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package org.apache.lucene.util.fst;

import java.io.IOException;

Static helper methods for BitTable.
/** * Static helper methods for {@link FST.Arc.BitTable}. * * @lucene.experimental */
class BitTableUtil {
Returns whether the bit at given zero-based index is set.
Example: bitIndex 10 means the third bit on the right of the second byte.
  • bitIndex – The bit zero-based index. It must be greater than or equal to 0, and strictly less than number of bit-table bytes * Byte.SIZE.
  • reader – The BytesReader to read. It must be positioned at the beginning of the bit-table.
/** * Returns whether the bit at given zero-based index is set. * <br>Example: bitIndex 10 means the third bit on the right of the second byte. * * @param bitIndex The bit zero-based index. It must be greater than or equal to 0, and strictly less than * {@code number of bit-table bytes * Byte.SIZE}. * @param reader The {@link FST.BytesReader} to read. It must be positioned at the beginning of the bit-table. */
static boolean isBitSet(int bitIndex, FST.BytesReader reader) throws IOException { assert bitIndex >= 0 : "bitIndex=" + bitIndex; reader.skipBytes(bitIndex >> 3); return (readByte(reader) & (1L << (bitIndex & (Byte.SIZE - 1)))) != 0; }
Counts all bits set in the bit-table.
  • bitTableBytes – The number of bytes in the bit-table.
  • reader – The BytesReader to read. It must be positioned at the beginning of the bit-table.
/** * Counts all bits set in the bit-table. * * @param bitTableBytes The number of bytes in the bit-table. * @param reader The {@link FST.BytesReader} to read. It must be positioned at the beginning of the bit-table. */
static int countBits(int bitTableBytes, FST.BytesReader reader) throws IOException { assert bitTableBytes >= 0 : "bitTableBytes=" + bitTableBytes; int bitCount = 0; for (int i = bitTableBytes >> 3; i > 0; i--) { // Count the bits set for all plain longs. bitCount += Long.bitCount(read8Bytes(reader)); } int numRemainingBytes; if ((numRemainingBytes = bitTableBytes & (Long.BYTES - 1)) != 0) { bitCount += Long.bitCount(readUpTo8Bytes(numRemainingBytes, reader)); } return bitCount; }
Counts the bits set up to the given bit zero-based index, exclusive.
In other words, how many 1s there are up to the bit at the given index excluded.
Example: bitIndex 10 means the third bit on the right of the second byte.
  • bitIndex – The bit zero-based index, exclusive. It must be greater than or equal to 0, and less than or equal to number of bit-table bytes * Byte.SIZE.
  • reader – The BytesReader to read. It must be positioned at the beginning of the bit-table.
/** * Counts the bits set up to the given bit zero-based index, exclusive. * <br>In other words, how many 1s there are up to the bit at the given index excluded. * <br>Example: bitIndex 10 means the third bit on the right of the second byte. * * @param bitIndex The bit zero-based index, exclusive. It must be greater than or equal to 0, and less than or equal * to {@code number of bit-table bytes * Byte.SIZE}. * @param reader The {@link FST.BytesReader} to read. It must be positioned at the beginning of the bit-table. */
static int countBitsUpTo(int bitIndex, FST.BytesReader reader) throws IOException { assert bitIndex >= 0 : "bitIndex=" + bitIndex; int bitCount = 0; for (int i = bitIndex >> 6; i > 0; i--) { // Count the bits set for all plain longs. bitCount += Long.bitCount(read8Bytes(reader)); } int remainingBits; if ((remainingBits = bitIndex & (Long.SIZE - 1)) != 0) { int numRemainingBytes = (remainingBits + (Byte.SIZE - 1)) >> 3; // Prepare a mask with 1s on the right up to bitIndex exclusive. long mask = (1L << bitIndex) - 1L; // Shifts are mod 64. // Count the bits set only within the mask part, so up to bitIndex exclusive. bitCount += Long.bitCount(readUpTo8Bytes(numRemainingBytes, reader) & mask); } return bitCount; }
Returns the index of the next bit set following the given bit zero-based index.
For example with bits 100011: the next bit set after index=-1 is at index=0; the next bit set after index=0 is at index=1; the next bit set after index=1 is at index=5; there is no next bit set after index=5.
