 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.search;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.index.PostingsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.SlowImpactsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermState;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermStates;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms;
import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum;
import org.apache.lucene.search.similarities.Similarity;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.mutable.MutableValueBool;

A generalized version of PhraseQuery, built with one or more MultiTermQuery that provides term expansions for multi-terms (one of the expanded terms must match).

Its main advantage is to control the total number of expansions across all MultiTermQuery and across all segments.

Use the Builder to build a PhraseWildcardQuery.

This query is similar to MultiPhraseQuery, but it handles, controls and optimizes the multi-term expansions.

This query is equivalent to building an ordered SpanNearQuery with a list of SpanTermQuery and SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper. But it optimizes the multi-term expansions and the segment accesses. It first resolves the single-terms to early stop if some does not match. Then it expands each multi-term sequentially, stopping immediately if one does not match. It detects the segments that do not match to skip them for the next expansions. This often avoid expanding the other multi-terms on some or even all segments. And finally it controls the total number of expansions.


/** * A generalized version of {@link PhraseQuery}, built with one or more {@link MultiTermQuery} * that provides term expansions for multi-terms (one of the expanded terms must match). * <p> * Its main advantage is to control the total number of expansions across all {@link MultiTermQuery} * and across all segments. * <p> * Use the {@link Builder} to build a {@link PhraseWildcardQuery}. * <p> * This query is similar to {@link MultiPhraseQuery}, but it handles, controls and optimizes the * multi-term expansions. * <p> * This query is equivalent to building an ordered {@link org.apache.lucene.search.spans.SpanNearQuery} * with a list of {@link org.apache.lucene.search.spans.SpanTermQuery} and * {@link org.apache.lucene.search.spans.SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper}. * But it optimizes the multi-term expansions and the segment accesses. * It first resolves the single-terms to early stop if some does not match. Then * it expands each multi-term sequentially, stopping immediately if one does not * match. It detects the segments that do not match to skip them for the next * expansions. This often avoid expanding the other multi-terms on some or * even all segments. And finally it controls the total number of expansions. * <p> * Immutable. * @lucene.experimental */
public class PhraseWildcardQuery extends Query { protected static final Query NO_MATCH_QUERY = new MatchNoDocsQuery("Empty " + PhraseWildcardQuery.class.getSimpleName()); protected final String field; protected final List<PhraseTerm> phraseTerms; protected final int slop; protected final int maxMultiTermExpansions; protected final boolean segmentOptimizationEnabled; protected PhraseWildcardQuery( String field, List<PhraseTerm> phraseTerms, int slop, int maxMultiTermExpansions, boolean segmentOptimizationEnabled) { this.field = field; this.phraseTerms = phraseTerms; this.slop = slop; this.maxMultiTermExpansions = maxMultiTermExpansions; this.segmentOptimizationEnabled = segmentOptimizationEnabled; } public String getField() { return field; } @Override public Query rewrite(IndexReader reader) throws IOException { if (phraseTerms.isEmpty()) { return NO_MATCH_QUERY; } if (phraseTerms.size() == 1) { return phraseTerms.get(0).getQuery(); } return super.rewrite(reader); } @Override public void visit(QueryVisitor visitor) { if (!visitor.acceptField(field)) { return; } QueryVisitor v = visitor.getSubVisitor(BooleanClause.Occur.MUST, this); for (PhraseTerm phraseTerm : phraseTerms) { phraseTerm.getQuery().visit(v); } } @Override public Weight createWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, ScoreMode scoreMode, float boost) throws IOException { IndexReader reader = searcher.getIndexReader(); // Build a list of segments ordered by terms size (number of terms). // The first segments to be searched are the smaller ones, which are by // design containing the most recent documents. Any