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package org.apache.lucene.search.comparators;

import org.apache.lucene.document.LongPoint;
import org.apache.lucene.index.LeafReaderContext;
import org.apache.lucene.search.LeafFieldComparator;

import java.io.IOException;

Comparator based on Long.compare for numHits. This comparator provides a skipping functionality – an iterator that can skip over non-competitive documents.
/** * Comparator based on {@link Long#compare} for {@code numHits}. * This comparator provides a skipping functionality – an iterator that can skip over non-competitive documents. */
public class LongComparator extends NumericComparator<Long> { private final long[] values; protected long topValue; protected long bottom; public LongComparator(int numHits, String field, Long missingValue, boolean reverse, int sortPos) { super(field,missingValue != null ? missingValue : 0L, reverse, sortPos, Long.BYTES); values = new long[numHits]; } @Override public int compare(int slot1, int slot2) { return Long.compare(values[slot1], values[slot2]); } @Override public void setTopValue(Long value) { super.setTopValue(value); topValue = value; } @Override public Long value(int slot) { return Long.valueOf(values[slot]); } @Override public LeafFieldComparator getLeafComparator(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { return new LongLeafComparator(context); }
Leaf comparator for LongComparator that provides skipping functionality
/** * Leaf comparator for {@link LongComparator} that provides skipping functionality */
public class LongLeafComparator extends NumericLeafComparator { public LongLeafComparator(LeafReaderContext context) throws IOException { super(context); } private long getValueForDoc(int doc) throws IOException { if (docValues.advanceExact(doc)) { return docValues.longValue(); } else { return missingValue; } } @Override public void setBottom(int slot) throws IOException { bottom = values[slot]; super.setBottom(slot); } @Override public int compareBottom(int doc) throws IOException { return Long.compare(bottom, getValueForDoc(doc)); } @Override public int compareTop(int doc) throws IOException { return Long.compare(topValue, getValueForDoc(doc)); } @Override public void copy(int slot, int doc) throws IOException { values[slot] = getValueForDoc(doc); super.copy(slot, doc); } @Override protected boolean isMissingValueCompetitive() { int result = Long.compare(missingValue, bottom); // in reverse (desc) sort missingValue is competitive when it's greater or equal to bottom, // in asc sort missingValue is competitive when it's smaller or equal to bottom return reverse ? (result >= 0) : (result <= 0); } @Override protected void encodeBottom(byte[] packedValue) { LongPoint.encodeDimension(bottom, packedValue, 0); } @Override protected void encodeTop(byte[] packedValue) { LongPoint.encodeDimension(topValue, packedValue, 0); } } }