 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.catalina.valves;

import java.io.IOException;

import jakarta.servlet.ServletException;
import jakarta.servlet.SessionCookieConfig;
import jakarta.servlet.http.Cookie;
import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.catalina.connector.Request;
import org.apache.catalina.connector.Response;
import org.apache.catalina.util.SessionConfig;

A Valve to detect situations where a load-balanced node receiving a request has been deactivated by the load balancer (JK_LB_ACTIVATION=DIS) and the incoming request has no valid session.

In these cases, the user's session cookie should be removed if it exists, any ";jsessionid" parameter should be removed from the request URI, and the client should be redirected to the same URI. This will cause the load-balanced to re-balance the client to another server.

All this work is required because when the activation state of a node is DISABLED, the load-balancer will still send requests to the node if they appear to have a session on that node. Since mod_jk doesn't actually know whether the session id is valid, it will send the request blindly to the disabled node, which makes it take much longer to drain the node than strictly necessary.

For testing purposes, a special cookie can be configured and used by a client to ignore the normal behavior of this Valve and allow a client to get a new session on a DISABLED node. See setIgnoreCookieName and setIgnoreCookieValue to configure those values.

This Valve should be installed earlier in the Valve pipeline than any authentication valves, as the redirection should take place before an authentication valve would save a request to a protected resource.

