 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.catalina.manager.util;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import javax.security.auth.Subject;

import jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.apache.catalina.Session;
import org.apache.tomcat.util.ExceptionUtils;

Utility methods on HttpSessions...
Author:Cédrik LIME
/** * Utility methods on HttpSessions... * @author Cédrik LIME */
public class SessionUtils { /** * */ private SessionUtils() { super(); }
The session attributes key under which the user's selected java.util.Locale is stored, if any.
/** * The session attributes key under which the user's selected * <code>java.util.Locale</code> is stored, if any. */
// org.apache.struts.Globals.LOCALE_KEY private static final String STRUTS_LOCALE_KEY = "org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE";//$NON-NLS-1$ // jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core.Config.FMT_LOCALE private static final String JSTL_LOCALE_KEY = "jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.locale";//$NON-NLS-1$ // org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.SessionLocaleResolver.LOCALE_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME private static final String SPRING_LOCALE_KEY = "org.springframework.web.servlet.i18n.SessionLocaleResolver.LOCALE";//$NON-NLS-1$
Lower and upper-case strings will be dynamically generated. Put mid-capitalised strings here!
/** * Lower and upper-case strings will be dynamically generated. Put mid-capitalised strings here! */
private static final String[] LOCALE_TEST_ATTRIBUTES = new String[] { STRUTS_LOCALE_KEY, SPRING_LOCALE_KEY, JSTL_LOCALE_KEY, "Locale", "java.util.Locale" };
For efficient operation, list the attributes here with the typically used capitalisation. This will be tried first and then the auto-generated upper and lower case versions will be tried.
/** * For efficient operation, list the attributes here with the typically used * capitalisation. This will be tried first and then the auto-generated * upper and lower case versions will be tried. */
private static final String[] USER_TEST_ATTRIBUTES = new String[] { "Login", "User", "userName", "UserName", "Utilisateur", "SPRING_SECURITY_LAST_USERNAME"};
Try to get user locale from the session, if possible. IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: this method has explicit support for Tapestry 3, Struts 1.x and Spring JSF check the browser meta tag "accept languages" to choose what language to display.
  • in_session – The session
Returns:the locale
/** * Try to get user locale from the session, if possible. * IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: this method has explicit support for Tapestry 3, Struts 1.x and Spring * JSF check the browser meta tag "accept languages" to choose what language to display. * @param in_session The session * @return the locale */
public static Locale guessLocaleFromSession(final Session in_session) { return guessLocaleFromSession(in_session.getSession()); } public static Locale guessLocaleFromSession(final HttpSession in_session) { if (null == in_session) { return null; } try { Locale locale = null; // First search "known locations" for (String localeTestAttribute : LOCALE_TEST_ATTRIBUTES) { Object obj = in_session.getAttribute(localeTestAttribute); if (obj instanceof Locale) { locale = (Locale) obj; break; } obj = in_session.getAttribute(localeTestAttribute.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); if (obj instanceof Locale) { locale = (Locale) obj; break; } obj = in_session.getAttribute(localeTestAttribute.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); if (obj instanceof Locale) { locale = (Locale) obj; break; } } if (null != locale) { return locale; } // Tapestry 3.0: Engine stored in session under "org.apache.tapestry.engine:" + config.getServletName() // TODO: Tapestry 4+ final List<Object> tapestryArray = new ArrayList<>(); for (Enumeration<String> enumeration = in_session.getAttributeNames(); enumeration.hasMoreElements();) { String name = enumeration.nextElement(); if (name.contains("tapestry") && name.contains("engine") && null != in_session.getAttribute(name)) {//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ tapestryArray.add(in_session.getAttribute(name)); } } if (tapestryArray.size() == 1) { // found a potential Engine! Let's call getLocale() on it. Object probableEngine = tapestryArray.get(0); if (null != probableEngine) { try { Method readMethod = probableEngine.getClass().getMethod("getLocale", (Class<?>[])null);//$NON-NLS-1$ // Call the property getter and return the value Object possibleLocale = readMethod.invoke(probableEngine, (Object[]) null); if (possibleLocale instanceof Locale) { locale = (Locale) possibleLocale; } } catch (Exception e) { Throwable t = ExceptionUtils .unwrapInvocationTargetException(e); ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); // stay silent } } } if (null != locale) { return locale; } // Last guess: iterate over all attributes, to find a Locale // If there is only one, consider it to be /the/ locale final List<Object> localeArray = new ArrayList<>(); for (Enumeration<String> enumeration = in_session.getAttributeNames(); enumeration.hasMoreElements();) { String name = enumeration.nextElement(); Object obj = in_session.getAttribute(name); if (obj instanceof Locale) { localeArray.add(obj); } } if (localeArray.size() == 1) { locale = (Locale) localeArray.get(0); } return locale; } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { //ignore: invalidated session return null; } }
Try to get user from the session, if possible.
  • in_session – The session
Returns:the user
/** * Try to get user from the session, if possible. * @param in_session The session * @return the user */
public static Object guessUserFromSession(final Session in_session) { if (null == in_session) { return null; } if (in_session.getPrincipal() != null) { return in_session.getPrincipal().getName(); } HttpSession httpSession = in_session.getSession(); if (httpSession == null) return null; try { Object user = null; // First search "known locations" for (String userTestAttribute : USER_TEST_ATTRIBUTES) { Object obj = httpSession.getAttribute(userTestAttribute); if (null != obj) { user = obj; break; } obj = httpSession.getAttribute(userTestAttribute.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); if (null != obj) { user = obj; break; } obj = httpSession.getAttribute(userTestAttribute.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); if (null != obj) { user = obj; break; } } if (null != user) { return user; } // Last guess: iterate over all attributes, to find a java.security.Principal or javax.security.auth.Subject // If there is only one, consider it to be /the/ user final List<Object> principalArray = new ArrayList<>(); for (Enumeration<String> enumeration = httpSession.getAttributeNames(); enumeration.hasMoreElements();) { String name = enumeration.nextElement(); Object obj = httpSession.getAttribute(name); if (obj instanceof Principal || obj instanceof Subject) { principalArray.add(obj); } } if (principalArray.size() == 1) { user = principalArray.get(0); } if (null != user) { return user; } return user; } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { //ignore: invalidated session return null; } } public static long getUsedTimeForSession(Session in_session) { try { long diffMilliSeconds = in_session.getThisAccessedTime() - in_session.getCreationTime(); return diffMilliSeconds; } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { //ignore: invalidated session return -1; } } public static long getTTLForSession(Session in_session) { try { long diffMilliSeconds = (1000*in_session.getMaxInactiveInterval()) - (System.currentTimeMillis() - in_session.getThisAccessedTime()); return diffMilliSeconds; } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { //ignore: invalidated session return -1; } } public static long getInactiveTimeForSession(Session in_session) { try { long diffMilliSeconds = System.currentTimeMillis() - in_session.getThisAccessedTime(); return diffMilliSeconds; } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { //ignore: invalidated session return -1; } } }