  • bitIndex – The bit zero-based index. It must be greater than or equal to -1, and strictly less than number of bit-table bytes * Byte.SIZE.
  • bitTableBytes – The number of bytes in the bit-table.
  • reader – The BytesReader to read. It must be positioned at the beginning of the bit-table.
Returns:The zero-based index of the next bit set after the provided bitIndex; or -1 if none.
/** * Returns the index of the next bit set following the given bit zero-based index. * <br>For example with bits 100011: * the next bit set after index=-1 is at index=0; * the next bit set after index=0 is at index=1; * the next bit set after index=1 is at index=5; * there is no next bit set after index=5. * * @param bitIndex The bit zero-based index. It must be greater than or equal to -1, and strictly less than * {@code number of bit-table bytes * Byte.SIZE}. * @param bitTableBytes The number of bytes in the bit-table. * @param reader The {@link FST.BytesReader} to read. It must be positioned at the beginning of the bit-table. * @return The zero-based index of the next bit set after the provided {@code bitIndex}; or -1 if none. */
static int nextBitSet(int bitIndex, int bitTableBytes, FST.BytesReader reader) throws IOException { assert bitIndex >= -1 && bitIndex < bitTableBytes * Byte.SIZE : "bitIndex=" + bitIndex + " bitTableBytes=" + bitTableBytes; int byteIndex = bitIndex / Byte.SIZE; int mask = -1 << ((bitIndex + 1) & (Byte.SIZE - 1)); int i; if (mask == -1 && bitIndex != -1) { reader.skipBytes(byteIndex + 1); i = 0; } else { reader.skipBytes(byteIndex); i = (reader.readByte() & 0xFF) & mask; } while (i == 0) { if (++byteIndex == bitTableBytes) { return -1; } i = reader.readByte() & 0xFF; } return Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(i) + (byteIndex << 3); }
Returns the index of the previous bit set preceding the given bit zero-based index.
For example with bits 100011: there is no previous bit set before index=0. the previous bit set before index=1 is at index=0; the previous bit set before index=5 is at index=1; the previous bit set before index=64 is at index=5;
  • bitIndex – The bit zero-based index. It must be greater than or equal to 0, and less than or equal to number of bit-table bytes * Byte.SIZE.
  • reader – The BytesReader to read. It must be positioned at the beginning of the bit-table.
Returns:The zero-based index of the previous bit set before the provided bitIndex; or -1 if none.
/** * Returns the index of the previous bit set preceding the given bit zero-based index. * <br>For example with bits 100011: * there is no previous bit set before index=0. * the previous bit set before index=1 is at index=0; * the previous bit set before index=5 is at index=1; * the previous bit set before index=64 is at index=5; * * @param bitIndex The bit zero-based index. It must be greater than or equal to 0, and less than or equal to * {@code number of bit-table bytes * Byte.SIZE}. * @param reader The {@link FST.BytesReader} to read. It must be positioned at the beginning of the bit-table. * @return The zero-based index of the previous bit set before the provided {@code bitIndex}; or -1 if none. */
static int previousBitSet(int bitIndex, FST.BytesReader reader) throws IOException { assert bitIndex >= 0 : "bitIndex=" + bitIndex; int byteIndex = bitIndex >> 3; reader.skipBytes(byteIndex); int mask = (1 << (bitIndex & (Byte.SIZE - 1))) - 1; int i = (reader.readByte() & 0xFF) & mask; while (i == 0) { if (byteIndex-- == 0) { return -1; } reader.skipBytes(-2); // FST.BytesReader implementations support negative skip. i = reader.readByte() & 0xFF; } return (Integer.SIZE - 1) - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(i) + (byteIndex << 3); } private static long readByte(FST.BytesReader reader) throws IOException { return reader.readByte() & 0xFFL; } private static long readUpTo8Bytes(int numBytes, FST.BytesReader reader) throws IOException { assert numBytes > 0 && numBytes <= 8 : "numBytes=" + numBytes; long l = readByte(reader); int shift = 0; while (--numBytes != 0) { l |= readByte(reader) << (shift += 8); } return l; } private static long read8Bytes(FST.BytesReader reader) throws IOException { return readByte(reader) | readByte(reader) << 8 | readByte(reader) << 16 | readByte(reader) << 24 | readByte(reader) << 32 | readByte(reader) << 40 | readByte(reader) << 48 | readByte(reader) << 56; } }