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package org.apache.lucene.util.packed;

import org.apache.lucene.util.packed.PackedInts.Mutable;

A PagedGrowableWriter. This class slices data into fixed-size blocks which have independent numbers of bits per value and grow on-demand.

You should use this class instead of the PackedLongValues related ones only when you need random write-access. Otherwise this class will likely be slower and less memory-efficient.

/** * A {@link PagedGrowableWriter}. This class slices data into fixed-size blocks * which have independent numbers of bits per value and grow on-demand. * <p>You should use this class instead of the {@link PackedLongValues} related ones only when * you need random write-access. Otherwise this class will likely be slower and * less memory-efficient. * @lucene.internal */
public final class PagedGrowableWriter extends AbstractPagedMutable<PagedGrowableWriter> { final float acceptableOverheadRatio;
Create a new PagedGrowableWriter instance.
  • size – the number of values to store.
  • pageSize – the number of values per page
  • startBitsPerValue – the initial number of bits per value
  • acceptableOverheadRatio – an acceptable overhead ratio
/** * Create a new {@link PagedGrowableWriter} instance. * * @param size the number of values to store. * @param pageSize the number of values per page * @param startBitsPerValue the initial number of bits per value * @param acceptableOverheadRatio an acceptable overhead ratio */
public PagedGrowableWriter(long size, int pageSize, int startBitsPerValue, float acceptableOverheadRatio) { this(size, pageSize, startBitsPerValue, acceptableOverheadRatio, true); } PagedGrowableWriter(long size, int pageSize,int startBitsPerValue, float acceptableOverheadRatio, boolean fillPages) { super(startBitsPerValue, size, pageSize); this.acceptableOverheadRatio = acceptableOverheadRatio; if (fillPages) { fillPages(); } } @Override protected Mutable newMutable(int valueCount, int bitsPerValue) { return new GrowableWriter(bitsPerValue, valueCount, acceptableOverheadRatio); } @Override protected PagedGrowableWriter newUnfilledCopy(long newSize) { return new PagedGrowableWriter(newSize, pageSize(), bitsPerValue, acceptableOverheadRatio, false); } @Override protected long baseRamBytesUsed() { return super.baseRamBytesUsed() + Float.BYTES; } }