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package org.apache.lucene.search;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;

import static org.apache.lucene.search.DocIdSetIterator.NO_MORE_DOCS;

A Scorer for queries with a required part and an optional part. Delays skipTo() on the optional part until a score() is needed.
/** A Scorer for queries with a required part and an optional part. * Delays skipTo() on the optional part until a score() is needed. */
class ReqOptSumScorer extends Scorer { private final Scorer reqScorer; private final Scorer optScorer; private final DocIdSetIterator reqApproximation; private final DocIdSetIterator optApproximation; private final TwoPhaseIterator optTwoPhase; private final DocIdSetIterator approximation; private final TwoPhaseIterator twoPhase; private final MaxScoreSumPropagator maxScorePropagator; private float minScore = 0; private float reqMaxScore; private boolean optIsRequired;
Construct a ReqOptScorer.
  • reqScorer – The required scorer. This must match.
  • optScorer – The optional scorer. This is used for scoring only.
  • scoreMode – How the produced scorers will be consumed.
/** * Construct a <code>ReqOptScorer</code>. * * @param reqScorer The required scorer. This must match. * @param optScorer The optional scorer. This is used for scoring only. * @param scoreMode How the produced scorers will be consumed. */
public ReqOptSumScorer(Scorer reqScorer, Scorer optScorer, ScoreMode scoreMode) throws IOException { super(reqScorer.weight); assert reqScorer != null; assert optScorer != null; if (scoreMode == ScoreMode.TOP_SCORES) { this.maxScorePropagator = new MaxScoreSumPropagator(Arrays.asList(reqScorer, optScorer)); } else { this.maxScorePropagator = null; } this.reqScorer = reqScorer; this.optScorer = optScorer; final TwoPhaseIterator reqTwoPhase = reqScorer.twoPhaseIterator(); this.optTwoPhase = optScorer.twoPhaseIterator(); if (reqTwoPhase == null) { reqApproximation = reqScorer.iterator(); } else { reqApproximation = reqTwoPhase.approximation(); } if (optTwoPhase == null) { optApproximation = optScorer.iterator(); } else { optApproximation = optTwoPhase.approximation(); } if (scoreMode != ScoreMode.TOP_SCORES) { approximation = reqApproximation; this.reqMaxScore = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else { reqScorer.advanceShallow(0); optScorer.advanceShallow(0); this.reqMaxScore = reqScorer.getMaxScore(NO_MORE_DOCS); this.approximation = new DocIdSetIterator() { int upTo = -1; float maxScore; private void moveToNextBlock(int target) throws IOException { upTo = advanceShallow(target); float reqMaxScoreBlock = reqScorer.getMaxScore(upTo); maxScore = getMaxScore(upTo); // Potentially move to a conjunction optIsRequired = reqMaxScoreBlock < minScore; } private int advanceImpacts(int target) throws IOException { if (target > upTo) { moveToNextBlock(target); } while (true) { if (maxScore >= minScore) { return target; } if (upTo == NO_MORE_DOCS) { return NO_MORE_DOCS; } target = upTo + 1; moveToNextBlock(target); } } @Override public int nextDoc() throws IOException { return advanceInternal(reqApproximation.docID()+1); } @Override public int advance(int target) throws IOException { return advanceInternal(target); } private int advanceInternal(int target) throws IOException { if (target == NO_MORE_DOCS) { reqApproximation.advance(target); return NO_MORE_DOCS; } int reqDoc = target; advanceHead: for (;;) { if (minScore != 0) { reqDoc = advanceImpacts(reqDoc); } if (reqApproximation.docID() < reqDoc) { reqDoc = reqApproximation.advance(reqDoc); } if (reqDoc == NO_MORE_DOCS || optIsRequired == false) { return reqDoc; } int upperBound = reqMaxScore < minScore ? NO_MORE_DOCS : upTo; if (reqDoc > upperBound) { continue; } // Find