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package org.apache.lucene.search.similarities;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.lucene.search.Explanation;

Bayesian smoothing using Dirichlet priors. From Chengxiang Zhai and John Lafferty. 2001. A study of smoothing methods for language models applied to Ad Hoc information retrieval. In Proceedings of the 24th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR '01). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 334-342.

The formula as defined the paper assigns a negative score to documents that contain the term, but with fewer occurrences than predicted by the collection language model. The Lucene implementation returns 0 for such documents.

/** * Bayesian smoothing using Dirichlet priors. From Chengxiang Zhai and John * Lafferty. 2001. A study of smoothing methods for language models applied to * Ad Hoc information retrieval. In Proceedings of the 24th annual international * ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval * (SIGIR '01). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 334-342. * <p> * The formula as defined the paper assigns a negative score to documents that * contain the term, but with fewer occurrences than predicted by the collection * language model. The Lucene implementation returns {@code 0} for such * documents. * </p> * * @lucene.experimental */
public class LMDirichletSimilarity extends LMSimilarity {
The μ parameter.
/** The &mu; parameter. */
private final float mu;
Instantiates the similarity with the provided μ parameter.
/** Instantiates the similarity with the provided &mu; parameter. */
public LMDirichletSimilarity(CollectionModel collectionModel, float mu) { super(collectionModel); if (Float.isFinite(mu) == false || mu < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal mu value: " + mu + ", must be a non-negative finite value"); } this.mu = mu; }
Instantiates the similarity with the provided μ parameter.
/** Instantiates the similarity with the provided &mu; parameter. */
public LMDirichletSimilarity(float mu) { if (Float.isFinite(mu) == false || mu < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal mu value: " + mu + ", must be a non-negative finite value"); } this.mu = mu; }
Instantiates the similarity with the default μ value of 2000.
/** Instantiates the similarity with the default &mu; value of 2000. */
public LMDirichletSimilarity(CollectionModel collectionModel) { this(collectionModel, 2000); }
Instantiates the similarity with the default μ value of 2000.
/** Instantiates the similarity with the default &mu; value of 2000. */
public LMDirichletSimilarity() { this(2000); } @Override protected double score(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen) { double score = stats.getBoost() * (Math.log(1 + freq / (mu * ((LMStats)stats).getCollectionProbability())) + Math.log(mu / (docLen + mu))); return score > 0.0d ? score : 0.0d; } @Override protected void explain(List<Explanation> subs, BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen) { if (stats.getBoost() != 1.0d) { subs.add(Explanation.match((float) stats.getBoost(), "query boost")); } double p = ((LMStats)stats).getCollectionProbability(); Explanation explP = Explanation.match((float) p, "P, probability that the current term is generated by the collection"); Explanation explFreq = Explanation.match((float) freq, "freq, number of occurrences of term in the document"); subs.add(Explanation.match(mu, "mu")); Explanation weightExpl = Explanation.match( (float)Math.log(1 + freq / (mu * ((LMStats)stats).getCollectionProbability())), "term weight, computed as log(1 + freq /(mu * P)) from:", explFreq, explP); subs.add(weightExpl); subs.add(Explanation.match( (float)Math.log(mu / (docLen + mu)), "document norm, computed as log(mu / (dl + mu))")); subs.add(Explanation.match((float) docLen,"dl, length of field")); super.explain(subs, stats, freq, docLen); } @Override protected Explanation explain( BasicStats stats, Explanation freq, double docLen) { List<Explanation> subs = new ArrayList<>(); explain(subs, stats, freq.getValue().doubleValue(), docLen); return Explanation.match( (float) score(stats, freq.getValue().doubleValue(), docLen), "score(" + getClass().getSimpleName() + ", freq=" + freq.getValue() +"), computed as boost * " + "(term weight + document norm) from:", subs); }
Returns the μ parameter.
/** Returns the &mu; parameter. */
public float getMu() { return mu; } @Override public String getName() { return String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Dirichlet(%f)", getMu()); } }