 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.catalina.session;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.apache.catalina.Container;
import org.apache.catalina.Globals;
import org.apache.catalina.Session;
import org.apache.juli.logging.Log;

Implementation of the Store interface that stores serialized session objects in a database. Sessions that are saved are still subject to being expired based on inactivity.
Author:Bip Thelin
/** * Implementation of the {@link org.apache.catalina.Store Store} * interface that stores serialized session objects in a database. * Sessions that are saved are still subject to being expired * based on inactivity. * * @author Bip Thelin */
public class DataSourceStore extends StoreBase {
Context name associated with this Store
/** * Context name associated with this Store */
private String name = null;
Name to register for this Store, used for logging.
/** * Name to register for this Store, used for logging. */
protected static final String storeName = "dataSourceStore";
name of the JNDI resource
/** * name of the JNDI resource */
protected String dataSourceName = null;
Context local datasource.
/** * Context local datasource. */
private boolean localDataSource = false;
DataSource to use
/** * DataSource to use */
protected DataSource dataSource = null; // ------------------------------------------------------------ Table & cols
Table to use.
/** * Table to use. */
protected String sessionTable = "tomcat$sessions";
Column to use for /Engine/Host/Context name
/** * Column to use for /Engine/Host/Context name */
protected String sessionAppCol = "app";
Id column to use.
/** * Id column to use. */
protected String sessionIdCol = "id";
Data column to use.
/** * Data column to use. */
protected String sessionDataCol = "data";
Is Valid column to use.
/** * {@code Is Valid} column to use. */
protected String sessionValidCol = "valid";
Max Inactive column to use.
/** * Max Inactive column to use. */
protected String sessionMaxInactiveCol = "maxinactive";
Last Accessed column to use.
/** * Last Accessed column to use. */
protected String sessionLastAccessedCol = "lastaccess"; // -------------------------------------------------------------- Properties
Returns:the name for this instance (built from container name)
/** * @return the name for this instance (built from container name) */
public String getName() { if (name == null) { Container container = manager.getContext(); String contextName = container.getName(); if (!contextName.startsWith("/")) { contextName = "/" + contextName; } String hostName = ""; String engineName = ""; if (container.getParent() != null) { Container host = container.getParent(); hostName = host.getName(); if (host.getParent() != null) { engineName = host.getParent().getName(); } } name = "/" + engineName + "/" + hostName + contextName; } return name; }
Returns:the name for this Store, used for logging.
/** * @return the name for this Store, used for logging. */
@Override public String getStoreName() { return storeName; }
Set the table for this Store.
  • sessionTable – The new table
/** * Set the table for this Store. * * @param sessionTable The new table */
public void setSessionTable(String sessionTable) { String oldSessionTable = this.sessionTable; this.sessionTable = sessionTable; support.firePropertyChange("sessionTable", oldSessionTable, this.sessionTable); }
Returns:the table for this Store.
/** * @return the table for this Store. */
public String getSessionTable() { return sessionTable; }
Set the App column for the table.
  • sessionAppCol – the column name
/** * Set the App column for the table. * * @param sessionAppCol the column name */
public void setSessionAppCol(String sessionAppCol) { String oldSessionAppCol = this.sessionAppCol; this.sessionAppCol = sessionAppCol; support.firePropertyChange("sessionAppCol", oldSessionAppCol, this.sessionAppCol); }
Returns:the web application name column for the table.
/** * @return the web application name column for the table. */
public String getSessionAppCol() { return this.sessionAppCol; }
Set the Id column for the table.
  • sessionIdCol – the column name
/** * Set the Id column for the table. * * @param sessionIdCol the column name */
public void setSessionIdCol(String sessionIdCol) { String oldSessionIdCol = this.sessionIdCol; this.sessionIdCol = sessionIdCol; support.firePropertyChange("sessionIdCol", oldSessionIdCol, this.sessionIdCol); }
Returns:the Id column for the table.
