 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.index;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.OffsetAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PayloadAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.TermFrequencyAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.codecs.TermVectorsWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.util.ByteBlockPool;
import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef;

final class TermVectorsConsumerPerField extends TermsHashPerField {

  private TermVectorsPostingsArray termVectorsPostingsArray;

  private final TermVectorsConsumer termsWriter;
  private final FieldInvertState fieldState;
  private final FieldInfo fieldInfo;

  private boolean doVectors;
  private boolean doVectorPositions;
  private boolean doVectorOffsets;
  private boolean doVectorPayloads;

  private OffsetAttribute offsetAttribute;
  private PayloadAttribute payloadAttribute;
  private TermFrequencyAttribute termFreqAtt;
  private final ByteBlockPool termBytePool;

  private boolean hasPayloads; // if enabled, and we actually saw any for this field

  TermVectorsConsumerPerField(FieldInvertState invertState, TermVectorsConsumer termsHash, FieldInfo fieldInfo) {
    super(2, termsHash.intPool, termsHash.bytePool, termsHash.termBytePool, termsHash.bytesUsed, null, fieldInfo.name, fieldInfo.getIndexOptions());
    this.termsWriter = termsHash;
    this.fieldInfo = fieldInfo;
    this.fieldState = invertState;
    termBytePool = termsHash.termBytePool;

