 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.lucene.util.automaton;

//import java.io.IOException;
//import java.io.PrintWriter;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.lucene.util.Accountable;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FutureObjects;
import org.apache.lucene.util.InPlaceMergeSorter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Sorter;

//   - could use packed int arrays instead
//   - could encode dest w/ delta from to?

Represents an automaton and all its states and transitions. States are integers and must be created using createState. Mark a state as an accept state using setAccept. Add transitions using addTransition. Each state must have all of its transitions added at once; if this is too restrictive then use Builder instead. State 0 is always the initial state. Once a state is finished, either because you've starting adding transitions to another state or you call finishState, then that states transitions are sorted (first by min, then max, then dest) and reduced (transitions with adjacent labels going to the same dest are combined).
/** Represents an automaton and all its states and transitions. States * are integers and must be created using {@link #createState}. Mark a * state as an accept state using {@link #setAccept}. Add transitions * using {@link #addTransition}. Each state must have all of its * transitions added at once; if this is too restrictive then use * {@link Automaton.Builder} instead. State 0 is always the * initial state. Once a state is finished, either * because you've starting adding transitions to another state or you * call {@link #finishState}, then that states transitions are sorted * (first by min, then max, then dest) and reduced (transitions with * adjacent labels going to the same dest are combined). * * @lucene.experimental */
public class Automaton implements Accountable {
Where we next write to the int[] states; this increments by 2 for each added state because we pack a pointer to the transitions array and a count of how many transitions leave the state.
/** Where we next write to the int[] states; this increments by 2 for * each added state because we pack a pointer to the transitions * array and a count of how many transitions leave the state. */
private int nextState;
Where we next write to in int[] transitions; this increments by 3 for each added transition because we pack min, max, dest in sequence.
/** Where we next write to in int[] transitions; this * increments by 3 for each added transition because we * pack min, max, dest in sequence. */
private int nextTransition;
Current state we are adding transitions to; the caller must add all transitions for this state before moving onto another state.
/** Current state we are adding transitions to; the caller * must add all transitions for this state before moving * onto another state. */
private int curState = -1;
Index in the transitions array, where this states leaving transitions are stored, or -1 if this state has not added any transitions yet, followed by number of transitions.
/** Index in the transitions array, where this states * leaving transitions are stored, or -1 if this state * has not added any transitions yet, followed by number * of transitions. */
private int[] states; private final BitSet isAccept;
Holds toState, min, max for each transition.
/** Holds toState, min, max for each transition. */
private int[] transitions;
True if no state has two transitions leaving with the same label.
/** True if no state has two transitions leaving with the same label. */
private boolean deterministic = true;
Sole constructor; creates an automaton with no states.
/** Sole constructor; creates an automaton with no states. */
public Automaton() { this(2, 2); }
Constructor which creates an automaton with enough space for the given number of states and transitions.
  • numStates – Number of states.
  • numTransitions – Number of transitions.
/** * Constructor which creates an automaton with enough space for the given * number of states and transitions. * * @param numStates * Number of states. * @param numTransitions * Number of transitions. */
public Automaton(int numStates, int numTransitions) { states = new int[numStates * 2]; isAccept = new BitSet(numStates); transitions = new int[numTransitions * 3]; }
Create a new state.
/** Create a new state. */
public int createState() { growStates(); int state = nextState/2; states[nextState] = -1; nextState += 2; return state; }
Set or clear this state as an accept state.
/** Set or clear this state as an accept state. */
public void setAccept(int state, boolean accept) { FutureObjects.checkIndex(state, getNumStates()); isAccept.set(state, accept); }
Sugar to get all transitions for all states. This is object-heavy; it's better to iterate state by state instead.
/** Sugar to get all transitions for all states. This is * object-heavy; it's better to iterate state by state instead. */
public Transition[][] getSortedTransitions() { int numStates = getNumStates(); Transition[][] transitions = new Transition[numStates][]; for(int s=0;s<numStates;s++) { int numTransitions = getNumTransitions(s); transitions[s] = new Transition[numTransitions]; for(int t=0;t<numTransitions;t++) { Transition transition = new Transition(); getTransition(s, t, transition); transitions[s][t] = transition; } } return transitions; }
Returns accept states. If the bit is set then that state is an accept state.
/** Returns accept states. If the bit is set then that state is an accept state. */
BitSet getAcceptStates() { return isAccept; }
Returns true if this state is an accept state.
/** Returns true if this state is an accept state. */
public boolean isAccept(int state) { return isAccept.get(state); }
Add a new transition with min = max = label.
