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package org.apache.catalina.startup;

import org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.RuleSet;

RuleSet for processing the contents of a Context definition element.

Author:Craig R. McClanahan
/** * <p><strong>RuleSet</strong> for processing the contents of a * Context definition element.</p> * * @author Craig R. McClanahan */
public class ContextRuleSet implements RuleSet { // ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
The matching pattern prefix to use for recognizing our elements.
/** * The matching pattern prefix to use for recognizing our elements. */
protected final String prefix;
Should the context be created.
/** * Should the context be created. */
protected final boolean create; // ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructor
Construct an instance of this RuleSet with the default matching pattern prefix.
/** * Construct an instance of this <code>RuleSet</code> with the default * matching pattern prefix. */
public ContextRuleSet() { this(""); }
Construct an instance of this RuleSet with the specified matching pattern prefix.
  • prefix – Prefix for matching pattern rules (including the trailing slash character)
/** * Construct an instance of this <code>RuleSet</code> with the specified * matching pattern prefix. * * @param prefix Prefix for matching pattern rules (including the * trailing slash character) */
public ContextRuleSet(String prefix) { this(prefix, true); }
Construct an instance of this RuleSet with the specified matching pattern prefix.
  • prefix – Prefix for matching pattern rules (including the trailing slash character)
  • create – true if the main context instance should be created
/** * Construct an instance of this <code>RuleSet</code> with the specified * matching pattern prefix. * * @param prefix Prefix for matching pattern rules (including the * trailing slash character) * @param create <code>true</code> if the main context instance should be * created */
public ContextRuleSet(String prefix, boolean create) { this.prefix = prefix; this.create = create; } // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods

Add the set of Rule instances defined in this RuleSet to the specified Digester instance, associating them with our namespace URI (if any). This method should only be called by a Digester instance.

  • digester – Digester instance to which the new Rule instances should be added.
/** * <p>Add the set of Rule instances defined in this RuleSet to the * specified <code>Digester</code> instance, associating them with * our namespace URI (if any). This method should only be called * by a Digester instance.</p> * * @param digester Digester instance to which the new Rule instances * should be added. */
@Override public void addRuleInstances(Digester digester) { if (create) { digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context", "org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext", "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context"); } else { digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context", new String[]{"path", "docBase"}); } if (create) { digester.addRule(prefix + "Context", new LifecycleListenerRule ("org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig", "configClass")); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context", "addChild", "org.apache.catalina.Container"); } digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Listener", null, // MUST be specified in the element "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Listener"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Listener", "addLifecycleListener", "org.apache.catalina.LifecycleListener"); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Loader", "org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader", "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Loader"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Loader", "setLoader", "org.apache.catalina.Loader"); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Manager", "org.apache.catalina.session.StandardManager", "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Manager"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Manager", "setManager", "org.apache.catalina.Manager"); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Manager/Store", null, // MUST be specified in the element "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Manager/Store"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Manager/Store", "setStore", "org.apache.catalina.Store"); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Manager/SessionIdGenerator", "org.apache.catalina.util.StandardSessionIdGenerator", "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Manager/SessionIdGenerator"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Manager/SessionIdGenerator", "setSessionIdGenerator", "org.apache.catalina.SessionIdGenerator"); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Parameter", "org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.ApplicationParameter"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Parameter"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Parameter", "addApplicationParameter", "org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.ApplicationParameter"); digester.addRuleSet(new RealmRuleSet(prefix + "Context/")); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Resources", "org.apache.catalina.webresources.StandardRoot", "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Resources"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Resources", "setResources", "org.apache.catalina.WebResourceRoot"); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Resources/PreResources", null, // MUST be specified in the element "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Resources/PreResources"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Resources/PreResources", "addPreResources", "org.apache.catalina.WebResourceSet"); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Resources/JarResources", null, // MUST be specified in the element "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Resources/JarResources"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Resources/JarResources", "addJarResources", "org.apache.catalina.WebResourceSet"); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Resources/PostResources", null, // MUST be specified in the element "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Resources/PostResources"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Resources/PostResources", "addPostResources", "org.apache.catalina.WebResourceSet"); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/ResourceLink", "org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.ContextResourceLink"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/ResourceLink"); digester.addRule(prefix + "Context/ResourceLink", new SetNextNamingRule("addResourceLink", "org.apache.tomcat.util.descriptor.web.ContextResourceLink")); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Valve", null, // MUST be specified in the element "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Valve"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Valve", "addValve", "org.apache.catalina.Valve"); digester.addCallMethod(prefix + "Context/WatchedResource", "addWatchedResource", 0); digester.addCallMethod(prefix + "Context/WrapperLifecycle", "addWrapperLifecycle", 0); digester.addCallMethod(prefix + "Context/WrapperListener", "addWrapperListener", 0); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/JarScanner", "org.apache.tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanner", "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/JarScanner"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/JarScanner", "setJarScanner", "org.apache.tomcat.JarScanner"); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/JarScanner/JarScanFilter", "org.apache.tomcat.util.scan.StandardJarScanFilter", "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/JarScanner/JarScanFilter"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/JarScanner/JarScanFilter", "setJarScanFilter", "org.apache.tomcat.JarScanFilter"); digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/CookieProcessor", "org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Rfc6265CookieProcessor", "className"); digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/CookieProcessor"); digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/CookieProcessor", "setCookieProcessor", "org.apache.tomcat.util.http.CookieProcessor"); } }