segment in this list // may also be removed in the PhraseTerm.collectTermData() calls below // if one of the phrase term does not match in the segment. This allows // to early stop expanding multi-terms on removed segments. // Additionally there is a global multi-term expansion limit across all multi-terms // and all segments. So this is important to first start with the smallest // segments to give back non-used expansion credits to the next multi-terms, // as this is more probable with the small segments. List<LeafReaderContext> sizeSortedSegments = new SegmentTermsSizeComparator().createTermsSizeSortedCopyOf(reader.leaves()); // TermsData will contain the collected TermState and TermStatistics for all the terms // of the phrase. It is filled during PhraseTerm.collectTermData() calls below. TermsData termsData = createTermsData(sizeSortedSegments.size()); // Iterate the phrase terms, and collect the TermState for single-terms. // - Early stop if a single term does not match. int numMultiTerms = 0; for (PhraseTerm phraseTerm : phraseTerms) { if (phraseTerm.hasExpansions()) { numMultiTerms++; } else { assert TestCounters.get().incSingleTermAnalysisCount(); int numMatches = phraseTerm.collectTermData(this, searcher, sizeSortedSegments, termsData); if (numMatches == 0) { // Early stop here because the single term does not match in any segment. // So the whole phrase query cannot match. return earlyStopWeight(); } } } // Iterate the phrase terms and collect the TermState for multi-terms. // - Early stop if a multi-term does not match. // - Expand the multi-terms only when required. int remainingExpansions = maxMultiTermExpansions; int remainingMultiTerms = numMultiTerms; for (PhraseTerm phraseTerm : phraseTerms) { if (phraseTerm.hasExpansions()) { assert TestCounters.get().incMultiTermAnalysisCount(); assert remainingExpansions >= 0 && remainingExpansions <= maxMultiTermExpansions; assert remainingMultiTerms > 0; // Consider the remaining expansions allowed for all remaining multi-terms. // Divide it evenly to get the expansion limit for the current multi-term. int maxExpansionsForTerm = remainingExpansions / remainingMultiTerms; int numExpansions = phraseTerm.collectTermData(this, searcher, sizeSortedSegments, remainingMultiTerms, maxExpansionsForTerm, termsData); assert numExpansions >= 0 && numExpansions <= maxExpansionsForTerm; if (numExpansions == 0) { // Early stop here because the multi-term does not match in any segment. // So the whole phrase query cannot match. return earlyStopWeight(); } // Deduct the effectively used expansions. This may give more expansion // credits to the next multi-terms. remainingExpansions -= numExpansions; remainingMultiTerms--; } } assert remainingMultiTerms == 0; assert remainingExpansions >= 0; // TestCounters.get().printTestCounters(termsData); return termsData.areAllTermsMatching() ? createPhraseWeight(searcher, scoreMode, boost, termsData) : noMatchWeight(); }
Creates new TermsData.
/** * Creates new {@link TermsData}. */
protected TermsData createTermsData(int numSegments) { return new TermsData(phraseTerms.size(), numSegments); } protected Weight earlyStopWeight() { assert TestCounters.get().incQueryEarlyStopCount(); return noMatchWeight(); } protected Weight noMatchWeight() { return new ConstantScoreWeight(this, 0) { @Override public Scorer scorer(LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext) { return null; } @Override public boolean isCacheable(LeafReaderContext ctx) { return true; } }; } PhraseWeight createPhraseWeight(IndexSearcher searcher, ScoreMode scoreMode, float boost, TermsData termsData) throws IOException { return new PhraseWeight(this, field, searcher, scoreMode) { @Override protected Similarity.SimScorer getStats(IndexSearcher searcher) throws IOException { if (termsData.termStatsList.isEmpty()) { return null; } return searcher.getSimilarity().scorer( boost, searcher.collectionStatistics(field), termsData.termStatsList.toArray(new TermStatistics[0])); } @Override protected PhraseMatcher getPhraseMatcher(LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext, Similarity.SimScorer scorer, boolean exposeOffsets) throws IOException { Terms fieldTerms = leafReaderContext.reader().terms(field); if (fieldTerms == null) { return null; } TermsEnum termsEnum = fieldTerms.iterator(); float totalMatchCost = 0; PhraseQuery.PostingsAndFreq[] postingsFreqs = new PhraseQuery.PostingsAndFreq[phraseTerms.size()]; for (int termPosition = 0; termPosition < postingsFreqs.length; termPosition++) { TermData