 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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package org.apache.catalina.webresources;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.JarURLConnection;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.net.URLStreamHandler;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.security.Permission;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import java.text.Collator;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;

import org.apache.catalina.WebResource;
import org.apache.catalina.WebResourceRoot;
import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;
import org.apache.juli.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.res.StringManager;

This class is designed to wrap a 'raw' WebResource and providing caching for expensive operations. Inexpensive operations may be passed through to the underlying resource.
/** * This class is designed to wrap a 'raw' WebResource and providing caching for * expensive operations. Inexpensive operations may be passed through to the * underlying resource. */
public class CachedResource implements WebResource { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CachedResource.class); private static final StringManager sm = StringManager.getManager(CachedResource.class); // Estimate (on high side to be safe) of average size excluding content // based on profiler data. private static final long CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE = 500; private final Cache cache; private final StandardRoot root; private final String webAppPath; private final long ttl; private final int objectMaxSizeBytes; private final boolean usesClassLoaderResources; private volatile WebResource webResource; private volatile WebResource[] webResources; private volatile long nextCheck; private volatile Long cachedLastModified = null; private volatile String cachedLastModifiedHttp = null; private volatile byte[] cachedContent = null; private volatile Boolean cachedIsFile = null; private volatile Boolean cachedIsDirectory = null; private volatile Boolean cachedExists = null; private volatile Boolean cachedIsVirtual = null; private volatile Long cachedContentLength = null; public CachedResource(Cache cache, StandardRoot root, String path, long ttl, int objectMaxSizeBytes, boolean usesClassLoaderResources) { this.cache = cache; this.root = root; this.webAppPath = path; this.ttl = ttl; this.objectMaxSizeBytes = objectMaxSizeBytes; this.usesClassLoaderResources = usesClassLoaderResources; } protected boolean validateResource(boolean useClassLoaderResources) { // It is possible that some resources will only be visible for a given // value of useClassLoaderResources. Therefore, if the lookup is made // with a different value of useClassLoaderResources than was used when // creating the cache entry, invalidate the entry. This should have // minimal performance impact as it would be unusual for a resource to // be looked up both as a static resource and as a class loader // resource. if (usesClassLoaderResources != useClassLoaderResources) { return false; } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (webResource == null) { synchronized (this) { if (webResource == null) { webResource = root.getResourceInternal( webAppPath, useClassLoaderResources); getLastModified(); getContentLength(); nextCheck = ttl + now; // exists() is a relatively expensive check for a file so // use the fact that we know if it exists at this point if (webResource instanceof EmptyResource) { cachedExists = Boolean.FALSE; } else { cachedExists = Boolean.TRUE; } return true; } } } if (now < nextCheck) { return true; } // Assume resources inside WARs will not change if (!root.isPackedWarFile()) { WebResource webResourceInternal = root.getResourceInternal( webAppPath, useClassLoaderResources); if (!webResource.exists() && webResourceInternal.exists()) { return false; } // If modified date or length change - resource has changed / been // removed etc. if (webResource.getLastModified() != getLastModified() || webResource.getContentLength() != getContentLength()) { return false; } // Has a resource been inserted / removed in a different resource set if (webResource.getLastModified() != webResourceInternal.getLastModified() || webResource.getContentLength() != webResourceInternal.getContentLength()) { return false; } } nextCheck = ttl + now; return true; } protected boolean validateResources(boolean useClassLoaderResources) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (webResources == null) { synchronized (this) { if (webResources == null) { webResources = root.getResourcesInternal( webAppPath, useClassLoaderResources); nextCheck = ttl + now; return true; } } } if (now < nextCheck) { return true; } // Assume resources inside WARs will not change if (root.isPackedWarFile()) { nextCheck = ttl + now; return true; } else { // At this point, always expire the entry and re-populating it is // likely to be as expensive as validating it. return false; } } protected long getNextCheck() { return nextCheck; } @Override public long getLastModified() { Long cachedLastModified = this.cachedLastModified; if (cachedLastModified == null) { cachedLastModified = Long.valueOf(webResource.getLastModified()); this.cachedLastModified = cachedLastModified; } return cachedLastModified.longValue(); } @Override public String getLastModifiedHttp() { String cachedLastModifiedHttp = this.cachedLastModifiedHttp; if (cachedLastModifiedHttp == null) { cachedLastModifiedHttp = webResource.getLastModifiedHttp(); this.cachedLastModifiedHttp = cachedLastModifiedHttp; } return cachedLastModifiedHttp; } @Override public boolean exists() { Boolean cachedExists = this.cachedExists; if (cachedExists == null) { cachedExists = Boolean.valueOf(webResource.exists()); this.cachedExists = cachedExists; } return cachedExists.booleanValue(); } @Override public boolean isVirtual() { Boolean cachedIsVirtual = this.cachedIsVirtual; if (cachedIsVirtual == null) { cachedIsVirtual = Boolean.valueOf(webResource.isVirtual()); this.cachedIsVirtual = cachedIsVirtual; } return cachedIsVirtual.booleanValue(); } @Override public boolean isDirectory() { Boolean cachedIsDirectory = this.cachedIsDirectory; if (cachedIsDirectory == null) { cachedIsDirectory = Boolean.valueOf(webResource.isDirectory()); this.cachedIsDirectory = cachedIsDirectory; } return cachedIsDirectory.booleanValue(); } @Override public boolean isFile() { Boolean cachedIsFile = this.cachedIsFile; if (cachedIsFile == null) { cachedIsFile = Boolean.valueOf(webResource.isFile()); this.cachedIsFile = cachedIsFile; } return cachedIsFile.booleanValue(); } @Override public boolean delete() { boolean deleteResult = webResource.delete(); if (deleteResult) { cache.removeCacheEntry(webAppPath); } return deleteResult; } @Override public String getName() { return webResource.getName(); } @Override public long getContentLength() { Long cachedContentLength = this.cachedContentLength; if (cachedContentLength == null) { long result = 0; if (webResource != null) { result = webResource.getContentLength(); cachedContentLength = Long.valueOf(result); this.cachedContentLength = cachedContentLength; } return result; } return cachedContentLength.longValue(); } @Override public String getCanonicalPath() { return webResource.getCanonicalPath(); } @Override public boolean canRead() { return webResource.canRead(); } @Override public String getWebappPath() { return webAppPath; } @Override public String getETag() { return webResource.getETag(); } @Override public void setMimeType(String mimeType) { webResource.setMimeType(mimeType); } @Override public String getMimeType() { return webResource.getMimeType(); } @Override public InputStream getInputStream() { byte[] content = getContent(); if (content == null) { // Can't cache InputStreams return webResource.getInputStream(); } return new ByteArrayInputStream(content); } @Override public byte[] getContent() { byte[] cachedContent = this.cachedContent; if (cachedContent == null) { if (getContentLength() > objectMaxSizeBytes) { return null; } cachedContent = webResource.getContent(); this.cachedContent = cachedContent; } return cachedContent; } @Override public long getCreation() { return webResource.getCreation(); } @Override public URL getURL() { /* * We don't want applications using this URL to access the resource * directly as that could lead to inconsistent results when the resource * is updated on the file system but the cache entry has not yet * expired. We saw this, for example, in JSP compilation. * - last modified time was obtained via * ServletContext.getResource("path").openConnection().getLastModified() * - JSP content was obtained via * ServletContext.getResourceAsStream("path") * The result was that the JSP modification was detected but the JSP * content was read from the cache so the non-updated JSP page was * used to generate the .java and .class file * * One option to resolve this issue is to use a custom URL scheme for * resource URLs. This would allow us, via registration of a * URLStreamHandlerFactory, to control how the resources are accessed * and ensure that all access go via the cache We took this approach for * war: URLs so we can use jar:war:file: URLs to reference resources in * unpacked WAR files. However, because URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory() * may only be caused once, this can cause problems when using other * libraries that also want to use a custom URL scheme. * * The approach below allows us to insert a custom URLStreamHandler * without registering a custom protocol. The only limitation (compared * to registering a custom protocol) is that if the application * constructs the same URL from a String, they will access the resource * directly and not via the cache. */ URL resourceURL = webResource.getURL(); if (resourceURL == null) { return null; } try { CachedResourceURLStreamHandler handler = new CachedResourceURLStreamHandler(resourceURL, root, webAppPath, usesClassLoaderResources); URL result = new URL(null, resourceURL.toExternalForm(), handler); handler.setAssociatedURL(result); return result; } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error(sm.getString("cachedResource.invalidURL", resourceURL.toExternalForm()), e); return null; } } @Override public URL getCodeBase() { return webResource.getCodeBase(); } @Override public Certificate[] getCertificates() { return webResource.getCertificates(); } @Override public Manifest getManifest() { return webResource.getManifest(); } @Override public WebResourceRoot getWebResourceRoot() { return webResource.getWebResourceRoot(); } WebResource getWebResource() { return webResource; } WebResource[] getWebResources() { return webResources; } boolean usesClassLoaderResources() { return usesClassLoaderResources; } // Assume that the cache entry will always include the content unless