/** * @return the Id column for the table. */
public String getSessionIdCol() { return this.sessionIdCol; }
Set the Data column for the table
  • sessionDataCol – the column name
/** * Set the Data column for the table * * @param sessionDataCol the column name */
public void setSessionDataCol(String sessionDataCol) { String oldSessionDataCol = this.sessionDataCol; this.sessionDataCol = sessionDataCol; support.firePropertyChange("sessionDataCol", oldSessionDataCol, this.sessionDataCol); }
Returns:the data column for the table
/** * @return the data column for the table */
public String getSessionDataCol() { return this.sessionDataCol; }
Set the Is Valid column for the table
  • sessionValidCol – The column name
/** * Set the {@code Is Valid} column for the table * * @param sessionValidCol The column name */
public void setSessionValidCol(String sessionValidCol) { String oldSessionValidCol = this.sessionValidCol; this.sessionValidCol = sessionValidCol; support.firePropertyChange("sessionValidCol", oldSessionValidCol, this.sessionValidCol); }
Returns:the Is Valid column
/** * @return the {@code Is Valid} column */
public String getSessionValidCol() { return this.sessionValidCol; }
Set the Max Inactive column for the table
  • sessionMaxInactiveCol – The column name
/** * Set the {@code Max Inactive} column for the table * * @param sessionMaxInactiveCol The column name */
public void setSessionMaxInactiveCol(String sessionMaxInactiveCol) { String oldSessionMaxInactiveCol = this.sessionMaxInactiveCol; this.sessionMaxInactiveCol = sessionMaxInactiveCol; support.firePropertyChange("sessionMaxInactiveCol", oldSessionMaxInactiveCol, this.sessionMaxInactiveCol); }
Returns:the Max Inactive column
/** * @return the {@code Max Inactive} column */
public String getSessionMaxInactiveCol() { return this.sessionMaxInactiveCol; }
Set the Last Accessed column for the table
  • sessionLastAccessedCol – The column name
/** * Set the {@code Last Accessed} column for the table * * @param sessionLastAccessedCol The column name */
public void setSessionLastAccessedCol(String sessionLastAccessedCol) { String oldSessionLastAccessedCol = this.sessionLastAccessedCol; this.sessionLastAccessedCol = sessionLastAccessedCol; support.firePropertyChange("sessionLastAccessedCol", oldSessionLastAccessedCol, this.sessionLastAccessedCol); }
Returns:the Last Accessed column
/** * @return the {@code Last Accessed} column */
public String getSessionLastAccessedCol() { return this.sessionLastAccessedCol; }
Set the JNDI name of a DataSource-factory to use for db access
  • dataSourceName – The JNDI name of the DataSource-factory
/** * Set the JNDI name of a DataSource-factory to use for db access * * @param dataSourceName The JNDI name of the DataSource-factory */
public void setDataSourceName(String dataSourceName) { if (dataSourceName == null || dataSourceName.trim().isEmpty()) { manager.getContext().getLogger().warn( sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".missingDataSourceName")); return; } this.dataSourceName = dataSourceName; }
Returns:the name of the JNDI DataSource-factory
/** * @return the name of the JNDI DataSource-factory */
public String getDataSourceName() { return this.dataSourceName; }
Returns:if the datasource will be looked up in the webapp JNDI Context.
/** * @return if the datasource will be looked up in the webapp JNDI Context. */
public boolean getLocalDataSource() { return localDataSource; }
Set to true to cause the datasource to be looked up in the webapp JNDI Context.
  • localDataSource – the new flag value
/** * Set to {@code true} to cause the datasource to be looked up in the webapp * JNDI Context. * * @param localDataSource the new flag value */
public void setLocalDataSource(boolean localDataSource) { this.localDataSource = localDataSource; } // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods @Override public String[] expiredKeys() throws IOException { return keys(true); } @Override public String[] keys() throws IOException { return keys(false); }
Return an array containing the session identifiers of all Sessions currently saved in this Store. If there are no such Sessions, a zero-length array is returned.