termData = termsData.getTermData(termPosition); assert termData != null; List<TermBytesTermState> termStates = termData.getTermStatesForSegment(leafReaderContext); if (termStates == null) { // If the current phrase term does not match in the segment, then the phrase cannot match on the segment. // So early stop by returning a null scorer. return null; } assert !termStates.isEmpty(); List<PostingsEnum> postingsEnums = new ArrayList<>(termStates.size()); for (TermBytesTermState termBytesTermState : termStates) { termsEnum.seekExact(termBytesTermState.termBytes, termBytesTermState.termState); postingsEnums.add(termsEnum.postings(null, exposeOffsets ? PostingsEnum.ALL : PostingsEnum.POSITIONS)); totalMatchCost += PhraseQuery.termPositionsCost(termsEnum); } PostingsEnum unionPostingsEnum; if (postingsEnums.size() == 1) { unionPostingsEnum = postingsEnums.get(0); } else { unionPostingsEnum = exposeOffsets ? new MultiPhraseQuery.UnionFullPostingsEnum(postingsEnums) : new MultiPhraseQuery.UnionPostingsEnum(postingsEnums); } postingsFreqs[termPosition] = new PhraseQuery.PostingsAndFreq(unionPostingsEnum, new SlowImpactsEnum(unionPostingsEnum), termPosition, termData.terms); } if (slop == 0) { // Sort by increasing docFreq order. ArrayUtil.timSort(postingsFreqs); return new ExactPhraseMatcher(postingsFreqs, scoreMode, scorer, totalMatchCost); } else { return new SloppyPhraseMatcher(postingsFreqs, slop, scoreMode, scorer, totalMatchCost, exposeOffsets); } } @Override public void extractTerms(Set<Term> terms) { for (int i = 0, size = phraseTerms.size(); i < size; i++) { terms.addAll(termsData.getTermData(i).terms); } } }; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof PhraseWildcardQuery)) { return false; } PhraseWildcardQuery pwq = (PhraseWildcardQuery) o; return slop == pwq.slop && phraseTerms.equals(pwq.phraseTerms); } @Override public int hashCode() { return classHash() ^ slop ^ phraseTerms.hashCode(); } @Override public final String toString(String omittedField) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("phraseWildcard("); if (field == null || !field.equals(omittedField)) { builder.append(field).append(':'); } builder.append('\"'); for (int i = 0; i < phraseTerms.size(); i++) { if (i != 0) { builder.append(' '); } phraseTerms.get(i).toString(builder); } builder.append('\"'); if (slop != 0) { builder.append('~'); builder.append(slop); } builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); }
Collects the TermState and TermStatistics for a single-term without expansion.
  • termsData – receives the collected data.
/** * Collects the {@link TermState} and {@link TermStatistics} for a single-term * without expansion. * * @param termsData receives the collected data. */
protected int collectSingleTermData( SingleTerm singleTerm, IndexSearcher searcher, List<LeafReaderContext> segments, TermsData termsData) throws IOException { TermData termData = termsData.getOrCreateTermData(singleTerm.termPosition); Term term = singleTerm.term; termData.terms.add(term); TermStates termStates = TermStates.build(searcher.getIndexReader().getContext(), term, true); // Collect TermState per segment. int numMatches = 0; Iterator<LeafReaderContext> segmentIterator = segments.iterator(); while (segmentIterator.hasNext()) { LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext = segmentIterator.next(); assert TestCounters.get().incSegmentUseCount(); boolean termMatchesInSegment = false; Terms terms = leafReaderContext.reader().terms(term.field()); if (terms != null) { checkTermsHavePositions(terms); TermState termState = termStates.get(leafReaderContext); if (termState != null) { termMatchesInSegment = true; numMatches++; termData.setTermStatesForSegment(leafReaderContext, Collections.singletonList(new TermBytesTermState(term.bytes(), termState))); } } if (!termMatchesInSegment && shouldOptimizeSegments()) { // Remove this segment from the list because the phrase cannot match on it. segmentIterator.remove(); assert TestCounters.get().incSegmentSkipCount(); } } // Collect the term stats across all segments. if (termStates.docFreq() > 0) { termsData.termStatsList.add(searcher.termStatistics(term, termStates.docFreq(), termStates.totalTermFreq())); } return numMatches; }
Collects the TermState and TermStatistics for a multi-term with expansion.
  • remainingMultiTerms – the number of remaining multi-terms to process, including the current one, excluding the multi-terms already processed.
  • termsData – receives the collected data.
