphers, alias); } } else if ("@STRENGTH".equals(element)) { strengthSort(ciphers); break; } else if (aliases.containsKey(element)) { add(ciphers, element); } else if (element.contains(AND)) { String[] intersections = element.split("\\" + AND); if(intersections.length > 0 && aliases.containsKey(intersections[0])) { List<Cipher> result = new ArrayList<>(aliases.get(intersections[0])); for(int i = 1; i < intersections.length; i++) { if(aliases.containsKey(intersections[i])) { result.retainAll(aliases.get(intersections[i])); } } ciphers.addAll(result); } } } ciphers.removeAll(removedCiphers); return ciphers; } public static List<String> convertForJSSE(Collection<Cipher> ciphers) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(ciphers.size()); for (Cipher cipher : ciphers) { result.addAll(cipher.getJsseNames()); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sm.getString("opensslCipherConfigurationParser.effectiveCiphers", displayResult(ciphers, true, ","))); } return result; }
Parse the specified expression according to the OpenSSL syntax and returns a list of standard JSSE cipher names.
  • expression – the openssl expression to define a list of cipher.
Returns:the corresponding list of ciphers.
/** * Parse the specified expression according to the OpenSSL syntax and * returns a list of standard JSSE cipher names. * * @param expression the openssl expression to define a list of cipher. * @return the corresponding list of ciphers. */
public static List<String> parseExpression(String expression) { return convertForJSSE(parse(expression)); }
Converts a JSSE cipher name to an OpenSSL cipher name.
  • jsseCipherName – The JSSE name for a cipher
Returns:The OpenSSL name for the specified JSSE cipher
/** * Converts a JSSE cipher name to an OpenSSL cipher name. * * @param jsseCipherName The JSSE name for a cipher * * @return The OpenSSL name for the specified JSSE cipher */
public static String jsseToOpenSSL(String jsseCipherName) { if (!initialized) { init(); } return jsseToOpenSSL.get(jsseCipherName); }
Converts an OpenSSL cipher name to a JSSE cipher name.
  • opensslCipherName – The OpenSSL name for a cipher
Returns:The JSSE name for the specified OpenSSL cipher. If none is known, the IANA standard name will be returned instead
/** * Converts an OpenSSL cipher name to a JSSE cipher name. * * @param opensslCipherName The OpenSSL name for a cipher * * @return The JSSE name for the specified OpenSSL cipher. If none is known, * the IANA standard name will be returned instead */
public static String openSSLToJsse(String opensslCipherName) { if (!initialized) { init(); } List<Cipher> ciphers = aliases.get(opensslCipherName); if (ciphers == null || ciphers.size() != 1) { // Not an OpenSSL cipher name return null; } Cipher cipher = ciphers.get(0); // Each Cipher always has at least one JSSE name return cipher.getJsseNames().iterator().next(); } static String displayResult(Collection<Cipher> ciphers, boolean useJSSEFormat, String separator) { if (ciphers.isEmpty()) { return ""; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(ciphers.size() * 16); for (Cipher cipher : ciphers) { if (useJSSEFormat) { for (String name : cipher.getJsseNames()) { builder.append(name); builder.append(separator); } } else { builder.append(cipher.getOpenSSLAlias()); } builder.append(separator); } return builder.toString().substring(0, builder.length() - 1); } public static void usage() { System.out.println("Usage: java " + OpenSSLCipherConfigurationParser.class.getName() + " [options] cipherspec"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("Displays the TLS cipher suites matching the cipherspec."); System.out.println(); System.out.println(" --help,"); System.out.println(" -h Print this help message"); System.out.println(" --openssl Show OpenSSL cipher suite names instead of IANA cipher suite names."); System.out.println(" --verbose,"); System.out.println(" -v Provide detailed cipher listing"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { boolean verbose = false; boolean useOpenSSLNames = false; int argindex; for(argindex = 0; argindex < args.length; ++argindex) { String arg = args[argindex]; if("--verbose".equals(arg) || "-v".equals(arg)) verbose = true; else if("--openssl".equals(arg)) useOpenSSLNames = true; else if("--help".equals(arg) || "-h".equals(arg)) { usage(); System.exit(0); } else if("--".equals(arg)) { ++argindex; break; } else if(arg.startsWith("-")) { System.out.println("Unknown option: " + arg); usage(); System.exit(1); } else { // Non-switch argument... probably the cipher spec break; } } String cipherSpec; if(argindex < args.length) { cipherSpec = args[argindex]; } else { cipherSpec = "DEFAULT"; } Set<Cipher> ciphers = parse(cipherSpec); boolean first = true; if(null != ciphers && 0 < ciphers.size()) { for(Cipher cipher : ciphers) { if(first) { first = false; } else { if(!verbose) System.out.print(','); } if(useOpenSSLNames) System.out.print(cipher.getOpenSSLAlias()); else System.out.print(cipher.name()); if(verbose) { System.out.println("\t" + cipher.getProtocol() + "\tKx=" + cipher.getKx() + "\tAu=" + cipher.getAu() + "\tEnc=" + cipher.getEnc() + "\tMac=" + cipher.getMac()); } } System.out.println(); } else { System.out.println("No ciphers match '" + cipherSpec + "'"); } } }