  • expiredOnly – flag, whether only keys of expired sessions should be returned
Returns:array containing the list of session IDs
/** * Return an array containing the session identifiers of all Sessions * currently saved in this Store. If there are no such Sessions, a * zero-length array is returned. * * @param expiredOnly flag, whether only keys of expired sessions should * be returned * @return array containing the list of session IDs * * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurred */
private String[] keys(boolean expiredOnly) throws IOException { String keys[] = null; int numberOfTries = 2; while (numberOfTries > 0) { Connection _conn = getConnection(); if (_conn == null) { return new String[0]; } try { String keysSql = "SELECT " + sessionIdCol + " FROM " + sessionTable + " WHERE " + sessionAppCol + " = ?"; if (expiredOnly) { keysSql += " AND (" + sessionLastAccessedCol + " + " + sessionMaxInactiveCol + " * 1000 < ?)"; } try (PreparedStatement preparedKeysSql = _conn.prepareStatement(keysSql)) { preparedKeysSql.setString(1, getName()); if (expiredOnly) { preparedKeysSql.setLong(2, System.currentTimeMillis()); } try (ResultSet rst = preparedKeysSql.executeQuery()) { List<String> tmpkeys = new ArrayList<>(); if (rst != null) { while (rst.next()) { tmpkeys.add(rst.getString(1)); } } keys = tmpkeys.toArray(new String[0]); // Break out after the finally block numberOfTries = 0; } } } catch (SQLException e) { manager.getContext().getLogger().error(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".SQLException", e)); keys = new String[0]; // Close the connection so that it gets reopened next time } finally { release(_conn); } numberOfTries--; } return keys; }
Return an integer containing a count of all Sessions currently saved in this Store. If there are no Sessions, 0 is returned.
Returns:the count of all sessions currently saved in this Store
/** * Return an integer containing a count of all Sessions * currently saved in this Store. If there are no Sessions, * <code>0</code> is returned. * * @return the count of all sessions currently saved in this Store * * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurred */
@Override public int getSize() throws IOException { int size = 0; String sizeSql = "SELECT COUNT(" + sessionIdCol + ") FROM " + sessionTable + " WHERE " + sessionAppCol + " = ?"; int numberOfTries = 2; while (numberOfTries > 0) { Connection _conn = getConnection(); if (_conn == null) { return size; } try (PreparedStatement preparedSizeSql = _conn.prepareStatement(sizeSql)){ preparedSizeSql.setString(1, getName()); try (ResultSet rst = preparedSizeSql.executeQuery()) { if (rst.next()) { size = rst.getInt(1); } // Break out after the finally block numberOfTries = 0; } } catch (SQLException e) { manager.getContext().getLogger().error(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".SQLException", e)); } finally { release(_conn); } numberOfTries--; } return size; }
Load the Session associated with the id id. If no such session is found null is returned.