Called once per field per document if term vectors are enabled, to write the vectors to RAMOutputStream, which is then quickly flushed to the real term vectors files in the Directory.
/** Called once per field per document if term vectors * are enabled, to write the vectors to * RAMOutputStream, which is then quickly flushed to * the real term vectors files in the Directory. */
@Override void finish() { if (!doVectors || getNumTerms() == 0) { return; } termsWriter.addFieldToFlush(this); } void finishDocument() throws IOException { if (doVectors == false) { return; } doVectors = false; final int numPostings = getNumTerms(); final BytesRef flushTerm = termsWriter.flushTerm; assert numPostings >= 0; // This is called once, after inverting all occurrences // of a given field in the doc. At this point we flush // our hash into the DocWriter. TermVectorsPostingsArray postings = termVectorsPostingsArray; final TermVectorsWriter tv = termsWriter.writer; sortTerms(); final int[] termIDs = getSortedTermIDs(); tv.startField(fieldInfo, numPostings, doVectorPositions, doVectorOffsets, hasPayloads); final ByteSliceReader posReader = doVectorPositions ? termsWriter.vectorSliceReaderPos : null; final ByteSliceReader offReader = doVectorOffsets ? termsWriter.vectorSliceReaderOff : null; for(int j=0;j<numPostings;j++) { final int termID = termIDs[j]; final int freq = postings.freqs[termID]; // Get BytesRef termBytePool.setBytesRef(flushTerm, postings.textStarts[termID]); tv.startTerm(flushTerm, freq); if (doVectorPositions || doVectorOffsets) { if (posReader != null) { initReader(posReader, termID, 0); } if (offReader != null) { initReader(offReader, termID, 1); } tv.addProx(freq, posReader, offReader); } tv.finishTerm(); } tv.finishField(); reset(); fieldInfo.setStoreTermVectors(); } @Override boolean start(IndexableField field, boolean first) { super.start(field, first); termFreqAtt = fieldState.termFreqAttribute; assert field.fieldType().indexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE; if (first) { if (getNumTerms() != 0) { // Only necessary if previous doc hit a // non-aborting exception while writing vectors in // this field: reset(); } reinitHash(); hasPayloads = false; doVectors = field.fieldType().storeTermVectors(); if (doVectors) { termsWriter.hasVectors = true; doVectorPositions = field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPositions(); // Somewhat confusingly, unlike postings, you are // allowed to index TV offsets without TV positions: doVectorOffsets = field.fieldType().storeTermVectorOffsets(); if (doVectorPositions) { doVectorPayloads = field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPayloads(); } else { doVectorPayloads = false; if (field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPayloads()) { // TODO: move this check somewhere else, and impl the other missing ones throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot index term vector payloads without term vector positions (field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } } } else { if (field.fieldType().storeTermVectorOffsets()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot index term vector offsets when term vectors are not indexed (field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } if (field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPositions()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot index term vector positions when term vectors are not indexed (field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } if (field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPayloads()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot index term vector payloads when term vectors are not indexed (field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } } } else { if (doVectors != field.fieldType().storeTermVectors()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("all instances of a given field name must have the same term vectors settings (storeTermVectors changed for field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } if (doVectorPositions != field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPositions()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("all instances of a given field name must have the same term vectors settings (storeTermVectorPositions changed for field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } if (doVectorOffsets != field.fieldType().storeTermVectorOffsets()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("all instances of a given field name must have the same term vectors settings (storeTermVectorOffsets changed for field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } if (doVectorPayloads != field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPayloads()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("all instances of a given field name must have the same term vectors settings (storeTermVectorPayloads changed for field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } } if (doVectors) { if (doVectorOffsets) { offsetAttribute = fieldState.offsetAttribute; assert offsetAttribute != null; } if (doVectorPayloads) { // Can be null: payloadAttribute = fieldState.payloadAttribute; } else { payloadAttribute = null; } } return doVectors; } void writeProx(TermVectorsPostingsArray postings, int termID) { if (doVectorOffsets) { int startOffset = fieldState.offset + offsetAttribute.startOffset(); int endOffset = fieldState.offset + offsetAttribute.endOffset(); writeVInt(1, startOffset - postings.lastOffsets[termID]); writeVInt(1, endOffset - startOffset); postings.lastOffsets[termID] = endOffset; } if (doVectorPositions) { final BytesRef payload; if (payloadAttribute == null) { payload = null; } else { payload = payloadAttribute.getPayload(); } final int pos = fieldState.position - postings.lastPositions[termID]; if (payload != null && payload.length > 0) { writeVInt(0, (pos<<1)|1); writeVInt(0, payload.length); writeBytes(0, payload.bytes, payload.offset, payload.length); hasPayloads = true; } else { writeVInt(0, pos<<1); } postings.lastPositions[termID] = fieldState.position; } } @Override void newTerm(final int termID, final int docID) { TermVectorsPostingsArray postings = termVectorsPostingsArray; postings.freqs[termID] = getTermFreq(); postings.lastOffsets[termID] = 0; postings.lastPositions[termID] = 0; writeProx(postings, termID); } @Override void addTerm(final int termID, final int docID) { TermVectorsPostingsArray postings = termVectorsPostingsArray; postings.freqs[termID] += getTermFreq(); writeProx(postings, termID); } private int getTermFreq() { int freq = termFreqAtt.getTermFrequency(); if (freq != 1) { if (doVectorPositions) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("field \"" + getFieldName() + "\": cannot index term vector positions while using custom TermFrequencyAttribute"); } if (doVectorOffsets) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("field \"" + getFieldName() + "\": cannot index term vector offsets while using custom TermFrequencyAttribute"); } } return freq; } @Override public void newPostingsArray() { termVectorsPostingsArray = (TermVectorsPostingsArray) postingsArray; } @Override ParallelPostingsArray createPostingsArray(int size) { return new TermVectorsPostingsArray(size); } static final class TermVectorsPostingsArray extends ParallelPostingsArray { TermVectorsPostingsArray(int size) { super(size); freqs = new int[size]; lastOffsets = new int[size]; lastPositions = new int[size]; } int[] freqs; // How many times this term occurred in the current doc int[] lastOffsets; // Last offset we saw int[] lastPositions; // Last position where this term occurred @Override ParallelPostingsArray newInstance(int size) { return new TermVectorsPostingsArray(size); } @Override void copyTo(ParallelPostingsArray toArray, int numToCopy) { assert toArray instanceof TermVectorsPostingsArray; TermVectorsPostingsArray to = (TermVectorsPostingsArray) toArray; super.copyTo(toArray, numToCopy); System.arraycopy(freqs, 0, to.freqs, 0, size); System.arraycopy(lastOffsets, 0, to.lastOffsets, 0, size); System.arraycopy(lastPositions, 0, to.lastPositions, 0, size); } @Override int bytesPerPosting() { return super.bytesPerPosting() + 3 * Integer.BYTES; } } }