 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.tomcat.util.net;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.StandardSocketOptions;
import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousServerSocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.AsynchronousSocketChannel;

import javax.management.ObjectName;

Properties that can be set in the <Connector> element in server.xml. All properties are prefixed with "socket." and are currently only working for the Nio connector
/** * Properties that can be set in the &lt;Connector&gt; element * in server.xml. All properties are prefixed with &quot;socket.&quot; * and are currently only working for the Nio connector */
public class SocketProperties {
Enable/disable socket processor cache, this bounded cache stores SocketProcessor objects to reduce GC Default is 500 -1 is unlimited 0 is disabled
/** * Enable/disable socket processor cache, this bounded cache stores * SocketProcessor objects to reduce GC * Default is 500 * -1 is unlimited * 0 is disabled */
protected int processorCache = 0;
Enable/disable poller event cache, this bounded cache stores PollerEvent objects to reduce GC for the poller Default is 500 -1 is unlimited 0 is disabled >0 the max number of objects to keep in cache.
/** * Enable/disable poller event cache, this bounded cache stores * PollerEvent objects to reduce GC for the poller * Default is 500 * -1 is unlimited * 0 is disabled * &gt;0 the max number of objects to keep in cache. */
protected int eventCache = 0;
Enable/disable direct buffers for the network buffers Default value is disabled
/** * Enable/disable direct buffers for the network buffers * Default value is disabled */
protected boolean directBuffer = false;
Enable/disable direct buffers for the network buffers for SSL Default value is disabled
/** * Enable/disable direct buffers for the network buffers for SSL * Default value is disabled */
protected boolean directSslBuffer = false;
Socket receive buffer size in bytes (SO_RCVBUF). JVM default used if not set.
/** * Socket receive buffer size in bytes (SO_RCVBUF). * JVM default used if not set. */
protected Integer rxBufSize = null;
Socket send buffer size in bytes (SO_SNDBUF). JVM default used if not set.
/** * Socket send buffer size in bytes (SO_SNDBUF). * JVM default used if not set. */
protected Integer txBufSize = null;
The application read buffer size in bytes. Default value is rxBufSize
/** * The application read buffer size in bytes. * Default value is rxBufSize */
protected int appReadBufSize = 8192;
The application write buffer size in bytes Default value is txBufSize
/** * The application write buffer size in bytes * Default value is txBufSize */
protected int appWriteBufSize = 8192;
NioChannel pool size for the endpoint, this value is how many channels -1 means unlimited cached, 0 means no cache, -2 means bufferPoolSize will be used Default value is -2
/** * NioChannel pool size for the endpoint, * this value is how many channels * -1 means unlimited cached, 0 means no cache, * -2 means bufferPoolSize will be used * Default value is -2 */
protected int bufferPool = -2;
Buffer pool size in bytes to be cached -1 means unlimited, 0 means no cache Default value is based on the max memory reported by the JVM, if less than 1GB, then 0, else the value divided by 32. This value will then be used to compute bufferPool if its value is -2
/** * Buffer pool size in bytes to be cached * -1 means unlimited, 0 means no cache * Default value is based on the max memory reported by the JVM, * if less than 1GB, then 0, else the value divided by 32. This value * will then be used to compute bufferPool if its value is -2 */
protected int bufferPoolSize = -2;
TCP_NO_DELAY option. JVM default used if not set.
/** * TCP_NO_DELAY option. JVM default used if not set. */
protected Boolean tcpNoDelay = Boolean.TRUE;
SO_KEEPALIVE option. JVM default used if not set.
/** * SO_KEEPALIVE option. JVM default used if not set. */
protected Boolean soKeepAlive = null;
OOBINLINE option. JVM default used if not set.
/** * OOBINLINE option. JVM default used if not set. */
protected Boolean ooBInline = null;
SO_REUSEADDR option. JVM default used if not set.
/** * SO_REUSEADDR option. JVM default used if not set. */
protected Boolean soReuseAddress = null;
SO_LINGER option, paired with the soLingerTime value. JVM defaults used unless both attributes are set.
/** * SO_LINGER option, paired with the <code>soLingerTime</code> value. * JVM defaults used unless both attributes are set. */
protected Boolean soLingerOn = null;
SO_LINGER option, paired with the soLingerOn value. JVM defaults used unless both attributes are set.
/** * SO_LINGER option, paired with the <code>soLingerOn</code> value. * JVM defaults used unless both attributes are set. */
protected Integer soLingerTime = null;
SO_TIMEOUT option. default is 20000.
