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package org.apache.lucene.search.similarities;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.lucene.search.Explanation;

Axiomatic approaches for IR. From Hui Fang and Chengxiang Zhai 2005. An Exploration of Axiomatic Approaches to Information Retrieval. In Proceedings of the 28th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval (SIGIR '05). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 480-487.

There are a family of models. All of them are based on BM25, Pivoted Document Length Normalization and Language model with Dirichlet prior. Some components (e.g. Term Frequency, Inverted Document Frequency) in the original models are modified so that they follow some axiomatic constraints.

/** * Axiomatic approaches for IR. From Hui Fang and Chengxiang Zhai * 2005. An Exploration of Axiomatic Approaches to Information Retrieval. * In Proceedings of the 28th annual international ACM SIGIR * conference on Research and development in information retrieval * (SIGIR '05). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 480-487. * <p> * There are a family of models. All of them are based on BM25, * Pivoted Document Length Normalization and Language model with * Dirichlet prior. Some components (e.g. Term Frequency, * Inverted Document Frequency) in the original models are modified * so that they follow some axiomatic constraints. * </p> * * @lucene.experimental */
public abstract class Axiomatic extends SimilarityBase {
hyperparam for the growth function
/** * hyperparam for the growth function */
protected final float s;
hyperparam for the primitive weighthing function
/** * hyperparam for the primitive weighthing function */
protected final float k;
the query length
/** * the query length */
protected final int queryLen;
Constructor setting all Axiomatic hyperparameters
  • s – hyperparam for the growth function
  • queryLen – the query length
  • k – hyperparam for the primitive weighting function
/** * Constructor setting all Axiomatic hyperparameters * @param s hyperparam for the growth function * @param queryLen the query length * @param k hyperparam for the primitive weighting function */
public Axiomatic(float s, int queryLen, float k) { if (Float.isFinite(s) == false || Float.isNaN(s) || s < 0 || s > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal s value: " + s + ", must be between 0 and 1"); } if (Float.isFinite(k) == false || Float.isNaN(k) || k < 0 || k > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal k value: " + k + ", must be between 0 and 1"); } if (queryLen < 0 || queryLen > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal query length value: " + queryLen + ", must be larger 0 and smaller than MAX_INT"); } this.s = s; this.queryLen = queryLen; this.k = k; }
Constructor setting only s, letting k and queryLen to default
  • s – hyperparam for the growth function
/** * Constructor setting only s, letting k and queryLen to default * @param s hyperparam for the growth function */
public Axiomatic(float s) { this(s, 1, 0.35f); }
Constructor setting s and queryLen, letting k to default
  • s – hyperparam for the growth function
  • queryLen – the query length
/** * Constructor setting s and queryLen, letting k to default * @param s hyperparam for the growth function * @param queryLen the query length */
public Axiomatic(float s, int queryLen) { this(s, queryLen, 0.35f); }
Default constructor
/** * Default constructor */
public Axiomatic() { this(0.25f, 1, 0.35f); } @Override public double score(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen) { double score = tf(stats, freq, docLen) * ln(stats, freq, docLen) * tfln(stats, freq, docLen) * idf(stats, freq, docLen) - gamma(stats, freq, docLen); score *= stats.boost; // AxiomaticF3 similarities might produce negative scores due to their gamma component return Math.max(0, score); } @Override protected Explanation explain( BasicStats stats, Explanation freq, double docLen) { List<Explanation> subs = new ArrayList<>(); double f = freq.getValue().doubleValue(); explain(subs, stats, f, docLen); double score = tf(stats, f, docLen) * ln(stats, f, docLen) * tfln(stats, f, docLen) * idf(stats, f, docLen) - gamma(stats, f, docLen); Explanation explanation = Explanation.match((float) score, "score(" + getClass().getSimpleName() + ", freq=" + freq.getValue() +"), computed from:", subs); if (stats.boost != 1f) { explanation = Explanation.match((float) (score * stats.boost), "Boosted score, computed as (score * boost) from:", explanation, Explanation.match((float) stats.boost, "Query boost")); } if (score < 0) { explanation = Explanation.match(0, "max of:", Explanation.match(0, "Minimum legal score"), explanation); } return explanation; } @Override protected void explain(List<Explanation> subs, BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen) { if (stats.getBoost() != 1.0d) { subs.add(Explanation.match((float) stats.getBoost(), "boost, query boost")); } subs.add(Explanation.match(this.k, "k, hyperparam for the primitive weighting function")); subs.add(Explanation.match(this.s, "s, hyperparam for the growth function")); subs.add(Explanation.match(this.queryLen, "queryLen, query length")); subs.add(tfExplain(stats, freq, docLen)); subs.add(lnExplain(stats, freq, docLen)); subs.add(tflnExplain(stats, freq, docLen)); subs.add(idfExplain(stats, freq, docLen)); subs.add(Explanation.match((float) gamma(stats, freq, docLen), "gamma")); super.explain(subs, stats, freq, docLen); }
Name of the axiomatic method.
/** * Name of the axiomatic method. */
@Override public abstract String toString();
compute the term frequency component
/** * compute the term frequency component */
protected abstract double tf(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen);
compute the document length component
/** * compute the document length component */
protected abstract double ln(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen);
compute the mixed term frequency and document length component
/** * compute the mixed term frequency and document length component */
protected abstract double tfln(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen);
compute the inverted document frequency component
/** * compute the inverted document frequency component */
protected abstract double idf(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen);
compute the gamma component (only for F3EXp and F3LOG)
/** * compute the gamma component (only for F3EXp and F3LOG) */
protected abstract double gamma(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen);
Explain the score of the term frequency component for a single document
  • stats – the corpus level statistics
  • freq – number of occurrences of term in the document
  • docLen – the document length
Returns:Explanation of how the tf component was computed
/** * Explain the score of the term frequency component for a single document * @param stats the corpus level statistics * @param freq number of occurrences of term in the document * @param docLen the document length * @return Explanation of how the tf component was computed */
protected abstract Explanation tfExplain(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen);
Explain the score of the document length component for a single document
  • stats – the corpus level statistics
  • freq – number of occurrences of term in the document
  • docLen – the document length
Returns:Explanation of how the ln component was computed
/** * Explain the score of the document length component for a single document * @param stats the corpus level statistics * @param freq number of occurrences of term in the document * @param docLen the document length * @return Explanation of how the ln component was computed */
protected abstract Explanation lnExplain(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen);
Explain the score of the mixed term frequency and document length component for a single document
  • stats – the corpus level statistics
  • freq – number of occurrences of term in the document
  • docLen – the document length
Returns:Explanation of how the tfln component was computed
/** * Explain the score of the mixed term frequency and * document length component for a single document * @param stats the corpus level statistics * @param freq number of occurrences of term in the document * @param docLen the document length * @return Explanation of how the tfln component was computed */
protected abstract Explanation tflnExplain(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen);
Explain the score of the inverted document frequency component for a single document
  • stats – the corpus level statistics
  • freq – number of occurrences of term in the document
  • docLen – the document length
Returns:Explanation of how the idf component was computed
/** * Explain the score of the inverted document frequency component * for a single document * @param stats the corpus level statistics * @param freq number of occurrences of term in the document * @param docLen the document length * @return Explanation of how the idf component was computed */
protected abstract Explanation idfExplain(BasicStats stats, double freq, double docLen); }