/** * Collects the {@link TermState} and {@link TermStatistics} for a multi-term * with expansion. * * @param remainingMultiTerms the number of remaining multi-terms to process, * including the current one, excluding the multi-terms already processed. * @param termsData receives the collected data. */
protected int collectMultiTermData( MultiTerm multiTerm, IndexSearcher searcher, List<LeafReaderContext> segments, int remainingMultiTerms, // Unused here but leveraged by extending classes. int maxExpansionsForTerm, TermsData termsData) throws IOException { TermData termData = termsData.getOrCreateTermData(multiTerm.termPosition); Map<BytesRef, TermStats> termStatsMap = createTermStatsMap(multiTerm); int numExpansions = 0; Iterator<LeafReaderContext> segmentIterator = segments.iterator(); MutableValueBool shouldStopSegmentIteration = new MutableValueBool(); while (segmentIterator.hasNext() && !shouldStopSegmentIteration.value) { LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext = segmentIterator.next(); int remainingExpansions = maxExpansionsForTerm - numExpansions; assert remainingExpansions >= 0; List<TermBytesTermState> termStates = collectMultiTermDataForSegment( multiTerm, leafReaderContext, remainingExpansions, shouldStopSegmentIteration, termStatsMap); if (!termStates.isEmpty()) { assert termStates.size() <= remainingExpansions; numExpansions += termStates.size(); assert numExpansions <= maxExpansionsForTerm; termData.setTermStatesForSegment(leafReaderContext, termStates); } else if (shouldOptimizeSegments()) { // Remove this segment from the list because the phrase cannot match on it. segmentIterator.remove(); assert TestCounters.get().incSegmentSkipCount(); } } // Collect the term stats across all segments. collectMultiTermStats(searcher, termStatsMap, termsData, termData); return numExpansions; } protected boolean shouldOptimizeSegments() { return segmentOptimizationEnabled; }
Creates a TermStats map for a MultiTerm.
/** * Creates a {@link TermStats} map for a {@link MultiTerm}. */
protected Map<BytesRef, TermStats> createTermStatsMap(MultiTerm multiTerm) { // multiTerm param can be used by sub-classes. return new HashMap<>(); }
Collects the TermState list and TermStatistics for a multi-term on a specific index segment.
  • remainingExpansions – the number of remaining expansions allowed for the segment.
  • shouldStopSegmentIteration – to be set to true to stop the segment iteration calling this method repeatedly.
  • termStatsMap – receives the collected TermStats across all segments.
/** * Collects the {@link TermState} list and {@link TermStatistics} for a multi-term * on a specific index segment. * * @param remainingExpansions the number of remaining expansions allowed * for the segment. * @param shouldStopSegmentIteration to be set to true to stop the segment * iteration calling this method repeatedly. * @param termStatsMap receives the collected {@link TermStats} across all segments. */
protected List<TermBytesTermState> collectMultiTermDataForSegment( MultiTerm multiTerm, LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext, int remainingExpansions, MutableValueBool shouldStopSegmentIteration, Map<BytesRef, TermStats> termStatsMap) throws IOException { TermsEnum termsEnum = createTermsEnum(multiTerm, leafReaderContext); if (termsEnum == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } assert TestCounters.get().incSegmentUseCount(); List<TermBytesTermState> termStates = new ArrayList<>(); while (termsEnum.next() != null && remainingExpansions > 0) { // Collect term stats for the segment. TermStats termStats = termStatsMap.get(termsEnum.term()); if (termStats == null) { BytesRef termBytes = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(termsEnum.term()); termStats = new TermStats(termBytes); termStatsMap.put(termBytes, termStats); } // Accumulate stats the same way TermStates.accumulateStatistics() does. // Sum the stats per term for all segments the same way TermStates.build() does. termStats.addStats(termsEnum.docFreq(), termsEnum.totalTermFreq()); // Collect TermState per segment. termStates.add(new TermBytesTermState(termStats.termBytes, termsEnum.termState())); remainingExpansions--; assert TestCounters.get().incExpansionCount(); } assert remainingExpansions >= 0; shouldStopSegmentIteration.value = remainingExpansions == 0; return termStates; }
Creates the TermsEnum for the given MultiTerm and segment.
Returns:null if there is no term for this query field in the segment.
