 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package org.apache.lucene.geo;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StreamTokenizer;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

Parses shape geometry represented in WKT format complies with OGC® document: 12-063r5 and ISO/IEC 13249-3:2016 standard located at http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/12-063r5/12-063r5.html
/** * Parses shape geometry represented in WKT format * * complies with OGC® document: 12-063r5 and ISO/IEC 13249-3:2016 standard * located at http://docs.opengeospatial.org/is/12-063r5/12-063r5.html */
public class SimpleWKTShapeParser { public static final String EMPTY = "EMPTY"; public static final String SPACE = " "; public static final String LPAREN = "("; public static final String RPAREN = ")"; public static final String COMMA = ","; public static final String NAN = "NaN"; private static final String NUMBER = "<NUMBER>"; private static final String EOF = "END-OF-STREAM"; private static final String EOL = "END-OF-LINE"; // no instance private SimpleWKTShapeParser() {} public static Object parse(String wkt) throws IOException, ParseException { return parseExpectedType(wkt, null); } public static Object parseExpectedType(String wkt, final ShapeType shapeType) throws IOException, ParseException { try (StringReader reader = new StringReader(wkt)) { // setup the tokenizer; configured to read words w/o numbers StreamTokenizer tokenizer = new StreamTokenizer(reader); tokenizer.resetSyntax(); tokenizer.wordChars('a', 'z'); tokenizer.wordChars('A', 'Z'); tokenizer.wordChars(128 + 32, 255); tokenizer.wordChars('0', '9'); tokenizer.wordChars('-', '-'); tokenizer.wordChars('+', '+'); tokenizer.wordChars('.', '.'); tokenizer.whitespaceChars(0, ' '); tokenizer.commentChar('#'); Object geometry = parseGeometry(tokenizer, shapeType); checkEOF(tokenizer); return geometry; } }
parse geometry from the stream tokenizer
/** parse geometry from the stream tokenizer */
private static Object parseGeometry(StreamTokenizer stream, ShapeType shapeType) throws IOException, ParseException { final ShapeType type = ShapeType.forName(nextWord(stream)); if (shapeType != null && shapeType != ShapeType.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION) { if (type.wktName().equals(shapeType.wktName()) == false) { throw new ParseException("Expected geometry type: [" + shapeType + "], but found: [" + type + "]", stream.lineno()); } } switch (type) { case POINT: return parsePoint(stream); case MULTIPOINT: return parseMultiPoint(stream); case LINESTRING: return parseLine(stream); case MULTILINESTRING: return parseMultiLine(stream); case POLYGON: return parsePolygon(stream); case MULTIPOLYGON: return parseMultiPolygon(stream); case ENVELOPE: return parseBBox(stream); case GEOMETRYCOLLECTION: return parseGeometryCollection(stream); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown geometry type: " + type); } }
Parses a point as a double array
/** Parses a point as a double array */
private static double[] parsePoint(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { if (nextEmptyOrOpen(stream).equals(EMPTY)) { return null; } double[] pt = new double[]{nextNumber(stream), nextNumber(stream)}; if (isNumberNext(stream) == true) { nextNumber(stream); } nextCloser(stream); return pt; }
Parses a list of points into latitude and longitude arraylists
/** Parses a list of points into latitude and longitude arraylists */
private static void parseCoordinates(StreamTokenizer stream, ArrayList<Double> lats, ArrayList<Double> lons) throws IOException, ParseException { boolean isOpenParen = false; if (isNumberNext(stream) || (isOpenParen = nextWord(stream).equals(LPAREN))) { parseCoordinate(stream, lats, lons); } while (nextCloserOrComma(stream).equals(COMMA)) { isOpenParen = false; if (isNumberNext(stream) || (isOpenParen = nextWord(stream).equals(LPAREN))) { parseCoordinate(stream, lats, lons); } if (isOpenParen && nextCloser(stream).equals(RPAREN) == false) { throw new ParseException("expected: [" + RPAREN + "] but found: [" + tokenString(stream) + "]", stream.lineno()); } } if (isOpenParen && nextCloser(stream).equals(RPAREN) == false) { throw new ParseException("expected: [" + RPAREN + "] but found: [" + tokenString(stream) + "]", stream.lineno()); } }
parses a single coordinate, w/ optional 3rd dimension
/** parses a single coordinate, w/ optional 3rd dimension */
private static void parseCoordinate(StreamTokenizer stream, ArrayList<Double> lats, ArrayList<Double> lons) throws IOException, ParseException { lons.add(nextNumber(stream)); lats.add(nextNumber(stream)); if (isNumberNext(stream)) { nextNumber(stream); } }
