 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.lucene.index;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec;
import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory;
import org.apache.lucene.store.IOContext;
import org.apache.lucene.store.TrackingDirectoryWrapper;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits;
import org.apache.lucene.util.FixedBitSet;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOSupplier;
import org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils;

This class handles accounting and applying pending deletes for live segment readers
/** * This class handles accounting and applying pending deletes for live segment readers */
class PendingDeletes { protected final SegmentCommitInfo info; // Read-only live docs, null until live docs are initialized or if all docs are alive private Bits liveDocs; // Writeable live docs, null if this instance is not ready to accept writes, in which // case getMutableBits needs to be called private FixedBitSet writeableLiveDocs; protected int pendingDeleteCount; boolean liveDocsInitialized; PendingDeletes(SegmentReader reader, SegmentCommitInfo info) { this(info, reader.getLiveDocs(), true); pendingDeleteCount = reader.numDeletedDocs() - info.getDelCount(); } PendingDeletes(SegmentCommitInfo info) { this(info, null, info.hasDeletions() == false); // if we don't have deletions we can mark it as initialized since we might receive deletes on a segment // without having a reader opened on it ie. after a merge when we apply the deletes that IW received while merging. // For segments that were published we enforce a reader in the BufferedUpdatesStream.SegmentState ctor } PendingDeletes(SegmentCommitInfo info, Bits liveDocs, boolean liveDocsInitialized) { this.info = info; this.liveDocs = liveDocs; pendingDeleteCount = 0; this.liveDocsInitialized = liveDocsInitialized; } protected FixedBitSet getMutableBits() { // if we pull mutable bits but we haven't been initialized something is completely off. // this means we receive deletes without having the bitset that is on-disk ready to be cloned assert liveDocsInitialized : "can't delete if liveDocs are not initialized"; if (writeableLiveDocs == null) { // Copy on write: this means we've cloned a // SegmentReader sharing the current liveDocs // instance; must now make a private clone so we can // change it: if (liveDocs != null) { writeableLiveDocs = FixedBitSet.copyOf(liveDocs); } else { writeableLiveDocs = new FixedBitSet(info.info.maxDoc()); writeableLiveDocs.set(0, info.info.maxDoc()); } liveDocs = writeableLiveDocs.asReadOnlyBits(); } return writeableLiveDocs; }
Marks a document as deleted in this segment and return true if a document got actually deleted or if the document was already deleted.
/** * Marks a document as deleted in this segment and return true if a document got actually deleted or * if the document was already deleted. */
boolean delete(int docID) throws IOException { assert info.info.maxDoc() > 0; FixedBitSet mutableBits = getMutableBits(); assert mutableBits != null; assert docID >= 0 && docID < mutableBits.length() : "out of bounds: docid=" + docID + " liveDocsLength=" + mutableBits.length() + " seg=" + info.info.name + " maxDoc=" + info.info.maxDoc(); final boolean didDelete = mutableBits.get(docID); if (didDelete) { mutableBits.clear(docID); pendingDeleteCount++; } return didDelete; }
Returns a snapshot of the current live docs.
/** * Returns a snapshot of the current live docs. */
Bits getLiveDocs() { // Prevent modifications to the returned live docs writeableLiveDocs = null; return liveDocs; }
Returns a snapshot of the hard live docs.
/** * Returns a snapshot of the hard live docs. */
Bits getHardLiveDocs() { return getLiveDocs(); }
Returns the number of pending deletes that are not written to disk.
/** * Returns the number of pending deletes that are not written to disk. */
protected int numPendingDeletes() { return pendingDeleteCount; }
Called once a new reader is opened for this segment ie. when deletes or updates are applied.
/** * Called once a new reader is opened for this segment ie. when deletes or updates are applied. */
void onNewReader(CodecReader reader, SegmentCommitInfo info) throws IOException { if (liveDocsInitialized == false) { assert writeableLiveDocs == null; if (reader.hasDeletions()) { // we only initialize this once either in the ctor or here // if we use the live docs from a reader it has to be in a situation where we don't // have any existing live docs assert pendingDeleteCount == 0 : "pendingDeleteCount: " + pendingDeleteCount; liveDocs = reader.getLiveDocs(); assert liveDocs == null || assertCheckLiveDocs(liveDocs, info.info.maxDoc(), info.getDelCount()); } liveDocsInitialized = true; } } private boolean assertCheckLiveDocs(Bits bits, int expectedLength, int expectedDeleteCount) { assert bits.length() == expectedLength; int deletedCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bits.length(); i++) { if (bits.get(i) == false) { deletedCount++; } } assert deletedCount == expectedDeleteCount : "deleted: " + deletedCount + " != expected: " + expectedDeleteCount; return true; }
Resets the pending docs
/** * Resets the pending docs */
void dropChanges() { pendingDeleteCount = 0; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("PendingDeletes(seg=").append(info); sb.append(" numPendingDeletes=").append(pendingDeleteCount); sb.append(" writeable=").append(writeableLiveDocs != null); return sb.toString(); }
Writes the live docs to disk and returns true if any new docs were written.