/** * SO_TIMEOUT option. default is 20000. */
protected Integer soTimeout = Integer.valueOf(20000);
Performance preferences according to http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/net/Socket.html#setPerformancePreferences(int,%20int,%20int) All three performance attributes must be set or the JVM defaults will be used.
/** * Performance preferences according to * http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/net/Socket.html#setPerformancePreferences(int,%20int,%20int) * All three performance attributes must be set or the JVM defaults will be * used. */
protected Integer performanceConnectionTime = null;
Performance preferences according to http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/net/Socket.html#setPerformancePreferences(int,%20int,%20int) All three performance attributes must be set or the JVM defaults will be used.
/** * Performance preferences according to * http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/net/Socket.html#setPerformancePreferences(int,%20int,%20int) * All three performance attributes must be set or the JVM defaults will be * used. */
protected Integer performanceLatency = null;
Performance preferences according to http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/net/Socket.html#setPerformancePreferences(int,%20int,%20int) All three performance attributes must be set or the JVM defaults will be used.
/** * Performance preferences according to * http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/java/net/Socket.html#setPerformancePreferences(int,%20int,%20int) * All three performance attributes must be set or the JVM defaults will be * used. */
protected Integer performanceBandwidth = null;
The minimum frequency of the timeout interval to avoid excess load from the poller during high traffic
/** * The minimum frequency of the timeout interval to avoid excess load from * the poller during high traffic */
protected long timeoutInterval = 1000;
Timeout in milliseconds for an unlock to take place.
/** * Timeout in milliseconds for an unlock to take place. */
protected int unlockTimeout = 250; private ObjectName oname = null; public void setProperties(Socket socket) throws SocketException{ if (rxBufSize != null) socket.setReceiveBufferSize(rxBufSize.intValue()); if (txBufSize != null) socket.setSendBufferSize(txBufSize.intValue()); if (ooBInline !=null) socket.setOOBInline(ooBInline.booleanValue()); if (soKeepAlive != null) socket.setKeepAlive(soKeepAlive.booleanValue()); if (performanceConnectionTime != null && performanceLatency != null && performanceBandwidth != null) socket.setPerformancePreferences( performanceConnectionTime.intValue(), performanceLatency.intValue(), performanceBandwidth.intValue()); if (soReuseAddress != null) socket.setReuseAddress(soReuseAddress.booleanValue()); if (soLingerOn != null && soLingerTime != null) socket.setSoLinger(soLingerOn.booleanValue(), soLingerTime.intValue()); if (soTimeout != null && soTimeout.intValue() >= 0) socket.setSoTimeout(soTimeout.intValue()); if (tcpNoDelay != null) { try { socket.setTcpNoDelay(tcpNoDelay.booleanValue()); } catch (SocketException e) { // Some socket types may not support this option which is set by default } } } public void setProperties(ServerSocket socket) throws SocketException{ if (rxBufSize != null) socket.setReceiveBufferSize(rxBufSize.intValue()); if (performanceConnectionTime != null && performanceLatency != null && performanceBandwidth != null) socket.setPerformancePreferences( performanceConnectionTime.intValue(), performanceLatency.intValue(), performanceBandwidth.intValue()); if (soReuseAddress != null) socket.setReuseAddress(soReuseAddress.booleanValue()); if (soTimeout != null && soTimeout.intValue() >= 0) socket.setSoTimeout(soTimeout.intValue()); } public void setProperties(AsynchronousSocketChannel socket) throws IOException { if (rxBufSize != null) socket.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_RCVBUF, rxBufSize); if (txBufSize != null) socket.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_SNDBUF, txBufSize); if (soKeepAlive != null) socket.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_KEEPALIVE, soKeepAlive); if (soReuseAddress != null) socket.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR, soReuseAddress); if (soLingerOn != null && soLingerOn.booleanValue() && soLingerTime != null) socket.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_LINGER, soLingerTime); if (tcpNoDelay != null) socket.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.TCP_NODELAY, tcpNoDelay); } public void setProperties(AsynchronousServerSocketChannel socket) throws IOException { if (rxBufSize != null) socket.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_RCVBUF, rxBufSize); if (soReuseAddress != null) socket.