/** Add a new transition with min = max = label. */
public void addTransition(int source, int dest, int label) { addTransition(source, dest, label, label); }
Add a new transition with the specified source, dest, min, max.
/** Add a new transition with the specified source, dest, min, max. */
public void addTransition(int source, int dest, int min, int max) { assert nextTransition%3 == 0; int bounds = nextState/2; FutureObjects.checkIndex(source, bounds); FutureObjects.checkIndex(dest, bounds); growTransitions(); if (curState != source) { if (curState != -1) { finishCurrentState(); } // Move to next source: curState = source; if (states[2*curState] != -1) { throw new IllegalStateException("from state (" + source + ") already had transitions added"); } assert states[2*curState+1] == 0; states[2*curState] = nextTransition; } transitions[nextTransition++] = dest; transitions[nextTransition++] = min; transitions[nextTransition++] = max; // Increment transition count for this state states[2*curState+1]++; }
Add a [virtual] epsilon transition between source and dest. Dest state must already have all transitions added because this method simply copies those same transitions over to source.
/** Add a [virtual] epsilon transition between source and dest. * Dest state must already have all transitions added because this * method simply copies those same transitions over to source. */
public void addEpsilon(int source, int dest) { Transition t = new Transition(); int count = initTransition(dest, t); for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { getNextTransition(t); addTransition(source, t.dest, t.min, t.max); } if (isAccept(dest)) { setAccept(source, true); } }
Copies over all states/transitions from other. The states numbers are sequentially assigned (appended).
/** Copies over all states/transitions from other. The states numbers * are sequentially assigned (appended). */
public void copy(Automaton other) { // Bulk copy and then fixup the state pointers: int stateOffset = getNumStates(); states = ArrayUtil.grow(states, nextState + other.nextState); System.arraycopy(other.states, 0, states, nextState, other.nextState); for(int i=0;i<other.nextState;i += 2) { if (states[nextState+i] != -1) { states[nextState+i] += nextTransition; } } nextState += other.nextState; int otherNumStates = other.getNumStates(); BitSet otherAcceptStates = other.getAcceptStates(); int state = 0; while (state < otherNumStates && (state = otherAcceptStates.nextSetBit(state)) != -1) { setAccept(stateOffset + state, true); state++; } // Bulk copy and then fixup dest for each transition: transitions = ArrayUtil.grow(transitions, nextTransition + other.nextTransition); System.arraycopy(other.transitions, 0, transitions, nextTransition, other.nextTransition); for(int i=0;i<other.nextTransition;i += 3) { transitions[nextTransition+i] += stateOffset; } nextTransition += other.nextTransition; if (other.deterministic == false) { deterministic = false; } }
Freezes the last state, sorting and reducing the transitions.
/** Freezes the last state, sorting and reducing the transitions. */
private void finishCurrentState() { int numTransitions = states[2*curState+1]; assert numTransitions > 0; int offset = states[2*curState]; int start = offset/3; destMinMaxSorter.sort(start, start+numTransitions); // Reduce any "adjacent" transitions: int upto = 0; int min = -1; int max = -1; int dest = -1; for(int i=0;i<numTransitions;i++) { int tDest = transitions[offset+3*i]; int tMin = transitions[offset+3*i+1]; int tMax = transitions[offset+3*i+2]; if (dest == tDest) { if (tMin <= max+1) { if (tMax > max) { max = tMax; } } else { if (dest != -1) { transitions[offset+3*upto] = dest; transitions[offset+3*upto+1] = min; transitions[offset+3*upto+2] = max; upto++; } min = tMin; max = tMax; } } else { if (dest != -1) { transitions[offset+3*upto] = dest; transitions[offset+3*upto+1] = min; transitions[offset+3*upto+2] = max; upto++; } dest = tDest; min = tMin; max = tMax; } } if (dest != -1) { // Last transition transitions[offset+3*upto] = dest; transitions[offset+3*upto+1] = min; transitions[offset+3*upto+2] = max; upto++; } nextTransition -= (numTransitions-upto)*3; states[2*curState+1] = upto; // Sort transitions by min/max/dest: minMaxDestSorter.sort(start, start+upto); if (deterministic && upto > 1) { int lastMax = transitions[offset+2]; for(int i=1;i<upto;i++) { min = transitions[offset + 3*i + 1]; if (min <= lastMax) { deterministic = false; break; } lastMax = transitions[offset + 3*i + 2]; } } }
Returns true if this automaton is deterministic (for ever state there is only one transition for each label).