  • id – a value of type String
Returns:the stored Session
/** * Load the Session associated with the id <code>id</code>. * If no such session is found <code>null</code> is returned. * * @param id a value of type <code>String</code> * @return the stored <code>Session</code> * @exception ClassNotFoundException if an error occurs * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurred */
@Override public Session load(String id) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { StandardSession _session = null; org.apache.catalina.Context context = getManager().getContext(); Log contextLog = context.getLogger(); int numberOfTries = 2; String loadSql = "SELECT " + sessionIdCol + ", " + sessionDataCol + " FROM " + sessionTable + " WHERE " + sessionIdCol + " = ? AND " + sessionAppCol + " = ?"; while (numberOfTries > 0) { Connection _conn = getConnection(); if (_conn == null) { return null; } ClassLoader oldThreadContextCL = context.bind(Globals.IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, null); try (PreparedStatement preparedLoadSql = _conn.prepareStatement(loadSql)){ preparedLoadSql.setString(1, id); preparedLoadSql.setString(2, getName()); try (ResultSet rst = preparedLoadSql.executeQuery()) { if (rst.next()) { try (ObjectInputStream ois = getObjectInputStream(rst.getBinaryStream(2))) { if (contextLog.isDebugEnabled()) { contextLog.debug(sm.getString( getStoreName() + ".loading", id, sessionTable)); } _session = (StandardSession) manager.createEmptySession(); _session.readObjectData(ois); _session.setManager(manager); } } else if (context.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { contextLog.debug(getStoreName() + ": No persisted data object found"); } // Break out after the finally block numberOfTries = 0; } } catch (SQLException e) { contextLog.error(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".SQLException", e)); } finally { context.unbind(Globals.IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, oldThreadContextCL); release(_conn); } numberOfTries--; } return _session; }
Remove the Session with the specified session identifier from this Store, if present. If no such Session is present, this method takes no action.
  • id – Session identifier of the Session to be removed
/** * Remove the Session with the specified session identifier from * this Store, if present. If no such Session is present, this method * takes no action. * * @param id Session identifier of the Session to be removed * * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs */
@Override public void remove(String id) throws IOException { int numberOfTries = 2; while (numberOfTries > 0) { Connection _conn = getConnection(); if (_conn == null) { return; } try { remove(id, _conn); // Break out after the finally block numberOfTries = 0; } catch (SQLException e) { manager.getContext().getLogger().error(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".SQLException", e)); } finally { release(_conn); } numberOfTries--; } if (manager.getContext().getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { manager.getContext().getLogger().debug(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".removing", id, sessionTable)); } }
Remove the Session with the specified session identifier from this Store, if present. If no such Session is present, this method takes no action.
  • id – Session identifier of the Session to be removed
  • _conn – open connection to be used
  • SQLException – if an error occurs while talking to the database
/** * Remove the Session with the specified session identifier from * this Store, if present. If no such Session is present, this method * takes no action. * * @param id Session identifier of the Session to be removed * @param _conn open connection to be used * @throws SQLException if an error occurs while talking to the database */
private void remove(String id, Connection _conn) throws SQLException { String removeSql = "DELETE FROM " + sessionTable + " WHERE " + sessionIdCol + " = ? AND " + sessionAppCol + " = ?"; try (PreparedStatement preparedRemoveSql = _conn.prepareStatement(removeSql)) { preparedRemoveSql.setString(1, id); preparedRemoveSql.setString(2, getName()); preparedRemoveSql.execute(); } }
Remove all of the Sessions in this Store.
  • IOException – if an input/output error occurs
/** * Remove all of the Sessions in this Store. * * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs */
@Override public void clear() throws IOException { String clearSql = "DELETE FROM " + sessionTable + " WHERE " + sessionAppCol + " = ?"; int numberOfTries = 2; while (numberOfTries > 0) { Connection _conn = getConnection(); if (_conn == null) { return; } try (PreparedStatement preparedClearSql = _conn.prepareStatement(clearSql)){ preparedClearSql.setString(1, getName()); preparedClearSql.execute(); // Break out after the finally block numberOfTries = 0; } catch (SQLException e) { manager.getContext().getLogger().error(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".SQLException", e)); } finally { release(_conn); } numberOfTries--; } }
Save a session to the Store.