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR, soReuseAddress); } public boolean getDirectBuffer() { return directBuffer; } public boolean getDirectSslBuffer() { return directSslBuffer; } public boolean getOoBInline() { return ooBInline.booleanValue(); } public int getPerformanceBandwidth() { return performanceBandwidth.intValue(); } public int getPerformanceConnectionTime() { return performanceConnectionTime.intValue(); } public int getPerformanceLatency() { return performanceLatency.intValue(); } public int getRxBufSize() { return rxBufSize.intValue(); } public boolean getSoKeepAlive() { return soKeepAlive.booleanValue(); } public boolean getSoLingerOn() { return soLingerOn.booleanValue(); } public int getSoLingerTime() { return soLingerTime.intValue(); } public boolean getSoReuseAddress() { return soReuseAddress.booleanValue(); } public int getSoTimeout() { return soTimeout.intValue(); } public boolean getTcpNoDelay() { return tcpNoDelay.booleanValue(); } public int getTxBufSize() { return txBufSize.intValue(); } public int getBufferPool() { return bufferPool; } public int getBufferPoolSize() { return bufferPoolSize; } public int getEventCache() { return eventCache; } public int getAppReadBufSize() { return appReadBufSize; } public int getAppWriteBufSize() { return appWriteBufSize; } public int getProcessorCache() { return processorCache; } public long getTimeoutInterval() { return timeoutInterval; } public int getDirectBufferPool() { return bufferPool; } public void setPerformanceConnectionTime(int performanceConnectionTime) { this.performanceConnectionTime = Integer.valueOf(performanceConnectionTime); } public void setTxBufSize(int txBufSize) { this.txBufSize = Integer.valueOf(txBufSize); } public void setTcpNoDelay(boolean tcpNoDelay) { this.tcpNoDelay = Boolean.valueOf(tcpNoDelay); } public void setSoTimeout(int soTimeout) { this.soTimeout = Integer.valueOf(soTimeout); } public void setSoReuseAddress(boolean soReuseAddress) { this.soReuseAddress = Boolean.valueOf(soReuseAddress); } public void setSoLingerTime(int soLingerTime) { this.soLingerTime = Integer.valueOf(soLingerTime); } public void setSoKeepAlive(boolean soKeepAlive) { this.soKeepAlive = Boolean.valueOf(soKeepAlive); } public void setRxBufSize(int rxBufSize) { this.rxBufSize = Integer.valueOf(rxBufSize); } public void setPerformanceLatency(int performanceLatency) { this.performanceLatency = Integer.valueOf(performanceLatency); } public void setPerformanceBandwidth(int performanceBandwidth) { this.performanceBandwidth = Integer.valueOf(performanceBandwidth); } public void setOoBInline(boolean ooBInline) { this.ooBInline = Boolean.valueOf(ooBInline); } public void setDirectBuffer(boolean directBuffer) { this.directBuffer = directBuffer; } public void setDirectSslBuffer(boolean directSslBuffer) { this.directSslBuffer = directSslBuffer; } public void setSoLingerOn(boolean soLingerOn) { this.soLingerOn = Boolean.valueOf(soLingerOn); } public void setBufferPool(int bufferPool) { this.bufferPool = bufferPool; } public void setBufferPoolSize(int bufferPoolSize) { this.bufferPoolSize = bufferPoolSize; } public void setEventCache(int eventCache) { this.eventCache = eventCache; } public void setAppReadBufSize(int appReadBufSize) { this.appReadBufSize = appReadBufSize; } public void setAppWriteBufSize(int appWriteBufSize) { this.appWriteBufSize = appWriteBufSize; } public void setProcessorCache(int processorCache) { this.processorCache = processorCache; } public void setTimeoutInterval(long timeoutInterval) { this.timeoutInterval = timeoutInterval; } public void setDirectBufferPool(int directBufferPool) { this.bufferPool = directBufferPool; } public int getUnlockTimeout() { return unlockTimeout; } public void setUnlockTimeout(int unlockTimeout) { this.unlockTimeout = unlockTimeout; }
Get the actual buffer pool size to use.
  • bufferOverhead – When TLS is enabled, additional network buffers are needed and will be added to the application buffer size
Returns:the actual buffer pool size that will be used
/** * Get the actual buffer pool size to use. * @param bufferOverhead When TLS is enabled, additional network buffers * are needed and will be added to the application buffer size * @return the actual buffer pool size that will be used */
public int getActualBufferPool(int bufferOverhead) { if (bufferPool != -2) { return bufferPool; } else { if (bufferPoolSize == -1) { return -1; } else if (bufferPoolSize == 0) { return 0; } else { long actualBufferPoolSize = bufferPoolSize; long poolSize = 0; if (actualBufferPoolSize == -2) { long maxMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory(); if (maxMemory > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { actualBufferPoolSize = maxMemory / 32; } else { return 0; } } int bufSize = appReadBufSize + appWriteBufSize + bufferOverhead; if (bufSize == 0) { return 0; } poolSize = actualBufferPoolSize / (bufSize); if (poolSize > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { return (int) poolSize; } } } } void setObjectName(ObjectName oname) { this.oname = oname; } ObjectName getObjectName() { return oname; } }