See Also:
/** * <p>A Valve to detect situations where a load-balanced node receiving a * request has been deactivated by the load balancer (JK_LB_ACTIVATION=DIS) * and the incoming request has no valid session.</p> * * <p>In these cases, the user's session cookie should be removed if it exists, * any ";jsessionid" parameter should be removed from the request URI, * and the client should be redirected to the same URI. This will cause the * load-balanced to re-balance the client to another server.</p> * * <p>All this work is required because when the activation state of a node is * DISABLED, the load-balancer will still send requests to the node if they * appear to have a session on that node. Since mod_jk doesn't actually know * whether the session id is valid, it will send the request blindly to * the disabled node, which makes it take much longer to drain the node * than strictly necessary.</p> * * <p>For testing purposes, a special cookie can be configured and used * by a client to ignore the normal behavior of this Valve and allow * a client to get a new session on a DISABLED node. See * {@link #setIgnoreCookieName} and {@link #setIgnoreCookieValue} * to configure those values.</p> * * <p>This Valve should be installed earlier in the Valve pipeline than any * authentication valves, as the redirection should take place before an * authentication valve would save a request to a protected resource.</p> * * @see <a href="https://tomcat.apache.org/connectors-doc/generic_howto/loadbalancers.html">Load * balancer documentation</a> */
public class LoadBalancerDrainingValve extends ValveBase {
The request attribute key where the load-balancer's activation state can be found.
/** * The request attribute key where the load-balancer's activation state * can be found. */
The HTTP response code that will be used to redirect the request back to the load-balancer for re-balancing. Defaults to 307 (TEMPORARY_REDIRECT). HTTP status code 305 (USE_PROXY) might be an option, here. too.
/** * The HTTP response code that will be used to redirect the request * back to the load-balancer for re-balancing. Defaults to 307 * (TEMPORARY_REDIRECT). * * HTTP status code 305 (USE_PROXY) might be an option, here. too. */
private int _redirectStatusCode = HttpServletResponse.SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT;
The name of the cookie which can be set to ignore the "draining" action of this Filter. This will allow a client to contact the server without being re-balanced to another server. The expected cookie value can be set in the _ignoreCookieValue. The cookie name and value must match to avoid being re-balanced.
/** * The name of the cookie which can be set to ignore the "draining" action * of this Filter. This will allow a client to contact the server without * being re-balanced to another server. The expected cookie value can be set * in the {@link #_ignoreCookieValue}. The cookie name and value must match * to avoid being re-balanced. */
private String _ignoreCookieName;
The value of the cookie which can be set to ignore the "draining" action of this Filter. This will allow a client to contact the server without being re-balanced to another server. The expected cookie name can be set in the _ignoreCookieName. The cookie name and value must match to avoid being re-balanced.
/** * The value of the cookie which can be set to ignore the "draining" action * of this Filter. This will allow a client to contact the server without * being re-balanced to another server. The expected cookie name can be set * in the {@link #_ignoreCookieName}. The cookie name and value must match * to avoid being re-balanced. */
private String _ignoreCookieValue; public LoadBalancerDrainingValve() { super(true); // Supports async } // // Configuration parameters //
Sets the HTTP response code that will be used to redirect the request back to the load-balancer for re-balancing. Defaults to 307 (TEMPORARY_REDIRECT).
  • code – The code to use for the redirect
/** * Sets the HTTP response code that will be used to redirect the request * back to the load-balancer for re-balancing. Defaults to 307 * (TEMPORARY_REDIRECT). * * @param code The code to use for the redirect */
public void setRedirectStatusCode(int code) { _redirectStatusCode = code; }
Gets the name of the cookie that can be used to override the re-balancing behavior of this Valve when the current node is in the DISABLED activation state.
See Also:
Returns:The cookie name used to ignore normal processing rules.
/** * Gets the name of the cookie that can be used to override the * re-balancing behavior of this Valve when the current node is * in the DISABLED activation state. * * @return The cookie name used to ignore normal processing rules. * * @see #setIgnoreCookieValue */
public String getIgnoreCookieName() { return _ignoreCookieName; }
Sets the name of the cookie that can be used to override the re-balancing behavior of this Valve when the current node is in the DISABLED activation state. There is no default value for this setting: the ability to override the re-balancing behavior of this Valve is disabled by default.
  • cookieName – The cookie name to use to ignore normal processing rules.
See Also:
/** * Sets the name of the cookie that can be used to override the * re-balancing behavior of this Valve when the current node is * in the DISABLED activation state. * * There is no default value for this setting: the ability to override * the re-balancing behavior of this Valve is <i>disabled</i> by default. * * @param cookieName The cookie name to use to ignore normal * processing rules. * * @see #getIgnoreCookieValue */
public void setIgnoreCookieName(String cookieName) { _ignoreCookieName = cookieName; }
Gets the expected value of the cookie that can be used to override the re-balancing behavior of this Valve when the current node is in the DISABLED activation state.
See Also:
Returns:The cookie value used to ignore normal processing rules.
/** * Gets the expected value of the cookie that can be used to override the * re-balancing behavior of this Valve when the current node is * in the DISABLED activation state. * * @return The cookie value used to ignore normal processing rules. * * @see #setIgnoreCookieValue */
public String getIgnoreCookieValue() { return _ignoreCookieValue; }
Sets the expected value of the cookie that can be used to override the re-balancing behavior of this Valve when the current node is in the DISABLED activation state. The "ignore" cookie's value must be exactly equal to this value in order to allow the client to override the re-balancing behavior.
  • cookieValue – The cookie value to use to ignore normal processing rules.
See Also:
/** * Sets the expected value of the cookie that can be used to override the * re-balancing behavior of this Valve when the current node is * in the DISABLED activation state. The "ignore" cookie's value * <b>must</b> be exactly equal to this value in order to allow * the client to override the re-balancing behavior. * * @param cookieValue The cookie value to use to ignore normal * processing rules. * * @see #getIgnoreCookieValue */
public void setIgnoreCookieValue(String cookieValue) { _ignoreCookieValue = cookieValue; } @Override public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException { if ("DIS".equals(request.getAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_KEY_JK_LB_ACTIVATION)) && !request.isRequestedSessionIdValid()) { if (containerLog.isDebugEnabled()) { containerLog.debug("Load-balancer is in DISABLED state; draining this node"); } boolean ignoreRebalance = false; Cookie sessionCookie = null; final Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); final String sessionCookieName = SessionConfig.getSessionCookieName(request.getContext()); if (null != cookies) { for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { final String cookieName = cookie.getName(); if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) { containerLog.trace("Checking cookie " + cookieName + "=" + cookie.getValue()); } if (sessionCookieName.equals(cookieName) && request.getRequestedSessionId().equals(cookie.getValue())) { sessionCookie = cookie; } else if (null != _ignoreCookieName && _ignoreCookieName.equals(cookieName) && null != _ignoreCookieValue && _ignoreCookieValue.equals(cookie.getValue())) { // The client presenting a valid ignore-cookie value? ignoreRebalance = true; } } } if (ignoreRebalance) { if (containerLog.isDebugEnabled()) { containerLog.debug("Client is presenting a valid " + _ignoreCookieName + " cookie, re-balancing is being skipped"); } getNext().invoke(request, response); return; } // Kill any session cookie that was found // TODO: Consider implications of SSO cookies if (null != sessionCookie) { sessionCookie.setPath(SessionConfig.getSessionCookiePath(request.getContext())); sessionCookie.setMaxAge(0); // Delete sessionCookie.setValue(""); // Purge the cookie's value // Replicate logic used to set secure attribute for session cookies SessionCookieConfig sessionCookieConfig = request.getContext().getServletContext().getSessionCookieConfig(); sessionCookie.setSecure(request.isSecure() || sessionCookieConfig.isSecure()); response.addCookie(sessionCookie); } // Re-write the URI if it contains a ;jsessionid parameter String uri = request.getRequestURI(); String sessionURIParamName = SessionConfig.getSessionUriParamName(request.getContext()); if (uri.contains(";" + sessionURIParamName + "=")) { uri = uri.replaceFirst(";" + sessionURIParamName + "=[^&?]*", ""); } String queryString = request.getQueryString(); if (null != queryString) { uri = uri + "?" + queryString; } // NOTE: Do not call response.encodeRedirectURL or the bad // sessionid will be restored response.setHeader("Location", uri); response.setStatus(_redirectStatusCode); } else { getNext().invoke(request, response); } } }