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package org.apache.lucene.util.fst;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.lucene.store.DataInput;
import org.apache.lucene.store.DataOutput;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IntsRef;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;

An FST Outputs implementation where each output is a sequence of ints.
/** * An FST {@link Outputs} implementation where each output * is a sequence of ints. * * @lucene.experimental */
public final class IntSequenceOutputs extends Outputs<IntsRef> { private final static IntsRef NO_OUTPUT = new IntsRef(); private final static IntSequenceOutputs singleton = new IntSequenceOutputs(); private IntSequenceOutputs() { } public static IntSequenceOutputs getSingleton() { return singleton; } @Override public IntsRef common(IntsRef output1, IntsRef output2) { assert output1 != null; assert output2 != null; int pos1 = output1.offset; int pos2 = output2.offset; int stopAt1 = pos1 + Math.min(output1.length, output2.length); while(pos1 < stopAt1) { if (output1.ints[pos1] != output2.ints[pos2]) { break; } pos1++; pos2++; } if (pos1 == output1.offset) { // no common prefix return NO_OUTPUT; } else if (pos1 == output1.offset + output1.length) { // output1 is a prefix of output2 return output1; } else if (pos2 == output2.offset + output2.length) { // output2 is a prefix of output1 return output2; } else { return new IntsRef(output1.ints, output1.offset, pos1-output1.offset); } } @Override public IntsRef subtract(IntsRef output, IntsRef inc) { assert output != null; assert inc != null; if (inc == NO_OUTPUT) { // no prefix removed return output; } else if (inc.length == output.length) { // entire output removed return NO_OUTPUT; } else { assert inc.length < output.length: "inc.length=" + inc.length + " vs output.length=" + output.length; assert inc.length > 0; return new IntsRef(output.ints, output.offset + inc.length, output.length-inc.length); } } @Override public IntsRef add(IntsRef prefix, IntsRef output) { assert prefix != null; assert output != null; if (prefix == NO_OUTPUT) { return output; } else if (output == NO_OUTPUT) { return prefix; } else { assert prefix.length > 0; assert output.length > 0; IntsRef result = new IntsRef(prefix.length + output.length); System.arraycopy(prefix.ints, prefix.offset, result.ints, 0, prefix.length); System.arraycopy(output.ints, output.offset, result.ints, prefix.length, output.length); result.length = prefix.length + output.length; return result; } } @Override public void write(IntsRef prefix, DataOutput out) throws IOException { assert prefix != null; out.writeVInt(prefix.length); for(int idx=0;idx<prefix.length;idx++) { out.writeVInt(prefix.ints[prefix.offset+idx]); } } @Override public IntsRef read(DataInput in) throws IOException { final int len = in.readVInt(); if (len == 0) { return NO_OUTPUT; } else { final IntsRef output = new IntsRef(len); for(int idx=0;idx<len;idx++) { output.ints[idx] = in.readVInt(); } output.length = len; return output; } } @Override public void skipOutput(DataInput in) throws IOException { final int len = in.readVInt(); if (len == 0) { return; } for(int idx=0;idx<len;idx++) { in.readVInt(); } } @Override public IntsRef getNoOutput() { return NO_OUTPUT; } @Override public String outputToString(IntsRef output) { return output.toString(); } private static final long BASE_NUM_BYTES = RamUsageEstimator.shallowSizeOf(NO_OUTPUT); @Override public long ramBytesUsed(IntsRef output) { return BASE_NUM_BYTES + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(output.ints); } @Override public String toString() { return "IntSequenceOutputs"; } }