parses a MULTIPOINT type
/** parses a MULTIPOINT type */
private static double[][] parseMultiPoint(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { String token = nextEmptyOrOpen(stream); if (token.equals(EMPTY)) { return null; } ArrayList<Double> lats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Double> lons = new ArrayList<>(); parseCoordinates(stream, lats, lons); double[][] result = new double[lats.size()][2]; for (int i = 0; i < lats.size(); ++i) { result[i] = new double[] {lons.get(i), lats.get(i)}; } return result; }
/** parses a LINESTRING */
private static Line parseLine(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { String token = nextEmptyOrOpen(stream); if (token.equals(EMPTY)) { return null; } ArrayList<Double> lats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Double> lons = new ArrayList<>(); parseCoordinates(stream, lats, lons); return new Line(lats.stream().mapToDouble(i->i).toArray(), lons.stream().mapToDouble(i->i).toArray()); }
/** parses a MULTILINESTRING */
private static Line[] parseMultiLine(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { String token = nextEmptyOrOpen(stream); if (token.equals(EMPTY)) { return null; } ArrayList<Line> lines = new ArrayList<>(); lines.add(parseLine(stream)); while (nextCloserOrComma(stream).equals(COMMA)) { lines.add(parseLine(stream)); } return lines.toArray(new Line[lines.size()]); }
parses the hole of a polygon
/** parses the hole of a polygon */
private static Polygon parsePolygonHole(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { ArrayList<Double> lats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Double> lons = new ArrayList<>(); parseCoordinates(stream, lats, lons); return new Polygon(lats.stream().mapToDouble(i->i).toArray(), lons.stream().mapToDouble(i->i).toArray()); }
parses a POLYGON
/** parses a POLYGON */
private static Polygon parsePolygon(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { if (nextEmptyOrOpen(stream).equals(EMPTY)) { return null; } nextOpener(stream); ArrayList<Double> lats = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Double> lons = new ArrayList<>(); parseCoordinates(stream, lats, lons); ArrayList<Polygon> holes = new ArrayList<>(); while (nextCloserOrComma(stream).equals(COMMA)) { holes.add(parsePolygonHole(stream)); } if (holes.isEmpty() == false) { return new Polygon(lats.stream().mapToDouble(i->i).toArray(), lons.stream().mapToDouble(i->i).toArray(), holes.toArray(new Polygon[holes.size()])); } return new Polygon(lats.stream().mapToDouble(i->i).toArray(), lons.stream().mapToDouble(i->i).toArray()); }
/** parses a MULTIPOLYGON */
private static Polygon[] parseMultiPolygon(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { String token = nextEmptyOrOpen(stream); if (token.equals(EMPTY)) { return null; } ArrayList<Polygon> polygons = new ArrayList<>(); polygons.add(parsePolygon(stream)); while (nextCloserOrComma(stream).equals(COMMA)) { polygons.add(parsePolygon(stream)); } return polygons.toArray(new Polygon[polygons.size()]); }
parses an ENVELOPE
/** parses an ENVELOPE */
private static Rectangle parseBBox(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { if (nextEmptyOrOpen(stream).equals(EMPTY)) { return null; } double minLon = nextNumber(stream); nextComma(stream); double maxLon = nextNumber(stream); nextComma(stream); double maxLat = nextNumber(stream); nextComma(stream); double minLat = nextNumber(stream); nextCloser(stream); return new Rectangle(minLat, maxLat, minLon, maxLon); }
private static Object[] parseGeometryCollection(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { if (nextEmptyOrOpen(stream).equals(EMPTY)) { return null; } ArrayList<Object> geometries = new ArrayList<>(); geometries.add(parseGeometry(stream, ShapeType.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION)); while (nextCloserOrComma(stream).equals(COMMA)) { geometries.add(parseGeometry(stream, null)); } return geometries.toArray(new Object[geometries.size()]); }
next word in the stream
/** next word in the stream */
private static String nextWord(StreamTokenizer stream) throws ParseException, IOException { switch (stream.nextToken()) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: final String word = stream.sval; return word.equalsIgnoreCase(EMPTY) ? EMPTY : word; case '(': return LPAREN; case ')': return RPAREN; case ',': return COMMA; } throw new ParseException("expected word but found: " + tokenString(stream), stream.lineno()); }
next number in the stream
/** next number in the stream */