  • session – the session to be stored
/** * Save a session to the Store. * * @param session the session to be stored * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs */
@Override public void save(Session session) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null; String saveSql = "INSERT INTO " + sessionTable + " (" + sessionIdCol + ", " + sessionAppCol + ", " + sessionDataCol + ", " + sessionValidCol + ", " + sessionMaxInactiveCol + ", " + sessionLastAccessedCol + ") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; synchronized (session) { int numberOfTries = 2; while (numberOfTries > 0) { Connection _conn = getConnection(); if (_conn == null) { return; } try { // If sessions already exist in DB, remove and insert again. // TODO: // * Check if ID exists in database and if so use UPDATE. remove(session.getIdInternal(), _conn); bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(bos))) { ((StandardSession) session).writeObjectData(oos); } byte[] obs = bos.toByteArray(); int size = obs.length; try (ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(obs, 0, size); InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(bis, size); PreparedStatement preparedSaveSql = _conn.prepareStatement(saveSql)) { preparedSaveSql.setString(1, session.getIdInternal()); preparedSaveSql.setString(2, getName()); preparedSaveSql.setBinaryStream(3, in, size); preparedSaveSql.setString(4, session.isValid() ? "1" : "0"); preparedSaveSql.setInt(5, session.getMaxInactiveInterval()); preparedSaveSql.setLong(6, session.getLastAccessedTime()); preparedSaveSql.execute(); // Break out after the finally block numberOfTries = 0; } } catch (SQLException e) { manager.getContext().getLogger().error(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".SQLException", e)); } catch (IOException e) { // Ignore } finally { release(_conn); } numberOfTries--; } } if (manager.getContext().getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { manager.getContext().getLogger().debug(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".saving", session.getIdInternal(), sessionTable)); } } // --------------------------------------------------------- Protected Methods
Check the connection associated with this store, if it's null or closed try to reopen it. Returns null if the connection could not be established.
Returns:Connection if the connection succeeded
/** * Check the connection associated with this store, if it's * <code>null</code> or closed try to reopen it. * Returns <code>null</code> if the connection could not be established. * * @return <code>Connection</code> if the connection succeeded */
protected Connection getConnection() { Connection conn = null; try { conn = open(); if (conn == null || conn.isClosed()) { manager.getContext().getLogger().info(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".checkConnectionDBClosed")); conn = open(); if (conn == null || conn.isClosed()) { manager.getContext().getLogger().info(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".checkConnectionDBReOpenFail")); } } } catch (SQLException ex) { manager.getContext().getLogger().error(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".checkConnectionSQLException", ex.toString())); } return conn; }
Open (if necessary) and return a database connection for use by this Store.
Returns:database connection ready to use
/** * Open (if necessary) and return a database connection for use by * this Store. * * @return database connection ready to use * * @exception SQLException if a database error occurs */
protected Connection open() throws SQLException { if (dataSourceName != null && dataSource == null) { org.apache.catalina.Context context = getManager().getContext(); ClassLoader oldThreadContextCL = null; if (localDataSource) { oldThreadContextCL = context.bind(Globals.IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, null); } Context initCtx; try { initCtx = new InitialContext(); Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup("java:comp/env"); this.dataSource = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup(this.dataSourceName); } catch (NamingException e) { context.getLogger().error( sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".wrongDataSource", this.dataSourceName), e); } finally { if (localDataSource) { context.unbind(Globals.IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, oldThreadContextCL); } } } if (dataSource != null) { return dataSource.getConnection(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".missingDataSource")); } }
Close the specified database connection.
  • dbConnection – The connection to be closed
/** * Close the specified database connection. * * @param dbConnection The connection to be closed */
protected void close(Connection dbConnection) { // Do nothing if the database connection is already closed if (dbConnection == null) return; // Commit if autoCommit is false try { if (!dbConnection.getAutoCommit()) { dbConnection.commit(); } } catch (SQLException e) { manager.getContext().getLogger().error(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".commitSQLException"), e); } // Close this database connection, and log any errors try { dbConnection.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { manager.getContext().getLogger().error(sm.getString(getStoreName() + ".close", e.toString())); // Just log it here } }
Release the connection, if it is associated with a connection pool.
  • conn – The connection to be released
/** * Release the connection, if it * is associated with a connection pool. * * @param conn The connection to be released */
protected void release(Connection conn) { if (dataSource != null) { close(conn); } } }