 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.util;

import java.util.Comparator;

Just like BytesRefArray except all values have the same length. Note: This class is not Thread-Safe!
/** * Just like {@link BytesRefArray} except all values have the same length. * * <b>Note: This class is not Thread-Safe!</b> * * @lucene.internal * @lucene.experimental */
final class FixedLengthBytesRefArray implements SortableBytesRefArray { private final int valueLength; private final int valuesPerBlock;
How many values have been appended
/** How many values have been appended */
private int size;
How many blocks are used
/** How many blocks are used */
private int currentBlock = -1; private int nextEntry; private byte[][] blocks;
Creates a new BytesRefArray with a counter to track allocated bytes
/** * Creates a new {@link BytesRefArray} with a counter to track allocated bytes */
public FixedLengthBytesRefArray(int valueLength) { this.valueLength = valueLength; // ~32K per page, unless each value is > 32K: valuesPerBlock = Math.max(1, 32768/valueLength); nextEntry = valuesPerBlock; blocks = new byte[0][]; }
Clears this BytesRefArray
/** * Clears this {@link BytesRefArray} */
@Override public void clear() { size = 0; blocks = new byte[0][]; currentBlock = -1; nextEntry = valuesPerBlock; }
Appends a copy of the given BytesRef to this BytesRefArray.
  • bytes – the bytes to append
Returns:the index of the appended bytes
/** * Appends a copy of the given {@link BytesRef} to this {@link BytesRefArray}. * @param bytes the bytes to append * @return the index of the appended bytes */
@Override public int append(BytesRef bytes) { if (bytes.length != valueLength) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("value length is " + bytes.length + " but is supposed to always be " + valueLength); } if (nextEntry == valuesPerBlock) { currentBlock++; if (currentBlock == blocks.length) { int size = ArrayUtil.oversize(currentBlock+1, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF); byte[][] next = new byte[size][]; System.arraycopy(blocks, 0, next, 0, blocks.length); blocks = next; } blocks[currentBlock] = new byte[valuesPerBlock * valueLength]; nextEntry = 0; } System.arraycopy(bytes.bytes, bytes.offset, blocks[currentBlock], nextEntry*valueLength, valueLength); nextEntry++; return size++; }
Returns the current size of this FixedLengthBytesRefArray
Returns:the current size of this FixedLengthBytesRefArray
/** * Returns the current size of this {@link FixedLengthBytesRefArray} * @return the current size of this {@link FixedLengthBytesRefArray} */
@Override public int size() { return size; } private int[] sort(final Comparator<BytesRef> comp) { final int[] orderedEntries = new int[size()]; for (int i = 0; i < orderedEntries.length; i++) { orderedEntries[i] = i; } if (comp instanceof BytesRefComparator) { BytesRefComparator bComp = (BytesRefComparator) comp; new MSBRadixSorter(bComp.comparedBytesCount) { BytesRef scratch; { scratch = new BytesRef(); scratch.length = valueLength; } @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { int o = orderedEntries[i]; orderedEntries[i] = orderedEntries[j]; orderedEntries[j] = o; } @Override protected int byteAt(int i, int k) { int index1 = orderedEntries[i]; scratch.bytes = blocks[index1 / valuesPerBlock]; scratch.offset = (index1 % valuesPerBlock) * valueLength; return bComp.byteAt(scratch, k); } }.sort(0, size()); return orderedEntries; } final BytesRef pivot = new BytesRef(); final BytesRef scratch1 = new BytesRef(); final BytesRef scratch2 = new BytesRef(); pivot.length = valueLength; scratch1.length = valueLength; scratch2.length = valueLength; new IntroSorter() { @Override protected void swap(int i, int j) { int o = orderedEntries[i]; orderedEntries[i] = orderedEntries[j]; orderedEntries[j] = o; } @Override protected int compare(int i, int j) { int index1 = orderedEntries[i]; scratch1.bytes = blocks[index1 / valuesPerBlock]; scratch1.offset = (index1 % valuesPerBlock) * valueLength; int index2 = orderedEntries[j]; scratch2.bytes = blocks[index2 / valuesPerBlock]; scratch2.offset = (index2 % valuesPerBlock) * valueLength; return comp.compare(scratch1, scratch2); } @Override protected void setPivot(int i) { int index = orderedEntries[i]; pivot.bytes = blocks[index / valuesPerBlock]; pivot.offset = (index % valuesPerBlock) * valueLength; } @Override protected int comparePivot(int j) { final int index = orderedEntries[j]; scratch2.bytes = blocks[index / valuesPerBlock]; scratch2.offset = (index % valuesPerBlock) * valueLength; return comp.compare(pivot, scratch2); } }.sort(0, size()); return orderedEntries; }

Returns a BytesRefIterator with point in time semantics. The iterator provides access to all so far appended BytesRef instances.

The iterator will iterate the byte values in the order specified by the comparator.

This is a non-destructive operation.

/** * <p> * Returns a {@link BytesRefIterator} with point in time semantics. The * iterator provides access to all so far appended {@link BytesRef} instances. * </p> * <p> * The iterator will iterate the byte values in the order specified by the comparator. * </p> * <p> * This is a non-destructive operation. * </p> */
@Override public BytesRefIterator iterator(final Comparator<BytesRef> comp) { final BytesRef result = new BytesRef(); result.length = valueLength; final int size = size(); final int[] indices = sort(comp); return new BytesRefIterator() { int pos = 0; @Override public BytesRef next() { if (pos < size) { int index = indices[pos]; pos++; result.bytes = blocks[index / valuesPerBlock]; result.offset = (index % valuesPerBlock) * valueLength; return result; } return null; } }; } }