private static double nextNumber(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { if (stream.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { if (stream.sval.equalsIgnoreCase(NAN)) { return Double.NaN; } else { try { return Double.parseDouble(stream.sval); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParseException("invalid number found: " + stream.sval, stream.lineno()); } } } throw new ParseException("expected number but found: " + tokenString(stream), stream.lineno()); }
next token in the stream
/** next token in the stream */
private static String tokenString(StreamTokenizer stream) { switch (stream.ttype) { case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: return stream.sval; case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF: return EOF; case StreamTokenizer.TT_EOL: return EOL; case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: return NUMBER; } return "'" + (char)stream.ttype + "'"; }
checks if the next token is a number
/** checks if the next token is a number */
private static boolean isNumberNext(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException { final int type = stream.nextToken(); stream.pushBack(); return type == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD; }
checks if next token is an EMPTY or open paren
/** checks if next token is an EMPTY or open paren */
private static String nextEmptyOrOpen(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { final String next = nextWord(stream); if (next.equals(EMPTY) || next.equals(LPAREN)) { return next; } throw new ParseException("expected " + EMPTY + " or " + LPAREN + " but found: " + tokenString(stream), stream.lineno()); }
checks if next token is a closing paren
/** checks if next token is a closing paren */
private static String nextCloser(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { if (nextWord(stream).equals(RPAREN)) { return RPAREN; } throw new ParseException("expected " + RPAREN + " but found: " + tokenString(stream), stream.lineno()); }
expects a comma as next token
/** expects a comma as next token */
private static String nextComma(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { if (nextWord(stream).equals(COMMA) == true) { return COMMA; } throw new ParseException("expected " + COMMA + " but found: " + tokenString(stream), stream.lineno()); }
expects an open RPAREN as the next toke
/** expects an open RPAREN as the next toke */
private static String nextOpener(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { if (nextWord(stream).equals(LPAREN)) { return LPAREN; } throw new ParseException("expected " + LPAREN + " but found: " + tokenString(stream), stream.lineno()); }
expects either a closing LPAREN or comma as the next token
/** expects either a closing LPAREN or comma as the next token */
private static String nextCloserOrComma(StreamTokenizer stream) throws IOException, ParseException { String token = nextWord(stream); if (token.equals(COMMA) || token.equals(RPAREN)) { return token; } throw new ParseException("expected " + COMMA + " or " + RPAREN + " but found: " + tokenString(stream), stream.lineno()); }
next word in the stream
/** next word in the stream */
private static void checkEOF(StreamTokenizer stream) throws ParseException, IOException { if (stream.nextToken() != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { throw new ParseException("expected end of WKT string but found additional text: " + tokenString(stream), stream.lineno()); } }
Enumerated type for Shapes
/** Enumerated type for Shapes */
public enum ShapeType { POINT("point"), MULTIPOINT("multipoint"), LINESTRING("linestring"), MULTILINESTRING("multilinestring"), POLYGON("polygon"), MULTIPOLYGON("multipolygon"), GEOMETRYCOLLECTION("geometrycollection"), ENVELOPE("envelope"); // not part of the actual WKB spec private final String shapeName; private static Map<String, ShapeType> shapeTypeMap = new HashMap<>(); private static final String BBOX = "BBOX"; static { for (ShapeType type : values()) { shapeTypeMap.put(type.shapeName, type); } shapeTypeMap.put(ENVELOPE.wktName().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), ENVELOPE); } ShapeType(String shapeName) { this.shapeName = shapeName; } protected String typename() { return shapeName; }
wkt shape name
/** wkt shape name */
public String wktName() { return this == ENVELOPE ? BBOX : this.shapeName; } public static ShapeType forName(String shapename) { String typename = shapename.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT); for (ShapeType type : values()) { if(type.shapeName.equals(typename)) { return type; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown geo_shape ["+shapename+"]"); } } }