/** * Creates the {@link TermsEnum} for the given {@link MultiTerm} and segment. * * @return null if there is no term for this query field in the segment. */
protected TermsEnum createTermsEnum(MultiTerm multiTerm, LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext) throws IOException { Terms terms = leafReaderContext.reader().terms(field); if (terms == null) { return null; } checkTermsHavePositions(terms); TermsEnum termsEnum = multiTerm.query.getTermsEnum(terms); assert termsEnum != null; return termsEnum; }
Collect the term stats across all segments.
/** * Collect the term stats across all segments. * * @param termStatsMap input map of already collected {@link TermStats}. * @param termsData receives the {@link TermStatistics} computed for all {@link TermStats}. * @param termData receives all the collected {@link Term}. */
protected void collectMultiTermStats( IndexSearcher searcher, Map<BytesRef, TermStats> termStatsMap, TermsData termsData, TermData termData) throws IOException { // Collect term stats across all segments. // Collect stats the same way MultiPhraseQuery.MultiPhraseWeight constructor does, for all terms and all segments. for (Map.Entry<BytesRef, TermStats> termStatsEntry : termStatsMap.entrySet()) { Term term = new Term(field, termStatsEntry.getKey()); termData.terms.add(term); TermStats termStats = termStatsEntry.getValue(); if (termStats.docFreq > 0) { termsData.termStatsList.add(searcher.termStatistics(term, termStats.docFreq, termStats.totalTermFreq)); } } } protected void checkTermsHavePositions(Terms terms) { if (!terms.hasPositions()) { throw new IllegalStateException("field \"" + field + "\" was indexed without position data;" + " cannot run " + PhraseWildcardQuery.class.getSimpleName()); } } /** * Builds a {@link PhraseWildcardQuery}. */ public static class Builder { protected final String field; protected final List<PhraseTerm> phraseTerms; protected int slop; protected final int maxMultiTermExpansions; protected final boolean segmentOptimizationEnabled;
  • field – The query field.
  • maxMultiTermExpansions – The maximum number of expansions across all multi-terms and across all segments. It counts expansions for each segments individually, that allows optimizations per segment and unused expansions are credited to next segments. This is different from MultiPhraseQuery and SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper which have an expansion limit per multi-term.
/** * @param field The query field. * @param maxMultiTermExpansions The maximum number of expansions across all multi-terms and across all segments. * It counts expansions for each segments individually, that allows optimizations per * segment and unused expansions are credited to next segments. This is different from * {@link MultiPhraseQuery} and {@link org.apache.lucene.search.spans.SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper} * which have an expansion limit per multi-term. */
public Builder(String field, int maxMultiTermExpansions) { this(field, maxMultiTermExpansions, true); }
  • field – The query field.
  • maxMultiTermExpansions – The maximum number of expansions across all multi-terms and across all segments. It counts expansions for each segments individually, that allows optimizations per segment and unused expansions are credited to next segments. This is different from MultiPhraseQuery and SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper which have an expansion limit per multi-term.
  • segmentOptimizationEnabled – Whether to enable the segment optimization which consists in ignoring a segment for further analysis as soon as a term is not present inside it. This optimizes the query execution performance but changes the scoring. The result ranking is preserved.
/** * @param field The query field. * @param maxMultiTermExpansions The maximum number of expansions across all multi-terms and across all segments. * It counts expansions for each segments individually, that allows optimizations per * segment and unused expansions are credited to next segments. This is different from * {@link MultiPhraseQuery} and {@link org.apache.lucene.search.spans.SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper} * which have an expansion limit per multi-term. * @param segmentOptimizationEnabled Whether to enable the segment optimization which consists in ignoring a segment * for further analysis as soon as a term is not present inside it. This optimizes * the query execution performance but changes the scoring. The result ranking is * preserved. */
public Builder(String field, int maxMultiTermExpansions, boolean segmentOptimizationEnabled) { this.field = field; this.maxMultiTermExpansions = maxMultiTermExpansions; this.segmentOptimizationEnabled = segmentOptimizationEnabled; phraseTerms = new ArrayList<>(); }
Adds a single term at the next position in the phrase.
/** * Adds a single term at the next position in the phrase. */
public Builder addTerm(BytesRef termBytes) { return addTerm(new Term(field, termBytes)); }
Adds a single term at the next position in the phrase.