/** Returns true if this automaton is deterministic (for ever state * there is only one transition for each label). */
public boolean isDeterministic() { return deterministic; }
Finishes the current state; call this once you are done adding transitions for a state. This is automatically called if you start adding transitions to a new source state, but for the last state you add you need to this method yourself.
/** Finishes the current state; call this once you are done adding * transitions for a state. This is automatically called if you * start adding transitions to a new source state, but for the last * state you add you need to this method yourself. */
public void finishState() { if (curState != -1) { finishCurrentState(); curState = -1; } } // TODO: add finish() to shrink wrap the arrays?
How many states this automaton has.
/** How many states this automaton has. */
public int getNumStates() { return nextState/2; }
How many transitions this automaton has.
/** How many transitions this automaton has. */
public int getNumTransitions() { return nextTransition / 3; }
How many transitions this state has.
/** How many transitions this state has. */
public int getNumTransitions(int state) { assert state >= 0; int count = states[2*state+1]; if (count == -1) { return 0; } else { return count; } } private void growStates() { if (nextState+2 > states.length) { states = ArrayUtil.grow(states, nextState+2); } } private void growTransitions() { if (nextTransition+3 > transitions.length) { transitions = ArrayUtil.grow(transitions, nextTransition+3); } }
Sorts transitions by dest, ascending, then min label ascending, then max label ascending
/** Sorts transitions by dest, ascending, then min label ascending, then max label ascending */
private final Sorter destMinMaxSorter = new InPlaceMergeSorter() { private void swapOne(int i, int j) { int x = transitions[i]; transitions[i] = transitions[j]; transitions[j] = x; } @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { int iStart = 3*i; int jStart = 3*j; swapOne(iStart, jStart); swapOne(iStart+1, jStart+1); swapOne(iStart+2, jStart+2); }; @Override protected int compare(int i, int j) { int iStart = 3*i; int jStart = 3*j; // First dest: int iDest = transitions[iStart]; int jDest = transitions[jStart]; if (iDest < jDest) { return -1; } else if (iDest > jDest) { return 1; } // Then min: int iMin = transitions[iStart+1]; int jMin = transitions[jStart+1]; if (iMin < jMin) { return -1; } else if (iMin > jMin) { return 1; } // Then max: int iMax = transitions[iStart+2]; int jMax = transitions[jStart+2]; if (iMax < jMax) { return -1; } else if (iMax > jMax) { return 1; } return 0; } };
Sorts transitions by min label, ascending, then max label ascending, then dest ascending
/** Sorts transitions by min label, ascending, then max label ascending, then dest ascending */
private final Sorter minMaxDestSorter = new InPlaceMergeSorter() { private void swapOne(int i, int j) { int x = transitions[i]; transitions[i] = transitions[j]; transitions[j] = x; } @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { int iStart = 3*i; int jStart = 3*j; swapOne(iStart, jStart); swapOne(iStart+1, jStart+1); swapOne(iStart+2, jStart+2); }; @Override protected int compare(int i, int j) { int iStart = 3*i; int jStart = 3*j; // First min: int iMin = transitions[iStart+1]; int jMin = transitions[jStart+1]; if (iMin < jMin) { return -1; } else if (iMin > jMin) { return 1; } // Then max: int iMax = transitions[iStart+2]; int jMax = transitions[jStart+2]; if (iMax < jMax) { return -1; } else if (iMax > jMax) { return 1; } // Then dest: int iDest = transitions[iStart]; int jDest = transitions[jStart]; if (iDest < jDest) { return -1; } else if (iDest > jDest) { return 1; } return 0; } };
Initialize the provided Transition to iterate through all transitions leaving the specified state. You must call getNextTransition to get each transition. Returns the number of transitions leaving this state.