the // resource content is larger than objectMaxSizeBytes. This isn't always the // case but it makes tracking the current cache size easier. long getSize() { long result = CACHE_ENTRY_SIZE; // Longer paths use a noticeable amount of memory so account for this in // the cache size. The fixed component of a String instance's memory // usage is accounted for in the 500 bytes above. result += getWebappPath().length() * 2; if (getContentLength() <= objectMaxSizeBytes) { result += getContentLength(); } return result; } /* * Mimics the behaviour of FileURLConnection.getInputStream for a directory. * Deliberately uses default locale. */ private static InputStream buildInputStream(String[] files) { Arrays.sort(files, Collator.getInstance(Locale.getDefault())); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (String file : files) { result.append(file); // Every entry is followed by \n including the last result.append('\n'); } return new ByteArrayInputStream(result.toString().getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset())); } private static class CachedResourceURLStreamHandler extends URLStreamHandler { private final URL resourceURL; private final StandardRoot root; private final String webAppPath; private final boolean usesClassLoaderResources; private URL associatedURL = null; public CachedResourceURLStreamHandler(URL resourceURL, StandardRoot root, String webAppPath, boolean usesClassLoaderResources) { this.resourceURL = resourceURL; this.root = root; this.webAppPath = webAppPath; this.usesClassLoaderResources = usesClassLoaderResources; } protected void setAssociatedURL(URL associatedURL) { this.associatedURL = associatedURL; } @Override protected URLConnection openConnection(URL u) throws IOException { // This deliberately uses ==. If u isn't the URL object this // URLStreamHandler was constructed for we do not want to use this // URLStreamHandler to create a connection. if (associatedURL != null && u == associatedURL) { if ("jar".equals(associatedURL.getProtocol())) { return new CachedResourceJarURLConnection(resourceURL, root, webAppPath, usesClassLoaderResources); } else { return new CachedResourceURLConnection(resourceURL, root, webAppPath, usesClassLoaderResources); } } else { // The stream handler has been inherited by a URL that was // constructed from a cache URL. We need to break that link. URL constructedURL = new URL(u.toExternalForm()); return constructedURL.openConnection(); } } } /* * Keep this in sync with CachedResourceJarURLConnection. */ private static class CachedResourceURLConnection extends URLConnection { private final StandardRoot root; private final String webAppPath; private final boolean usesClassLoaderResources; private final URL resourceURL; protected CachedResourceURLConnection(URL resourceURL, StandardRoot root, String webAppPath, boolean usesClassLoaderResources) { super(resourceURL); this.root = root; this.webAppPath = webAppPath; this.usesClassLoaderResources = usesClassLoaderResources; this.resourceURL = resourceURL; } @Override public void connect() throws IOException { // NO-OP } @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { WebResource resource = getResource(); if (resource.isDirectory()) { return buildInputStream(resource.getWebResourceRoot().list(webAppPath)); } else { return getResource().getInputStream(); } } @Override public Permission getPermission() throws IOException { // Doesn't trigger a call to connect for file:// URLs return resourceURL.openConnection().getPermission(); } @Override public long getLastModified() { return getResource().getLastModified(); } @Override public long getContentLengthLong() { return getResource().getContentLength(); } private WebResource getResource() { return root.getResource(webAppPath, false, usesClassLoaderResources); } } /* * Keep this in sync with CachedResourceURLConnection. */ private static class CachedResourceJarURLConnection extends JarURLConnection { private final StandardRoot root; private final String webAppPath; private final boolean usesClassLoaderResources; private final URL resourceURL; protected CachedResourceJarURLConnection(URL resourceURL, StandardRoot root, String webAppPath, boolean usesClassLoaderResources) throws IOException { super(resourceURL); this.root = root; this.webAppPath = webAppPath; this.usesClassLoaderResources = usesClassLoaderResources; this.resourceURL = resourceURL; } @Override public void connect() throws IOException { // NO-OP } @Override public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { WebResource resource = getResource(); if (resource.isDirectory()) { return buildInputStream(resource.getWebResourceRoot().list(webAppPath)); } else { return getResource().getInputStream(); } } @Override public Permission getPermission() throws IOException { // Doesn't trigger a call to connect for jar:// URLs return resourceURL.openConnection().getPermission(); } @Override public long getLastModified() { return getResource().getLastModified(); } @Override public long getContentLengthLong() { return getResource().getContentLength(); } private WebResource getResource() { return root.getResource(webAppPath, false, usesClassLoaderResources); } @Override public JarFile getJarFile() throws IOException { return ((JarURLConnection) resourceURL.openConnection()).getJarFile(); } @Override public JarEntry getJarEntry() throws IOException { if (getEntryName() == null) { return null; } else { return super.getJarEntry(); } } } }