/** * Adds a single term at the next position in the phrase. */
public Builder addTerm(Term term) { if (!term.field().equals(field)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(term.getClass().getSimpleName() + " field \"" + term.field() + "\" cannot be different from the " + PhraseWildcardQuery.class.getSimpleName() + " field \"" + field + "\""); } phraseTerms.add(new SingleTerm(term, phraseTerms.size())); return this; }
Adds a multi-term at the next position in the phrase. Any of the terms returned by the provided MultiTermQuery enumeration may match (expansion as a disjunction).
/** * Adds a multi-term at the next position in the phrase. * Any of the terms returned by the provided {@link MultiTermQuery} enumeration * may match (expansion as a disjunction). */
public Builder addMultiTerm(MultiTermQuery multiTermQuery) { if (!multiTermQuery.getField().equals(field)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(multiTermQuery.getClass().getSimpleName() + " field \"" + multiTermQuery.getField() + "\" cannot be different from the " + PhraseWildcardQuery.class.getSimpleName() + " field \"" + field + "\""); } phraseTerms.add(new MultiTerm(multiTermQuery, phraseTerms.size())); return this; }
Sets the phrase slop.
/** * Sets the phrase slop. */
public Builder setSlop(int slop) { if (slop < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("slop value cannot be negative"); } this.slop = slop; return this; } /** * Builds a {@link PhraseWildcardQuery}. */ public PhraseWildcardQuery build() { return new PhraseWildcardQuery(field, phraseTerms, slop, maxMultiTermExpansions, segmentOptimizationEnabled); } }
All PhraseTerm are light and immutable. They do not hold query processing data such as TermsData. That way, the PhraseWildcardQuery is immutable and light itself and can be used safely as a key of the query cache.
/** * All {@link PhraseTerm} are light and immutable. They do not hold query * processing data such as {@link TermsData}. That way, the {@link PhraseWildcardQuery} * is immutable and light itself and can be used safely as a key of the query cache. */
protected abstract static class PhraseTerm { protected final int termPosition; protected PhraseTerm(int termPosition) { this.termPosition = termPosition; } protected abstract boolean hasExpansions(); protected abstract Query getQuery();
Collects TermState and TermStatistics for the term without expansion. It must be called only if hasExpansions() returns false. Simplified version of #collectTermData(PhraseWildcardQuery, IndexSearcher, List, int, int, TermsData) with less arguments. This method throws UnsupportedOperationException if not overridden.
/** * Collects {@link TermState} and {@link TermStatistics} for the term without expansion. * It must be called only if {@link #hasExpansions()} returns false. * Simplified version of {@code #collectTermData(PhraseWildcardQuery, IndexSearcher, List, int, int, TermsData)} * with less arguments. This method throws {@link UnsupportedOperationException} if not overridden. */
protected int collectTermData( PhraseWildcardQuery query, IndexSearcher searcher, List<LeafReaderContext> segments, TermsData termsData) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
Collects TermState and TermStatistics for the term (potentially expanded).
  • termsData – TermsData to update with the collected terms and stats.
Returns:The number of expansions or matches in all segments; or 0 if this term does not match in any segment, in this case the phrase query can immediately stop.
/** * Collects {@link TermState} and {@link TermStatistics} for the term (potentially expanded). * * @param termsData {@link TermsData} to update with the collected terms and stats. * @return The number of expansions or matches in all segments; or 0 if this term * does not match in any segment, in this case the phrase query can immediately stop. */
protected abstract int collectTermData( PhraseWildcardQuery query, IndexSearcher searcher, List<LeafReaderContext> segments, int remainingMultiTerms, int maxExpansionsForTerm, TermsData termsData) throws IOException; protected abstract void toString(StringBuilder builder); @Override public abstract boolean equals(Object o); @Override public abstract int hashCode(); }
Phrase term with no expansion.
/** * Phrase term with no expansion. */
protected static class SingleTerm extends PhraseTerm { protected final Term term; protected SingleTerm(Term term, int termPosition) { super(termPosition); this.term = term; } @Override protected boolean hasExpansions() { return false; } @Override protected Query getQuery() { return new TermQuery(term); } @Override protected int collectTermData( PhraseWildcardQuery query, IndexSearcher searcher, List<LeafReaderContext> segments, TermsData termsData) throws IOException { return collectTermData(query, searcher, segments, 0, 0, termsData); } @Override protected int collectTermData( PhraseWildcardQuery query, IndexSearcher searcher, List<LeafReaderContext> segments, int remainingMultiTerms, int maxExpansionsForTerm, TermsData termsData) throws IOException { return query.collectSingleTermData(this, searcher, segments, termsData); } @Override protected void toString(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append(term.text()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof SingleTerm)) { return false; } SingleTerm singleTerm = (SingleTerm) o; return term.equals(singleTerm.term); } @Override public int hashCode() { return term.hashCode(); } }
Phrase term with expansions.