/** Initialize the provided Transition to iterate through all transitions * leaving the specified state. You must call {@link #getNextTransition} to * get each transition. Returns the number of transitions * leaving this state. */
public int initTransition(int state, Transition t) { assert state < nextState/2: "state=" + state + " nextState=" + nextState; t.source = state; t.transitionUpto = states[2*state]; return getNumTransitions(state); }
Iterate to the next transition after the provided one
/** Iterate to the next transition after the provided one */
public void getNextTransition(Transition t) { // Make sure there is still a transition left: assert (t.transitionUpto+3 - states[2*t.source]) <= 3*states[2*t.source+1]; // Make sure transitions are in fact sorted: assert transitionSorted(t); t.dest = transitions[t.transitionUpto++]; t.min = transitions[t.transitionUpto++]; t.max = transitions[t.transitionUpto++]; } private boolean transitionSorted(Transition t) { int upto = t.transitionUpto; if (upto == states[2*t.source]) { // Transition isn't initialized yet (this is the first transition); don't check: return true; } int nextDest = transitions[upto]; int nextMin = transitions[upto+1]; int nextMax = transitions[upto+2]; if (nextMin > t.min) { return true; } else if (nextMin < t.min) { return false; } // Min is equal, now test max: if (nextMax > t.max) { return true; } else if (nextMax < t.max) { return false; } // Max is also equal, now test dest: if (nextDest > t.dest) { return true; } else if (nextDest < t.dest) { return false; } // We should never see fully equal transitions here: return false; }
Fill the provided Transition with the index'th transition leaving the specified state.
/** Fill the provided {@link Transition} with the index'th * transition leaving the specified state. */
public void getTransition(int state, int index, Transition t) { int i = states[2*state] + 3*index; t.source = state; t.dest = transitions[i++]; t.min = transitions[i++]; t.max = transitions[i++]; } static void appendCharString(int c, StringBuilder b) { if (c >= 0x21 && c <= 0x7e && c != '\\' && c != '"') b.appendCodePoint(c); else { b.append("\\\\U"); String s = Integer.toHexString(c); if (c < 0x10) b.append("0000000").append(s); else if (c < 0x100) b.append("000000").append(s); else if (c < 0x1000) b.append("00000").append(s); else if (c < 0x10000) b.append("0000").append(s); else if (c < 0x100000) b.append("000").append(s); else if (c < 0x1000000) b.append("00").append(s); else if (c < 0x10000000) b.append("0").append(s); else b.append(s); } } /* public void writeDot(String fileName) { if (fileName.indexOf('/') == -1) { fileName = "/l/la/lucene/core/" + fileName + ".dot"; } try { PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(fileName); pw.println(toDot()); pw.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new RuntimeException(ioe); } } */
Returns the dot (graphviz) representation of this automaton. This is extremely useful for visualizing the automaton.
/** Returns the dot (graphviz) representation of this automaton. * This is extremely useful for visualizing the automaton. */
public String toDot() { // TODO: breadth first search so we can get layered output... StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("digraph Automaton {\n"); b.append(" rankdir = LR\n"); b.append(" node [width=0.2, height=0.2, fontsize=8]\n"); final int numStates = getNumStates(); if (numStates > 0) { b.append(" initial [shape=plaintext,label=\"\"]\n"); b.append(" initial -> 0\n"); } Transition t = new Transition(); for(int state=0;state<numStates;state++) { b.append(" "); b.append(state); if (isAccept(state)) { b.append(" [shape=doublecircle,label=\"").append(state).append("\"]\n"); } else { b.append(" [shape=circle,label=\"").append(state).append("\"]\n"); } int numTransitions = initTransition(state, t); //System.out.println("toDot: state " + state + " has " + numTransitions + " transitions; t.nextTrans=" + t.transitionUpto); for(int i=0;i<numTransitions;i++) { getNextTransition(t); //System.out.println(" t.nextTrans=" + t.transitionUpto + " t=" + t); assert t.max >= t.min; b.append(" "); b.append(state); b.append(" -> "); b.append(t.dest); b.append(" [label=\""); appendCharString(t.min, b); if (t.max != t.min) { b.append('-'); appendCharString(t.max, b); } b.append("\"]\n"); //System.out.println(" t=" + t); } } b.append('}'); return b.toString(); }
Returns sorted array of all interval start points.
/** * Returns sorted array of all interval start points. */
int[] getStartPoints() { Set<Integer> pointset = new HashSet<>(); pointset.add(Character.MIN_CODE_POINT); //System.out.println("getStartPoints"); for (int s=0;s<nextState;s+=2) { int trans = states[s]; int limit = trans+3*states[s+1]; //System.out.println(" state=" + (s/2) + " trans=" + trans + " limit=" + limit); while (trans < limit) { int min = transitions[trans+1]; int max = transitions[trans+2]; //System.out.println(" min=" + min); pointset.add(min); if (max < Character.MAX_CODE_POINT) { pointset.add(max + 1); } trans += 3; } } int[] points = new int[pointset.size()]; int n = 0; for (Integer m : pointset) { points[n++] = m; } Arrays.sort(points); return points; }
Performs lookup in transitions, assuming determinism.
