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package org.apache.lucene.search.similarities;

import org.apache.lucene.search.Explanation;

F1LOG is defined as Sum(tf(term_doc_freq)*ln(docLen)*IDF(term)) where IDF(t) = ln((N+1)/df(t)) N=total num of docs, df=doc freq
/** * F1LOG is defined as Sum(tf(term_doc_freq)*ln(docLen)*IDF(term)) * where IDF(t) = ln((N+1)/df(t)) N=total num of docs, df=doc freq * * @lucene.experimental */
public class AxiomaticF1LOG extends Axiomatic {
Constructor setting s only, letting k and queryLen to default
  • s – hyperparam for the growth function
/** * Constructor setting s only, letting k and queryLen to default * * @param s hyperparam for the growth function */
public AxiomaticF1LOG(float s) { super(s); }
Default constructor
/** * Default constructor */
public AxiomaticF1LOG() { super(); } @Override public String toString() { return "F1LOG"; }
compute the term frequency component
/** * compute the term frequency component */
@Override protected double tf(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen) { freq += 1; // otherwise gives negative scores for freqs < 1 return 1 + Math.log(1 + Math.log(freq)); }
compute the document length component
/** * compute the document length component */
@Override protected double ln(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen) { return (stats.getAvgFieldLength() + this.s) / (stats.getAvgFieldLength() + docLen * this.s); }
compute the mixed term frequency and document length component
/** * compute the mixed term frequency and document length component */
@Override protected double tfln(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen) { return 1.0; }
compute the inverted document frequency component
/** * compute the inverted document frequency component */
@Override protected double idf(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen) { return Math.log((stats.getNumberOfDocuments() + 1.0) / stats.getDocFreq()); }
compute the gamma component
/** * compute the gamma component */
@Override protected double gamma(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen) { return 0.0; } @Override protected Explanation tfExplain(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen){ return Explanation.match((float) tf(stats, freq, docLen), "tf, term frequency computed as 1 + log(1 + log(freq)) from:", Explanation.match((float) freq, "freq, number of occurrences of term in the document")); }; @Override protected Explanation lnExplain(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen){ return Explanation.match((float) ln(stats, freq, docLen), "ln, document length computed as (avgdl + s) / (avgdl + dl * s) from:", Explanation.match((float) stats.getAvgFieldLength(), "avgdl, average length of field across all documents"), Explanation.match((float) docLen, "dl, length of field")); }; protected Explanation tflnExplain(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen){ return Explanation.match((float) tfln(stats, freq, docLen), "tfln, mixed term frequency and document length, equals to 1"); }; protected Explanation idfExplain(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen){ return Explanation.match((float) idf(stats, freq, docLen), "idf, inverted document frequency computed as log((N + 1) / n) from:", Explanation.match((float) stats.getNumberOfDocuments(), "N, total number of documents with field"), Explanation.match((float) stats.getDocFreq(), "n, number of documents containing term")); }; }