/** * Phrase term with expansions. */
protected static class MultiTerm extends PhraseTerm { protected final MultiTermQuery query; protected MultiTerm(MultiTermQuery query, int termPosition) { super(termPosition); this.query = query; } @Override protected boolean hasExpansions() { return true; } @Override protected Query getQuery() { return query; } @Override protected int collectTermData( PhraseWildcardQuery query, IndexSearcher searcher, List<LeafReaderContext> segments, int remainingMultiTerms, int maxExpansionsForTerm, TermsData termsData) throws IOException { return query.collectMultiTermData(this, searcher, segments, remainingMultiTerms, maxExpansionsForTerm, termsData); } @Override protected void toString(StringBuilder builder) { builder.append(query.toString(query.field)); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof MultiTerm)) { return false; } MultiTerm multiTerm = (MultiTerm) o; return query.equals(multiTerm.query); } @Override public int hashCode() { return query.hashCode(); } }
Holds the TermState and TermStatistics for all the matched and collected Term, for all phrase terms, for all segments.
/** * Holds the {@link TermState} and {@link TermStatistics} for all the matched * and collected {@link Term}, for all phrase terms, for all segments. */
protected static class TermsData { protected final int numTerms; protected final int numSegments; protected final List<TermStatistics> termStatsList; protected final TermData[] termDataPerPosition; protected int numTermsMatching; protected TermsData(int numTerms, int numSegments) { this.numTerms = numTerms; this.numSegments = numSegments; termStatsList = new ArrayList<>(); termDataPerPosition = new TermData[numTerms]; } protected TermData getOrCreateTermData(int termPosition) { TermData termData = termDataPerPosition[termPosition]; if (termData == null) { termData = new TermData(numSegments, this); termDataPerPosition[termPosition] = termData; } return termData; } protected TermData getTermData(int termPosition) { return termDataPerPosition[termPosition]; } protected boolean areAllTermsMatching() { assert numTermsMatching <= numTerms; return numTermsMatching == numTerms; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("TermsData("); builder.append("numSegments=").append(numSegments); builder.append(", termDataPerPosition=").append(Arrays.asList(termDataPerPosition)); builder.append(", termsStatsList=["); for (TermStatistics termStatistics : termStatsList) { builder.append("{") .append(termStatistics.term().utf8ToString()) .append(", ").append(termStatistics.docFreq()) .append(", ").append(termStatistics.totalTermFreq()) .append("}"); } builder.append("]"); builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); } }
Holds the TermState for all the collected Term, for a specific phrase term, for all segments.
/** * Holds the {@link TermState} for all the collected {@link Term}, * for a specific phrase term, for all segments. */
protected static class TermData { protected final int numSegments; protected final TermsData termsData; protected List<TermBytesTermState>[] termStatesPerSegment; protected final List<Term> terms; protected TermData(int numSegments, TermsData termsData) { this.numSegments = numSegments; this.termsData = termsData; terms = new ArrayList<>(); }
Sets the collected list of TermBytesTermState for the given segment.
/** * Sets the collected list of {@link TermBytesTermState} for the given segment. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected void setTermStatesForSegment(LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext, List<TermBytesTermState> termStates) { if (termStatesPerSegment == null) { termStatesPerSegment = (List<TermBytesTermState>[]) new List[numSegments]; termsData.numTermsMatching++; } termStatesPerSegment[leafReaderContext.ord] = termStates; }
Returns:The collected list of TermBytesTermState for the given segment; or null if this phrase term does not match in the given segment.
/** * @return The collected list of {@link TermBytesTermState} for the given segment; * or null if this phrase term does not match in the given segment. */
protected List<TermBytesTermState> getTermStatesForSegment(LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext) { assert termStatesPerSegment != null : "No TermState for any segment; the query should have been stopped before"; return termStatesPerSegment[leafReaderContext.ord]; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("TermData("); builder.append("termStates="); if (termStatesPerSegment == null) { builder.append("null"); } else { builder.append(Arrays.asList(termStatesPerSegment)); } builder.append(", terms=").append(terms); builder.append(")"); return builder.toString(); } }
Holds a pair of term bytes - term state.