  • state – starting state
  • label – codepoint to look up
Returns:destination state, -1 if no matching outgoing transition
/** * Performs lookup in transitions, assuming determinism. * * @param state starting state * @param label codepoint to look up * @return destination state, -1 if no matching outgoing transition */
public int step(int state, int label) { return next(state, 0, label, null); }
Looks for the next transition that matches the provided label, assuming determinism.

This method is similar to step(int, int) but is used more efficiently when iterating over multiple transitions from the same source state. It keeps the latest reached transition index in transition.transitionUpto so the next call to this method can continue from there instead of restarting from the first transition.

Returns:The destination state; or -1 if no matching outgoing transition.
/** * Looks for the next transition that matches the provided label, assuming determinism. * <p> * This method is similar to {@link #step(int, int)} but is used more efficiently * when iterating over multiple transitions from the same source state. It keeps * the latest reached transition index in {@code transition.transitionUpto} so * the next call to this method can continue from there instead of restarting * from the first transition. * * @param transition The transition to start the lookup from (inclusive, using its * {@link Transition#source} and {@link Transition#transitionUpto}). * It is updated with the matched transition; * or with {@link Transition#dest} = -1 if no match. * @param label The codepoint to look up. * @return The destination state; or -1 if no matching outgoing transition. */
public int next(Transition transition, int label) { return next(transition.source, transition.transitionUpto, label, transition); }
Looks for the next transition that matches the provided label, assuming determinism.
  • state – The source state.
  • fromTransitionIndex – The transition index to start the lookup from (inclusive); negative interpreted as 0.
  • label – The codepoint to look up.
  • transition – The output transition to update with the matching transition; or null for no update.
Returns:The destination state; or -1 if no matching outgoing transition.
/** * Looks for the next transition that matches the provided label, assuming determinism. * * @param state The source state. * @param fromTransitionIndex The transition index to start the lookup from (inclusive); negative interpreted as 0. * @param label The codepoint to look up. * @param transition The output transition to update with the matching transition; or null for no update. * @return The destination state; or -1 if no matching outgoing transition. */
private int next(int state, int fromTransitionIndex, int label, Transition transition) { assert state >= 0; assert label >= 0; int stateIndex = 2 * state; int firstTransitionIndex = states[stateIndex]; int numTransitions = states[stateIndex + 1]; // Since transitions are sorted, // binary search the transition for which label is within [minLabel, maxLabel]. int low = Math.max(fromTransitionIndex, 0); int high = numTransitions - 1; while (low <= high) { int mid = (low + high) >>> 1; int transitionIndex = firstTransitionIndex + 3 * mid; int minLabel = transitions[transitionIndex + 1]; if (minLabel > label) { high = mid - 1; } else { int maxLabel = transitions[transitionIndex + 2]; if (maxLabel < label){ low = mid + 1; } else { int destState = transitions[transitionIndex]; if (transition != null) { transition.dest = destState; transition.min = minLabel; transition.max = maxLabel; transition.transitionUpto = mid; } return destState; } } } int destState = -1; if (transition != null) { transition.dest = destState; transition.transitionUpto = low; } return destState; }
Records new states and transitions and then finish creates the Automaton. Use this when you cannot create the Automaton directly because it's too restrictive to have to add all transitions leaving each state at once.
/** Records new states and transitions and then {@link * #finish} creates the {@link Automaton}. Use this * when you cannot create the Automaton directly because * it's too restrictive to have to add all transitions * leaving each state at once. */
public static class Builder { private int nextState = 0; private final BitSet isAccept; private int[] transitions; private int nextTransition = 0;
Default constructor, pre-allocating for 16 states and transitions.
/** Default constructor, pre-allocating for 16 states and transitions. */
public Builder() { this(16, 16); }
Constructor which creates a builder with enough space for the given number of states and transitions.
  • numStates – Number of states.
  • numTransitions – Number of transitions.
/** * Constructor which creates a builder with enough space for the given * number of states and transitions. * * @param numStates * Number of states. * @param numTransitions * Number of transitions. */
public Builder(int numStates, int numTransitions) { isAccept = new BitSet(numStates); transitions = new int[numTransitions * 4]; }
Add a new transition with min = max = label.
/** Add a new transition with min = max = label. */
public void addTransition(int source, int dest, int label) { addTransition(source, dest, label, label); }
Add a new transition with the specified source, dest, min, max.
