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package org.apache.tomcat.util.net;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;

import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteBufferHolder;

Provides an expandable set of buffers for writes. Non-blocking writes can be of any size and may not be able to be written immediately or wholly contained in the buffer used to perform the writes to the next layer. This class provides a buffering capability to allow such writes to return immediately and also allows for the user provided buffers to be re-used / recycled as required.
/** * Provides an expandable set of buffers for writes. Non-blocking writes can be * of any size and may not be able to be written immediately or wholly contained * in the buffer used to perform the writes to the next layer. This class * provides a buffering capability to allow such writes to return immediately * and also allows for the user provided buffers to be re-used / recycled as * required. */
public class WriteBuffer { private final int bufferSize; private final LinkedBlockingDeque<ByteBufferHolder> buffers = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>(); public WriteBuffer(int bufferSize) { this.bufferSize = bufferSize; } void clear() { buffers.clear(); } void add(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) { ByteBufferHolder holder = getByteBufferHolder(length); holder.getBuf().put(buf, offset, length); } public void add(ByteBuffer from) { ByteBufferHolder holder = getByteBufferHolder(from.remaining()); holder.getBuf().put(from); } private ByteBufferHolder getByteBufferHolder(int capacity) { ByteBufferHolder holder = buffers.peekLast(); if (holder == null || holder.isFlipped() || holder.getBuf().remaining() < capacity) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Math.max(bufferSize, capacity)); holder = new ByteBufferHolder(buffer, false); buffers.add(holder); } return holder; } public boolean isEmpty() { return buffers.isEmpty(); }
Create an array of ByteBuffers from the current WriteBuffer, prefixing that array with the provided ByteBuffers.
  • prefixes – The additional ByteBuffers to add to the start of the array
Returns:an array of ByteBuffers from the current WriteBuffer prefixed by the provided ByteBuffers
/** * Create an array of ByteBuffers from the current WriteBuffer, prefixing * that array with the provided ByteBuffers. * * @param prefixes The additional ByteBuffers to add to the start of the * array * * @return an array of ByteBuffers from the current WriteBuffer prefixed by * the provided ByteBuffers */
ByteBuffer[] toArray(ByteBuffer... prefixes) { List<ByteBuffer> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (ByteBuffer prefix : prefixes) { if (prefix.hasRemaining()) { result.add(prefix); } } for (ByteBufferHolder buffer : buffers) { buffer.flip(); result.add(buffer.getBuf()); } buffers.clear(); return result.toArray(new ByteBuffer[0]); } boolean write(SocketWrapperBase<?> socketWrapper, boolean blocking) throws IOException { Iterator<ByteBufferHolder> bufIter = buffers.iterator(); boolean dataLeft = false; while (!dataLeft && bufIter.hasNext()) { ByteBufferHolder buffer = bufIter.next(); buffer.flip(); if (blocking) { socketWrapper.writeBlocking(buffer.getBuf()); } else { socketWrapper.writeNonBlockingInternal(buffer.getBuf()); } if (buffer.getBuf().remaining() == 0) { bufIter.remove(); } else { dataLeft = true; } } return dataLeft; } public boolean write(Sink sink, boolean blocking) throws IOException { Iterator<ByteBufferHolder> bufIter = buffers.iterator(); boolean dataLeft = false; while (!dataLeft && bufIter.hasNext()) { ByteBufferHolder buffer = bufIter.next(); buffer.flip(); dataLeft = sink.writeFromBuffer(buffer.getBuf(), blocking); if (!dataLeft) { bufIter.remove(); } } return dataLeft; }
Interface implemented by clients of the WriteBuffer to enable data to be written back out from the buffer.
/** * Interface implemented by clients of the WriteBuffer to enable data to be * written back out from the buffer. */
public interface Sink { boolean writeFromBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer, boolean block) throws IOException; } }