/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.ddf;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.poi.util.LittleEndian;

Common abstract class for EscherOptRecord and EscherTertiaryOptRecord
/** * Common abstract class for {@link EscherOptRecord} and * {@link EscherTertiaryOptRecord} */
public abstract class AbstractEscherOptRecord extends EscherRecord { private List<EscherProperty> properties = new ArrayList<>();
Add a property to this record.
  • prop – the escher property to add
/** * Add a property to this record. * * @param prop the escher property to add */
public void addEscherProperty( EscherProperty prop ) { properties.add( prop ); } @Override public int fillFields( byte[] data, int offset, EscherRecordFactory recordFactory ) { int bytesRemaining = readHeader( data, offset ); short propertiesCount = readInstance( data, offset ); int pos = offset + 8; EscherPropertyFactory f = new EscherPropertyFactory(); properties = f.createProperties( data, pos, propertiesCount ); return bytesRemaining + 8; }
The list of properties stored by this record.
Returns:the list of properties
/** * The list of properties stored by this record. * * @return the list of properties */
public List<EscherProperty> getEscherProperties() { return properties; }
The list of properties stored by this record.
  • index – the ordinal index of the property
Returns:the escher property
/** * The list of properties stored by this record. * * @param index the ordinal index of the property * @return the escher property */
public EscherProperty getEscherProperty( int index ) { return properties.get( index ); } private int getPropertiesSize() { int totalSize = 0; for ( EscherProperty property : properties ) { totalSize += property.getPropertySize(); } return totalSize; } @Override public int getRecordSize() { return 8 + getPropertiesSize(); } public <T extends EscherProperty> T lookup( int propId ) { for ( EscherProperty prop : properties ) { if ( prop.getPropertyNumber() == propId ) { @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) final T result = (T) prop; return result; } } return null; } @Override public int serialize( int offset, byte[] data, EscherSerializationListener listener ) { listener.beforeRecordSerialize( offset, getRecordId(), this ); LittleEndian.putShort( data, offset, getOptions() ); LittleEndian.putShort( data, offset + 2, getRecordId() ); LittleEndian.putInt( data, offset + 4, getPropertiesSize() ); int pos = offset + 8; for ( EscherProperty property : properties ) { pos += property.serializeSimplePart( data, pos ); } for ( EscherProperty property : properties ) { pos += property.serializeComplexPart( data, pos ); } listener.afterRecordSerialize( pos, getRecordId(), pos - offset, this ); return pos - offset; }
Records should be sorted by property number before being stored.
/** * Records should be sorted by property number before being stored. */
public void sortProperties() { properties.sort(new Comparator<EscherProperty>() { @Override public int compare(EscherProperty p1, EscherProperty p2) { short s1 = p1.getPropertyNumber(); short s2 = p2.getPropertyNumber(); return Short.compare(s1, s2); } }); }
Set an escher property. If a property with given propId already exists it is replaced.
  • value – the property to set.
/** * Set an escher property. If a property with given propId already exists it is replaced. * * @param value the property to set. */
public void setEscherProperty(EscherProperty value){ for ( Iterator<EscherProperty> iterator = properties.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { EscherProperty prop = iterator.next(); if (prop.getId() == value.getId()){ iterator.remove(); } } properties.add( value ); sortProperties(); } public void removeEscherProperty(int num){ for ( Iterator<EscherProperty> iterator = getEscherProperties().iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { EscherProperty prop = iterator.next(); if (prop.getPropertyNumber() == num){ iterator.remove(); } } } @Override protected Object[][] getAttributeMap() { List<Object> attrList = new ArrayList<>(properties.size() * 2 + 2); attrList.add("properties"); attrList.add(properties.size()); for ( EscherProperty property : properties ) { attrList.add(property.getName()); attrList.add(property); } return new Object[][]{ { "isContainer", isContainerRecord() }, { "numchildren", getChildRecords().size() }, attrList.toArray() }; } }