/** Add a new transition with the specified source, dest, min, max. */
public void addTransition(int source, int dest, int min, int max) { if (transitions.length < nextTransition+4) { transitions = ArrayUtil.grow(transitions, nextTransition+4); } transitions[nextTransition++] = source; transitions[nextTransition++] = dest; transitions[nextTransition++] = min; transitions[nextTransition++] = max; }
Add a [virtual] epsilon transition between source and dest. Dest state must already have all transitions added because this method simply copies those same transitions over to source.
/** Add a [virtual] epsilon transition between source and dest. * Dest state must already have all transitions added because this * method simply copies those same transitions over to source. */
public void addEpsilon(int source, int dest) { for (int upto = 0; upto < nextTransition; upto += 4) { if (transitions[upto] == dest) { addTransition(source, transitions[upto + 1], transitions[upto + 2], transitions[upto + 3]); } } if (isAccept(dest)) { setAccept(source, true); } }
Sorts transitions first then min label ascending, then max label ascending, then dest ascending
/** Sorts transitions first then min label ascending, then * max label ascending, then dest ascending */
private final Sorter sorter = new InPlaceMergeSorter() { private void swapOne(int i, int j) { int x = transitions[i]; transitions[i] = transitions[j]; transitions[j] = x; } @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { int iStart = 4*i; int jStart = 4*j; swapOne(iStart, jStart); swapOne(iStart+1, jStart+1); swapOne(iStart+2, jStart+2); swapOne(iStart+3, jStart+3); }; @Override protected int compare(int i, int j) { int iStart = 4*i; int jStart = 4*j; // First src: int iSrc = transitions[iStart]; int jSrc = transitions[jStart]; if (iSrc < jSrc) { return -1; } else if (iSrc > jSrc) { return 1; } // Then min: int iMin = transitions[iStart+2]; int jMin = transitions[jStart+2]; if (iMin < jMin) { return -1; } else if (iMin > jMin) { return 1; } // Then max: int iMax = transitions[iStart+3]; int jMax = transitions[jStart+3]; if (iMax < jMax) { return -1; } else if (iMax > jMax) { return 1; } // First dest: int iDest = transitions[iStart+1]; int jDest = transitions[jStart+1]; if (iDest < jDest) { return -1; } else if (iDest > jDest) { return 1; } return 0; } };
Compiles all added states and transitions into a new Automaton and returns it.
/** Compiles all added states and transitions into a new {@code Automaton} * and returns it. */
public Automaton finish() { // Create automaton with the correct size. int numStates = nextState; int numTransitions = nextTransition / 4; Automaton a = new Automaton(numStates, numTransitions); // Create all states. for (int state = 0; state < numStates; state++) { a.createState(); a.setAccept(state, isAccept(state)); } // Create all transitions sorter.sort(0, numTransitions); for (int upto = 0; upto < nextTransition; upto += 4) { a.addTransition(transitions[upto], transitions[upto+1], transitions[upto+2], transitions[upto+3]); } a.finishState(); return a; }
Create a new state.
/** Create a new state. */
public int createState() { return nextState++; }
Set or clear this state as an accept state.
/** Set or clear this state as an accept state. */
public void setAccept(int state, boolean accept) { FutureObjects.checkIndex(state, getNumStates()); this.isAccept.set(state, accept); }
Returns true if this state is an accept state.
/** Returns true if this state is an accept state. */
public boolean isAccept(int state) { return this.isAccept.get(state); }
How many states this automaton has.
/** How many states this automaton has. */
public int getNumStates() { return nextState; }
Copies over all states/transitions from other.
/** Copies over all states/transitions from other. */
public void copy(Automaton other) { int offset = getNumStates(); int otherNumStates = other.getNumStates(); // Copy all states copyStates(other); // Copy all transitions Transition t = new Transition(); for(int s=0;s<otherNumStates;s++) { int count = other.initTransition(s, t); for(int i=0;i<count;i++) { other.getNextTransition(t); addTransition(offset + s, offset + t.dest, t.min, t.max); } } }
Copies over all states from other.
/** Copies over all states from other. */
public void copyStates(Automaton other) { int otherNumStates = other.getNumStates(); for (int s = 0; s < otherNumStates; s++) { int newState = createState(); setAccept(newState, other.isAccept(s)); } } } @Override public long ramBytesUsed() { // TODO: BitSet RAM usage (isAccept.size()/8) isn't fully accurate... return RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_HEADER + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(states) + RamUsageEstimator.sizeOf(transitions) + RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_HEADER + (isAccept.size() / 8) + RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF + 2 * RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF + 3 * Integer.BYTES + 1; } }