/** * Writes the live docs to disk and returns <code>true</code> if any new docs were written. */
boolean writeLiveDocs(Directory dir) throws IOException { if (pendingDeleteCount == 0) { return false; } Bits liveDocs = this.liveDocs; assert liveDocs != null; // We have new deletes assert liveDocs.length() == info.info.maxDoc(); // Do this so we can delete any created files on // exception; this saves all codecs from having to do // it: TrackingDirectoryWrapper trackingDir = new TrackingDirectoryWrapper(dir); // We can write directly to the actual name (vs to a // .tmp & renaming it) because the file is not live // until segments file is written: boolean success = false; try { Codec codec = info.info.getCodec(); codec.liveDocsFormat().writeLiveDocs(liveDocs, trackingDir, info, pendingDeleteCount, IOContext.DEFAULT); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { // Advance only the nextWriteDelGen so that a 2nd // attempt to write will write to a new file info.advanceNextWriteDelGen(); // Delete any partially created file(s): for (String fileName : trackingDir.getCreatedFiles()) { IOUtils.deleteFilesIgnoringExceptions(dir, fileName); } } } // If we hit an exc in the line above (eg disk full) // then info's delGen remains pointing to the previous // (successfully written) del docs: info.advanceDelGen(); info.setDelCount(info.getDelCount() + pendingDeleteCount); dropChanges(); return true; }
Returns true iff the segment represented by this PendingDeletes is fully deleted
/** * Returns <code>true</code> iff the segment represented by this {@link PendingDeletes} is fully deleted */
boolean isFullyDeleted(IOSupplier<CodecReader> readerIOSupplier) throws IOException { return getDelCount() == info.info.maxDoc(); }
Called for every field update for the given field at flush time
  • info – the field info of the field that's updated
  • iterator – the values to apply
/** * Called for every field update for the given field at flush time * @param info the field info of the field that's updated * @param iterator the values to apply */
void onDocValuesUpdate(FieldInfo info, DocValuesFieldUpdates.Iterator iterator) throws IOException { } int numDeletesToMerge(MergePolicy policy, IOSupplier<CodecReader> readerIOSupplier) throws IOException { return policy.numDeletesToMerge(info, getDelCount(), readerIOSupplier); }
Returns true if the given reader needs to be refreshed in order to see the latest deletes
/** * Returns true if the given reader needs to be refreshed in order to see the latest deletes */
final boolean needsRefresh(CodecReader reader) { return reader.getLiveDocs() != getLiveDocs() || reader.numDeletedDocs() != getDelCount(); }
Returns the number of deleted docs in the segment.
/** * Returns the number of deleted docs in the segment. */
final int getDelCount() { int delCount = info.getDelCount() + info.getSoftDelCount() + numPendingDeletes(); return delCount; }
Returns the number of live documents in this segment
/** * Returns the number of live documents in this segment */
final int numDocs() { return info.info.maxDoc() - getDelCount(); } // Call only from assert! boolean verifyDocCounts(CodecReader reader) { int count = 0; Bits liveDocs = getLiveDocs(); if (liveDocs != null) { for(int docID = 0; docID < info.info.maxDoc(); docID++) { if (liveDocs.get(docID)) { count++; } } } else { count = info.info.maxDoc(); } assert numDocs() == count: "info.maxDoc=" + info.info.maxDoc() + " info.getDelCount()=" + info.getDelCount() + " info.getSoftDelCount()=" + info.getSoftDelCount() + " pendingDeletes=" + toString() + " count=" + count + " numDocs: " + numDocs(); assert reader.numDocs() == numDocs() : "reader.numDocs() = " + reader.numDocs() + " numDocs() " + numDocs(); assert reader.numDeletedDocs() <= info.info.maxDoc(): "delCount=" + reader.numDeletedDocs() + " info.maxDoc=" + info.info.maxDoc() + " rld.pendingDeleteCount=" + numPendingDeletes() + " info.getDelCount()=" + info.getDelCount(); return true; }
Returns true if we have to initialize this PendingDeletes before delete(int); otherwise this PendingDeletes is ready to accept deletes. A PendingDeletes can be initialized by providing it a reader via onNewReader(CodecReader, SegmentCommitInfo).
/** * Returns {@code true} if we have to initialize this PendingDeletes before {@link #delete(int)}; * otherwise this PendingDeletes is ready to accept deletes. A PendingDeletes can be initialized * by providing it a reader via {@link #onNewReader(CodecReader, SegmentCommitInfo)}. */
boolean mustInitOnDelete() { return false; } }