/** * Holds a pair of term bytes - term state. */
public static class TermBytesTermState { protected final BytesRef termBytes; protected final TermState termState; public TermBytesTermState(BytesRef termBytes, TermState termState) { this.termBytes = termBytes; this.termState = termState; } @Override public String toString() { return "\"" + termBytes.utf8ToString() + "\"->" + termState; } }
Accumulates the doc freq and total term freq.
/** * Accumulates the doc freq and total term freq. */
public static class TermStats { protected final BytesRef termBytes; protected int docFreq; protected long totalTermFreq; protected TermStats(BytesRef termBytes) { this.termBytes = termBytes; } public BytesRef getTermBytes() { return termBytes; } protected void addStats(int docFreq, long totalTermFreq) { this.docFreq += docFreq; if (this.totalTermFreq >= 0 && totalTermFreq >= 0) { this.totalTermFreq += totalTermFreq; } else { this.totalTermFreq = -1; } } }
Compares segments based of the number of terms they contain.

This is used to sort segments incrementally by number of terms. This way the first segment to search is the smallest, so a term has the lowest probability to match in this segment. And if the term does not match, we credit unused expansions when searching the other next segments.

/** * Compares segments based of the number of terms they contain. * <p> * This is used to sort segments incrementally by number of terms. This * way the first segment to search is the smallest, so a term has the lowest * probability to match in this segment. And if the term does not match, * we credit unused expansions when searching the other next segments. */
protected class SegmentTermsSizeComparator implements Comparator<LeafReaderContext> { private static final String COMPARISON_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Segment comparison error"; @Override public int compare(LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext1, LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext2) { try { return Long.compare(getTermsSize(leafReaderContext1), getTermsSize(leafReaderContext2)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(COMPARISON_ERROR_MESSAGE, e); } } protected List<LeafReaderContext> createTermsSizeSortedCopyOf(List<LeafReaderContext> segments) throws IOException { List<LeafReaderContext> copy = new ArrayList<>(segments); try { copy.sort(this); } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (COMPARISON_ERROR_MESSAGE.equals(e.getMessage())) { throw (IOException) e.getCause(); } throw e; } return copy; } private long getTermsSize(LeafReaderContext leafReaderContext) throws IOException { Terms terms = leafReaderContext.reader().terms(field); return terms == null ? 0 : terms.size(); } }
Test counters incremented when assertions are enabled. Used only when testing.
/** * Test counters incremented when assertions are enabled. Used only when testing. */
protected static class TestCounters { private static final TestCounters SINGLETON = new TestCounters(); protected long singleTermAnalysisCount; protected long multiTermAnalysisCount; protected long expansionCount; protected long segmentUseCount; protected long segmentSkipCount; protected long queryEarlyStopCount; protected static TestCounters get() { return SINGLETON; } protected boolean incSingleTermAnalysisCount() { singleTermAnalysisCount++; return true; } protected boolean incMultiTermAnalysisCount() { multiTermAnalysisCount++; return true; } protected boolean incExpansionCount() { expansionCount++; return true; } protected boolean incSegmentUseCount() { segmentUseCount++; return true; } protected boolean incSegmentSkipCount() { segmentSkipCount++; return true; } protected boolean incQueryEarlyStopCount() { queryEarlyStopCount++; return true; } protected void clear() { singleTermAnalysisCount = 0; multiTermAnalysisCount = 0; expansionCount = 0; segmentUseCount = 0; segmentSkipCount = 0; queryEarlyStopCount = 0; } // protected void printTestCounters(TermsData termsData) { // System.out.println("singleTermAnalysisCount=" + singleTermAnalysisCount); // System.out.println("multiTermAnalysisCount=" + multiTermAnalysisCount); // System.out.println("expansionCount=" + expansionCount); // System.out.println("segmentUseCount=" + segmentUseCount); // System.out.println("segmentSkipCount=" + segmentSkipCount); // System.out.println("queryEarlyStopCount=" + queryEarlyStopCount); // System.out.println(termsData); // } } }