the next common doc within the current block for (;;) { // invariant: reqDoc >= optDoc int optDoc = optApproximation.docID(); if (optDoc < reqDoc) { optDoc = optApproximation.advance(reqDoc); } if (optDoc > upperBound) { reqDoc = upperBound + 1; continue advanceHead; } if (optDoc != reqDoc) { reqDoc = reqApproximation.advance(optDoc); if (reqDoc > upperBound) { continue advanceHead; } } if (reqDoc == NO_MORE_DOCS || optDoc == reqDoc) { return reqDoc; } } } } @Override public int docID() { return reqApproximation.docID(); } @Override public long cost() { return reqApproximation.cost(); } }; } if (reqTwoPhase == null && optTwoPhase == null) { this.twoPhase = null; } else { this.twoPhase = new TwoPhaseIterator(approximation) { @Override public boolean matches() throws IOException { if (reqTwoPhase != null && reqTwoPhase.matches() == false) { return false; } if (optTwoPhase != null) { if (optIsRequired) { // The below condition is rare and can only happen if we transitioned to optIsRequired=true // after the opt approximation was advanced and before it was confirmed. if (reqScorer.docID() != optApproximation.docID()) { if (optApproximation.docID() < reqScorer.docID()) { optApproximation.advance(reqScorer.docID()); } if (reqScorer.docID() != optApproximation.docID()) { return false; } } if (optTwoPhase.matches() == false) { // Advance the iterator to make it clear it doesn't match the current doc id optApproximation.nextDoc(); return false; } } else if (optApproximation.docID() == reqScorer.docID() && optTwoPhase.matches() == false) { // Advance the iterator to make it clear it doesn't match the current doc id optApproximation.nextDoc(); } } return true; } @Override public float matchCost() { float matchCost = 1; if (reqTwoPhase != null) { matchCost += reqTwoPhase.matchCost(); } if (optTwoPhase != null) { matchCost += optTwoPhase.matchCost(); } return matchCost; } }; } } @Override public TwoPhaseIterator twoPhaseIterator() { return twoPhase; } @Override public DocIdSetIterator iterator() { if (twoPhase == null) { return approximation; } else { return TwoPhaseIterator.asDocIdSetIterator(twoPhase); } } @Override public int docID() { return reqScorer.docID(); } @Override public float score() throws IOException { // TODO: sum into a double and cast to float if we ever send required clauses to BS1 int curDoc = reqScorer.docID(); float score = reqScorer.score(); int optScorerDoc = optApproximation.docID(); if (optScorerDoc < curDoc) { optScorerDoc = optApproximation.advance(curDoc); if (optTwoPhase != null && optScorerDoc == curDoc && optTwoPhase.matches() == false) { optScorerDoc = optApproximation.nextDoc(); } } if (optScorerDoc == curDoc) { score += optScorer.score(); } return score; } @Override public int advanceShallow(int target) throws IOException { int upTo = reqScorer.advanceShallow(target); if (optScorer.docID() <= target) { upTo = Math.min(upTo, optScorer.advanceShallow(target)); } else if (optScorer.docID() != NO_MORE_DOCS) { upTo = Math.min(upTo, optScorer.docID() - 1); } return upTo; } @Override public float getMaxScore(int upTo) throws IOException { float maxScore = reqScorer.getMaxScore(upTo); if (optScorer.docID() <= upTo) { maxScore += optScorer.getMaxScore(upTo); } return maxScore; } @Override public void setMinCompetitiveScore(float minScore) throws IOException { this.minScore = minScore; // Potentially move to a conjunction if (reqMaxScore < minScore) { optIsRequired = true; } maxScorePropagator.setMinCompetitiveScore(minScore); } @Override public Collection<ChildScorable> getChildren() { ArrayList<ChildScorable> children = new ArrayList<>(2); children.add(new ChildScorable(reqScorer, "MUST")); children.add(new ChildScorable(optScorer, "SHOULD")); return children; } }